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Love Potion: Red


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Red is wonderful. It is still one of my favorites. I found out yesterday that some of my bottle spilled out in my little purse. Thank goodness the little rollerball stopped it from being a complete flood but I am going to have to get a new bottle soon.


Of everything I have worn from LP, Red has gotten the most compliments...but that might just be that I wear it more than everything else.

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Guest LexyCents

Red is wonderful. It is still one of my favorites. I found out yesterday that some of my bottle spilled out in my little purse. Thank goodness the little rollerball stopped it from being a complete flood but I am going to have to get a new bottle soon.


Of everything I have worn from LP, Red has gotten the most compliments...but that might just be that I wear it more than everything else.

I think Red is going to be my favorite and is going to be hard to beat.


I got 3 samples total, UNE, Sugared Honeycomb and LP Red.


I'll just review the Red here.


When I first opened it, I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either. It had an almost harsh herbal smell. I think it's the Patchouli. I was thinking, oh man, and it sounded so promising too and inside I was a bit let down honestly. But it did have promise. I did smell something sweet in there.


I read reviews where people said they weren't taken with it either until they put it on and let it dry down. SO GLAD I read those reviews. It really does MELD with your skin and chemistry. It's strong but there isn't great sillage. You won't smell me from across the room and I'm not sure if you would smell me when I pass by. I think I have to be standing near you for you to smell me, but when you do, it will hit you! And not in an annoying way either. In a way that says, "what is that? I need to smell it more, I need to know what this is" kind of way.


Once it melds with you, for me at least, it's sweet but sexy. I honestly don't know how else to describe it. Some people previously mentioned "christmas dinner" hahah that kind of rings true. It's sweet but slightly dark, but not too woody.


It took me some time to get used to and you really do have to try it on. This is my first time not wearing commercial scents, so I tried to keep an open mind. With commercial scents too there is a difference in notes after the dry down, so I was aware this would happen for these perfumes, but man it's on a different level. It's not only that different notes come out, but really it's that the scent embeds with your natural chemistry or something and seeps into you.


Also I read somewhere, the scent becomes you, and you wear it and not the other way around. I didn't know what that meant, but now I do. It's almost like someone would say YOU smell nice and think it's your personal scent. Not just, "Hey, what perfume are you wearing?" That kind of thing. Commercial scents almost SIT ON you and wave flags... But LPMP... the scents kind of meld INTO your skin almost!


Loving this journey so far! :Emoticons04235:

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There is this super cute, girly boutique here that smells just like LP Red to me lol. I swear, they have to have a LP Red tart or spray or SOMETHING. It makes me want to wear LP Red every time I go in there, it smells so good!

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That is a wonderful review, Simply, and very true. There are a lot of perfume oil scents that are like that. The latest one for me was Pink Elf. I didn't hate it in the vial but it wasn't amazing either. However, on, it becomes warm and rich. The scent is far more complex when body chemistry is added to it. I hope you enjoy your other ones also. If you let people know what you like about Red then they might be able to suggest others to try. Also, if you haven't found it, there is a newbie sampler of some of the most known scents on the gift shop page. (I'd link it but I am on my phone)

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Guest LexyCents

Thanks ladiesss :D

GAH I can't get over how much I LURV this scent!!! I wear it even when I'm alone and not going to go out. It just makes me feel so goooooood and yummy and satisfiedddd! Good thing I just ordered two bottles!!! :say19::Love09751:

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Guest LexyCents

That is a wonderful review, Simply, and very true. There are a lot of perfume oil scents that are like that. The latest one for me was Pink Elf. I didn't hate it in the vial but it wasn't amazing either. However, on, it becomes warm and rich. The scent is far more complex when body chemistry is added to it. I hope you enjoy your other ones also. If you let people know what you like about Red then they might be able to suggest others to try. Also, if you haven't found it, there is a newbie sampler of some of the most known scents on the gift shop page. (I'd link it but I am on my phone)

Thanks Maililiyahn! :D


Hmmm... what I like... I like the sweetness of the scent, its a heavy rich kind of sweet. Likee dark chocolate ish kind of sweet? And not light fluffy sugar. I DOOO love fluffy sugar too but sometimes that can come off as too much to some people.


I like the complexity... there's a deep warmness that I can't place my finger on.


I actually don't like the inital notes of patchouli, but the way Red mixes and seeps into my chemistry, it works!


