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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

Guest Lor

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore my Cougar Potion spray yesterday, in anticipation of working later that evening. But the place where I noticed the hits was at Thanksgiving dinner! I wasn't feeling well, but medicated myself and stuck it out. At my sister's, there were like 30 people, and they all loved me! Especially the kids, lol. My sister was actually nice to me, too. ;) it was a fun day

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are more than welcome cutie.pie :)


Recently i think i found my sweet spot with this. I used to use 3 sprays but lately i wanted to make an awesome impression to someone who i hadn't seen in a very long time. So i tried 5 sprays. OMG! LP red and OCCO Red were on the winning team too ;)

I met him with a couple of his friends for a drink at a cafe and it was amazing. I felt so confident and sparkly and it was obvious others were picking up on these vibes too.

I was the center of attention, i was funny and talkative and such a delight to be around! I could see other patrons from the nearby tables staring at me too.

So now i either go with 4 or 5 sprays.

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Guest cutie.pie

Can sweet spot amounts fluctuate with time of cycle? Or is that more fragrance related?

I can't wear Cougar when it's the middle of my cycle...don't know why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far this is my favorite- mostly because of the selfies this just makes me in a good mood and relaxes me I'm finding myself much less irritable when I'm wearing it- (I'm very premenopausal) one thing I'eve noticed I get a lot of "hits" from men in my age group 45-55ish they are much more flirty -but when I wear LFM I get more "hits" from younger guys (the 30 somethings) but I don't notice any selfies. I'm Sure there is some science behind this- I m finding this all fascinating

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i love this phero!!!I went out yesterday with a guy i'm casually dating and one of his friends. I wore 5 sprays of Stone Cougar and LP Red+OCCO Red (his favorite). I had such a nice time. I love the selfies this phero gives me. I'm more relaxed. more fun, witty all the good things. I'm smilling a lot and people love this.

It's like it lets me be more "me".


...The end of the night was awesome too ;)


As Halo said above, sweet spot testing is everything. I was afraid of OD with this one at first so i had only gone up to 3 sprays. Well let me just say that two more sprays (5 in total) madea huge difference :)


A question for the ladies here with more experience than me:

If i was to get this phero in x3spray, how many spritzes would i use? And would you suggest going x3 strength next time or stick to x1?

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Because I found myself using 5 & 6 sprays, I ordered my next bottle in x3. Now I use 2 sprays, and even occasionally (now that it's colder) will spray my coat or scarves with an extra one.


It was just a more economical choice for me mainly, being as I used so many sprays, it just made sense to go higher. It took me a couple times to remember to take it easy the first few times I wore it though! :D


Cougar is my fail safe. This blend ALWAYS shines - totally worth the investment if you feel the same imho :heart:

Edited by NuTrix
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NuTrix, that's interesting that you use such a whacking great dose. I have had inconsistent hits with Cougar and I'm wondering if I need more of the blend itself like you do (but maybe not quite so much!). I have it in the scented potion and I find that a very strong scent. As a result I never really slather but I might get better phero results if I did.


If there is a Cougar pheromas trial left over I might have to try it that way or beg someone to decant a bit or something. I want to crack the Cougar code!

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:D The equivalent to 9 sprays IS A LOT but 6 are smothered under all of my layers until I get to work/home. Normally I'm just traipsing about in 6 (2 x3 sprays). I use even more of the Pop Potion to get good results! These are the only 2 I hugely fog in so far. Hmm. I don't amp anything in the scented CP, so I'm guilty of slathering that too :lol:

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I think i might go with x3 next time. Then with just two sprays I'll be good to go ;)


Stone Cougar is my favorite phero so far, it makes feel good and i think that this is obvious to others and it draws them in...

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It so happens that I have a big birthday coming up in May and I will be stateside for it, so maybe I will get myself the UN spray to as treat/experiment. Sounds like I'd be likely to find someone who would have it if it didn't work and I put it in the trading post!

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I wore my Cougar spray to my NYE party last night, 'cause I've always had pretty decent success using at as a social around both men and women. But last night was a totally different experience. I got appreciative looks & flirty chit-chat from the dudes in the room, but all I got from the women, save 2, was the stink eye! So weird. I've never had this kind of divided response to Cougar before. At least, not that I can remember. Maybe it wasn't the Cougar. These people are pretty clique-y, so maybe it was just that I'm not "one of them". The (same) women were noticeably friendlier last year, though, so I've got to wonder... (Actually, now I'm wondering what I wore last NYE!) I still had an alright enough night, but I was relieved when it was time for me to go home.

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I wore my Cougar spray to my NYE party last night, 'cause I've always had pretty decent success using at as a social around both men and women. But last night was a totally different experience. I got appreciative looks & flirty chit-chat from the dudes in the room, but all I got from the women, save 2, was the stink eye! So weird. I've never had this kind of divided response to Cougar before. At least, not that I can remember. Maybe it wasn't the Cougar. These people are pretty clique-y, so maybe it was just that I'm not "one of them". The (same) women were noticeably friendlier last year, though, so I've got to wonder... (Actually, now I'm wondering what I wore last NYE!) I still had an alright enough night, but I was relieved when it was time for me to go home.


Maybe they were jealous/saw you as a threat....

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You said you only met them once before at the last New Year's Eve party right? So last time you were totally new and therefore they might have been more curious about you. This time they know you a little but not enough to include you in their little groups. I hate going to parties where everyone immediately divides into their little sections. At least the Cougar helped with part of the party population.

