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Everything posted by Chaionlife

  1. My Beloved just requested a full bottle... and I did already place an order of several unsniffed bottles from Jan and Feb NRs (I just can't let the possiblity of missing out happen again so soon! The loss was just too recent!) ... so I do apologize for any additional fees however I am hoping that the timing of the orders is such that there shouldn't be any additional shipping... but, to really make it worth everyone's while in LP headquarters, I really do need to toss a couple of items from my wishlist into the cart while I'm placing My Beloved's order, don't I? So,... while I do apologize to Mara for the additional order I am about to make... I AM REALLY HAPPY TO BE MAKING AN ADDITIONAL ORDER!
  2. Hmm, since I have just recently returned to the joyous wonders that are LPMP, I don't really know how many bottles of NRs Mara usually produces and I don't know whether she immediately enters all into the cart or if she is a bit conservative in her entries (because of how many might be offered through Amazon and other retailers). Can anyone give me a bit of insight into what is a usual production run? In other words, if I were to check on the cart inventory *right now* (which I have done), would those numbers be relatively representative or would they be conservative numbers and some reloading of the cart may occur later? I admit, after having missed out already on a few in Nov., being a bit panicked about missing out on some of the new releases this time around.
  3. Mara... if I might recommend: Find someone who works with the Tibetan Bowls. REALLY helps!
  4. This sounds absolutely perfect! I'm so tempted to order full bottles of everything I want, without waiting for my sampler sets. These past two months, I have missed out on a scent or two and I don't want to miss out this month!
  5. Oh! All the best, most supportive healing thoughts heading Mara's way! And, fun, pleasurable, sexy thoughts are simply beneficial in stabilizing the immune system and lowering stress levels... so, I think our sexy talk is only helping her.... and you, QG!.... heal!
  6. Luna’s description is so lovely, truly evocative of all that this scent entails: haunting, exotic, and legendary beauty with the absolutely perfect touch of a bewitching, beguiling femininity In Vial/Bottle: Sweet, but not overly so... slightly creamy floral Wet: Immediately, something sharp which burns the recesses of my nose if I take a big whiff.... smaller snuffles: There’s the coconut! Just so nicely blending with the floral notes... like a very light layering of suntan lotion underneath the floral.... very nice. Dry-down: creamy, softly-sweet florals; elegantly feminine (no cheap, tawdy two-bit trollop of a mermaid here; oh, no! Our Soaked Siren is definitely seductive, arousing, flirty, and vivacious yet she is clearly a lady of distinction and beauty) Phero Effects: During dry-down: Giddy, slightly intoxicated and I had to ‘reset’ myself mentally, toning that reaction down through the recognition of it’s origin. It’s the a-nol and the DHEA; always gets me like that! I imagine it to be what taking a drink or two would feel like (I don’t drink... can’t get around the smell of alcohol; smells like poison to me... so, my abstaining from alcohol isn’t a moral judgement; just can’t even get the alcohol close enough to my mouth to imbibe!) After that, I was nicely alerted, pleasantly up-tempo in my mannerisms; flirty in an appropriately feminine manner... the type of flirty which shows you relish your femininity, know your value and worth and the ways in which your feminine power enables you to be charming, lovely, vivacious. This fragrance definitely does boost confidence and highlights your femininity while elevating your mood and sexuality! I wore this blend to a local after-hours networking event; one of those “fun” business meetings, where the sparkling, upbeat nature of this pheromone would be nicely suited yet where the elegance of this floral would still give me that exclusive, exotic ‘edge’. And, it was absolutely, stunningly PERFECT for the situation. I was truly at my best... and, others obviously appreciated it! Those attendees unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the networking scene were able to open up and relax and engage in meaningful conversation with me, which I then segued into introductions with other attendees who might serve as synergistic partners for them. And, I myself walked away from the meeting with some solid leads for not only synergistic partners of my own but also very interested potential clients. The highlight of the evening occurred, however, when one of my ‘in-the-know’ friends (one of my friends with whom I have recently shared samples of those *oh so SEXAY* specific pheromone blends) sidled up behind me and whispered in my ear “Whatever are you wearing tonight?” .... to which I innocently replied, my smile clearly indicating that butter would not, could not melt in my mouth, “It’s a vintage jacket... made by my husband’s late grandfather... isn’t it lovely?” “Evil, truly evil! You know exactly what I mean!” Yes, I did indeed know exactly what he meant! What an exotic and dangerously seductive scent coupled with the perfect phero blend, the synergisitic effect that of the power to lure all those around you into your circle of influence. Marvelously done, Mara! A beautifully orchestrated fragrance and blend!
