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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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Yes, so did I. know there was one.


Equinox, it sounds like you're having a good time with it. You will eventually bump into the right target :lol: . Just focus on the fun for now.

Edited by StacyK
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Well, Mods, I searched (more intelligently this go round) & found the thread everyone was looking for.

Sorry for the hassle. What if the original thread was retitled or merged with this one?

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Well thanks to whoever took care of that for me. Looks like my review is now in the right thread!


I'm now trying to decide whether to branch out in the pheromone arena for next week's dance. I also tried LFM there once and I thought that worked out well, too. Maybe I'll try Cougar one last time because it's fun and then give OW a try. I'm not really "on the prowl" as it were, so I have no problem with forgoing Cougar for something more purely social.

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Teheee...I don't actually use CP for prowling :lol: I almost exclusively use it for a sure fire social.

It has ALWAYS played well for both men and women.

I don't know that I even look at it as sexual anymore...:huh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, this is now my favorite PE scent HANDS DOWN. I am new to the phero world but this Cougar Potion rocks!! I went to an event and I was not only the center of attention, like a rock star, but the women weren't jealous, they were all friendly too!! I usually get some envy off of women, but NOPE. This also seemed to draw the handsome men like a moth to a flame...wooo!! I can also say that certain people who weren't friendly to me in the past, were friendly to my surprise today. I absolutely adore this. It was very warm outside so I have finally witnessed PE scent in cooler temps vs. warmer. HUGE DIFFERENCE. This will be my first full bottle purchase!!


Self effects, I felt happy, upbeat, bubbly and sexy. It lasted about 8 hours even through the heat. I love this!!

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Ok, this is now my favorite PE scent HANDS DOWN. I am new to the phero world but this Cougar Potion rocks!! I went to an event and I was not only the center of attention, like a rock star, but the women weren't jealous, they were all friendly too!! I usually get some envy off of women, but NOPE. This also seemed to draw the handsome men like a moth to a flame...wooo!! I can also say that certain people who weren't friendly to me in the past, were friendly to my surprise today. I absolutely adore this. It was very warm outside so I have finally witnessed PE scent in cooler temps vs. warmer. HUGE DIFFERENCE. This will be my first full bottle purchase!!


Self effects, I felt happy, upbeat, bubbly and sexy. It lasted about 8 hours even through the heat. I love this!!


I love the scent by the way!! The citrus scent is just the best! I can see this becoming my signature perfume :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll paraphrase a remark that I made in the Cougar UN thread (due to thread confusion, heh): scented Cougar is to die for, and I also l love how versatile it is in terms of pairing with cops--I've worn this with OCCO Ambrosia, Pink, and White. Red might be nice too, if I feel like having some brown sugar with my grapefruit :P

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I ended up wearing this to a work dinner, with Topper. Wow. I felt so glamorous and VIP. And the men were all over me. Talking to me, giving me long looks. I even got messages afterwards about the impact I made on them. And no, not sexual messages, but more along the lines of "you are awesome" or "you looked stunning".

This may be one of my new favorites for going out. It definitely makes me feel great about myself, but also more open, which is important for introverted me :)

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oh yea. Cougar topped off with Topper or Lace, is intense. The hits and effects are noticeable. It must be a lot of Anol combined. Fun.

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oh yea. Cougar topped off with Topper or Lace, is intense. The hits and effects are noticeable. It must be a lot of Anol combined. Fun.

I've never tried Cougar with Lace, although I do love Lace + topper as well. It gives me a more girly, feminine, fun vibe. There is still glamour and VIP feel there, but in the case of Cougar + Topper I wear bodycon dresses, while in the case of Lace + Topper I wear Stepford wives style dresses ;) (dictated by the selfies)

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I've never tried Cougar with Lace, although I do love Lace + topper as well. It gives me a more girly, feminine, fun vibe. There is still glamour and VIP feel there, but in the case of Cougar + Topper I wear bodycon dresses, while in the case of Lace + Topper I wear Stepford wives style dresses ;) (dictated by the selfies)


With LACE, I get a bubbly, womanly va voom vibe. So on top of Cougar I that get that all the more. I've never layered Topper & LACE because I'm afraid of too much A'nol at once. I'm going to have to give it a try.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 months later...

