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Everything posted by Synergist

  1. I personally did. I can't speak for anyone else, but I thought it was lovely. Not perfumey or cologney, very much a natural guy smell. Try it with a light cover, that still lets the natural smell shine through a bit perhaps?
  2. Really?? That's fascinating to know! I need to get into the spicy scents more!
  3. This is a sophisticated floral blend on me. It's ok, not the sort of scent I usually go for but it certainly smells well put together and expensive. Goes a little soapy on me after a while. It should be noted here that amber and I don't agree, so this would probably be lovely on most other people.
  4. This smelt way too green and allergy-flowers for me on first application, but I liked the drydown. I agree that it would make a good manly scent, although on me it goes a bit sweet and vanilla, but it probably wouldn't do that on a man. It smells a bit like a nice cologne. I wouldn't wear it myself, but I'd love to try it on a man.
  5. You haven't mentioned it but what about Far, Far Away with Audacious? Have you got that? It sounds perfect for your costume!
  6. How old are you now, if I may ask? Maybe guys just like young girls who lack self-esteem... makes them feel better about themselves
  7. Wow, so that's like three dates in a few weeks, even if two of them didn't go ahead?? Where are you meeting all these guys??
  8. I can relate to this - and I'm only 25! I feel like as a teenager and in my early twenties the guys just flocked to me, but now, it's a lot harder. I'm probably less attractive to guys than I was then, I've "filled out" more - not overweight, but no longer the twig I was back then - although if anything I see myself as more attractive now because I'm voluptuous and confident. But guys don't seem to agree. I think you did well to reach 42 before hitting that point!
  9. Yep, that was definitely my feel with B2. I pretty much went to sleep not long after putting it on and writing that post, and I could feel I was mellow, but if I'd used more that mellow-ness could become depressed. I like the smell of it, for a single person it's very comforting to be able to get that guy smell on demand! I think I will need to try out TeddyMan 2 as well.
  10. Ok, thanks for the advice everyone! I think an UN bottle of this is coming up for me!
  11. Just put on some B2 a nice friend sent me (you know who you are ). My nose is a bit blocked from allergies but I think I could smell this one, at least in the bottle and at first on my skin. It smelled soft and musky, like the natural smell of a guy. It was a soothing and slightly arousing smell. Unfortunately I seem to lose the smell on drydown, probably because the male-ness gets drowned out by my female-ness. I don't know if it's the phero or not, but I'm feeling sleepy and have noticed I'm taking longer, slower breaths, which probably means I'm relaxed. Damn I wish I had a man here to cuddle up to...
  12. Great to know both of these things! I too get impatient waiting for drydown, and I have been avoiding putting on my cover scent until I am sure the phero has settled, so not having to do that will save a lot of time.
  13. That's one sexy avatar picture you've got there Zion! Is that you??
  14. Eggers and QG, do you need some alone time in here? Quick everyone, vacant the thread!
  15. Well then, I am putting my money on alpha androstenol I felt fine when I left the house, and now that I'm back in the room that was burning the wax tart I'm a little heart poundy again, but less so in the other rooms. Seems to be a correlation.
  16. I'm thinking of getting a bottle of LFM but what worries me is the "sophisticated" effect. Could this come across as intimidating? I am already considered fairly intimidating to a lot of people, because of my height and because I'm good at what I do and tend to behave with confidence. I work really hard to not appear intimidating but shyer, more beta males often seem scared of me. I don't want it to translate as arrogance or stuck up, or cause people to be put off me. Come-talk-to-me sophistication would be great though.
  17. When you say "during their cycle", do you mean when they were fertile or when they were actually menstruating? It is indeed very curious. Poor Eggers, all that horniness for all that time and only male cats to take it out on!
  18. I've really got to try LFM. Can anyone tell me how it differs from Popularity Potion, or Super Sexy for Women? I've pretty much got those two figured out - popular vs. popular with a dash of sexy. How does LFM compare?
  19. Oh I wasn't necessarily thinking for YOU my dear But point number 2 puts a dampener on that hehe Still, IMO nothing is hotter than a cute, power tool wielding scientist
  20. What a bizarre sounding combination, but it could just work beautifully as long as the chilli wasn't too strong! Bravo to him!
  21. That's really interesting about the cops blends. I wonder why that would be so? Because that would indicate a female that is willing to mate, but not of their species, so why would they be interested in that? I'd be really curious to learn the science behind this!
  22. Is there alpha androstenol in this? I'm burning the wax tart with it and my heart has started pounding and I've got the shakes. Mentally I feel fine, but the physical caffeine-like symptoms are what I get with too much alpha androstenol, and I'm not using any other pheros.
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