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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Um - 1 - GREAT IDEA! I may have to play with THAT idea...thank you! 2 - procrastination is for people still making up their minds
  2. Take it!lol Eat it up. Savor it. Enjoy it....Doll of the day in a bottle? Just remember...it's 90-99% YOU
  3. Be careful if you're using sprays with alcohol in them, they can dry out your hair! I just got a couple of 4oz bottles and filled about 2/3 full with distilled water and added my perfume oil to it (to desired aromatic potency) shake and spritz on freshly washed hair and comb through and that's it! I actually even add vegetable glycerin (about 2 Tbsp) because my ends can get really dry. Veg glyc is water soluble too. Just throwing that out there
  4. So H2H is now Empathy Potion? Was there a name change? Or very possibly an oversight on my part because I'm STILL finding wonderful potions ALL THE TIME (my poor wallet - thank goodness for OT LOL) No wonder I couldn't find it My hubby would DEFINITELY respond well to that molecule list! But I believe it would be differently than TH and it would be fun to figure out the nuances. Now this is just my best guess until I get to take it for a test run, but b-nol & Est (in H2H) normally make hubby cuddly sweet, where as anything with a bit of none or rone in it get him on the more frisky and playful side so both of these potions could serve different purposes....Hmm....Thank you ladies!
  5. Wore my BAM! last night and SO love it! I may need to get the LAM! I just don't know. I think this scent is actually my favorite of them all, and I like the ones I already have LOL! Maybe it will be GONE and save me the struggle of deciding by my next order... I think I go pretty heavy with my BAM! when I wear it. Lollipop (couple circles around belly button then line up center between boobs to collarbone PLUS a 4inch strip on each wrist & 5 inches to back of hands. I balance it with a bit of LAM! and some DHEAS on top of that yet, lol, so mine may not be the best example I've created a spray for my hair from other scented LPs that I apply to my hair while it's still wet after showers and I look at it like this...If you would have showered with a scented shampoo, then it's the same thing as scenting your hair with LPs...when someone gets close enough to you and gets a whiff of your perfume they're like, "WOW, you smell great!" Then if they have the opportunity to get closer to smell your hair and your hair smells awesome too - they will be like, "Everything about you smells fantastic - even your HAIR is delicious!" (at least it's working that way with hubby and others who have been comfortable enough to say so lol)
  6. My hubs is a great responder to the blends intended for bonding...love it! What's h2h? Heart to heart? I kind of recognize it but don't have it. I have Heart and Soul in a little spray from Nov. I wonder if they have similar pheromones in them? (TH & H2H I mean) TH = 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone H2H = ? Just curious
  7. NuTrix


    Wore this one for hubby yesterday...he says it smells like graham pie to him...luuurves it...I get yummy cookies...but either way it's win/win!
  8. Halo's Cocoa Lily is very lily on me...but lily and I get along well and I reeeeeally like it! It's not a bowl you over floral at all - NICE!
  9. Oooo, this was is a brown sugar syrupy, thick dripping amber awesomeness. SLATHERWORTHY - FO - SHO! Beautiful, dark and delicious...That is all.
  10. This is a sweet, gooey peach to me, not a sharp piercing one. At first, on me, Shen Tao comes out edgy...not so with this. It's a juicy ripe sprinkled with sugar with cream poured over it peach...even hubby loves it!
  11. I paired BANG! with the Brown Sugar Black Amber today...sugary delicious yum that packs an extra punch!
  12. Before LP it would have been really strange to me to think of a flower scent as creamy. I have a whole new appreciation for what floral can be now thanks to Mara...gone are the days of believing all florals are over powering, spike in the eye, commercial, chemically grammy scents or scents that people wear to deliberately torture others that make us catch our breath - choking because we got caught in their jet stream...OH! They're still out there... but it DOESN'T HAVE to be that way! Mara's proven it to me
  13. Ooooooh! Creamy Iris IS NOMMALICIOUS! Oh, this one is going to be VERY easy to slather! SO creamy and girly and the Iris isn't the beat you over the head floral...it's sweet and light and thick creamy soft fluffiness...YUM! AMAZING!
