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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Well, MissD, the only thing to do then is to order your favorite fun and flirty scent boosted with it! There! See? That was easy...where's that blasted easy button at again...
  2. It's been 12 hours, lol, and all I have is maple, buttery, sugary goodness left. I was going nuts earlier trying to figure out, "Why fruity? What fruity? I don't remember anything fruity in it." It wasn't overpowering, just this light "something" but definitely fruity I was even wondering that since almonds can smell like cherry that maybe pecans smelled fruity in some way . Then I get home and look it up and see "orange zest". Now I will have to wear it again tomorrow...you know... just to re-experience it with my new found knowledge - that and it's REALLY yummy! And to see if I get coconut. I do not recall coconut either Yup. I will JUST have to wear it again tomorrow... OH! But in spite of my ignorance of the ingredients, this one had me on a bit of a rollercoaster ride today! In the bottle, foodie On me strangely sophisticated but still fairly foodie AND YET perfumy...which I found myself quite liking. Then there's this maple, butter, sugar finish and I'm in HEAVEN - FO SHO! Did I mention... YUM?
  3. Looove the scent of Cougar Potion and, so it seems, does every other human being I have come in contact with while wearing it...guys seem to LOVE it so this could be the showstopper for you at work with your engineer friends! My hubby always asks if I'm wearing baby powder when I have on LAM in the honey vanilla. I love the honeyed scents and I think the honey can sometimes be mistaken for baby powder but it's lovely on it's own or to layer with other goodies! Mara isn't doing PEs currently because she's been so busy, but you keep taking notes! You've got my attention, and by this thread, I'm not the only one! So when she does start up the PE production again make sure to express your ideas, she'll help you with any of the fuzzier details
  4. Ok...so the dry down IS potent, lol, and I've never gotten urine...dear Lord, I hope no one else has either ..I still love this one! BINGO! I amp...or my chemistry does...the orchid in this! I love this one, though I keep it in the oil base and close to my skin. A little goes a long way because the orchid can be so strong. It seems to be a pattern for me to amp certain florals, but the honey, musks & amber are right there too, not so much the vanilla. I think it's there with the honey but not as prominent. Hmm...may have to wear this tomorrow...ya'll got me in the mood now!
  5. Did you get Stone Cougar or Cougar Potion? And what flavor of LAM did you get? YUMYUMYUM! I would be up for trying this one out! Sounds positively naughty!
  6. NuTrix

    Hungry Heart

    Wow, Eggers, I kinda hope it's the blood sugar because this is such a fantastic scent I would love for you to wear it with confident abandon! I kinda hope it's not the blood sugar things because that brings about its own set of issues...Arg!
  7. NuTrix

    Hungry Heart

    Eggers...are you having a memory flashback of a breakfast in bed gone terribly wrong? A bad pancake experience at a HOP when you were little? Maybe a holiday treat that went wonky? Or an underlying fear that you smell so scrumptious that someone will eat you in a big bad wolf kind of way? Reaching...I know... But on a more serious side, do you think it really is an underlying scent memory or an ingredient? I've never had anything like that happen from an ingredient (that's wasn't a phero I mean) and this is most curious. I HAVE had scents bring me straight away to a memory though.... And MissD, this scent lasts and lasts for me, does it for you too? I think that does a world of wonder for covering cops too! I've had a couple of lighter scents that didn't seem to go the distance and eventually I could smell the cops again
  8. NuTrix

    Hungry Heart

    Yes, it will cover cops...I made a spray with HH and 10 drops EoW in a 5ml spray bottle from LP...not a trace of cops after dry down (about 5-10 minutes). Layered Beth's Blushing Milkmaid over HH just before "bed sports" tonight as a refresher and, well, things went juuuust fine. Hubs is healing up well from his surgery...that's all I'm gonna say....
  9. NuTrix

