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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Yes - Pashazade being first. Pay attention to what the ladies are saying about vanilla and the light florals. Sandy Bottom is an all time favorite. Ruisseau is great for work. Salute is a favorite for outdoor recreation time for me. Winter Wizardry & North Pole and winter favorites. I like Cry Havoc a lot also and my wife seems to like Eternal Sunshine. I like Thrill of the Chase, she thought it was a little too sweet. But as I have said several times, my wife does not care for many scents and never has. As long as i do not stink to the high heavens, she seems happy with me as I am. At least scent-wise lol.
  2. Throw in some sugared greenery and maybe some kind of floral that is my backyard right now with the fire pit going on a late summer's evening.
  3. It is hard to say on the first one - maybe Fang by a hair, but it is so close, it would really depend on how I felt that day. Pashazade, Sand Box, Merlin's Blend/Excaliber, Encens
  4. Doing a second order involving a sampler of the sugared variants and some more pheromones.
  5. No apologies - just letting you know there are several discussions on the topic if you had time to search. We are always happy to answer questions and help!
  6. This is not a hard one to find here but the general consensus is a definite no to pheromones while pregnant or breastfeeding. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9688&hl=breastfeeding&do=findComment&comment=359957
  7. Not sure I would want to spray myself with something that smells like Tush Resin, even if it is sugared haha!
  8. Oh yeah - I can see combining it with Sugared Woods, Grasses, Pine Needles, Oud, Oak Moss, and a couple of the musks for me. I can also see probably Pumpkin, Nutmeg and Pie Spices if you are so inclined.
  9. Haha - I will work on it. I have a Summer scent, a work scent and I guess I need a Fall or Winter scent but Moon of the Falling Leaves, Winter Wizardry and North Pole are so good I am not sure where to go yet with anything new. It took me a while to get used to the different theory of scents here so there is still hope for your husband. Thank you for holding back but you ladies can say anything you want to about your guy or guys in general - I do not take it personal lol. In fact, I usually agree with you, not that I am perfect by any means. The forum is just mostly female and so there you go haha!
  10. I am getting close lol ... seriously ... at least two more bottles during the sale haha.
  11. I warned the ladies - I would like that last bottle of The Garage. Haha - I am getting almost as good as Luna - getting all but two of the bottles of my PE lol.
  12. Haha - don't you ladies have enough scents in the last couple months to keep you busy without stalking! I guess the obvious answer is no! Indeed - I love the pheromas! And I hope all is well with The Duck!
  13. Welcome to the forum! I came here for the pheros myself but stayed around because of the great company and great scents. We are all interested in what scents and pheros you have. You can let us know here but we all appreciate reviews. I created a thread in my journal that lists what scents and pheromones I have. To get a journal, you have to be active for 4 months and have 100 entries. And like the ladies said, this really is a "female" forum although guys are always welcome as long as you are polite.
  14. I am glad both of you like it!! Despite what I said earlier - after wearing it for a few weeks on a very regular basis, I do get a slight hint of the leather after drydown. And I think your description of subtle and clean while masculine is perfect. I love this one. ETA: Fair Warning: If no one gets the last bottle by my next order, it is mine!!
  15. The more is less approach to pheromones is often a "hard sell" to people starting out with pheromones especially. Everyone (including me) seems to have to do some kind of "massive over-dose" baptism by fire and at least one "everything but the kitchen sink" run to figure out it really does not work and probably does just the opposite of what you wanted. Both my wife and my mom (who of course know my pheromone signature quite well on what is probably a unconscious more than conscious level, both looked at me funny for several days when I first wore pheromones around them. The look from my wife was almost like she thought there was another woman. Just the opposite effect of what I was looking for lol. So going in low and subtle with the pheromones especially at first would probably help lower this effect.
  16. An almost direct quote about me from my wife lol - but then again, don't we all. Which of course is what Luna said ...
  17. I'll try any scent. As long as it is manly enough haha!! Guilty!
  18. I swear a certain carmaker (whom I shall not name here) has a built-in bank account sensor in every car. Just as we put a little money away ... BAM! And it is nothing unreasonable, not enough to make you want to get rid of the car, but still just a little $$.
  19. I need to order some along with some more pheros.
  20. As far as scents go, I have just about everything you ordered except the "Essentials" & Sugared F. Of the ones you listed, my "favorites" are Touchdown! w/MVP, Ambuscade, Teddy Man 2, Dirty Old Man, Iconic Tonic, North Pole, Salute w/Charisma & Winter Wizardry. I would really get a feel for the different pheros before you mix and match. Mara sells blends (for the most part) that are pretty well balanced out for what they are designed to do. I have a lot of individual molecules (I love b'nols) but never really add them to her blends. Not that you couldn't shift things a little to fit what you want to do, I just don't have the time. If you want to do so, make a thread in the mens pheromone section and we can discuss in more detail what exactly you want to do. It is OK to mention other products here as long as you are not hawking them.
  21. There is a lot here on using pheromones. It was also pheromones that originally brought me here also. If you have any specific questions, I will try to answer them. With pheromones, I am sure you have read that often less is more. Start your dosing low and work your way up until you see what you are looking for. And run with a specific does a couple days to test the waters. Pheromones IMO merely grease the skids for you. People do what they are inclined to do. Pheromones just help push it along. The real work will always be up to you. Don't be surprised if those closest to you either do not react at first or if they look at you funny. The ones closest to you already have a strong notion of who you are. It is hard to shift that sometimes. Likewise they are also very familiar (subconsciously) with your pheromone signature and will unconsciously pick up on the change and then consciously wonder what is different about you. My mom spent the day looking at me like she was trying to figure out what had changed about me or what I was doing the first time I wore pheros around her. I just go about my day and let the pheros do their thing helping me along. I often do not see their effects until I look back on a given interaction.
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