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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Welcome Lainey! Good to "see" you here
  2. BWAHahaaaa! OH My! Those must be lovely locks indeed! But seriously - though I'm sure they ARE lovely... Some guys don't respect boundaries, sounds like you've met a lion's share of those But you "totally the woman!" for being the bomb! It doesn't seem to be culturally specific who gets the hardest hits. I work in a diverse atmosphere and have seen the gamut of responses from people with many backgrounds - Asian, European, Indian, South/North American... Sounds like you found a guy who wears his "passion on his sleeve" but not in a good way...more like a creepy, stalker way. I'm sure a communication gap didn't help. I'm glad it was in a public place and ended at that
  3. Ditto on all counts! I'm thinking of getting it x2 just for economic reasons. If I were to get it x3 - I think I would be afraid to use it for fear of over doing it! I LOVE this on clothes and in hair and while my Un oil is almost gone, I know the spray would get more love. I'll sweeten it with a few drops of Pure Sugar, to go with anything, and voila! The perfect accompaniment to ALL things feminine and happy!
  4. I'm going to be pulling out Glamour Puss for today and I think they will LOVE each other!!! But I could happily wear this all on it's own and be completely happy - this will likely be a re-purchase in a spray so that I can FOG appropriately
  5. I know that people who are more likely to wear their passion on their sleeves are hit harder by pheros than others. Maybe pheros don't work the same for me as for others too? I brake, like - ALL - the phero rules...clubs/work/home/malls/family/parties...Maybe I have too strong of a personality that people just don't as readily approach me in an inappropriate way?? But then, when I have had odd/out of the ordinary things happen, I don't back down either I don't really get mean, per se, but I don't back down or back away. Unless I feel I may be in immediate danger (which hasn't happened yet thank goodness) I end the encounter on MY terms and don't run away. That's probably my old baggage from having an abusive ex. I will allow NO man to intimidate me (if I'm in a dark alley - I will run, don't get me wrong - time and place for everything LOL) but home depot or a grocery store - NO way. Still suck to be harassed that way though and I feel bad you had to deal with a miss translated, NO.
  6. vladmyra- did the cake come through for you after the pink settled? And was it not just delicious - oh I hope so! Curios to see if you got that dense pound cake finally...??? The pink stayed, but the cake DID come through for me - hope it did for you too
  7. This is like a hard candy confection! It's TART and CLEAN and OH SO SWEET. It wears very light on me, I have to be on top of it to smell it and yet every now and again it would waft up and surprise me like - "There you are!" This is total YUM. It reminds me of a melon jolly rancher but I like the candied goodness. VERY NICE! I just ordered Sugared Melons too - I wonder how they will play together???
  8. OHMYGOSH it's just like home! Sweet honeysuckle bushes in the spring and summer everywhere - except THIS honeysuckle is JUST as sweet as I would have liked the flowers I partook to be! Hehe...Remember Leprechaun Luck? Yup, that honeysuckle. Only MORE sugared! SOOOOOO YUM!
  9. I love jasmine. I LOVE JAsmIIIIIIIIne! It, however, does not always love me back. THIS is NOT one of those times - SQUEEEEE! This is THEE MOST perfect face full of petals I could have ever hoped for! This is magnificent! It's SO clean and SOFT and prettyyyyyyyyyy! OHMYGOSHLOVE! And it stayed on FOREVER - ok, not forever but for HOURS and HOURS. No pokey of the 3rd eye, no swamping of floral heaviness - just beautiful, gorgeous JASMINE *swoons*
  10. OH. MY. GOSH. It's like I walked into my back yard and parked myself under our lilacs! It doesn't seem sugary to me, but that may be because I've always thought lilacs were inherently sweet smelling to begin with. This is an incredible floral, I would want to EAT the petals. There was something that threatened to be pointy while wet but never quite went there - thank goodness! But the dry down is absolutely PERFECT!
  11. Oh! This is so unique compared to what I was expecting. It must be the varieties used? It's light, crisp and cleansing. It's incredibly complimentary to Sugared Oud too
  12. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! OHMYFREAKINGWOW! Right out of the bottle jumps the pinkest frosting EVER! There's NO mistaking it PINKEST. EVER. Followed by the heaviest, densest vanilla cake IN THE UNIVERSE! Pound cake - yes - dense buttery vanilla nomiliciousness! OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH! I can't stop running in circles! I probably need to burn off the calories from smelling this anyway - or it could be the sugar rush from huffing it??? Did I mention - OHMYFREAKINGWOW!?!