But I asked NuTrix and she kindly let me know OCCO Red, is light sweeter version of LP Red, so I am about to order that and I think I am going to LOVE it even more than Red. Also going to do OCCO White! Possibly pink too... OIYYYYY haha and I am going to purchase some UNs too...I'm in trouble!!! :Emoticons04263:



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:D Better pin your wallet down before all your $$$ flies away - it has happened to some of us already... :moneyfairy13:

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Hmm, I do love Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. It is a creamy sweet. Spring's Lusty Cherry is amazing also if you see some on the trade forum. Ladybird w/ Levitation was a surprise favorite of mine in November. Its juicy sweet and the phero is uplifting. I hear Land of Nog was a favorite from December. You might like Inspire Desire from January's collection.


It is almost overwhelming how many there are to choose from. In a good way, like walking into a vault filled to the brim with tons of treasure to inspect. I still have scents to sample. I don't know how Luna has managed to smell all of her's or manages to remember what they smell like. (You should check out the epic stash thread and you'll see what I mean.) :potions25: Her epic collection is a thing of inspiration. :)

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Guest LexyCents

:D Better pin your wallet down before all your $$$ flies away - it has happened to some of us already... :moneyfairy13:


:w00t: That icon of the dollah dollah bills flying off is TOO perfect!! :say19:


I am going to have to find a way to limit myself...hrmmmmm hehe :J005:

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Guest LexyCents

Hmm, I do love Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. It is a creamy sweet.


Must try this!


On another note, I just realized the MULTIquote button exists!...haha I am going to start using that :D

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Ahhhhh I've been hearing about this one! Some ppl compare it to OCCO white! I am adding it to my list uh ohhhh lol :Blusher:


BBM is delicious. in my opinion it is yummier than OCCO White. But the combo of the two is out of this world!!!

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I agree with ephoebe about BBM. It is amazing and yummy and definitely something worth having!



Meanwhile, I went back and read my review of LP: Red from a year and a half ago and I do have to say I like it better now than I did before, but it's still not quite me just yet. I'm sure I just need more time to appreciate LP: Black and LP: Red in their complexity. Some of it, I feel, might be congruence. I think these two scents might be darker and more mysterious than I am, haha. While wearing LP: Red though I still get a bit too much cinnamon for my liking, but I'm honestly not a cinnamon person in the slightest and amp it like crazy as well. I definitely have to remind myself to sweeten it up a bit by layering with some other sugary or creamy scents. I'll be happy to join everyone in salivating for LP: Red when the day finally arrives that it works with me more!

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Guest LexyCents

Just added some Perfumer's Alcohol to my sample oil and OH EM GEE... LOVE IT EVEN MORE :Emoticons04235:


It makes it more what I am used to with commercial scents... more dispersed and outreaching. YIPEEE!!!! :Love09751:

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Just added some Perfumer's Alcohol to my sample oil and OH EM GEE... LOVE IT EVEN MORE :Emoticons04235:



I have tried LP Red both in oil and spray, but i think i like it more in oil. It feels deeper and more delicious to my nose. LP Original on the hand is awesome in spray. Again that's just me.

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I wonder if it is, or if it's the power of suggestion...that it seems richer or deeper or anything in oil? I LOVE the oils. And, of course, it usually appears golden and opulent, thick and lavish..I love the silky feel of it. It (the perfume in alcohol) MUST be lighter though? Sometimes I pick up the notes differently in alcohol, but it is still unmistakably, undeniably RED :heart:

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I think scents cling better in the oil. Lingers with little whiffs and hints of wonderful through out the day. So perhaps that is why it seems deeper and more complex. Sprayed perfume seems to be all out there and then all gone. I haven't tried many LPMP sprays but I think that's the nature of most sprayed scents.


I guess if they were to both have a death scene then oils would be the dramatic flailing and gasping for breath, along with a few potent words before departing while in the arms of a lover and sprays would be the quick bullet wound to the head of a very vital likable supporting character and the sudden realization that its gone sooner than you'd like.


Or maybe I am just used to oils. I really want to try them together.

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Guest LexyCents

Hahaha Marililyahn! I love your descriptions! :D

Seems like I'm the minority in liking some alcohol in mine but thas cool ;) maybe I have a weaker nose or something. or i'm too used to commercial scents possibly.

Just want to be clear that I didn't buy the spray versions, but made my own by adding in perfumer's alcohol. Wanted to put that out there so ppl don't think I am talking about the 1 fl oz sprays that are sold (which are 60% alcohol to 40% oil).


