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Popularity Potion

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the spray version of UN PP and sprayed from my belly button to my cleavage, then I sprayed on one wrist and remembered that someone wrote that you rub it down with your wrists. I did that with the wrist that I had not applied it. It dried in less than 5 minutes, so I applied Lina's White Velvet Rose over it and went on my way.

Within 10 minutes I felt quite hyper. I kept thinking about going somewhere where I could find a lot of people, instead of going to class, and the mall sounded like an idea... I think it was a self-effect of the pheros because I never skip classes for something so silly, and I am not into big crowds, but I felt like I should. One male classmate would stare at me every now and then, my professor had a huge smile when I went to ask her about something - she is usually nice, but that big grin was unexpected, and another female classmate kept talking to me or when she laughed or smiled she tried to make eye contact with me. She also said she loved me when I said something funny lol.

I felt quite giddy and had to control myself to not burst out laughing a couple times. To be honest, sometimes I felt like I was high and I was watching everything from a screen rather than being there.


My head hurt a bit and about 4 hours later I started to sniff the pheros again - it smells like sweat to me - so I grabbed my Chanel 5 parfum and sprayed over it. I feel like it intensified the scent because I have been walking on a Chanel 5 cloud ever since.


Ok, then I went to the store and this guy who walked in at the same time as me must have been hit by the pheros because he kept following me around but when I turned and saw him, he just turned around the corner, but rushed to be in the same line as I was. The man next to me who had paid for his groceries stood there for a bit after he paid, as if unsure of something. I stopped at a liquor store to get something and the lady who works there is usually either annoyed to see me or uninterested, but tonight she seemed mesmerized, and I had to repeat myself to her. When she gave me my purchase, she just stared at me as if she had never seem a person before.


Also, I felt like going to take a nap a few times. Maybe I applied too much? Tomorrow there's a burger grilling sale that I am volunteering for and I want to try PP again, but I will spray only once on my cleavage and rub it down with my wrists. I also have BI roll-on and I want to try it too, but just a tiny bit behind my ears or maybe on my elbow crook. edit: i just read on the description of BI that it is better to apply on torso area, so I will try that.

Edited by sexyandfamous
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Sounds like a bit of an OD effect with the hyperactivity, headache and need for a nap. There is a lot of information on this forum about that so keep reading. I would back way off on the dose then add a little each time until you find your sweet spot.

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I agree with Irish eyes on the OD. Perhaps you are wonderfully receptive to pheros and only need a spray or 2 ^_^

Has anyone ever paired PP with Blatant Invitation?

I have combo'd many things but this is actually not one of them :Emoticons04263: Looking solely at the molecules in the 2 you would be adding cops and a smidge of androstenone. If you're only planning to wear a bit of BI at your navel, because it would be so well buffered by the PP, I would think you would get more from the addition of the cops than the androstenone. You may go from Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie...If you decide to try it let us know if you notice a change :)

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I got a trial spray of PP in my order. I have never tried it and am very much looking forward to experimenting with it. Naturally, I will start off light and up the dose if needed. I will use it on its own as well until I determine what effects it has on me and others. Nutrix, if this stuff somehow morphs me into Angelina Jolie, I am getting a life time supply!!! :cat690::say19:;)

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:D The Angelina reference was in response to adding a bit of shmexy to what is, for me, a perfectly innocent mix. You'll be the sparkle and shine of the room regardless I should think! ^_~

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Just need to give an update-Sent a custom made perfume(yeah I make perfume for my family and friends) with about 20% PP added and sent it to my sister. She works for a high end cosmetic company- she has to wear their perfume or something very clean and fresh.

Anyways- she called me today and said the day she wore PP she had the best sale day ever. That is saying alot since she has worked for this company for 30 years!!

I love it when my family just tried to humor me and think I am nuts, then I prove to them I know what I am talking about!!


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I don't wear this often, but I was on the way to a Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving party and swiped this on before I headed out the door. As the lone female amidst a slew of couples and a handful of other single peeps, I'd normally feel out of my comfort zone a little. But for some reason, I felt at ease, and I feel a part of that is probably due to the Popularity Potion. I stood in between the kitchen and the living room and told stories and had a blast. People kept telling me how entertaining I was, and I think I even met a cute dude (we'll see!). So Popularity Potion, as always, made me feel like I was the sparkling addition to this party atmosphere. I wish I had made a note of how much I'd put on, because it was just the right amount to garner a bunch of compliments, which I am always a fan of! ;)

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Just need to give an update-Sent a custom made perfume(yeah I make perfume for my family and friends) with about 20% PP added and sent it to my sister. She works for a high end cosmetic company- she has to wear their perfume or something very clean and fresh.

Anyways- she called me today and said the day she wore PP she had the best sale day ever. That is saying alot since she has worked for this company for 30 years!!