You know, I used Cougar at my weekly dance a couple of times in the spring and eventually decided that LFM was my phero of choice for this venue. I think I may have decided too soon though. I just busted the Cougar out again after a long hiatus and I got much more noticeable hits now that I'm well known in the club. Interesting. When I tried it earlier I felt that it boosted my confidence to ask people I didn't know to dance, and that a handful of new people that I was meeting were maybe more social than they would have been otherwise. I did, however, have to fend off a creepy guy who was trying to pick me up, so that was the down side.


LFM also boosted my confidence, but perhaps not as aggressively. I didn't get any unwanted attention, although plenty of people were interested in dancing with me. I did decide that my dancing was slightly better with LFM than otherwise, but this could have been chance.


I decided to experiment with Cougar again after a few months of LFM and I basically do not sit down when I wear it because I am constantly being asked to dance. I get a bit more down time with LFM. And the same people were asking me to dance over and over again on the same evening, so I guess I know who the big Cougar responders are now.


I wonder though. I think I get the biggest responses to a phero when I change my signature after sticking with the same one for a while. I got the biggest hits on LFM, for instance, when I switched to it after a long stint of trying out Cougar and OW. Now I'm getting hits with Cougar after a long stint with LFM.


I should probably try something else out now. I did try SSFW in Sneaky Clean one time but ended up having to wash it off before the dance started. Turned out I was allergic to something in the perfume. I guess I'll have to get an UN spray. OW isn't good for me in that venue because I end up talking too much and not dancing enough. Maybe I'll try PM just to see what happens. I'm going to have to look through all my sniffies to see how many of them are boosted with anything I can experiment with. So much fun! :)

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I think you may end up being just as chatty w/ PM, lol. Only it's worse because the DHEAS in that blend gives people all of the feels for you! :lol: You could try adding in Topper to the blends that are already working for you, for when you want to switch up your signature. I know Topper has DHEAS, but that doesn't seem to make Cougar more touchy-feely, imo. Topper just seems to really amplify what's already going on w/ Cougar.

I will second trying out SS4W. I can't get that one to work for me in anything *but* Sneaky Clean. If it works for you.. it is a killer blend! I've had the most over the top response to Sneaky Clean. Had a guy walk past me & then come back from all the way across the room to ask me if it was my perfume that smelled so good.

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Hmmn. I haven't tried out my PM yet. It's in a sample of Kara Kedi I ordered. It could be fun to try it at dancing under those circumstances. I also discovered a couple of sniffies of Caressful Breeze with BI. I haven't used any of the sexual pheros before. I think it might be a bit too much for the weekly social dance though! I also found Flying Potion with Levitation. That could be fun too. Of course it's also OW-based but with the DHEAS it might make things super fun!


I really would like to try SS4W. Maybe I'll try Sneaky Clean again and see if I was just having an off day. The one thing I noticed though was that it smelled REALLY STRONG on me. Not in a bad way because it just smells like soap - but like I put on twice as much of it as I needed to (even though I only used as much as I do with any other spray, which is not much - 1.5 sprays).

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If you think you're allergic to Sneaky Clean, I would be careful. Try spraying it down the back of your outfit, so it's not in your face. I do this with all of my sprays. I don't recommend Blatant Invitation in dance hall types of situations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is for the phero not the heavenly scented version. Yet another Cougar rave...I have a spray of it, LP silver-flavored. The bottle is 95% air (SOB, the last of my LP silver in any form) and it is OLD, like years old, but was as wallopingly effective as ever. Gave myself a big spritz to crown before a work meeting with a quite senior and powerful woman who, in past encounters, always gave me the impression she was gritting her teeth and tolerating me while wishing she was talking to someone more important. She was a bad listener and talked over me a lot.

I made sure to say hello while waving the top of my head in her general direction, which probably looked as weird as it sounds, but -- she still talked over me, but WAY less than in the past, and couldn't stop complimenting me (OMG I LOVE THAT COLOR ON YOU! OMG I LOVE THAT RING! OMG YOUR HAIR LOOKS GREAT!) which she'd never done before, and offered to do WAY more for me than I had expected - WAY more than her function requires her to do, and in fact sort of against her own interest. we'll see if she actually follows through, but in any case what / that she offered was fairly extreme. Score another win for La Cougarrrrr

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just love Cougar! Wearing the scented one today, in oil, because it is so hot and humid here that spray would burn off in a skinny minute. I didn't apply much......a little on the neck and cleavage (so it would waft up into my face, and I love the scent), and a dab on the wrists.