  13. LOVE! DING!DING!DING! I swear someone just sat the most delicious, juiciest, shiniest, dripping red grapefruit halves in front of my nose! They are so fresh I can FEEL them spritz my face as I dig in my spoon! I want to be COATED in this fragrance! It reminds me of warm summer and sunshine - LOVE!
  14. I've never smelled oud singly before now. I'm completely fascinated by it and have no way to describe it! It seems familiar, like something I've smelled before but not something I recall wearing. It's, it's...almost sweet. But no, it's earthy. But no, it's floral...Wth is it?! It's beautiful, exotic, mysterious....and completely captivating!
  15. WOW! What a twist! The brown sugar put me on my head! - But in a good way OHMYGOODNESS I LOVE that "almost spiced" feel! On it's like an Auntie Anne's sugared pretzel minus the cinnamon - all delicious and mouth watering melty sugared goodness!
  16. OOOOOOOOOOO! My most favoritest tea EVER - with a splash of Sugared Warm Milk and Sugar???!!! OH YEAH! A perfect fall weather, warm and spicy delight! True to the tea, it's fantastic!
  17. I'm SO hungry for a Hershey's Symphony bar right now I totally get the caramelized goodness. It reminds me of these chunky toffee/snickers/chocolate chip cookies I make, minus the peanuts. It's wearing very soft on me though. I want to roll in this so I don't lose it! I don't know which brew of TMI I have??? but I'll be sure to try the 2 together!
  18. This is such a foreign floral note to me. I first recall picking it out n Papal Purple. There's something rich and "waxy" feeling about the smell to me if that makes ANY kind of sense Thick and layered and lovely, like the thick cascading garlands they grow/hang in. There's nothing pointy or sharp about it at all to my nose or third eye. I could huff this all day!
  19. I agree! It took forever for me to give this a try and when I finally did I was NOT disappointed. I guess I was thinking, "Hmm, resins and sugars???" But this is an absolutely gorgeous scent. I had always burned the 2 together in a coal incense burner, (they look like little rocks but melt over the coal and smell fantastic), I don't know why I ever thought a sugared version could be bad... That's interesting about frankincense and that study. It's always had medicinal value - it's just science catching up with history and tradition - again
  20. OK. After a LOT of picking and re-picking... I ordered a FB of Curiosities and FINALLY made my next picks for the sugareds. 5mls Blackberry Bonfire - been drooling over this FOREVER Gingerbread Majmua Maple Melons Neroli Oak Moss Pink Musk Pumpkin and the 2 freebies French Vanilla - SO hard for me to choose WHICH vanilla between the Vanilla, French and Bean... Violets
  21. Yes! Yes! And YES! to Egger's first 3 notes! Anyone who reacts positively to Est (men or women) will be hit nicely (read, hard, lol) by Lace, but also like Egger's mentioned, it's difficult not to have a LOT of fun while wearing it so if you'll be in an atmosphere where you may be frowned upon for copious amounts of giggling and playful banter - you may wish to wait for a more opportune time About "ditziness"...to me, it's a playful, giggly, kitten-esque, silly, flirtatious and redorkulously fun kind of ditzy. Not really forgetful for me so much as what Egger's mentions as - forgetting work was for work and not all play. A very happy, girlie vibe that's entirely infectious to anyone who may be encapsulated in your phero cloud
  22. CB and Lace are 2 of my favorite phero blends. There's something about the Est that really agrees with me and by the way people react, Est and I agree with them Copulins have always made me randy - for whatever reason - and the Est makes me feel ultra girlie. CB & Lace seem to catapult me into playful kittenish mode and everyone I come in contact with just seems to follow suit. I don't recall ever knocking out like that though, lol, sounds like a VERY good day!
  23. BOO-YAH! The "lil' black dress" of pheromones strikes again!
  24. As soon as I make up my mind on my next set of sugareds, I'm going to order 1 set of those and - hopefully - a FB of Curiosities and a back up of Animal Crackers
  25. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    We never heard of it either. I would recommend looking into it though as the doctor's said it's genetic. It's very treatable though if it's found. But it means every 5-7 years my hubby has to get an endoscopy just to make sure he's still clear. If your father's doctor hasn't mentioned it, then it's possible he doesn't believe it was caused from barret's so I don't want to concern you unnecessarily Some scents are just meant to be SLATHERED! (actually - quite a lot if you're me ) What a perfect MEMORY! Mmmmmm, Daytona in the springtime....
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