I love it when my family just tried to humor me and think I am nuts, then I prove to them I know what I am talking about!!



how did you do to mix perfume with the phero?

i still haven't figured out the best dosage for me

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how did you do to mix perfume with the phero?

i still haven't figured out the best dosage for me

Well I know that Mara mixes hers(phero enhanced scents) about 33% and I tend to be alittle bit of an oversprayer so I cut down the amount of phero to 20% and that seems to work for me with this. LFM is really strong for me so I mix 10-15% only . You just have to test it out to find your sweet spot, less is more for me except Cougar which I can almost slather

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I FINALLY tried Popularity Potion! Why oh Why did I wait so long!?! HA

I first received it as "Sweet Chic" I think this scent is great for PP and may buy a FB if theres any floating around.

I now have an UnFB


PP reminds me of an absolute FAVORITE mix of mine from another company that one day disappeared and was never heard from again :/ (The Mix not the company.)

I want to do a more in depth report when I get more time with it alone (not mixed with other stuff like cops etc.)

I am still trying to find my sweet spot with this one as I seem to OD sometimes which turns into WOA to much turn it off! get me off this crazy ride ha!

I cant wait to see how the hits go when I go out for a night of fun.


So far everyday just doing errands. It seems like I just morph into this social butterfly and everyone but everyone seems to want to talk to me, or is interested in what i'm doing, or trying to get closer.

Words I would use to describe how I feel mostly: Happy, Fun, Doing my own thing (and whatever it is however simple/Mundane is great ha) Open, Talkative, Friendly :)


Yep! It's happened again... I've found another favorite~!

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YAY! What a beautiful sounding beginning to what looks like the budding of a great new favorite for you! ^_^

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I've been testing this for a few weeks and Super Love for this one. Everyone is sooo nice to me, like out of their way nice when I wear this.


I feel sparkly, shiny and all around good about myself - so loving those selfies.


I wore out the other night and immediately had a lot more people (that I don't know) come up to me, chatting, etc. Seems to draw in both men and women. And interestingly enough, though this is definitely a social - it attracts men of interest - or men that maybe I could be interested in if that makes sense. I also felt more outgoing and social.


I was lucky enough to get this in (almost) FB spray with 60/40 ration in trade/ sale with Hearts. Thankful to have and want to always have this one! It works on many levels.


Only one negative - was talking with a guy when another girl came up and went out of her way to be a bit bitchy to me. This girl was definitely not happy with the guy. I think that she may have been bitchier if I had not been wearing this. She only said about 3 words to me then went back to yelling (or talking loudly w/ bitchiness) to the guy, but she did not go after me verbally or anything. I def think this was pop potion working. And LP Pink of course.

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So um, weird question.


I got a little unscented trial bottle of this, and while I am not ready to conclusively report any kind of hits yet, something weird is happening.


This smells amazing on me. It's unscented, I know. But I kept smelling something INCREDIBLE earlier and couldn't figure it out and then I realized- it's gotta be this. I put it on without anything else over it because I was out with my grandma today and she is very fragrance sensitive.


It's soft and powdery almost, like kind of in the same family as a baby powder but WAY better than ANY baby powder I've ever smelled, and it smells like...like if you took sandalwood or rosewood or some other kind of beautiful fragrant wood and left it in the sun to warm. It's fantastic. I don't understand it a bit.


Has anyone else ever experienced this?

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I have this and have not tried it yet! I know, crazy. Has not been a priority as of late, however. When I do try, will post back!

Rose, pls try soon and post soon - I feel kind of glowy with it, not overy flashy but glowy and wonderful. It also makes me friendlier when out and about. I'm glad I have in spray too, but also one of my 1st sprays so being very careful not to overdo it. :D


Hi Princess!! So far I haven't noticed a scent on its own but that's bc I've sprayed only over my scent. But that said I do think it casts a wonderful aura and perhaps that's what you're sensing? It's a definite possibility. For other Uns (without cops), I have noticed an ever so slight pleasant scent. I'll def try this solo and report back. :)

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Rose, pls try soon and post soon - I feel kind of glowy with it, not overy flashy but glowy and wonderful. It also makes me friendlier when out and about. I'm glad I have in spray too, but also one of my 1st sprays so being very careful not to overdo it. :D


Hi Princess!! So far I haven't noticed a scent on its own but that's bc I've sprayed only over my scent. But that said I do think it casts a wonderful aura and perhaps that's what you're sensing? It's a definite possibility. For other Uns (without cops), I have noticed an ever so slight pleasant scent. I'll def try this solo and report back. :)



Welcome Princess! That sounds quite close to what my straight EST spray smells like to me. It's a soft, powdery pleasant smell. Pop potion has EST in it, so that's probably contributing.


Thank you! It very well may be the EST, although I don't remember this smell coming from my UN Cuddle Bunny. I'll have to test it. It just completely took me by surprise- it's DEFINITELY a smell and not a feel, and it's so incredible to boot. Which I find hilarious because it's very rare my body chemistry doesn't warp a scent horrifically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late response here Princess, but in Cuddle Bunny the scent of cops would be overwhelming the scent of EST.


I'm trying to start figuring this blend out now. It feels inconsistent in terms of seeing any effects or not. This seems to be one of those blends where some people need a mega-dose for really good effects, so maybe that's all I've been doing wrong so far. I'll try 5 sprays and see what happens.

