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Everything posted by Chaionlife

  1. Invi... I couldn't see the video what song? I'm really liking the idea of Indecent Exposure and Get Happy (hmm... a partridge... So, maybe there is a scent of pears?) And, was the report of a bunny sighting simply a bunny being just a bunny after all? Pumpkin? I like pumpkin
  2. Woohoo! Shipping notice! Excitement mounts.... Anticipation swells! Let the mail-lady stalking commence!
  3. I bought a full bottle of Kitten Nip for my oldest daughter as a Chanukah present. She has 4 sweet and wonderful children ranging from 7 to 2 (yes, some craziness must have possessed her to compress their conceptions into such a tight timeframe!) and can certainly benefit from all of the above mentioned phero'd-effects! Just got my shipping notice, so I will be sure to let everyone know how it benefits her!
  4. Thank you, Luna! Great timing for me, then... My order, with MULTIPLE samples *just might* be coming in as the Dec NRs are announced or thereabouts, meaning I have time to sniff and trial... And, in the sneaky guise of a Chanukah Gift, divvy up the the guy's samples between My Beloved and The ( "last remaining in the house out of 5 *Big Sigh*" but "soon to be off on his own" *even Bigger Sigh*) Boy... And perhaps even make a road trip or post samples to The Girls... all before the recent NRs are sold out! Happy "LMPM on the way" dance! Hmm, I don't see a way to imbed emoticons while using the iPad...
  5. Magnanimity, I love your legs avatar! Beautiful! MrsC and Eggers, your posts seem to indicate new releases are announced around the 28th? Around the last Monday of the month? I've been gone so long I sadly no longer even know these fundamental principles *sigh*. Can someone please fill me in - in a Reader's Digest version kind of way - on "Things I Need to Know" LOL! QG and DD2.... I haven't even gotten through the last 3 years yet! Note to self: Never, ever deprive ones' self of LMPM goodies again! Dang good thing I had enough precious bottles to keep me, and those around me, well-scented and phero'd and bespelled during my hiatus....
  6. The descriptions of the 2 show Cops and Androstenone are in LFN but not in LFM.... which was what swayed me towards LFN rather than LFM. So, for myself, as just one small part of my "Return to LMPM Celebratory Order" (because such an order would have to be substantial, wouldn't it? My Beloved truly and pleasantly surprised me by approving the total without hesitation! He's currently between jobs, and so we do try to watch the $$$ until he finds a new position...must be that he has as much fun with the yummies as I do!) I ordered a full bottle of LFN... Now to stalking the postmistress Edited because typing on an iPad often results in extremely interesting new words :-P
  7. Oh, Molls... this sounds awesome! Mind if I put this one on my Wish List as well? Yum...
  8. Reduced alcohol tolerance in self only or also in those that are in close enough proximity to sniff you on a consistent basis? Might make a difference in my use of a-nol during upcoming business holiday parties.... as I don't imbibe myself (not a values judgement; I just personally don't like the smell nor taste of alcohol), its self-effects regarding alcohol is not as interesting to me as the others-effect.
  9. (Note: While I do not have the current incarnations of many of the phero blends, I do have older versions and some degree of experience with them) This aspect of b-nol makes it absolutely perfect for use in therapeutic situations. I find that b-nol is a definite asset when I have someone 'in my chair" (for those of you who know me from years back... I'm no longer teaching; now I am in private practice as a Clinical Hypnotist/what some of you might know as a Hypnotherapist - caveat: using the term hynotherapist just as a descriptor, not as legal occupational nomenclature, since state law prohibits the use of the term . I do still work with a lot of special needs children, just in a consultative/private therapy setting. And, in addition, I work with adults. I LOVE what I do!). I also find that if I apply it to an area of my body in which I am going to "whiff" it, I also become more chatty, so I apply it to areas further away from my face. In other words, if I have it on the back of my head; back of my knees; etc, it's all good and I can remain self-contained, so to speak Wishing you a splendid day!
  10. Chaionlife