  7. Hi, Elizabeth! Unfortunately, no, she hasn't. Her youngest, almost 2, is undergoing some rather critical medical interventions: residential feeding therapy in the hospital (two-to-three month stay); g-tube placement; cardiac concerns; a procedure in which they are attempting to reduce his reflux through abdominal surgery... Throughout all of this, the hospital has asked that she minimize the wearing of any scented products, lotions, perfumes etc in the hospital setting... and the two of them are literally living in the hospital, 24/7 right now. So, her bottle is sitting at home, eagerly awaiting its moment of being embraced and well-loved! I do however have my own bottle and I *LOVE* this phero blend as well! I wear it when I'm working with my social needs/play therapy groups and it is truly awesome! In fact, one of my elementary students requested I wear this one just this past Sunday (I work with the area religious schools in terms of providing special needs services to their students) because she needed a bit of special attention and this one makes her feel so good! Interestingly, though, when I wear this around a very particular type of special needs student (severely impaired autism with low muscle tone, sensory processing issues, and a tendency to be unmodulated in terms of energy levels) I invariably get a response of languor and sleepiness from them.
  8. I ALREADY ORDERED MY TRIAL SET (some of you might remember my asking if I could order in anticipation when I placed my last order? So,l am so happy I already have my order in for these)! YAY! I KNOW THAT I NEED, NOT JUST WANT, ESSENTIAL HARMONY, AND BLISS, AND BUNNY, AND VITALITY, AND MYSTIQUE! Wow, Mara! So glad I checked in during my 5 mintues between clients. I am over-the-top excited! Love the concept; love the labels; love, love, love! :wub: :wub:
  9. I received my package as well! And, it is always such a wonderful pleasure to open a package from Mara and the others from LP! It nevers fails to amaze me how generous and caring and thoughtful each shipment is... so many wonderful sniffies and new scents! Not to mention the fact that my new FB of Focus Potion arrived just in time for me to put it into use! No sooner was it out of the box until it was being dabbed and dotted all over; I have TONS and TONS of coursework this weekend for some advanced certifications on which I am working! Thank you, Mara!
  10. Dang! There are STILL some GGG scents on my Wishlist! I thought I had already gotten all of the GGGs for which I am lusting! Well, two of them, Aether and Stealing Heaven, weren't even on my radar until I received samples in a recent Tradelist purchase (thank you, Mrs.C! It was a wonderful package of LPMP yummy goodness ... another of them, Darling Catalina, I *thought* I had purchased *enough* but now *reallly need* one more for backup... the other one, Elixir of Silver, I just hemmed and hawed about and now realize I do need it since Tranquility Potion is gone. I really want to wait until the NRs before I place another order but am SOOO TEMPTED to make one now! What to do! If i wait, they will be GONE... if I order now, extra shipping for Mara and she already does so much for us!
  11. I think when bears are having sex they are a bit too preoccupied to worry about what is going on behind the potted palm! Snicker!
  12. And, if you do order it, I will certainly relieve you of your unwanted Glitter Kissed... just let me know!
  13. Ohh... I like this idea! Batman... a dark, resinous scent... slightly dangerous Green Lantern... but, which one? that would definitely affect the nature of the scent... Are we sticking to just one comic book universe: Marvel? DC? but the licensing rights would be over-the-top. Sigh The pic for Pirate Booty could be interesting
  14. I will agree with both of these statements. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm working long hours right now (by my own choosing, and grateful for the opportunity and ability to do so! Love how supportive of our needs and even wants G-d is enabling the Universe to be for me and my family!) and our frolic time has been a bit diminished in spirit and intensity these last few days.... So, I thought I would give Sexpionage a trial, to see if I received the same kind of self-effects others in this review thread reported. I had purchased the trial spray from Nov's phero-sale but hadn't tested it out yet. Last night offered the perfect opportunity. It was late; I was tired and knew I needed to get up in just a little bit over 5 hours... and while My Beloved is respectful of those circumstances, we do so love our time together. A few spritzes while I prepared for bed ... and I curled up with an interesting read while I waited for him to ready for bed.... At first, I was thinking it might not be enough to overcome the tiredness... that is, until My Beloved climbed into bed next to me and gave me a sweet kiss goodnight after saying "You're so beautiful even when you are exhausted" and I responded with a definite "I don't think so! No way! I demand more than that... so much more than that!" kind of kiss... and the game was ON! And, yes, it was a VERY NICE 'O' and yes indeed the nerve-endings were all tingly... and there was definitely an animalistic "must have you now" kind of effect for both of us (just had to convince My Beloved that it wasn't disrespectful of my need to sleep for us to have a romp and roll first). Fun and well worth the loss of sleep! I will definitely have to try this one again when I am completely rested I can just imagine the fun and fireworks then! Interesting side effect about which I would like to survey the rest of you: have you noticed any effects on your animals from this blend? During the time while awaiting My Beloved to prepare for bed, while I was curled up with my book, the dogs curled up next to me. Now, that is nothing new; the two dobies and the azawakh always fiind a space to sleep on the bed every night and they are always cuddle-monsters. However, they don't usually aggressively jockey for position on me/next to me (except for the week preceding my TOTM, when the azawakh becomes convinced that he is my protector and that no one is allowed near me!) The two dobie females were extremely vocal and bordered on full aggression towards each other regarding their place next to/ on me (and one of the girls is my husband's; she generally does not insist on needing to be right there by my side). I had to become very stern and forceful with them. I was seriously contemplating whether I might need to annoint them with Treasured Hearts or something to counter the affects of Sexpionage on them! Thankfully, after being extremely firm with them regarding the inappropriateness of their behavior they settled down. The azawakh, who is a male, on the other hand, did not have the increased aggression; he actually seemed to be calmed by the blend.