If I had to say, my mix was 50/50. not sure if that makes a difference or not. I sprayed it on myself last night and i can still smell it on me now tho!

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I love this sent - can anyone tell me if they have added phros to it and if so what- if not what would you recommend -


i have a bottle boosted with Sexpionage, I've got no one to use this on at the moment but i hope this will change (fingers crossed!)


I've heard it goes very nicely with Bang! too

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  • 2 months later...

I am stalking this thread trying to hold off making another large purchase (window shopping) and DRAT! You guys sucked me in. I'm going big--LP Red and LP Gold FB with cops on both. And Occo Red. And Sugared Amber. And Sexology. Today.


Maybe I need to stay off the message boards for a while. I promised I wouldn't purchase until pay day!

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If you keep your LP:Red cops free you could use it for more social occasions and you can always layer it with OCCO: Red. Just a thought there. I love Red so much that I wear it to work quite often. :)

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What M said above.

LP Red on its own is awesome and combined with OCCO Red ... OMG.


It's nice to have options (w/cops or cops-free). So if i were you I'd get a FB LP Red without cops and the OCCO Red (and all the other you mentioned of course!) just so i could have more options.

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Nope! I got talked into Pink first and finally got it in my most recent order (that I haven't met yet because it's waiting for me in the USA) so Red will be next on the list. I have tried Rouge and I like it but think Red will be even more up my street. I like the sound of something like Rouge but a bit weightier and spicier rather than the slightly sweeter, lighter tone of Rouge (as reported by folks who've tried both).

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Rouge reminds me of Red a bit but at least to me Red is way better, hotter, sexier etc. I like Rouge too, but Red ... OMG it's so sexy yet elegant and combined with OCCO Red, there are no words!!!

I have received the weird comments of hukkah smell etc but i don't care, i love the scent way to much to let them get to me :)

I'm sure you will like it a lot.

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Have you tried Black?


Not yet!


Rouge reminds me of Red a bit but at least to me Red is way better, hotter, sexier etc. I like Rouge too, but Red ... OMG it's so sexy yet elegant and combined with OCCO Red, there are no words!!!

I have received the weird comments of hukkah smell etc but i don't care, i love the scent way to much to let them get to me :)

I'm sure you will like it a lot.


Sounds great from how you describe it... even strange hookah comments!

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I hate the hookah comments mostly because for a minut there they make me feel uncomfortable but to be honest i don't really get understand them.

To me LP Red smells nothing like hokkah. If hookah smelled like LP Red, I'd be smoking that thing all day long :smiley-laughing024:

I sometimes get the incense comments too, again to my nose LP Red smells nothing like that. I wish i could find incense sticks that smelled like LP Red! Now that would be awesome!


To me LP Red is yummy, sweet and spicy (cinnamon) and delicious. I guess people aren't used to these type of scents mostly because most of them if not all of them wear typical store baught scents.

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I can see the incense comment after it dries down but its not overpowering. I agree that I don't understand the hookah comments at all. Phoebe, you could tell them that your other job is a sultry lounge singer in some swank club that smells like LP Red. :oscar-red-carpet-1:


I love the honey in LP Black and the spicy sweetness of LP Red. I should try LP Pink.

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I've deffo got comments about incense before with a whole range of perfumes, even when I didn't think they particularly smelled like it (e.g. Sexology III). I guess some people just associate certain scents they can't quite place withing the context of what they know, whether that is incense or something else smoky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LP Red definitely has an incensey fragrance aspect to it. You can tone that down a bit with some Sugared Apricot or a little OCCo Red. I know my kids have mentioned it. Isn't there a mention of "incensey" in the general description?IDK, it's been a long time since I've looked.

Pure Sugar also tones it down a bit. I'm just careful about where I wear Big Red. I see it sort of like a Phero, in the sense that I only wear it at what I think are appropriate times. It's not what I call "work friendly". Its more lounge & play for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just received a funny text from my bride. She's been wearing LP: Red to work for the last 2 weeks as sort of an aromatherapy because she's been hating her job lately. Her text was this:


'I have to stop wearing Red to work. 'Steve' (her boss) has been coming around every little while to chat.'


Let's just say she's not a fan of the guy. He's tried to have her fired previously. Then she got divorced and he hit on her until he found out she was getting married again. Then he went back to being a jerk. Apparently she's going to have to find another scent to help lift her up at work.

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