    Velvet Moss

    Hi, Dolly! Missed you... and I hope that you are doing wonderfully. I'm looking forward to hopefully catching up with you and others via the forum and email chats. So, I'm searching the forum for reviews to help find a Dark Seduction replacement... and, knowing that we share many scent-preferences... certainly seems like I need to check Velvet Moss out... after all, we need the drop-dead sexy scents, don't we
  11. Hmm, just my simple thoughts, garnered from personal experience and experience as a mediator and therapist.... Just a general observation and not necessarily meant to apply to your present situation as obviously I have little more than the briefest of glimpses into your situation: Far too often, money and kids are used as the last "weapons" in a divorce... neither of which should be used as weapons, but the use of children as "weapons" is particularly heinous. I'm sorry you and your children are having to go through the strains of a divorce and I wish all of you wisdom, strength, and clarity in resolving the conflicts and I hope that each of receives the support you need (in whatever form that takes). And, in a court setting, the sexual message of copulins (which are contained in both Pherogirl Dominance and Cuddle Bunny) might be less than appropriate. When mediating disputes like this, I personally choose scents forwarding communication, clarity, and openmindedness. My choice of scent is a layering of Communication and Justice. If I were to add a pheroblend... it would definitely not be anything with overt sexualuality... I would, however, consider Swimming with Sharks but would rule out Drop Your Guard due to its higher percentage of alpha-nols and its intent for socializing. Just my thoughts...
  12. Chaionlife

    Dirty Sexy

    Oh, I am so guilty of hoarding.... I have backup bottles of my backup bottles of Cuddle Bunny, Cougar, Raven's Secret Weapon, and Dark Seductions. I just don't want to run out of them!
  13. Chaionlife

    Dirty Sexy

    I know what you mean. The pin-up series doesn't work for my skin either.... so, I'm just glad that I get to experience them vicariously through Dolly!
  14. So, no more stinky pants for me? DOUBLE YAY!
  15. YESSSSSS! I AM SO HAPPY! RUNNING to place an order (sorry ladies, I know that I JUST ordered... but, you know I can't resist the lure of the Cuddle Bunny!!!! I MUST try the rebrew IMMEDIATELY!)
  16. Welcome, TurtleDoc! :turtle6: It's great to have you! My "Bear the Younger" (I have two 18-year old daughters, known collectively as the "OE-Bears") has desires to be a vet... and she would be most envious of your menagerie!
  17. Oh, two of my absolute favorites! They just seem to "fit" me so well... scent-wise, intent-wise, effect-wise... I get SO MANY compliments when I wear either of these two. It is the same with Cuddle Bunny, btw.
  18. Isn't that the truth! And, now it has been rebrewed! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: (Doggy doing the Dark Seductions Happy Dance!)
  19. And, I'm really eager to see how Beta-nol works for me... Dolly keeps talking about how it positively impacts her young'un...
  20. Oh, I want the smell of cookies right now! Passover = no chametz (no cookies, no waffles, no pancakes, no bread, no pasta, no cereal)... now, while I am definitely not one to normally indulge in yeast products/flour products, the chametz "fast" during Passover does make me want them (more the smell of them than the actual edible products)...so I am eagerly anticipating my sample of Fortune Cookie (BTW, I wouldn't be able to purchase a full bottle until after Passover because of the cookie....)
  21. Very logical... and very ethical. Mara and Danna, as always, thank you for creating and offering us the highest quality and utmost in integrity. The love with which you create shows in your perfumes... and adds to the joy which they give us. I have a feeling that love and integrity is why they work they way they do...
  22. It does smell softly, and comfortingly, powdery... like a fluffy, blue blanket?
  23. Oh, yes... I love using Celestial Lust Dust for layering. It adds a lovely softening/powdery element when layered with Raven's Secret Weapon and I really appreciate its effect when layered with Cougar and/or Cuddle Bunny.
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