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I'm interested to hear what you guys think of this one.


I was pouring this one last week for the orders, and I just got this overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility, and like a balloon of love feeling in my tummy. It was so cool! It took me a minute to figure out why I got that sudden feeling, then looked at what I pouring, LOL! I'm interested in hearing how people will react to it when worn.


Dolly and Ail, hope you'll do some 'field testing' when you get yours!

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I'm interested to hear what you guys think of this one.


I was pouring this one last week for the orders, and I just got this overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility, and like a balloon of love feeling in my tummy. It was so cool! It took me a minute to figure out why I got that sudden feeling, then looked at what I pouring, LOL! I'm interested in hearing how people will react to it when worn.


Dolly and Ail, hope you'll do some 'field testing' when you get yours!



Oh, if it is in my box, you KNOW I'll test it.....

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A smidge of each. :)



Kewel......field tests coming up! Teehee.....

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At the end of the month, I am going to be visiting my family, and we are going to be having a big birthday party for my grandmother......there is quite a bit of animosity between some of my "estranged" relatives.....I think that treasured hearts will probably be the ticket! Now, just to figure out which scent to mix it with......ooooooh, maybe Mermaids!

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I wore this out to dinner with an old friend tonight, with LP GREEN. She hugged me and kissed me repeatedly, told me how much she loved me, said she wished we could LIVE TOGETHER... (NOT gay, btw) Over the top affection!!!

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I wore this out to dinner with an old friend tonight, with LP GREEN. She hugged me and kissed me repeatedly, told me how much she loved me, said she wished we could LIVE TOGETHER... (NOT gay, btw) Over the top affection!!!


This is good to know.....I am DEFINITELY going to wear it at my family function....some of my cousins need all the good vibes they can get!!!! And, I really don't want to play referree!

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This is good to know.....I am DEFINITELY going to wear it at my family function....some of my cousins need all the good vibes they can get!!!! And, I really don't want to play referree!


*Hearing* you on that one - I need about a bucketful next time I go home! If only we could get the stuff to work over the phone!

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I swear on a stack of bibles, pheromones do work over the phone.


Well Lillith do tell us more...inquiring minds want to know...okay so I really wanna know, can you tell me why you think they work over the phone or give me an example of how it happened for you...That is freakin fabulous if they really do.


djacquelyn :(

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Today, I am meeting with an elderly couple (clients) who need to be handled with a very soft touch. I want them to have that warm, fuzzy feeling about me.....they are usually quite grumpy.....not argumentative like some of my other customers, just not "happy campers" in general.....so, I am testing out "treasured hearts", so I can see if it helps.


I'll post my results this afternoon!

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OK, this one is probably going to be in full bottle status for me. Since I have been dealing with this older gentleman (since March), I don't think I have ever seen him smile. UNTIL TODAY. He is always grumpy and grouchy, and stressed. Today, he was that way when I arrived. Then, we sat down beside each other and I started reviewing his books with him. By the time I left, he was chuckling and smiling, and thanking me for the job I am doing for him, and telling me how lucky his is to have me on "his team".


I was wearing a little roll to each wrist, a dab to the cleavage, and a roll to each side of the neck. Covered with Honeyed Seductions. That's it. And, it's a winner.


If you want somebody to "show you some love", get some of Treasured Hearts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently tried Treasured Hearts while I was at home with my 11 year old nephew, and we're usually constantly arguing with eachother whenever I have to look after him. I say this works great because he was a lot less argumentative with me, and tended to follow me around the house more than usual, he was still annoying but 10 times less than he usually is. I'm surprised this blend didn't include Est, I thought it would when I saw the picture of it in the new releases thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am DEFINITELY getting a full bottle of this one with my next order.......


OK, so I had to edit because I had a client walk in while I was posting.....


This phero blend gives the wearer an "almost shiney" feeling.....at least it does to me.....I'm sure many of you will pick up on what I mean. But, it goes a little deeper than that, too. It not only makes ME feel calm and at peace when wearing it, but it makes everyone around me spread the love!!

Edited by Dolly
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Blargh! I'll definitely need this before I head home w/the sweetie to my family in Oct!