  15. The kids and Grandkids made me promise it only gets spent on fun stuff for me... so, it has to just sit there in my personal bank account until I use it. I mean, when little precious darlings [the GrandBabies ... the kids are precious but definitely not little... after all, The Boy is over 6 feet already and I think he has a bit more growing to do... oh, but when he is out there as an adult, looking for Ms. Right he will definitely WOW them!] ask you to promise, its like a pinky-sworn, cannot be broken, non-negotiable kind of thing. I did definitely spend a BUNCH of it already on my most recent order! That was a WOWZER of an order too Exciting! And, I was able to pre-order the Jan and Feb samples so I will get them early enough to make my NR full bottle selections before things sell out (no more missing out like I did on Odalisque!) WOO HOO LPMP Heaven and then some!
  16. Hmm, is it a good idea in general to prepurchase GCs in this way so that when PEs are released you can just use $25 worth to pay for them without delay? I'm asking because I still have some Chanukah money left over.... and, I don't wish to miss out on PEs in the future.
  17. Oh, I missed out on Lady V's Black Panther and have been avidly reading the rave reviews... I would LOVE to purchase a bottle! Please let me know if any remain....
  18. OH NO! I didn't realize Tranquility was GGG! And, there do not seem to be any more bottles left! I am definitely going to miss this blend, since I use this not just for the self effects, but in my office. As for Focus Potion, if I may 'cast my vote'.... please please always keep this one around! I love my Focus Potion!
  19. But what a wonderfully delightful form of insanity it is! And, we smell deliciously, decadently gorgeous in the midst of our insanity!
  20. So, if I just add 2 of the monthly samplers to my order I am currently compiling, and then add in the little memo of January and February that should work? Yay! Thank you!
  21. So, if I were to place an order in the next few days, is it possible to proactively purchase the new release sample set? It's okay with me to 1) hold the whole order and ship with the new releases or 2) add-on whatever shipping would be for just the new releases. I'm just wishing to ensure I get some GGG scents before they sell-out & I am experiencing some nervousness on a few of them as they are indeed GGGQuickly! I already missed out on Odalisque! And, when G-d has been so kind as to respond with financial abundance (ahem, put a "Bowl Job" special out there and people will buy! Handy extra cash influx just when we needed it to meet not just one but two circumstances: (1) the unexpected blessing of a New Bear in the home and all of the material needs which accompany that blessing & 2) a significant portion of my LPMP wishlist (admittedly far-less than a need/more of an addiction but at least its a healthy one), one really should be grateful and follow through on those purchases.... And, if the above pre-purchase of Jan/Feb NRs is possible, is it the same monthly sample price or is this a double-pack since it is Jan-Feb combined? Thank you in advance for considering this request! Wishing you a splendid day
  22. I am right there with you.... I am so behind, I need at least $700-$800 to just get caught up to Dec... And then more for the new releases! So looking forward to fulfilling out my wish list! And, yes, I am aware I qualify as a LPMP addict!
  23. Dang! Even after a nice order in Nov and another nice one in the beginning of Dec, my wish list is EXTENSIVE! As in, just for grins, I entered my lusting-after/must-have list into the shopping cart... And, my shopping cart screen involves multiple scroll-downs. I haven't even sniffed the NRs for December! Time to send a request for multiple new clients out into the universe... I need some LP cash! Ha ha! Should I stand at the curbside with a sign that reads "Will work for LPs?"
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