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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Hello everybody!

    WELCOME! Good to see new faces!!! I looooove Velvet Moss! I haven't slathered it on my man yet, but I have a couple bottles for me! It is kind of a Unisex scent for those of us who like the darker side of the scent realm......
  2. On me, LAM is more happy/playful/sexual, and BAM is deep/bonding/sexual. Beware with BAM if you get motor-mouth syndrome with beta-nol. Some people do! And they can end up revealing more than they wanted to!
  3. Open Windows is absolutely FABULOUS for self-effects......it is mood lifting, and always puts me in a happy place. It also works for headaches too......
  4. Oh yeah, Est is good in some blends for my sweetie, and SOMETIMES, an Est heavy blend is OK, BUT not consistently.....SS4W he seems to do well with.....not sure how much Est is in THAT.......but, then again, thinking about it, when I am using SS4W with him, I almost always add a spritz of Dom or Leather as well......hmmmmmm.......I think a test with straight up SS4W is in order.......
  5. Mine responds well to Cougar as well.....
  6. OK, public service announcement! Those of you who have Est sensitive men like mine (BECCAH), use with caution! I don't know how much Est this has in it, but here's the deal.......my man is very hit-or-miss with high doses of Est not paired with something more dominant. Lumina does not have a dominant feel. Love it for the self-effects....my man, not so much. He was cold as ice last night. Dismissive, almost hateful. Ignoring my presence almost. That has only happened when I wear high doses of Est when not paired with something more dominant.....BI is very good, Leather very good....Sexology hit or miss, Lace, not so good, Cuddle Bunny FAIL.....you get the picture! Not saying this to put anybody off. MOST MEN respond well to Est.....I know that mine and Beccah's do not fit the norm. Just wanted to let ya'll know! I will probably wear this for self-effects and then spritz some Dom over it before my man shows up!
  7. Well....let me say this first......the reaction of other FEMALES to the scent will be different than males. I have worn EoW, uncovered to the little local grocery store for testing purposes....almost ALL women I came into contact with made this face..... Or scrunched their noses up at me....heard some saying...."What's that smell?" Yet I had men following me around the store like this..... Asking a female how you smell with EoW is normally not a good indicator. Neck, cleavage, wrists are all good places to apply EoW....if it is in a spray, it will diffuse faster. Most definitely. Make sure you let the pheros drydown completely BEFORE you apply the cover scent.
  8. Yeah, I find that the phero scents here not only work more consistently than at "the other place", but they also smell a HECK of a lot better......you can get the pre-blended ones and there is no need to cover them!
  9. Well, to me, it feels a tad bit different than Lace.....I can't put my finger on the exact difference.....
  10. OK, so today, I was going to the hairdresser, to get 5 inches hacked off my head, and I was NOT happy about it, but was resigned to the fact that it had to happen, because due to a hellish hormonal shed, it was so thin and pitiful, that I couldn't bear to look at it anymore. so, waist length hair became bra strap length....BOOHOO. Anyway, I was wearing Midnight Cravings, just because.....and I needed some pheros.....was thinking about Open Windows, because I know how it improves my mood.....BUT, I wanted to test the unscented Lumina spray that I have. SOOOOOO.......spritz to the chest, one to each side of the neck......off I go to see my hairdresser. No makeup, hair JUST washed and still wet. Blue Jeans and a sweatshirt. The scene is set...... So, I get out of the car, and I am humming.....YES, I SAID HUMMING. As I am walking in to get a haircut that I have been putting off for over a month......I walked in and started chatting with my hairdresser, and she starts giggling. Which got me started laughing. Some of her other clients come in and they couldn't figure out why we were so tickled. I cannot tell you what we were laughing about.....it was something insignificant, for sure, but I don't remember exactly what it was.....LOL First impressions.....I think I like this......for days when I don't have to be serious.....
  11. I sort of agree with Lor....while trust may be an inside job, increasing bonding and making him feel safe may put him on the road towards trust....kwim? I like using a product with Beta Nol (like True Confessions or BAM) to encourage open communication, paired with Treasured Hearts.....Treasured Hearts encourages bonding and a "nesting" type of vibe in men. It also makes them feel ok with opening up, IME.......Love Treasured Hearts.....that is one that I ALWAYS keep in my arsenal. Second the vote for Open windows as well.....great mood lifter.....
  12. I would get the LAM sampler and the OCCO sampler! You just can't get more versatility than that, and those scents are permanent inventory.....not likely to sell out unless demand changes drastically and Mara stops making one......
  13. LOLOLOLOL.......I may be a tease on a message board, but not IRL......IRL, I accept challenges like that! No bluffing allowed!
  14. Dolly

    Introducing myself

    Welcome!! I am sure you will find some goodies here that you like! Maybe the men's sampler for Nov, which has all phero-enhanced scents? Maybe one of those will fit the bill.....you might even find something that you didn't know you liked!
  15. Dolly

    Saying Hello

    Welcome Mrs Mac! Hope you have fun here with us! Look forward to seeing and hearing from you in the future!
  16. Honey, I am sorry, but I can't show my "credentials" on an internet message board.....and no, I am NOT talkin' about fingers and toes.....
  17. I agree. Now leaving a "trail" of scent is different.....where, if someone walks directly behind you, they catch a whiff.....but, to me, overpowering scents on a man or woman are a definite problem, no matter how fabulous the scent is. I don't want to smell someone's scent from across the room. The reaction it has on me is not...."Hey, that guy smells hot, let me go talk to him." Instead, I have the "Geez, that guy's cologne is LOUD. I think I'll move farther away." JMO....
  18. Welcome aboard! Since this is an all-phero month, it would be a great month for you to get the sampler! You'd get to try all the men's scents of the month that are already phero-boosted..... Glad you came to join us!!!
  19. I think one that I would like to see come back is Mara's wonderful NOX......love that scent......I have a bottle of the 2009 version, which is VERY nice, but a teensy bit brighter.....I am totally hoarding my bottle and a half of the original.....NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM! MINE MINE MINE!!!! LOL
  20. WOW. JUST. WOW. I am officially floored. See, that's me--------> On the floor. I am because I am broke right now......need to find my BIG TIME! Want want want unscented phero playthings!!!!! NOW!!!!!
  21. I love Sorceress! I have about half of a bottle of the oil, and then about half of a bottle that I turned into a spray with COPS.....LOL......Dom turns my asshole-ish ex husband into a puppy dog.....I love it!
  22. LOL....I love the Dom!! You know, I think the original scented version actually had some cops added......you can take Dominance in a very sexual AND aggressive zone at the same time.....I took some Sorceress and added cops (actually a LOT of cops), and that is a damn good blend!!!
  23. Welcome daisies!!! So glad you decided to come and visit with us! We are a friendly bunch, and sometimes we get crazy too!! I am not so much into the foodies (and my man doesn't really care for them either), but I do grab one every now and then! There are bunches and bunches to choose from! Please do come back and talk to us! We always manage to have a good time!!!!
  24. Yeah, it is a similar vibe to edge, but a bit softer.....you know, Edge was only Androstenone.....this has other stuff too.....love it for when I am working with persnickety male clients....I actually had one VERY hostile client (who was a jeweler) not only back down from a confrontation (to the amazement of his wife), but also gave me a diamond ring.....
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