Oh yeah, Katz.....it worked wonders when I went to visit mine!

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I just got it in the mail yesterday and plan to try it out Thursday w/SP, can't wait !!

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Unfortunately, unscented pheros are not currently available in sample form. Some people have organized decant circles, to share the cost of a full bottle, such as here. You could certainly run one for Treasured Hearts, or ask if any one else would be willing to host a circle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally tested this and all I can say is WOW !! I had intended only to wear CFM but remembered 'TH' at the last minute and dabbed some on. While SP and I both have a healthy sexual appetite w/o pheros, this packed a wallop ! Some moments WILD and limitless, yet other moments caring and tender. WE had a GREAT night and a VERY NICE "GOOD MORNING" ! Hmmmmm.....

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I finally tested this and all I can say is WOW !! I had intended only to wear CFM but remembered 'TH' at the last minute and dabbed some on. While SP and I both have a healthy sexual appetite w/o pheros, this packed a wallop ! Some moments WILD and limitless, yet other moments caring and tender. WE had a GREAT night and a VERY NICE "GOOD MORNING" ! Hmmmmm.....



Way to go!!! I like Treasured Hearts, too.....I have a full bottle coming in my August package....

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Way to go!!! I like Treasured Hearts, too.....I have a full bottle coming in my August package....


Thx, only now I think I should get a bottle of CFM too !!

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Thx, only now I think I should get a bottle of CFM too !!



My man likes CFM so well that one full bottle wasn't enough.....I ordered a backup bottle!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed something, on the actual bottle of unscented Treasured Hearts, the ingredients are Alpha and Beta androstenol, androsterone, and epi-androsterone. On the site description it says it contains 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone. Is it a typo?

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I noticed something, on the actual bottle of unscented Treasured Hearts, the ingredients are Alpha and Beta androstenol, androsterone, and epi-androsterone. On the site description it says it contains 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone. Is it a typo?


What's on the bottle is correct. I had designed the labels and did the write up for the website before I had the actual product in my hands, so I had to do some little changes to the actual labels when I got the product and read through the ingredients the way that Dr. Stone listed them.


Dr. Stone says that there are multiple ways to name each pheromone - there's at least 3 names for each molecule...depending upon how technical your preference.


These are all the same thing:




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  • 1 month later...

My second day of using this and so far on both days I've gotten smiles from two different men who were unable to do that before. They had been pretty timid around me. Yesterday, one was more cautious about it as he gave me a quick smile like he didn't want to risk rejection (but he was also a jerk to me some months back so I've ignored him for the most part). He also put himself around me most of my workout. I'm not kidding when I say that he made sure he was within observation distance and even within 4 or 5 feet of me a few times. And it was when he was that close that he managed the smile.


Today, another guy who has been timid and working toward taking some initiative actually gave me the friendliest, nicest smile and hello. I'll give TH credit for that since until today, he could barely manage a half-hearted smile. I don't know, must be the Alpha in me that intimidates these guys. But he was practically next to me when he said hi, so I think TH definitely helped.

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My second day of using this and so far on both days I've gotten smiles from two different men who were unable to do that before. They had been pretty timid around me. Yesterday, one was more cautious about it as he gave me a quick smile like he didn't want to risk rejection (but he was also a jerk to me some months back so I've ignored him for the most part). He also put himself around me most of my workout. I'm not kidding when I say that he made sure he was within observation distance and even within 4 or 5 feet of me a few times. And it was when he was that close that he managed the smile.


Today, another guy who has been timid and working toward taking some initiative actually gave me the friendliest, nicest smile and hello. I'll give TH credit for that since until today, he could barely manage a half-hearted smile. I don't know, must be the Alpha in me that intimidates these guys. But he was practically next to me when he said hi, so I think TH definitely helped.



I really like this blend too.....very nice! Dr Stone is a genius!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I forgot to post that I wore this on Thanksgiving and there was happiness and no drama and everyone getting along very well. I do believe it made for a lovely dinner since usually there is at least some or even one snippy exchange. But nope. Not even the hint of a snip. TH is a must have!

