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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix


    MissD - you're not alone, I can't find the apple yet either. But MYGOSH! What I am getting is drool worthy and going on my FB list. Hope it sticks around long enough to snag one! I'm falling ALL OVER myself for that butter note - buttered caramel pecan awesomeness. Should apple find it's way to recognition, I cannot fathom how it would negatively impact any decision I've made on needing a FB
  2. NuTrix

    Sweet Surrender

    Warmth and love to you, your family and your father One of my husband's brothers had stomach cancer, it was because of him my husband's siblings and father found that, with the exception of my husband so far, they all have barret's esophagus, which can lead to stomach cancer if unchecked It's wonderful the fragrance had such a positive effect! I will also have to put yet another sugared on my list now...
  3. I envision scattering the bottles across my bed and then rolling on top of them like a crazed cat with catnip Muhahaaaaaaaa
  4. NuTrix

    Animal Crackers

    Oats. Maple. Butter. Sugar. OH MAN OH MAN! First on that butter note is ALL OVER and I'm totally all dribbling all over myself! I think I DO get the cedar, it's the honey I can't find. This is directly out of the mail as well, so maybe that will turn up in another day? This is really reading confection on me. The cedar is giving it something earthy and grounded though, like the crisp snap that an animal cracker has but in a scent??? It's not a taste so much as a texture - if that makes any sense at all? I went FB on this one...now I'm thinking maybe a back up is in order....
  5. NuTrix

    A Wake

    I will re-visit this in another day after acclimation, but straight out of the mail it IS Pumpkin Latte! The Pumpkin pops out first on top but quickly gave way in a mater of moments to a rich, dark coffee. Now, maybe 10 minutes in, it's a play between creamy pumpkin and coffee with a sprinkling on top of spices! Whatever that pumpkin note it is - it's delish! If it were food - I would eat it by the spoonful! I hope it stays this yummy!
  6. NuTrix


    I need to let them rest as I just pulled them from the mail - but I'm already scribbling this onto the FB list. Until it's sat a bit for me to be sure, I will say, at the moment, it's a dreamy caramel buttery pecan delight. Not getting much in the apple department, but like I said - this is just snuffled straight from the post. Literally, when I smelled the vial my eyes rolled back. It's a sticky caramel goo-y dream. I hope that's how it stays, but wonder if the apple will make more of an appearance given a day or 2 of rest...?
  7. cat960: YAY Memorare! I've bent on a few scents that my husband has liked JUST because he's liked it. CB is powerhouse though. My guy likes it, I just have to wear it in small quantities (mix it with the Unscented to thin it out hehe...) The guys at work go bonkers for it too!
  8. LOL! I wish it weren't so, but that happens to me with a LOT. The scent seems to vanish only to surprise me with it's deliciousness when it finally captures my attention again. My girlfriend wears CP often and I always know when she does...I'm TOTALLY drawn to her like a bee to honey I LIKE the smell of pink grapefruit, though I don't think pink grapefruit is the note in CP(???), but it wasn't until I really slathered CP that I first picked it out as an individual note (LP has sophisticated my sniffer - but I still have a LOOOOOONG way to go!). It seemed foreign to me, but I like it OH! And the phero is, of course, a favorite too!
  9. Mmm Hmm! Couldn't agree more! I've decanted some of the oil into a 15ml bottle to make a spray and am blowing through it! I ALWAYS get compliments when I wear this - Sure to make 'em purrrrrrrrr every time!!!
  10. I showed tremendous restraint! I was compelled to get a FB of Animal Crackers unsniffed and trials of A Wake and Curiosities. I'm still carving out my list of next sugared - trying to decide on the next 10/12...it's SO hard when there are so many to choose from that I have to have And I still want my Lace (x2 or x3? decisions, decisions) I would order so much more if it were not for my, seemingly, chronic indecision
  11. I LOVE that! Yes, like having new things! Now I will have to retry, you make this sound SO delish! Last time we stared out well, then I began amping the patch :'( Maybe, after aging, we will get along better now???....
  12. YAY! I SO wanted one and way missed out! I'm dying for the notes in Animal Crackers! Weeell, in all of them really I'm on the "everything looks kinda creepy but still neat" side - great labels!
  13. Oooooo...I haven't been into this one for a while! Thanks for the bump!
  14. I've decanted some of this to make a spray and I am in TOTAL love! It's not that it's different but it floats all around and out and people have been complimenting it like crazy! It's SO deliciously chocolate but then all those nutty notes come through and it's just a chocolate confectioner's delight! I can't pick out each different nutty note, they just add to the creamy goodness of the whole - YUM!
  15. Yes, a dab'll do for me too...but I still love it, I just wear it under my clothes so it's not as in his face (or anyone's I guess )
  16. OK, my hubby has a wonky sniffer, no doubt, but I pulled this out to see what he thought. "Too flowery, would give me a headache if you wore too much." It's the jasmine - my love and his nemesis apparently, I digress...but to go a step further I asked if it reminded him of after shave in any way, he looked and me quizzically and then laughed - "Not like any I've ever smelled!" I wouldn't be paranoid about how others perceive it - your guy's sniffer is really wonky - and maaaybe my guy's isn't as bad as I thought...
  17. HOW can ANYONE think CB is even REMOTELY related to AFTERSHAVE!?!?! It's the most pleasant, clean, fresh combination of showered and linens to me that I have ever smelled! AFTERSHAVE? Only a MAN would think that Unbelievable. Believe me, it's not you - it's HIM.
  18. Why, moderation just never crossed my mind...You're right though - they ARE going to be permanent...but the bargain (read: excessive) shopper in me wants the "buy 10 get 2 free " deal
  19. NuTrix


    Now THAT'S a plot I can get behind....
  20. I don't want any new releases until I've gotten ALL the sugared on my list THAT could take months! Besides there are plenty of Halloween scents...Sugared Apples, Sugared Bonfire, Sugared Clove, Sugared Pie Spices, Sugared Pumpkin, Sugared Woods.....Why that's more than HALF a new release's worth right there!
  21. OH! LOL! Nice curve ball Lace is such an uncomplicated blend but it's true - it's just wonderful! What your doc doesn't know won't hurt you - or anyone else Your secret is safe with us...
  22. It isn't just you Memorare. LP Red has bested me on the cinnamon front a time or 2 as well. It's absolutely GORGEOUS - if I don't let it actually touch my skin I amp the cinnamon to high heaven - and yet not every time - at least not every time as badly. I noticed, for me, it has something to do with where I am in my cycle but I have been too lazy to sort out the details...so I made mine into a spray and now I douse my clothes or hair when I need a LP Red boost It garners WILD compliments from the menfolk! Guys seem to love this one Wish my chemistry felt the same. I have to at least HALF wonder if it's me going scent blind to everything BUT the cinnamon after the first half hour? - Now that you've got me re-thinking. Red isn't the only 1 I've amped the cinnamon on though so I'm believing it must just be me and my wonky chemistry
  23. NuTrix


    Mmm! Thanks for the delicious review - and reminding me to pull this one out again! I was in love at first snuffle and know the burning desire to be sure to get a FB This is so decadent and alluring. I get the syrupy vanilla in it and though it may not be the leading player it surely is standing to the front of the stage - just absolutely gorgeous all around I totally love that bourbony goodness - completely swoon worthy!
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