Had to go get groceries, and here I go ......sweatpants, T-shirt, sandals, no makeup, hair in a bun (total slouch day). I was at the meat counter, seeing what I could find for a stir-fry, and an elderly man walks past me with his wife a few times, his wife in front of him. The first time he passed, I looked up and smiled, said Hi, and he walked by, slightly hunched over......looked to be in his late 70s or early 80s. Looked very tired, as if he has lived a hard life. He and his wife perused some things in the meat dept, then kept going. The second time I looked up, they were coming back from the other direction, and as soon as I looked at him, he straightened up, walking tall, and smiled a BIG smile. I couldn't help but giggle. :Emoticons04263: I gave him a little wink, and he just smiled bigger!


So the next guy I passed by was a younger man (probably mid-30s), and the situation with him turned out to be a little creepy (still funny looking back at it, though). Smiled when he passed, then stopped to turn around and look at me while I was checking out the toilet paper. Yes,very sexy surroundings....LOL. When I walked up to the register and was waiting for the cashier to finish ringing up my order, that guy saw me in line and nearly knocked over a young lady to get in line behind me. So, anyway......the cashier was grumpy when she started ringing me up, obviously NOT happy with the job today! Then all of a sudden, she starts chatting me up about the sweet chili sauce I bought, how it tastes, what she likes to use it on, etc. Cougar usually does make women like chatty Cathy around me. So, I tell her how I like it to use it, and she says...."Now, I am getting hungry!" The man behind me says...."Me too. I am going home with YOU." And this was not said in a joking manner! Standing there licking his lips! And I am thinking, "Are you kidding me?" So, the girl raises an eyebrow and looks down......you could tell she was also thinking "WTF!"......then she goes on about her business and wants my ID for the beer. This man literally says, "Here let me see that ID"......I snatched it away and said, "Trust me, I am 49." He says......"No, I don't want it for your age, I want your address!" I said......"Sorry, no can do." He says....."But why?" I seriously looked at this man, and said" Because I am in the witness protection program." Grabbed my buggy and boogied on out of there! :go: Got to the car and seriously laughed my butt off! Almost peed my pants!


And, just FYI......this was the version with no extra cops, just regular! I have had creepies when I load on the EoW, but this was just way strange for scented Cougar!

Edited by Dolly
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I love your stories Dolly! Cougar is so amazing... The second guy sounded creepy but how hilarious omg!


It was definitely an "interesting" grocery-shopping trip!

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  • 3 months later...

I ordered Cougar in the trial size now I wish I had gotten the bottle. Yesterday I wore it to work and just put a tiny amount on. I could not even smell it anymore after awhile. Knowing pheros still work I took notice that when guys walked by they would stop and look back. Even from a distance someone stopped and looked back and smiled. Guys do not usually do that to me anymore so it was a nice suprise. I love the scent too! Guess I know what to put on my list to get...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered Cougar in the trial size now I wish I had gotten the bottle. Yesterday I wore it to work and just put a tiny amount on. I could not even smell it anymore after awhile. Knowing pheros still work I took notice that when guys walked by they would stop and look back. Even from a distance someone stopped and looked back and smiled. Guys do not usually do that to me anymore so it was a nice suprise. I love the scent too! Guess I know what to put on my list to get...


Stone and Cougar Potion are Popularity Potion for me. I use it all the time when I'm going to be around new people in a crowd or giving a presentation/class. It keeps everyone engaged and in good spirits. It's a VERY versatile blend. I think you'll really enjoy it. WAY more versatile that the description implies and, for me, I find it works positively on all age groups :)

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I ordered Cougar in the trial size now I wish I had gotten the bottle. Yesterday I wore it to work and just put a tiny amount on. I could not even smell it anymore after awhile. Knowing pheros still work I took notice that when guys walked by they would stop and look back. Even from a distance someone stopped and looked back and smiled. Guys do not usually do that to me anymore so it was a nice suprise. I love the scent too! Guess I know what to put on my list to get...

Cougar rules!! :) Get it.

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I ordered Cougar in the trial size now I wish I had gotten the bottle. Yesterday I wore it to work and just put a tiny amount on. I could not even smell it anymore after awhile. Knowing pheros still work I took notice that when guys walked by they would stop and look back. Even from a distance someone stopped and looked back and smiled. Guys do not usually do that to me anymore so it was a nice suprise. I love the scent too! Guess I know what to put on my list to get...