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Thanks ladies. I'm not really sure what the issue was. I'd laugh my ass off if it was a jealousy/threat issue - I'm at least 10 years older than everyone there, and it was so cold, I had my bulky parka on the whole night, so if anyone was checkin' me out, they only got as far as my face & my Docs! lol... I'm just glad I got out of there relatively early, so I didn't have to deal with it that long. I hate that clique-y shit. It's weird, and I don't really get it.

Edited by Eggers
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Since you smashed the party last year, maybe they all heard so much gushing about you after that party that they were, like Dolly said - jealous/threatened.


Let them have their cliques - their loss lovely lady :heart:

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  • 3 months later...

Well your face is amazingly gorgeous so I'm sure you could inspire jealousy Ms. Supermodel!


I AGREE!!! I am so totally jealous of Eggers!



OK, so I am posting this because I don't want any newbies to think that Cougar works ONLY on younger men. I have a client who is about 5-6 yrs older than me. I have been doing work for him for several years, and today he was coming by to finish things up. I didn't apply scented Cougar in order to elicit a reaction.....I applied it for me.....no extra cops.....just scented Cougar in oil to give me a little pick-me-up.


Well, he arrived about 30 min after I applied it, and when he got here, he started having a really DEEP convo with me about his personal life and what he is going through. When he left, he gave me a big hug, which is out of character for him. Usually, he is friendly, and we joke around, but he has never hugged me before! Very out of character. Thanked me for letting him vent.

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Great hit and a really helpful heads-up/reminder. Also, digging your new avi!


Thanks.....dug this one up when I was cleaning some old stuff off of my laptop......



ETA.....He just came back by and dropped off a big fat bonus.......like more than twice his usual quarterly rate......I like that! And in response, I gave him a BIG hug!!

Edited by Dolly
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Thanks.....dug this one up when I was cleaning some old stuff off of my laptop......



ETA.....He just came back by and dropped off a big fat bonus.......like more than twice his usual quarterly rate......I like that! And in response, I gave him a BIG hug!!


Wow, great stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been trying to figure out where to post a review on the scented cougar, which I've been wearing for the last couple of days (if anyone can direct me).


Boy, I wanted to love, love, love this as I am a HUGE COUGAR. While I'm a big fan of grapefruit sprays, this smells a little too young girl/sweet at the beginning for my tastes. However, the drydown is pretty elegant. My biggest problem is that I can't smell it much 20 minutes after I spray (and I spray a lot). Seems like my skin eats it and you'd only catch a whiff if you had my arm wrapped around your neck like a python. Absolutely no linger or throw for me. The grapefruit goes away, the sparkle goes away, and I'm left with just a pretty pink sugar type of smell on my wrist.


I think the way to play this is to roll on some, and then spray over it (this requiring me to have a reason to buy more cougar potion in spray form). Any advice to make this throw more?

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Maybe you need the oil to add a lasting scent and then use the spray on top of it. You will get good initial throw while the spray is around and then you'll have the oil that will give you a nice lingering version of it that is more personal but longer lasting. Just a thought.

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My goodness, really? It is very strong on my and lasts for about 100 years! Could your nose just be getting used to it after a while so that is isn't as noticeable to you but might still be to those around you?


Ug! This happens to sometimes - I'm SO jealous when I know others can smell the amazingness and I get either a faint whisper or a note - or worse - lose the fragrance completely!


A spray on clothes or a scarf usually helps, so maybe a scent locket?


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I've been trying to figure out where to post a review on the scented cougar, which I've been wearing for the last couple of days (if anyone can direct me).


Boy, I wanted to love, love, love this as I am a HUGE COUGAR. While I'm a big fan of grapefruit sprays, this smells a little too young girl/sweet at the beginning for my tastes. However, the drydown is pretty elegant. My biggest problem is that I can't smell it much 20 minutes after I spray (and I spray a lot). Seems like my skin eats it and you'd only catch a whiff if you had my arm wrapped around your neck like a python. Absolutely no linger or throw for me. The grapefruit goes away, the sparkle goes away, and I'm left with just a pretty pink sugar type of smell on my wrist.


I think the way to play this is to roll on some, and then spray over it (this requiring me to have a reason to buy more cougar potion in spray form). Any advice to make this throw more?

My first notion is to say try it out a few times, it may have more throw than you think.

Citrus tends to burn off faster than other notes and my skin burns it off super fast, especially grapefruit IMO. But, this one does last on me as well. It's such a pronounced scent. That said, if you like the scent and want it to last longer or have more throw you could do as NuTrix said add a bit to a scarf or somewhere on your clothing (I'm guessing you have the oil?). If you're looking for a lot of throw, you'd want a spray.

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Yes, this one really sticks in clothes. I do agree that the citrus sparkle fades faster than the other elements of the perfume, but overall I do find that the overall impression of this one lasts and lasts. You could try moisturising well before you apply the oil to make sure it isn't being absorbed because your skin is dry.

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I wonder if my perfume alcohol that I use is to blame. I used 2 trial vials of the scent plus 3 trial vials worth of perfumers and put it in my own atomizer. Perhaps that is to blame.


I did notice, though, that when I got a FB of a scent and mixed that myself, it seemed stronger than the trial vials.


Nevertheless, I also tried Prince and the Showgirl on my arm and that is still really viable 8 hours later and I haven't smelled even a whiff of cougar in the trail vial since morning.

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Yes, this one really sticks in clothes. I do agree that the citrus sparkle fades faster than the other elements of the perfume, but overall I do find that the overall impression of this one lasts and lasts.


Yes, I have to really slather to get the first blast of grapefruit, but the long sumptuous dry down is creamy and wonderful and lasts for hours :heart:

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