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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I hadn't thought of t like that, but G2 IS one of the blends that I get noticeable selfies from right off the bat too. It's a VERY social blend for me. I've used it at work and it plays well there as well, friendly, nothing sexual or over the top. Thanks for jogging my memory! I think I'll have to break out Bosom Bows today
  2. OhhhhhhHAHAHA! There's some great romps ahead with that combo...I've some things tucked into my journal that combo Mara's delish Rocket Fuel (SS4W) and Compromising Positions (Sexpionage) too.... Sexpionage can be the sexy black lace & satin slip under the already hot little black dress! ^_~
  3. Could be you respond well to the Est, a bonding, cuddly molecule in its own right. BB just lifts my mood and makes me happy...which is good for PMS days It certainly wouldn't hurt to see if it's helpful to you. Could be that, for you, it's a great fit for that as everyone's chemistry and reaction are unique.
  4. I've suffered such comments from others over LP scents like Red, Black and the variant Passion and Desire, and, sadly, a handful of others People haven't found them unpleasant (I have asked some people if they found it offensive) so much as it strikes them as "somewhat" familiar....unfortunately THAT is the kind of thing their brains conjure in association. Hehe...I still wear them anyway, b/c I love them, though probably less often than I would like to.
  5. Welcome! Great selection!
  6. Hahaha! I was wondering the same thing! How fantastic! A RASPBERRY marshmallow campfire delight - how delicious!
  7. Welcome! I got the "you smell like baby" too for pherogirl Sadly, it happens. But I've had other male friends who have nearly fallen over themselves to tell me how GREAT I smell so go figure?! I've often resorted to buying fragrances my guy likes and then spiking them with pheromones I like, hehe. It might not be considered a sexy blend, but my guy responds phenomenally to Perfect Match CB is a winner too, and Lace and Open Windows and Heart & Soul.... You'll have your hands full here for sure! Happy experimenting!!!
  8. It's so true! The spices don't drown out the pumpkin. I tend to amp spices sometimes, and when it happens, nothing else comes through except cinnamon Not so with this one. I like how you phrased it as "polite" because it's SO true for me - no amping at all. This is just DELISH!
  9. This is soft, powdery and fantastic! Like edible petals that were placed on the icing of a cake or sprinkled over a crème brulee! I don't go crazy for too many florals, but violet is one that I perk up at when I read it in a description. So happy this is on the sugared list - it's gorgeous!
  10. OHMYYES! I wanted gingerbread cookies and I have gingerbread cookies! Buttery little gingersnaps - but WAY better! I am a brown sugar JUNKIE (apparently) and the caramel-buttery-sweet-gooeyness is the BOMB! I can't believe how many of these sugareds I LOVE and how many I think, "HECK, this is perfect just the way it is! Who needs to layer? This is the total shiznet all on it's own!" Well, this is another one of those. I love me my foodie scents too so I'm sure that's a huge factor for a lot of these goodies but DAYUM! Mara - you are just a WONDER!
  11. OH YEAH! This IS sugared melons. Sweet, light, refreshing - this will be great in a spray! I would love to smell this all around the house, all over the throw pillow so tat when I curl up on the couch THIS will be the scent I cuddle up to. Bright and candy like. Mmm!
  12. I suspected I liked oak moss because I'm captivated by OCCO Blue so when sugared oak moss made the list it was a no brainer and OH MY WOW is this a fascination to me. It's clean but it's not foo-foo, it's powdery but not baby powder (even if it IS the base for baby powder) and THIS is SO not masculine! I completely understand the skin scent idea, the more I huff it the more I can see this is exactly that. A nice clean warm skin scent
  13. A) I LOVE the sugars in this! I love the straight up pumpkin with no spices fighting for center stage! I think it's the caramelized brown sugar that I'm really liking too. This is SO complex, so much more complex than pumpkin and sugar. Mara is a GENIUS. 9 pumpkin oils - 3 sugars and all the magic that only the Potion Master can weave! Seriously, this is an awesome pumpkin blend and I could wear this solo just as easily as using it to spruce up something else.