I'll always have a special affinity for scented Cougar; the sample I got was the first thing from LPMP that I ever tested in public. It succeeded in helping me turn the head (literally) of my crush, who up until then had been in the "Is he kind of interested or just being friendly?" category. From then on it was no longer a mystery. :purr:

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 2 months later...

Hi! As reported by thread here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=11492&hl=


I wore Cougar on my last day in Florida and let me tell you not only does this stuff smells good, (yes, i'm getting a full size bottle) I got hits..............from insects!


o.m.g. I dab a small bit on my neck and when I was waiting for the bus to the event, those suckers came and bit me.


At least I met some really nice guys who thanks heaven was able to get me a good deal on tickets...I was really lucky :say19:

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Oh yeah, the bugs go after me mercilessly when I wear certain LPs! But, as a favorite natural health guru once said of organic food; "if the bugs don't want it, then neither do I." Lol, not sure if that exactly fits...but I just take it that we're extra delicious with our LPs on.

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  • 1 year later...
5 hours ago, Vicki Lee said:

@Fang do you have any tales to tell about this bad boy yet? I think you've persuaded me to try it, along with reading some other threads :)


no not yet, letting it sit a bit before trying!

tried mostly Gossamer threads as a trial vial and think that will be a full bottle next time, first time i tried it, i used it to go see my therapist male just to see his reaction lol, well while speaking to me during therapy he asked me if he could whisper in my ear, this was like a joke and made us both giggle, so i think it had some effects there lol, then after that i went into town and walked by a begger who was a young guy of around 35 i would say and good looking, so the guy asks me for some money, and i say after i come out of the shop, so on my way out i get approched by the guy again and so i look in my purse for some coins and i give him a euro in coins and the guy said thankyou can i give you a kiss?

which he did but it was the french greeting kiss.

so that was the first day of trying gossamer, i don't have anymore left but will be buying full bottle for sure when i can.

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Please y'all... Tell me why the past three months I passed up cougar because of the name.... I literally thought it was only for older women... ? I'm a good fresh ripe 20 year old, going on 21 in March (I know, I know I'm still a young'n). But I have been on Birth control for like 3-4 years so... I'm currently debating between this, Lumina, and LFM. But I feel like I need to get my wardrobe game up before I can start sporting LFM. I only have old unflattering clothes from high school :neutral: because I 1.) only go to work and home,  2.) Weight fluctuates like a mofo, and 3.) I'm waiting for Black Friday/Cyber Monday so I can get a boat load of cute cheap clothes. I really want to wait for the Phero trials but it's too far away for me to wait for my liking... But I really have this impulse where I want to buy like three UN Phero blends, and a boat load of scented trials. And take like the next month or two to see if they work. Because I'd be very sad if I just got one and it didn't work. :( I know I could try a scented trial vial but.... Idk. I actually got cougar as a freebie with my very first purchase. I think the mini-trials (have the size of regular trials) you all call "sniffies." It's veryyyyy strong in it's scent in fact this is the first one I got a headache from sniffing too much lol that grapefruit is NO joke. 


18 hours ago, Fang said:

no not yet, letting it sit a bit before trying!

tried mostly Gossamer threads as a trial vial and think that will be a full bottle next time, first time i tried it, i used it to go see my therapist male just to see his reaction lol, well while speaking to me during therapy he asked me if he could whisper in my ear, this was like a joke and made us both giggle, so i think it had some effects there lol, then after that i went into town and walked by a begger who was a young guy of around 35 i would say and good looking, so the guy asks me for some money, and i say after i come out of the shop, so on my way out i get approched by the guy again and so i look in my purse for some coins and i give him a euro in coins and the guy said thankyou can i give you a kiss?

which he did but it was the french greeting kiss.

so that was the first day of trying gossamer, i don't have anymore left but will be buying full bottle for sure when i can.

Ooooh awesome CB in general is on my to try list down the line! ☺️

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so i wore cougar today lol!

so i go see my therapist, he is my tester incognito, so he says monday i wore a dress, lol i never do, so we talk about stuff and my child hood molested years which is why i don't wear much dresses today and he says "wow monday night you wore a dress, you look look better than better wearing it, he is now thinking i don't wear dresses to avoid men which i do in a sense because after going through years of child abuse from an african baby sitter in africa i'm kinda of afraid to draw male attraction!

so i can say it worked on him lol, he is my tester as i know the effects from him and know they won't go too far lol!

so tonight at home i made a small trial vial 25% cougar, 25% tusamie cops, and 1 drop of aja!

will see monday the effects lol!

soo far cougar and gossamer are my favs!