    Hungry Heart

    Just wore this tonight and hubby says, "What smells like graham crackers?" But it was followed by, "I like that one and you can wear that anytime you want..." SO will need another bottle of this one...we both seem to love it...WIN/WIN!
  10. Dol, I'm with you. This is a sweet delicious scent, not the heady green scent that lavender can sometimes be
  11. Wore this today with Candle in the Wind and Sugared Honeycomb for the cover....I had intended only to wear the Candle in the Wind for cover...but when I spied SH, I couldn't resist! I still think LFM & SH are meant for each other. The last time I went for LFM I accidentally picked up LFN and it DOES seem like LFM is more...demure The self effects I get are subtle with this one...not none existent, just not as in your face as something like Audacious or BANG! I love this one for work everything goes so smoothly with everyone
  12. WOWSAH! Step back all! The GURL is back! She's got a Spring in her Step! Sassy is the badge on her bosom and FLIRTY is her new middle name! SHAZAM!
  13. Wore this on Wednesday with Hungry Heart. It was my first time wearing HH and I was very distracted by how yummy I smelled, lol. I would like to say again...I LOVE BANG! Perks me up almost straight away and keeps me that way, happy, content...naughty. I really have to mind my mouth filter because this one gets me randy and I think of naughty things frequently and chuckle to myself often for it...If people only knew what I was thinking! I'm infectious to be around while wearing it as well hahaha! It only takes a few minutes in my cloud before I can see it's effects on others! I need to wear this one out to a Thirsty Thursday! What a ruckus it could cause! Did I mention...LOVE? Yes. LOVE this one
  14. That's where I found mine But I didn't search all the threads so there may be another out there!
  15. This one hasn't seen love for a while so I wore it yesterday with Body Paint for a cover. People just REALLY like this phero. I didn't wear any extra cops (SO rare for me) so it was all PP on its own....and the delectable scent of BP of course. It's consistent for me. People want to impress me, get my input, hear what I have to say and listen like what I have to say will rock their world. *chuckles* Co-workers are eager to share things with me...hubby compliments me on how beautiful and sexy I am - and w/o extra cops! And, really, who doesn't like a good grope and fondle from their SO? (at least while they're getting along that is...) He saw me off to work (he's still home healing up from surgery) and when I came home from work he was preparing dinner for me! That's 2 nights in a row! (I had on BANG! the day before *snickers*) Yeah, this one should definitely get more love than it does...it's just that LP has SO MANY great blends..I just have to rotate them better I guess..I love this place!
  16. I fall into that fantasizing category! Not that I never did before but I think it would be safe to say that I'm affected in that it intensifies the underlying currents I already have and surfaces them more often. Pheros don't make you something you are not...they enhance who you already are...you naughty girl!
  17. I totally get the jam but with this one the "fruity" doesn't amp on me. It's a great blend! I was expecting something really foodie but this isn't...exactly...but it is...and yet light and feminine, if that makes sense? I kept getting whiffs of berry all day long. It's been 13 hours since first application and I can barely make out a light cream...but it's pretty much run its course. I will have to play with this some more...
  18. Welcome to your new addiction...it will be the most pleasant vice you will EVER know!
  19. There is a point while wearing this that I get the delectable smell of a WAFFLE cone...so surprising, lol, I really like this one a LOT! I love the creamy, sugary dry down toward the end...always huffing my wrists when I wear this...it's my own personal pick me up!
  20. That's true! Cops don't really "stink" to me after dry down, but I know the majority of the population at large find them unpleasant or strange. I think that's my main reason for using a cover scent wit them.
  21. We're probably all dying to know LOL Another thing you can to is contact Mara at LP. She's fantastic and will help you in any way she can with walking through scents and what may best be "productive" for your needs ^_~
  22. NuTrix

    Hungry Heart

    This one is DELICIOUS! Oh and it lasted on me FOREVER...BONUS! This one is Puuuuurrrrrfect....Mmm, definitely worth getting another bottle! Q buttery, creamy, mapley, sugary delight...Can't. Stop. Huffing. My. Hand. Totally slather worthy!
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