  14. Mmmm! I made some of this into a moisturizing spray for my hair for after showers or anytime the ends seem dry and my husband has been cooing over how good it smells
  15. Mara helped me to understand jasmine more and I veered from a candied scent idea to a more feminine and maybe sultry (white musk?) idea. The notes will be jasmine, blackberry, non-foodie vanilla and white musk...and whatever magic on Mara's part she chooses....and I'm sure to be pleasantly surprised! As far as stalking.....will it be sweltering steamy scents to match the July weather or likely something far more glorious than my meager imagination can come up with....
  16. Eager to create my PE after the awesome June PEs! lol Stalk, stalk. July NRs where are you?... What do you think is in store for July y'all?
  17. Awesome! I always feared strong florals or any really strong/loud scent, but I'm learning that strategic wearing can really make all the difference between "I smell SOOOO great" and "I'm getting such a horrible headache, how do I get this off!" Cuddle Bunny is like that for me, Shen Tao can be too (peach/sharp)...I'm starting to figure and finagle and it's so much fun to experiment! Thanks for the tips and advice! I can't wait 'til tomorrow to try it out! --------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: I got to wear JR today! I used the lollipop & a 3inch strip back of each hand rubbed together and against wrists & a dab behind each ear - almost slathered, lol...and went out to the garden, so even though I went a bit heavy I was outside. The weirdest thing was that it was the ozone I think I smelled first but it quickly went to jasmine. The whole time I was working I was LOVING it. It actually felt right to have it on out there, if that makes any sense? The activity and the perfume made good partners. I had to shower when I was done (I KNOW! Wash away the perfume! Ack!) but when I got out I re-applied 2inch strip to the back of each hand, rubbed together and then rubbed side of neck and I am sitting here typing this smelling soooo good! Yes, this is jasmine for sure, but it blends SO beautifully with everything else that this is just...just...this is really nice. It's NOT piercy or sharp at all to me and the jasmine isn't amping on me at all. I'm going to curl up here comfortably until hubby gets home and smell glorious Thank you for sharing!
  18. I am enjoying this jouney called life....

  19. I'm a bit of a slatherer, but I will try to refrain...maybe I'll just start with the lollipop on my torso and a dab on each pulse point below the ears...nothing directly under the nose? It shouldn't be in my face, or anyone else's, under my clothes...do you think that would be too much?
  20. I'm planning to order my PE with July NRs - I can't possibly want all of them AGAIN LOL! I want to get LP Persuasion Potion 2010 and another one that I've repeatedly liked in sniffie form - Marigold & Amaranth, YUM. And 2 items from Artfire - Finally getting the copulin Apricot and Olive cream and Message In A Bottle, if it's still available....
  21. WOW - NOCO, LOL...stand back! Stampede! I test drove BAM! BCP today along with LAM! original and OH.MY.WOW! So scrumptious! I think I made a good choice with BAM! and it is really complimentary to LAM original...although after wearing them together all day I'm terribly horny and will probably lie in wait for hubby when he gets off work tonight...Muhahaaa... Sorry, back on topic...this is all dripping sugary sweet creamy fruit! Yup. That about sums it up. I was worried the peach would be sharp and it is a bit crisp on app but it settled down quickly and as time went on it just kept going and going...found myself thinking about how great I smelled and how glad I was to smell so yummy lol. Narcissistic? LOL I could be, but I did get complimented several times so it must not JUST be me Oh..and on a side note...I believe the copious amount of cops I was wearing was effecting my male co-workers too...sorry guys
  22. WOAH! Ok...just pulled from the mailbox I want to know just one thing...how did Mara get RAIN in the bottle? I will let the bottle sit overnight before dipping in...I learned my ever too eager lesson a while back that patience IS best lol. Excited to explore your PE
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