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  • 2 months later...

lol cougar is still my go too, every time i wear it i get men advances lol, but only from the oldest guys for some reason, this works great on my therapist who is almost 70 lol 20 years my age, tommorow night is therapy night so here we go cougar lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, Cougar how I love thee, let me count thy ways!

Oh goodness THIS ONE!  So I first bought the trial size because I wasn’t sure about it and the name....I’m not looking to attract any younguns...but I am 43 and on bc and becuz of previous bc had gained 20 pounds (which I did finally loose last year) and felt kind of like I’d lost my mojo...so another whim and I got the trial size...well this stuff smells so amazing I had to turn around and get the FB! The self effects are freakin amazing! I do smell the grapefruit a little in the beginning but the dry down with the Amber is heavenly. It is definitely a popularity type potion for me (I haven’t tried the actual PP YET eventually I’m sure I will). I am a Leo and naturally gregarious but as I mentioned before.. I really felt like I’d lost my mojo. Anyways...with this one I have other stylists asking me to chime in with their clients and pple who were not necessarily chatty with me before are suddenly all about it! The other thing is that I have people almost desperate to make eye contact with me...I’m putting on the cape to start cutting their hair and they’re turning in the chair to catch eye contact with me....they can do that with the mirror but I have them turning around to make sure we make eye contact lol. I put cougar potion in all of the usual places you would with normal perfume or oils..but I also anoint my hands with it and I do run it through my hair. What happens when I do that you ask? Well then it’s “oh can I wait for her to cut my hair?” And “wow you’re having a great hair day!” (This has been true even on extreme humid days when I assure you my hair looks like Rosanna Danna lmao) 

As another poster mentioned it def gave me my swagger back. Hell, I’m even checking my own self out!  I have been layering it with LPRed too for an out of this world combination...the hits just keep coming! 

As I mentioned before I didn’t get this one to attract any younguns lol I have a boyfriend and we are happy together. What I’d hoped for was a more youthful appearance so I could attract more customers and boy did it deliver! So don’t let the name keep you from trying it the self effects alone are worth it..

”When I’m a walkin’ I strut my stuff then I’m so strung out...if I’m high as a kite I just might stop to check you out...” 

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I'm trying to figure out how I feel about Cougar Potion.  I love the smell - it wears beautifully on me and as for self-effects, it seems to make it easier to walk with confidence and to project a vibe of "here I am and I deserve to be here!!" vibe.  I honestly think it makes my wrinkles less obvious to my eyes viewing my image in the mirror, lol.  That's a nice effect!


That vibe is my normal presentation, tho.  Even if I'm not feeling it (as I tell my kids, fake it 'til you make it, lol).  I think I've been expecting more.  I have it in oil and just ordered it in spray so that might make a difference in "hits".  There have been a few hits that seems relatively out of the norm - just not that far out of the norm for me to be convinced that it's CP w/SC in and of itself.


I'm worlds away from being a beauty queen but get more than my share of attention from men.  I've never been exactly sure WHY and now that 50 is looming, the amount of attention directed my way surprises me.  There are the obvious things:  long hair, trim shape, body conscious clothes and a obsession with high heels which undoubtedly help.  People tend to think I'm younger which is lovely because all the years of smoking and tanning have certainly caught up with me - and it shows.  Omg does it show - but who am I to argue with that particular perception, lol? 


On a day/night where I'm feeling all bubbly and smiley and confident, I get attention.  On a day/night where I'm feeling all bubbly and smiley and confident and wearing Cougar Potion, I get attention.


Regardless, the perfume itself is gorgeous, so it'll definitely continue to get worn. 


More testing :).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve been messing around with Cougar Potion with OCCO White lately.  I like CP...I am just having a hard time telling what exactly it does for me.  I love (as in absolutely ADORE and could happily huff myself all day) the scent, but remain unsure about effects from the Phero.  However, w/ OCCO White (I’ve been wearing the combo exclusively for dinner out for the last three weeks), I’ve found that female waitstaff are super sweet with me - not unusual.  However, the male waitstaff get closer and closer to me each time I talk to them and when they’re ferrying stuff to the table.  Like so close, I’m practically breathing in their ear...cops or CP or perhaps both.  I’m not sure but it’s cracking me up.