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I wore this on Thanksgiving as well. I wasn't sure what to expect with the group that was gathering. My Thanksgiving turned out very well too. No problems to speak of. Everyone was getting along and socializing. I still didn't like about half of the people, but no one could tell. :) Thank you, Treasured Hearts!! :)

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  • 11 months later...

I wore this one to an interview last week. I got a bottle of Cherry Almondine boosted with this from Djac (it's delish!!) and it seemed to be the perfect perfume to wear for this. I had to ask two women about their work and their experiences with other co-workers. It was important for me to find out what the situation was really like, and I needed them to be open and honest about everything. An earlier appointment had gone wrong because of a mix up with one of my co-workers and I knew they would be kind of annoyed that they had to made a new appointment for this. When I entered the room they were friendly but quite reserved. Obviously I started with making excuses for the mix-up and they seemed really pleased with that. During the interview they became more revealing about how their company works and what they thought of that, what irritated them, what they love about it. After half an hour they became really candid telling what really annoyed them and how they felt about certain collegues.


Of course I didn't know this women at first, but I felt they really trusted me with their stories. When I left they were really nice and told me to come back any time when I had more questions. Not sure if it were the phero's but, I never got so much trust from people I don't know!

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  • 4 months later...

Alright I'm considering boosting a bottle of LP Silver with this. TT responds horribly to Est. (accept the Lace blend, which gives me a headache). I'm thinking TH is the answer, anyone else?

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so I really wanna know, can you tell me why you think they work over the phone or give me an example of how it happened for you...That is freakin fabulous if they really do.


Apologies for a re-dredge of a very long-ago post (and veering off topic to boot), but I saw this and had to respond. I don't know about the phone, but one time I was wearing a lot of LAM (pink amber) and crossed the street without looking (not because of the LAM :) I was just not paying attention, for no good reason). I did NOT have the light, and a van had to screech to a stop and it almost got rear-ended by the car behind it. I waved apologetically to the guys in the van and scooted the rest of the way across the street, cringing & not turning around because I expected them to open their windows and scream at me (people do that where I live, if you're LUCKY that's all they do). Sure enough, the passenger rolled down his window and screamed HEY! I was probably at least 15 feet away at that point. I turned around with dread. The van had slowed way down. The guy yells "I LOVE YOUR HAIR!" and the van continues on.


OK their windows had been closed, and the closest I got to them was probably 8 feet or so at least. And my hair did not look special that day in any way. Believe me, they did it for teh pheruz.

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Apologies for a very re-dredge of a very long-ago post, but I saw this and had to respond. I don't know about the phone, but one time I was wearing a lot of LAM (pink amber) and crossed the street without looking (not because of the LAM :) I was just not paying attention, for no good reason). I did NOT have the light, and a van had to screech to a stop and it almost got rear-ended by the car behind it. I waved apologetically to the guys in the van and scooted the rest of the way across the street, cringing & not turning around because I expected them to open their windows and scream at me (people do that where I live, if you're LUCKY that's all they do). Sure enough, the passenger rolled down his window and screamed HEY! I was probably at least 15 feet away at that point. I turned around with dread. The van had slowed way down. The guy yells "I LOVE YOUR HAIR!" and the van continues on.


OK their windows had been closed, and the closest I got to them was probably 8 feet or so at least. And my hair did not look special that day in any way. Believe me, they did it for teh pheruz.



Funny you should mention that! There have been many times that I've gotten phero "hits" when I'm WAY out of range for anyone to smell me. No flirting or acting different... I've wondered if pheros change your aura and people subconciously pick up in that visually.. Maybe Mara or Dr. Stone would know?

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Alright I'm considering boosting a bottle of LP Silver with this. TT responds horribly to Est. (accept the Lace blend, which gives me a headache). I'm thinking TH is the answer, anyone else?



Beccah, I loooooooove Treasured Hearts, and my man reacts great to it. Mine is another one who has mixed reactions to high amounts of

Est.....but does ok if it is tempered with something more dominant.....with Treasured Hearts, I get a really lovey-dovey vibe from him.....and, it works well with women that you come into contact with also.....

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