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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Has anyone gotten this in spray? I'm thinking of getting this full phero'd with Dom as a spray... I'm actually thinking Mad Scientist, because this has redonkulous throw. I'm thinking full on, cop'd Dom, lightly scented with Dom Noire. This scent is so luscious as an oil though! But I don't know if that list is asking too much to be put into a little 10ml bottle Thoughts anyone?
  2. Just popped in to see if anything came of the sugared bamboo and YUP! Nice! Adorable label too!
  3. Umm - is right. This one starts out really sweet but after it settles down it's just, hmm, idk... I would never mistake it with CP Though there IS something familiar about it. He won't wear it and I don't think it's a me scent even though - whether it was on him or on me - I was compelled to huff it. It's an attention getter because the scent is s unique, to me at least. He said it's "too sweet or something" for him, and even though I find in more resin-like after it dries down, it does have that "gourmand something" about it. For myself, I DO like the phero effect. He didn't seem to behave differently, but he only allowed me to apply a wand's worth on 3 different occasions. I've been mainly applying before bed to myself to each side of my neck to try to see how the pheros effect me. None and cops are a delightful kick in my libido so maybe I just need to find a fragrance for him and spike it with the Un DoM
  4. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    I get fruit on top and the musk I think I read as floral. The fruit and vanilla don't make it foodie but bright and creamy to me. I am LOVING it with CB. A bright top with a creamy floral-like base. At least that's what my chemistry has been making of it
  5. There's always the Caramel Musk, for when you DO want to be able to just huff away....
  6. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    Spice? Wow. That it something I do not get from this. Even the nutmeg, which I can sometimes amp, is very easy to miss. Chemistry....
  7. I know right! I just know I shouldn't have gotten both sampler sets...who KNOWS how much that will set me back in FBs once I get them Sexpionage is a relationship staple for me, but it certainly comes in handy if buffered for other situations
  8. Wore this again today with my Un Dom, Topper/LP Pink and now I'm just settling in from a proper ravishing. Very passionate. Very give and take - I let him give, and then I also took ^_~ Brownie points for him mentioning how delicious I smelled quite a few times - and I must agree, I am in love with this fragrance myself...Apparently 3 drops of Dom and this fragrance sent my guy over the MOON! Note to self ETA - after witnessing the power of Un Dom and Dom Noire, I am thinking another bottle of Noire and my first Un Dom need to go on my wish list...
  9. Maroon - You seem to rein in the sex bomb blends and tame them too I'm glad to see others using pheromones traditionally considered sex bombs in "social experiments". Mones are, imo, severely underestimated, and used, for "making friends and influencing people" We also seem to have a familial-like work environment as well, super beneficial Hmm...another combo for Compromising Positions...gosh that one smells fantastic! I love the confident, swing in hip, stomp in walk, that Sexpionage gives too
  10. So I wanted to buffer this for work and was rifling through my simple 1 or 2 molecule items and landed on Topper. But my Topper is lightly scented with LP Pink. SO I was like, Hmm, will these two work together? And, of course, I went ahead and applied together. 3 drops Un Dominance Potion, 2 sprays Topper w LP Pink and a good slathering of Dom Noire - and Oh! My! Gawd! YUM! Yeah. Wore it again today I liked it so much...so, to anyone else who may want to add a touch of LP Pink....just sayin'...
  11. Do you have DHEAS in spray? And how many sprays did you use, if sprays? I hadn't thought to use just DHEAS with Sexpionage but that would be a great buffer! I personally like the alpha/confident vibe I get from Sexpionage too. I find I wear it more for me than for anyone else
  12. So, this may be skewed logic, but I went through the NRs and saw 7 "for sures". I was going to only get those samples...then I thought, "Wait, a sample set costs less than those 7 samples and for just a few dollars more I could get all 20 and what kind of awesome deal is that?" So while I tried to be frugal and only get the ones I thought would love, I believe I made the better choice to do the awesome deal and see if there isn't a surprise love in there somewhere - at least - that's how I'm telling myself about it at the moment I did see another lavender among them so I got another sample of Beautiful Dreamer to hold me over. I still have quite a bite in my current sample so I think I'll be good for a while
  13. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    I did! I decanted a bit to make a spray and an oil. I didn't expect to like this as much as I do. It's so light and delicate and yet it completely covers CB AND it lasts! Such an unexpected surprise to find I'm liking it and appreciating it more each time I wear it It's not foodie to me but it is something that isn't quite all floral either. it's really nice!
  14. I'm with the ladies on the sampler setS. I want them all too But I will hold out for FB until I snuffle them.... I was going to pick up a FB of Beautiful Dreamer....oh heck, I still will
  15. What a collection! It's HUGE! I LOVE the aged parchment look of the labels What an undertaking a DOUBLE collection must be/have been! So much for holding on to some cash this month I'll need to sample at least....all of them ESOP - They are truly lovely - beautiful work! Can't wait for the notes to guess what they may be like
  16. That's EXACTLY what keeps going through my mind Donsie! I'm trying to hold on until the next Nrs come out. I believe I've talked myself into a FB if it's still here
  17. Wore this to bed again last night. If every time I wear it I have to talk myself out of a FB, does that men I should get a FB? It just seems to get more lovely over time! Is the second brew as lovely as the first?
  18. Wow Rosebud! What a great review. If only we could spray people when they aren't looking.... I have Bosom Bows III and LOVE. Love is Love is very pretty and whisper soft. I haven't trialed it enough to figure out the nuances between the G2/Girl-Girl. Has any one else?
  19. Everyone please feel free to add and correct! From reading and wearing... It takes only 3 drops in a gallon to be able to detect a response - which is potent I think we've all read that one! But as I understood, you can keep upping the dose but at some point it's just wasteful because there seems to be a ceiling at which point, whether you use 50 or 500 drops, it won't make someone respond any more intensely just because the dosage continues to be increased. For example, I've slathered OCCO White because, let's face it - it's positively nommilicious! - but I have gotten great reactions from a couple of swipes as well I also haven't "ghosted" or gotten negative reactions when I slather either. Sometimes less is more and there is a point at which with cops, while more isn't necessarily negative, it's just more of a waste...unless it smells really good and you're just wearing it for the scent - like an OCCO
  20. Welcome to the most lovely of hobiies in the whole widest world!
  21. I wonder if it is, or if it's the power of suggestion...that it seems richer or deeper or anything in oil? I LOVE the oils. And, of course, it usually appears golden and opulent, thick and lavish..I love the silky feel of it. It (the perfume in alcohol) MUST be lighter though? Sometimes I pick up the notes differently in alcohol, but it is still unmistakably, undeniably RED
  22. Mara has a "conversion kit" for oils. It supplies a 1 oz spray bottle 2/3 filled with perfumer's alcohol so that we can take our 10ml bottles and convert them into full fledge sprays I just followed that idea and took a 1/2 oz bottle and filled it 2/3 with perfumer's a and 1/3 AM. For me, it's 100% AM and still lasts and lasts...only I spray me, my hair, my clothes..... But I did mention that I FOG, right?lol If you're worried it won't be strong enough, then you can layer oil and spray and have the very best of both! (and, yes, I have done this too )
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