I forgot to mention a couple bouncer incidents with this combo, lol.  We live in a very temperate area so we eat outside as often as we can especially in the “winter”.  A lot of these restaurants have big beefy and delicious guys guarding the boardwalk to the beach during the evening.  Twice now since putting this combo on,  I’ve had the big, stoic, YOUNG and non-talkative dudes start talking with me - being totally appropriate even if a little chatty based on prior experience - but when I’ve said something just a touch off color (and really, hardly at all) they’ve followed me around the rest of the night and tried to convince me to come back in another night - or another day so they can bring me drinks on the beach without their shirts, lolol.

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The guy I have been seeing for the last four months and who I’m in a committed relationship with reacts the best when I’m wearing CP. Now I love CP, I just have found that odd. I would have thought Gotcha but nope, he almost reacts negatively to Gotcha. Anyone know why? He reacts positively where I wear a combo of Open Windows and Cuddle Bunny. I call it my Cuddle Windows LOL. 

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, lordy.  So, I'm new to pheros.  And, I realize that I'm having a hard time always starting with the less is better concept and have to force myself to restrain from slathering things on...especially when I find the intent of the phero fascinating and/or effective and the accompanying perfume delicious.  I'm learning from experience the hard way 🙄.


My daughter is in Cheer.  She's tight with a new group of friends in her newish school and I'm in favor of these girls because they are all nice, well brought up and act right.  All of the moms are tight and also super involved in Cheer (coaching, even)  I have pretty much nothing in common with any of them except 1) we all have daughters and 2) our daughters all do tumbling and cheer.  So, my daughter has been really wanting me to try to snuggle up to these women in order to be even more in the group.  I get it.  There are things she doesn't get invited to because it's the moms who want to hang out and I'm not at all part of the mom group.  I won't lie - I don't particularly want to be.  But, that being said, if being more a part of their group is gonna make my kid happy, I'm willing to try.  However, they are very cliquish and not terribly welcoming.  And I'm shy and run out of things to say - especially because we have very little in common.  They also say crappy things about how "skinny" I am that are supposed to funny but aren't.  So that's awkward as all hell to say the least.


I've learned by accident that one mom is SUPER sensitive to cops.  I don't wear those if there is even a chance I might see her.  I've tried TH.  Nothing bad, nothing good.  I've worn OW.  Nothing bad, nothing good.  I wore PP once and there was more interest in me, but not much more.  I tried Levitation.  The girls loved it, but the moms?  Not that I could tell.  I was wearing Teddy BB once when I ran into one at Target.  Zip.  Balm Bomb made the girls tell my daughter over and over again how amazingly "chill" I was, (lolol) but the moms?  Nada.  LFM?  Nope.  Just more distance.  H&S didn't give me anything noticeable either.  GG was great for the girls.  The one mom I saw that day was nice enough but still distant.  However, I guess this is a lot of info that has nothing to do with CP, lol.


My BIG mistake was to wear Cougar Potion the last time I saw  them.  Spouse and I were going out later and last minute I found out there was a Cheer registration event my daughter wanted to go to.  So, I gotta say, I had slathered on the CP.  I had oil roll-on layered with spray (I've been doing a lot of that since we live somewhere hot)...likely more than I needed, but I was thinking about where spouse and I would be, not that I was going to be hanging out with these women.  Two of them (the main ones I'm supposed to cuddle up to) couldn't even stand by me.  It's not that they were mean and ugly, but they were totally not interested and totally wanted to have a physical distance from me.  We were outside (thank god) and there was a wind blowing (maybe not so great since I was blowing right on them).  Anyway, note to self:  CP is not good to wear in bulk when one is trying to make friendly with chilly, not so welcoming women.  Sigh.

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4 hours ago, HipGrrrl said:

Oh, lordy.  So, I'm new to pheros.  And, I realize that I'm having a hard time always starting with the less is better concept and have to force myself to restrain from slathering things on...especially when I find the intent of the phero fascinating and/or effective and the accompanying perfume delicious.  I'm learning from experience the hard way 🙄.