Edited by vladmyra
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It was Dolphindolls2 (I'm pretty sure) that inspired me to bump it up. I tried what I thought would surely be OD territory. I don't notice too many self effects with PP, but when I bumped it up I hoped I might :) I did get a mood lift but I mainly had to gage how it was effecting others. This blend garners attention from other people like, r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. I figured bumping it up like that might give me a headache, but it didn't, oddly. We're talking fog here, something between 5-9 sprays at x1 strength of experimentation. 5-7 seems to be the happy, blatant hits, place for me. That's a lot of sprays! (But Cougar Potion seems to be the same for me. 2 sprays at x3 strength on that one is just right.) Once you find that sweet spot though - you'll have a lot of fun! ^_^

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Wow, up to 9 sprays! I do need see what a dousing might do in that case. Cougar is another I'm also still figuring out, so I'll spray both like the world is ending and see what happens. I really want this one to work for me so you've given me some hope Nutrix.


I never gauge a blend by how it effects me, as I often find self-effects are minimal. I'm all about the covert influence on others. B)

Edited by vladmyra
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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

I wore this today... A scent enhanced w/PP turns me into Bitchy Bitch, but UN PP gave me pretty good selfies. I was chatty, in a good mood... I haven't noticed effects on others yet, must retest ;)

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Maybe the higher dose is a better fit for you? I can say this is one I quite FOG in. I have the Un in x1 strength spray and when I finally run out and need another bottle I will likely go with the higher strength to save $$$ because I use SO many sprays :D

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Wow, I think I'm a total phero lightweight on most things - about 3-4 sprays of this (x1 strength 60/40) is a good sweet spot for me. I layer with LP scent (non phero). I've had great selfies and social hits with Pop Potion. It's so uplifting and helps self-confidence. Glad for this thread!


I wore this with Sugared Egyptian Musk and LP Pink (just a dab) on New Years Eve and it made for interesting conversations and interactions. Peripheral friends of friends were definitely more interested in talking with me and being around me. I must've overdone something though bc I did get a bit of jealousy (catty behavior), but only from 1 woman.


One guy leaned in to sniff my dress (huh?) and said "wow, what are you wearing??" - referring to scent - but he got that plus this phero. His eyes opened really wide, and I'm not entirely sure he meant to even say that. I wasn't wearing any cops - just those LP scents and Pop Potion. :D I don't even know what made him lean in to get such a strong sniff, but must have been the combo, with most of it coming from the Pop Potion. :Emoticons04277:

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Guest cutie.pie

Yeah, I guess higher dose works better for me. So weird! ;)

Now if I could only find my sweet spot so that it effects others too :D

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I don't even know what made him lean in to get such a strong sniff, but must have been the combo, with most of it coming from the Pop Potion. :Emoticons04277:


I had someone lean in like that for Gotcha! in Fuzzy Wuzzy :D He was drawn by the fragrance but quite hit by the phero. The look of surprise on both of us must've been priceless! We've been friends for years and both had a good laugh over it though...plus, I know the little phero secret like you do too ^_~


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  • 1 month later...

Hi sexyandfamous- just curious, how much are you wearing - and are you wearing spray or oil? The reason I'm asking is just bc of all the advice about starting with small doses in pheros (i.e. less really is more) and was wondering.


I'm a phero light-weight and with most pheros I've tried, less is more for me. I have most pheros in oil, but pop potion is one I have in spray and it just feels like it works better that way.

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I haven't had any luck with this one..... I wear it at least once a week and zero hits.

I had the same issue with this for a long time. It took awhile for me to get this. I need a pretty good dose (in relation to what it takes other blends that work for me right away).

I have a 60/40 spray x1. Only really wear this with the enhanced scents. So it put on the scent, a good slather with the oil and add 4 sprays on top.

I don't get a lot of selfies but I can feel the vibe and it does affect others. I've had good social hits with both men and women. People do seem to focus on me more intently, but it's a little more subtle than I get with say Cougar or Lace which were among the first blends I tried. I had the same issue with Treasured Hearts. I find with blends that don't give me self effects, it's harder to notice hits.

And I agree with Beach Goddess. The spray feels more effective with this one.

You might want to try Halos advice and try Cougar. The self effect and hit are more noticeable.

Edited by StacyK
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I seem to have gone from fogger to outright gassing with this one. I have the spray and I also have it in enhanced fragranced oils - but I DO use a ton. ^_^

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PP UN failed for me also ,however found success when I used Totem lamb

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started with a high dose and eventually cut down to only from belly button to breasts and got zero hits EXCEPT when I am around my ex, because he would have a really hard time not getting close to me.

Try it up higher. Neck and a little on chest and split a dab or 2 between your wrists. So you get it out there under their noses.
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I'm one of the people in the "more is more" category. I pretty well fog in this for effect. I have the spray and don't use less that 6 sprays of the 1x strength to get the blatant hits.


Not everyone is like this for sure, we're all different, PLUS all pheros don't behave for everyone or the intended target.

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I am going to try it this week using a bit and a lot.

I will put behind my neck, on my wrists and maybe behind my ears.

I usually apply between my breasts and I guess it is not a good spot.


Then I will apply a lot, pretty much in most pulse points or at least 4 sprays per spot I apply.

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