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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. WELCOME Polly! Welcome to the land of addiction!! We have lots of fun here!
  2. A lot of women get frisky on the cops....I don't necessarily get "frisky"....I just feel very sexy and feminine when I wear them..... And, there are women who say they get better effects from cops the day after application....
  3. Luna is absolutely correct..... I prefer oils in the summer especially because I live in the south and I go through sprays too quickly.....they burn off, creating the need for re-application.... So, while you will not have diffusion over such a wide area (they will work best on people who are in your personal space), the pheros in an oil base will last longer on your skin....
  4. OOOOOH, I can't wait to get mine! I ordered multiples, unsniffed, because I know how much I love Constant Cravings.....
  5. Dolly


    Welcome to the forum, JukeJointJezebel (what a mouthful....if you don't mind, I'll call you JJJ, how's that?)! LP Black is one of my absolute FAVES! I have a bunch of bottles, in many different variations.....with pheros, without pheros, oil, spray....you really should try Black layered with OCCO Black Shield.....OH MY....a totally luscious, sinful combination! There is alos Passion and desire which is LP Black mixed with LP Red.....totally yummy!! Lots of goodies to choose from here, no matter what sorts of scents you like!
  6. I have never had a problem with the stink of EoW bleeding through with OCCO, and I even added some extra Essence Oil to one of my bottles....heh.....this is one copulin product that you can truly apply "on the fly", without having too much problem with people looking at you like this....
  7. Hun, you will probably get some very important data from doing that! I have put on half a bottle of EoW (WITH NO COVER) and taken a little trip to the local market, for testing purposes. That is one place where I feel totally safe wearing cops in public (I live in a very small town that has no violent crime. EVER)......there is always a wide range of ages and genders there, so it makes the perfect testing ground.....
  8. Well, the oils you got are a little different than CPS....CPS is an option in the unscented pheros.....and, CPS will diffuse a little bit quicker than oil, but slower than spray...... Everybody finds their own favorite application spots....with oils, you will want to apply where your body heats up, because that will cause them to diffuse....some draw a line from cleavage to navel, some do wrists, back of knees (if you wear skirts or shorts), back of neck, crooks of elbows, etc.....you will just need to find what works best for you. Same with the amount.....everybody's dosage is different. The oil-based pheros are slower to diffuse, and you will get hits, but they are not as wide-ranging as sprays.....sprays can get way out there, but they also burn off quicker, so are not as long-lasting. I like using oils more in the summer, because I live in South Louisiana and the heat and humidity are hell on sprays......I use way to much in the summer here..... Turning an oil into a spray does not weaken it really, because you get the wider, faster diffusion.....
  9. See, Luna....now I am going to HAVE TO get a bottle of this for my man..... Your story reminded me a little of my man and I and one of our first dates.....neither one of us was "committed".....we were both seeing other people....when he asked me how I would feel if he still went out with other women.....I just told him, with a wicked grin......."You can go out with whoever you want to. But you'll be thinking about ME the whole time.".......he NEVER DID go out with anybody else....teehee.....
  10. Welcome to Jaycee and Lobo! It is always great to see more men coming around....I have converted the man in my life from stinking commercial colognes to the wonderful world of LP.....the scents have women (INCLUDING ME) following him around like little puppy dogs.....he loves the scents and the pheros!!
  11. I will agree...this one is just a sexxxaaayyyyyy man's scent....it smells HOT on my man....blooms perfectly.......
  12. Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of LP addiction!!
  13. WOOHOO! Glad it is going in the direction you want it to go!
  14. Glad I looked too....got another bottle of G String......
  15. LOL! Way to go twin! Great story.....don't you just love hits like that? Sounds like the fun my man had telling his buddies what "CFM" stands for.....
  16. Yeah, I would go with OCCO.....that way, you don't have to worry about covering....the OCCO scents are totally yummy and after drydown the cops are undetectable.
  17. I didn't forget about you, TWIN! I actually mentioned you in my original post, but then edited it out.....didn't want to call you out in public! LOL!
  18. I agree with Beccah. Different strokes for different folks! Some men just prefer "thicker" women. I have always been heavy, and I have dated some FIIIIIIIIIIIINE men.....the ones where other women look at you, pull you to the side, and say....."Where the hell did you find HIM?!?!?!"
  19. Yeah, I don't think either one of us would win the award for tact or self-restraint....LOL.....
  20. Yep, that is why some women don't do the cops in public thing.......I do, but I am prepared for anything, because you NEVER know what kind of reaction some men are going to have when their testosterone spikes. When I have gone into deliberate massive overload for testing purposes, I have gotten hostility from men, cattiness from women, TOTALLY inappropriate sexual statements and gestures, you name it, I have had it happen at one time or another. The reactions ya'll are getting are definitely someone who is not reacting well to the cops....
  21. Polite? Apparently you missed the "raging assload of cops" discussion regarding OCCO.....LOL
  22. But, he'll go with a smile on his face!! I'd wear that and a blast of unscented Leather straight to your chest.....it will waft up to you and keep your confidence going....
  23. Yeah, the sampler sets would be good though....Neil, just FYI......OCCO is more heavily scented to cover the cops....LAM and BAM varieties are lightly scented and are suitable to be worn alone if she likes light scents.....they are also great for layering. I would also recommend getting the Love Potion sampler which will allow her to try out some of the non-phero scents as well.....
  24. And, he did.....DEFINITELY in a good way!
  25. My man's initial reaction to this one was really good....big long sniff....."Oooooh, I like that one!" When I told him the name, he said, "Spontaneous Combustion? Really? And does it combust?" He's so funny....
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