My daughter is in Cheer.  She's tight with a new group of friends in her newish school and I'm in favor of these girls because they are all nice, well brought up and act right.  All of the moms are tight and also super involved in Cheer (coaching, even)  I have pretty much nothing in common with any of them except 1) we all have daughters and 2) our daughters all do tumbling and cheer.  So, my daughter has been really wanting me to try to snuggle up to these women in order to be even more in the group.  I get it.  There are things she doesn't get invited to because it's the moms who want to hang out and I'm not at all part of the mom group.  I won't lie - I don't particularly want to be.  But, that being said, if being more a part of their group is gonna make my kid happy, I'm willing to try.  However, they are very cliquish and not terribly welcoming.  And I'm shy and run out of things to say - especially because we have very little in common.  They also say crappy things about how "skinny" I am that are supposed to funny but aren't.  So that's awkward as all hell to say the least.


I've learned by accident that one mom is SUPER sensitive to cops.  I don't wear those if there is even a chance I might see her.  I've tried TH.  Nothing bad, nothing good.  I've worn OW.  Nothing bad, nothing good.  I wore PP once and there was more interest in me, but not much more.  I tried Levitation.  The girls loved it, but the moms?  Not that I could tell.  I was wearing Teddy BB once when I ran into one at Target.  Zip.  Balm Bomb made the girls tell my daughter over and over again how amazingly "chill" I was, (lolol) but the moms?  Nada.  LFM?  Nope.  Just more distance.  H&S didn't give me anything noticeable either.  GG was great for the girls.  The one mom I saw that day was nice enough but still distant.  However, I guess this is a lot of info that has nothing to do with CP, lol.


My BIG mistake was to wear Cougar Potion the last time I saw  them.  Spouse and I were going out later and last minute I found out there was a Cheer registration event my daughter wanted to go to.  So, I gotta say, I had slathered on the CP.  I had oil roll-on layered with spray (I've been doing a lot of that since we live somewhere hot)...likely more than I needed, but I was thinking about where spouse and I would be, not that I was going to be hanging out with these women.  Two of them (the main ones I'm supposed to cuddle up to) couldn't even stand by me.  It's not that they were mean and ugly, but they were totally not interested and totally wanted to have a physical distance from me.  We were outside (thank god) and there was a wind blowing (maybe not so great since I was blowing right on them).  Anyway, note to self:  CP is not good to wear in bulk when one is trying to make friendly with chilly, not so welcoming women.  Sigh.

Two things IMO. Yes, the place you were was not ideal for Cougar. 

Sure she could have been put off by any amout of Cougar. But, I think the  issue might have been your dose.

I've worn Cougar to school'ish and other social places. My average dose for that is approximately 1 swipe of oil at nape of neck and a 2" swipe smooshed between wrists. 


My friend and I took our kids for a quick vacation. We went out at night, July 4th. Had a great time and some serious flirtatious action with a cute guy. I used 1 big spray from my unscented x2 cougar bottle with Magnolia Fairy cake. 

Different situations for sure. But, wherever you end up, don't ghost yourself. We have all done the ghost at one point. At least you have a funny story. ;)


I have a cure for you. When you go back to the Cheer Moms try wearing Treasured Hearts. No cops or anything sexual. TH is great all round. It goes with other women. I call it the old bitch tamer. It's great for family time or alone time with your DH (you could add a dab of cops for that). It would fit right into your life with all those moving parts.


I regard to the other ladies... and for yourself, I also recomend Balm Bomb or Teddy BB. They are very relaxing blends. 




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I don't wear cops around other gatherings of mostly women, in general, especially if there are men nearby (UNLESS I am with my man and giving off that very obviously attached vibe......like, "I don't want your man, I have one of my own that I am happy with").  Subconsciously, they may see you as competition. I don't think I have had that happen with Cougar, though.  I would have to check my notes. If it did, it had to have been a long time ago..  I think it is possible that you were way over the top on the dosage.


I would try to work with the TH or OW with those women, and maybe work on the dosage.  Stick with one for a few times though.  Let them get to know your phero signature.  Switching up often can potentially cause confusion.  TH has been my fave with "bristly" women.  Start slow and work your way up.  TH is a wonder blend as for creating that "sorority sister", spread-the-love vibe.  But you have to find the right dosage. 

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Thank you @StacyK and @Dolly.   I’ll definitely retry Treasured Hearts...OW has been great for me in other situations, so if TH doesn’t give me what I’m looking for, I’ll try that later.  I guess if all else fails I can wear the Balm Bomb for me so I end up giving fewer f*cks, lol.


I was wearing way too much in any case.  No cops except what may or may not be in Cougar Potion.

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