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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. And, if you don't want to try Popularity Potion, you could give Charisma a whirl......it is like a men's PP, if I understand correctly.....
  2. Dolly


    Well, they have a similar "vibe", they are very different according to my skin chemistry.....because of the vetiver and woods.....Fade to Black on me is woodsy and dark.....almost smoky......I don't get that from OCCO/NoCo......not at all. OCCO is much sweeter on me.....it may just be my skin's chemistry, mind you......but, that's what I get......
  3. My man enjoys many of the scents and pheros here, but using oils took him some time to get used to.....might I suggest Dad? It is alcohol-based, and it smells very clean and fresh.....it has the "intellectual man" phero blend in it.....my man says he finds it calming and wears it for work a lot.....his mother fell in love with it too, btw......
  4. Dolly


    Welcome! Hope to see you around often!!
  5. I get good reactions from females with Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, and Cougar...... My man is already pretty snuggly, so if I increased his snuggliness, I would probably have to peel him off of me.....BI and Leather both work well with him.....also LAM or a LAM/BAM combo.....and OCCO is "da bomb" for playtime!!
  6. Yeah, I would say it is definitely the androstenone.....it has that effect on some people.....as Mara says, try diluting it a bit..... androstenone can be a tricky one sometimes.....
  7. Ok, so OCCO Black by itself has now become one of my man's faves.....I usually layer it, and have worn it alone maybe 3 or 4 times......two nights ago, I was wearing it, straight out of the shower, with no other pheros.....my man went nuts....."What are you wearing? That smells good! What's it called?" Let's just say that "play time" was.....well.......INTENSE......like, WOW. I am still recovering! Going to start trying this one by itself with him some more.....DEFINITELY. Or maybe even with some Unscented pheros, with the OCCO as my only scent.....hmmmmm......I love experiments!
  8. Well, I'm there with you Tyvey.....I have gotten great results from Treasured Hearts....whenever I have gotten ready to have one of those "difficult" conversations, it is the one I have turned to.....
  9. Yes, it is! I have some Woozy in Beta, mixed with Happy Water......I call it "giggle juice".....I can't seem to stop smiling when I wear it.....
  10. Well, I totally missed that! Had NO IDEA you were in high school! Beccah is totally right....if you are THAT YOUNG, you really should back off from the cops, sweetie! They can get you in trouble, and potentially put you in danger under the wrong circumstances! Cops cause a spike in male testosterone, and sometimes the reactions will be unpredictable.....each man will react differently.....as a new phero user, you should probably start out with some of the more social blends..... Open Windows would be totally great for you.....or Popularity Potion.......or Treasured Hearts......or even Woozy Floozy. Please do not get offended, but some of us more experienced users here are just trying to steer you in the right direction.....
  11. I have used B-nol (either BAM or TC) along with Treasured Hearts to get my man to open up.....it worked miracles!
  12. I have personally answered some of your posts....I just looked, and EVERY one of your posts was replied to, btw..... We did have some ladies in their early to mid 20's who used to love Cougar.....it may just not be the mix for you.....not all pheros are good for all people. Try posting your Cougar on the swap section.....maybe someone would like to trade you or buy it from you......
  13. Yeah, that's what I think as well....it is all about congruence......
  14. And see, with my man, Sexology was hit or miss....sometimes good, sometimes "meh", and sometimes really ugly......never could gauge what the reaction would be......I can only get good reactions out of him with Est if it is tempered with something more dominant.....like it is in Leather or BI......
  15. If it works, then WORK IT!
  16. Sounds like your male friends are reacting to the copulins and flirting with you by sitting on you....trying to get your attention, so to speak.....cops can sometimes cause strange reactions if you are wearing it in day-to-day situations where you would not be normally wanting a sexual response..... You may just need to play with your Cougar dosages.....how old are you, and how/where/when are you wearing it? Is it unscented or scented, and what base is it in (DPG/Oil, Spray, CPS)? Where on your body are you applying it, and what type of responses are you hoping to get? Give us some more info and we may be able to help you out and steer you in the right direction.....
  17. Haven't tried it with PP, but I have worn a TON of OW, with no OD effects.....my beta is 2X, and is scented with Constant Cravings.....
  18. I find them both effective.....but then, when I wear unscented ones I always cover with a nice scent so that people will want to smell me.....
  19. Great reviews ladies! Can't wait to get my package!
  20. Oh yeah, I always like to have some in my arsenal.....almost like a popularity type of vibe.....
  21. Wore Cougar spray (1X) scented with Nasty Habits yesterday to go to see my hot young dentist.....yes, he is a hottie.....the funny thing was the reaction from women.....my hygenist was a new girl, and she was falling over herself complimenting me while I was in the chair.....how I have such nice teeth, I must take fabulous care of them, what a good job my orthodontist did on them, yadda yadda yadda.....the young hot dentist was complimenting me like crazy as well..... The funniest part of the day was in Walgreen's......I stopped in to pick up some non-sulfate shampoo......there was an employee there who walked by, and as she did, she asked me if she could help me......I told her no, that I was "just looking" at some shampoos......so a few minutes later, she comes by and stands next to me....."You smell good!", she says.....then she starts talking to me about.....what perfume I was wearing, the shampoo I was buying, which ingredients I thought were harmful, how did I get this hair color, how do I keep my hair so soft and silky looking, what makeup I use.....she was complimenting me on everything I said, and was hanging on every word.....OMG.....I almost never got out of the store! She rang up my purchase at the little cosmetics area, and then started following me to the door! I haven't had something like THAT happen in a long time.....it was definitely over the top......
  22. Dolly

    Spirit Bottle

    "Likes" is kind of an understatement.....when I wear this one, I can't seem to stop sniffing myself......
  23. Oh, and also maybe Treasured Hearts....also a very good mix.....makes men crave "permanence" and promotes bonding as well....
  24. As for pheros, I'd say Open Windows and Heart and Soul.....that would assist in both bonding and communication..... As for scents, if you like OCCO Red, try Love Potion Red or Passion and Desire.....both are fabulous scents.....
  25. Also had to re-stock my Essence oil and Unscented Leather.....can't do without those!
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