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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I've been eying this up...vacillating between sample or FB. I was sure I wanted to just jump in FB, maple, sugars, vanillas, honey, amber - pecan even! Is READS like it's got my name all over it...then I see patchoulis, resins and 2 dozen other notes not mentioned and I'm thinking - "What will this smell like?! Will I love it or what???" Then I talk myself into the sample and use self talk like -"What if I really like it? I'm so impatient...could I wait until next month to order the FB?" Hopeless, right? I think this last month has taught me that I CAN wait...it's just whether or not I'm likely to.....
  2. Heheheee.....itchy fingers....I KNOW it's better to save and wait...but why does it have to be so HAAAAAARD?!!!!!
  3. I'm so proud of myself...at this moment at least, hehehe....I haven't placed my order yet...I'm trying to hold out for the NRs...but I'm Jones'n and it's only the morning of the 2nd! Ihave everything on a Word document on my desktop...all I need to do is pull the trigger....must....hold....on....
  4. NuTrix

    Katerina Suit

    Hahaha! I'm sure you won't have to create anything...opportunity will likely come to you with that combo
  5. YAY! Welcome back - you must know how sorely you've been missed
  6. Interesting. I like violet I think my favorite OCCOs are White, Pink, Blue & Black so far. I'm going to try to be happy with those...for now...teheheee
  7. NuTrix

    Katerina Suit

    NICE Blackcat! Boosted with BANG! Vah-Vah-Vah....BOOM! w/ BANG!
  8. Oh no! I only WISH I had a suggestion. That happened with my Stone Cougar spray and I just happen to have a decorative glass spray bottle (5ml, I think, that I got off amazon WAY before I knew about LP) that I've been decanting into as necessary until it's gone and I can order another. I believe, since then, I've read that you can contact LP for a replacement? I would email and at least inquire about it
  9. I'd be curious to know the answer to this question as well. I always heard good things about OCCO Purple....just what is it? Floral, foodie???
  10. Aja is so potent AND sticky...I'd be afraid EO would funk it up and then you'd have a heck of a time washing it off...but if you try it, please post I haven't gotten EO effects from Aja yet, but I like it layered with things and how it smells hours later. I'd be interested to know how your experiment turned out
  11. NuTrix

    Katerina Suit

    OK. All, ya'all talking about this and I had to put it on tonight and it is just SO FANTASTIC! *eyes ROLL to back of head and swoons* I love the dark chocolate out of the bottle, then the oud and leather and I don't get cigarettes AT ALL, just rich delicious - almost fruit like - tobacco leaf...but it all goes so perfectly together I just LURV it - LUUURV I SAY! It takes everything I have NOT to just go roll in this...this isn't infatuation - this is out right LUST and I do not care. I'm going to go huff myself now...I'll be in the corner in olfactory heaven if anyone needs me for anything....
  12. Wait - we weren't supposed to start our engines until today?!
  13. NuTrix

    Pumpkin Souffle

    Yes! I never knew perfume could be so...DELICIOUS. How DOES she get that in the bottle?! It's crazy, wonderful. Even hubby likes it - BONUS! Hehehe - it's probably better I NOT find something as tasty as this smells...I actually use these types of perfume delights as low calorie treats - smelling them actually CURBS my sweet tooth. And where some treats smell great and then you actually taste them and the disappoint - Mara's creations don't play the bait~n~switch on me. Um, of course, I don't taste them either - but I HAVE been tempted!
  14. ohmy! Has it happened each time you wore it on your neck - or is this the first you noticed it? I amp the cinnamon on occasion in LP Red but I haven't had a problem with that with G&L - or red blotches...yet. I wonder if it's one of those things that depend on our monthly cycle? Our skin & hormones doing strange things w/o our permission...or causing extra sensitivity? That's when you take something scrummilicious like this - since it doesn't have cops - and make it into a spray and anoint your clothes...hair...scarves...accent pillows on the furniture....or bed covers even...you could roll all over them after a good spritzing and smell positively DIVINE! WHOAH! Sorry - went on a bit there...I get distracted so easy lately! I THINK where I was going is that there are lots of options to wear this blend even with sensitive skin...I'm pretty sure that's where I meant to go...
  15. You're right! (of course) Never noticed them before! AND they're really easy to find...well, they were at the very bottom....now that I scrolled through everything to GET to the bottom and know where they are....they're easy to find
  16. Thanks Halo! I'm going to try to wait for them before I go mental ordering though... try....
  17. Had on Black again last evening... Boy am I using this a lot lately! Last night after we were settled in fir the evening we built a fire and broke out some wine. La Sylphide was mostly gone from the days wear but I didn't want to put on my first choice (Sex & Violins) b/c I have no idea how LFM & Dom would play together so I grabbed for just cops instead. WELL, between the fire crackling and OCCO Black EVERYTHING smelled divine! And as things heated up they also got delightfully romantic....
  18. Thanks Storemy - always a silver lining ) I'm sorry to hear that about you and LS...I'll bet you've made someone tremble with happiness to give it a home though There was probably a line to your door I'd wager Hahaha!
  19. Wore this today for LFM but of course the scent is WONDERFUL! Fleur - COMPLETELY agree! Got a fantastic deal on a 2012 SUV (the one that we had - that is now totaled - is the same model but was a 2009)...it's amazing how they depreciate within a year's time...good for us though! All the bells and whistles, 1 owner, less than 15,000 miles crazy what they'll give you right before the end of the year and all the poor car has to do is sit on the lot too long, Tehehee....Unfortunately they didn't give it to us for free - I asked though But my hubby is a totally happy camper with his "new ride"...I myself am loving the stereo system...Go LFM! - and La Sylphide!
  20. NuTrix

    Pumpkin Souffle

    I can't believe I haven't reviewed this! It's crazy wonderful, because as much as I love these spicy scents, it's a crap shoot as to whether I will amp cinnamon or not and the nutmeg and all spice stay nicely balanced, fully there for sure but not pushing over everything else. I've only ever had one thing make me feel slightly uncomfortable skin wise, but it had wasabi in it and it passed very quickly. I've been fortunate with cinnamon and not having burning/itchy skin...which I admit I expected on a couple occasions when it was obvious my skin was blowing it up! Pumpkin Souffle, however, is just all buttery, sweet pumpkin, lightly spiced goodness! I feel awful that I've overlooked it's review because it's really scrumptious and PERFECT for this time of year...but that won't stop me from wearing it all year long!
  21. Well, good cuz all I could find was OCCO and NOCO Blue OHMYGOSH though! An LP Blue variant!? How exciting!
  22. LP Blue? Someone help me...I know there's an OCCO Blue (LOVE). Was there an LP Blue at one time? Off to scour the forums with the search feature...
  23. ^^^ Wait... Never mind! I'm just gonna go with it!
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