  14. Oh MY YES! Cakey vanilla buttery sugared goodness! This is REDONKULOUS. This is delightfully foodie to me, rich gooey, melted ice cream vanilla
  15. Oh YES! *SWOONS* This is FANTASTIC! Vanilla marshmallow amazing in a bottle! Sticky sweet delicious...Scent memories drop me next to a fire with a sticky gooey center from a perfectly burnt marshmallow sticking to my fingers after prying it from my stick. Sweet vanilla, gooey marshmallow...this has GOT to be one of my MOST favorite smells in the WORLD. WILL roll in this like cat nip. WORD.
  16. I don't think I ever smelled neroli on its own, but I suspected I would love it because it's in a couple fragrances I adore. This is really lovely. It's citrus like and floral and - of course - sweet. I'm going to need this in a spray - for me, for my linens, for my furniture...I may even spray my dogs HAHAHA! This is powdery, floral and citrus all together. Gorgeous!
  17. This is my first time experiencing any majmua, to my knowledge at least. This is very unique to my nose. I think I may warm to it that same way I did S&V in that, I can't seem to stop huffing it but I haven't decided if it's a "me" scent. But then, fell in love with S&V... These smell nothing alike of course, I just mean I'm approaching it with curiosity and caution It's VERY potent (intense?) wet, but dries down on me to something considerably softer and more - sultry? Slinky? It's DEFINATELY exotic. I will definitely have to pay this more attention, and I think this will wear quite nicely all by itself. What would something like this be complimentary with? Sounds like sugared cream is a winner I may have to try it with sugared warm milk and sugar and sugared French vanilla for starters as I haven't yet got sugared cream...
  18. This reminds me of something from my childhood but I can't put my finger on what. I'm sure it was some girly girl thing because it makes me want to giggle. Setting those things aside for now - THIS is a lovely white musk to me with a light lattice of pinky sweet overlay. It's sheer and pronounced all at the same time. It I were to go too heavy handed with this my third eye might flinch but I think if I temper my application and pair it properly, this will be incredibly complimentary to TONS of things!
  19. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Yes. I KNEW I would love this! It's not JUST maple and sugar. Like tyvey mentioned, there's something distinctly BUTTER registering. Maybe it's because anything I usually have with maple includes a good slathering of butter and maybe it's just an association thing? If there IS really a butter note with the addition of that buttered brown sugar then yay that I haven't lost my marbles! Seriously, I will need this in bottles and sprays! I could swim in this
  20. This is delicious and SUPER aromatic! It was the first thing I smelled of the four bundled together. In the bottle it's sugary, sweet and nomilicious blackberry indeed - like jam as Silkilocks wrote. Oh, my, I SO want biscuits to slather blackberry jam all over right now! On, it's more perfume like, still sweet blackberry, but not as foodie as in the bottle and light as a feather, like gauze or lace - very delicate and lovely!
  21. EEEEP! My precious LPs have been in my post box since FRIDAY and I only checked mail today - shame on me! I cant believe I allowed such a thing to happen!!! So of course now I'm going mad snuffling all my new sugareds! Mmmmmmmmm.....
  22. To my surprise and DELIGHT - this came along as a freebie in my most recent order! This has GOT to be perfect for this time of year! This is how our home smells in the fall. With our fire kicking in the living room and spiced teas heating over the stove in the kitchen - even my husband likes it! (Ladies, I think I'm wearing him down! Is it too much to hope he's REALLY beginning to appreciate LP???!) I think I am IN LOVE with the wood note. It's so grounded and this fragrance makes me feel warm and toasty - a real comfort scent for sure!
  23. Hehehe...You make me want to break this one out. Hmm, and I have OCCO White...
  24. And when I first got this I thought I might be pulling out the Domme stilettos, corset and crop...you know, like I do most days But not so! This phero blend just gives me confident, sexy and swagger! PLUS even though it took me F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to take the plunge on the scent, I just couldn't leave it be...kept going back and huffing until it was obvious a FB was absolutely necessary!
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