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Hi! I'm Sharky! I'm 41, married, live in AZ and I'm from Russia (originally). I'm a pharmacist, my son is 21, and I have 2 cats (girls), they are my babies. Recentlely I discovered Love Potion and fall in love with. I got a sample of Vamp Cafe from Scent Addict and I love it very much. I like it way more than BPAL. Now I will spend all my money on Love potion's oils. What are a good scents for the beginner? Thank you for your time,Sharky

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Hi! I'm Sharky! I'm 41, married, live in AZ and I'm from Russia (originally). I'm a pharmacist, my son is 21, and I have 2 cats (girls), they are my babies. Recentlely I discovered Love Potion and fall in love with. I got a sample of Vamp Cafe from Scent Addict and I love it very much. I like it way more than BPAL. Now I will spend all my money on Love potion's oils. What are a good scents for the beginner? Thank you for your time,Sharky


Welcome Sharky!! You're in for a treat here, that's for sure!! If you love Vamp Cafe you will love Southern Gothic 2009 for sure! And, if you want to dive right in, be sure to get LP Black.

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"Silence is golden.....but Duct Tape is silver"

*Thx Luna65* "


This is one of the Many things I have laughed at over the last few days of reading on this forum.


heh-heh...yeah Duct Tape, hmmm..... well I've sort of acquired the title of Duct Tape Queen here :) and my bud Luna65 heard this little ditty on the radio (I think), she shared and I luv'd it so you KNOW !! I just had to add to my signature :lol: glad it gave you a chuckle Calii and welcome here again !

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I got a sample of Vamp Cafe from Scent Addict and I love it very much. I like it way more than BPAL. Now I will spend all my money on Love potion's oils. What are a good scents for the beginner? Thank you for your time,Sharky


Hi Sharky :)


Welcome to the forum! You'll love it here, not just for the amazing oils but also for the lovely ladies you'll meet here. It's like a second home :lol:


What type of scents do you normally like? Florals, fruity, darker, foody/sweet? The review section is a great place to start to see what wonders are available :)

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Thank you every one for a very lovely greeting! I'll definitely follow your suggestions and order those oils. I like foody, dark and flowery scents. I would say "havy" scents. Pink sugar always make me happy (mixed with orange - even more).

I was looking for scent lockets in this site and could't find any. They make a very beautiful staff, why don't create gorgeous lockets?

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Thank you every one for a very lovely greeting! I'll definitely follow your suggestions and order those oils. I like foody, dark and flowery scents. I would say "havy" scents. Pink sugar always make me happy (mixed with orange - even more).

I was looking for scent lockets in this site and could't find any. They make a very beautiful staff, why don't create gorgeous lockets?



You have to try Cougar Potion, for sure! BTW :o Sharky

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, everyone!


Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a soon-to-be 34 year-old female from Massachusetts. I've been a sucker for good smellies all my life, but since my introduction to LPMP products, my life hasn't been the same. Commercial scents just don't cut the mustard anymore, and I look forward to totally immersing myself in this alternative.


Have lots to learn, and will probably ask many questions along the way.


And to the curious, my faves to this point are Super for Men (I wear it myself, sparingly) and Down and Dirty (for her). Dirty Sexy and Sugared Roses aren't bad, either.


That's it for now, just wanted to make my presence known!



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Welcome Libertine!!! :(

You'll love it here--it's like an online home. I totally second what you're saying about commercial perfumes; to me they're all very slightly different incarnations of the same thing, plus I'm allergic to perfumers' alcohol anyway and the commercial stuff doesn't really have oil-only options available. LP's perfumes are just so delicious...I can't even pick a favorite, I can imagine just trying to would probably give me a massive headache, lol. The new releases alone are just amazing; one is better than the other and vice versa. We're happy to have you in our enabling society forum!

Edited by Invidiana
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My name is Lindsey. I have a very original username, I know. I'm married to an amazing man and we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter together.


I'm in RN school, in my second semester out of four.. Oddly enough, I rarely wore perfume before, and now it seems its all I think about :) I could NEVER find anything I like. I like to think of myself as unique and charismatic. People tell me I'm "crazy"..not psycho crazy but "do anything spur of the moment" crazy. I cherish their words, because I feel life is too short to waste.


I'm very much addicted to pheromones now and I hope I can get some "smell good" soon too. I have to get some more money first :)

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My name is Lindsey. I have a very original username, I know. I'm married to an amazing man and we have a beautiful 2 year old daughter together.


I'm in RN school, in my second semester out of four.. Oddly enough, I rarely wore perfume before, and now it seems its all I think about :) I could NEVER find anything I like. I like to think of myself as unique and charismatic. People tell me I'm "crazy"..not psycho crazy but "do anything spur of the moment" crazy. I cherish their words, because I feel life is too short to waste.


I'm very much addicted to pheromones now and I hope I can get some "smell good" soon too. I have to get some more money first :)


Hi LindseyB !! :thbf54f4bf:

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Hi everyone again! I just got a welcome package (very generous package) from Goddesslynne!!! She was very kind to send me 15 different samples of LP including several pheromone enhanced ones! I'm in cloud 7th or 9th (or whatever it should be) and very grateful! My favorites are Garland & Lace (looks like one of my cats too, she is talking to me right now, saying how much she loves it) and my old love Vamp Cafe. Cougar is #3 in my list. Oh, thank you, girls for a very very warm "welcome" in this forum! And special THANK YOU for Goddesslynne! She is great!!

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Ahhh!!! Welcome package? Totally jealous here! ;) Enjoy!


Hi Lindseyb,


Send me an email with your address and I'll put together a lil welcome package for you! Let me know if there are any notes or types of fragrances you especially like, too. My email is on my profile :lol:



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Hello everybody!


a short introduction:


I'm a 19 year old guy from Switzerland. I'm Gemini (with Gemini ascendant) and it shows quite a lot personnalitywise lol. I'm currently studying law at uni and I speak three languages fluently with my friends and family.


What I love:

reading about mythology, religions, paganism and the occult

going to the gym

music (not one genre in particular, but not too keen on heavy metal)

spending time with my friends and family

smelling and looking nice (hence my interest in this forum)

my beautiful tabby cat Lily


That's all, girls and boys! (told you it would be short hehe)


Oh and BTW: Happy new year to everyone!! :)

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Thanks! :)

I really like flower/sweet smelling scents, so I tend to wear those as opposed to more masculine fragrances. My fave at the moment is Infusion d'Homme by Prada, which, although meant to be worn by men, has a very feminine smell. Le Batteuleur (#1) by D&G is definately a must have.

I consider perfume to be as important as clothing or jewelry, which is why I have a few and try to choose a scent that goes well with the clothing/look that I decide to wear.

Haven't tried any perfumes from the LP website yet but it has caught my interest and the concept of using pheromones in scents has made me quite curious.

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Hi everyone!

I'm Kovvy, and I am a newbie in every sense of the word. I really don't know much about perfume or scents in general, and I am new to this message board and site. I happened upon the Love Potion site quite by accident, and was intrigued by all the scents. They sound amazing! I'm a little hesitant to buy perfume online without being able to smell it, but I might try a few of the sample sizes. And I must admit when I first heard of people using pheromones in perfume a few years ago, I was a bit skeptical... But after reading some of the threads here about it, I think I'd like to give it a shot.


Like I said, I don't know much about scents, but most of what I know that I like are food-like scents: vanilla, spices, especially clove, and fruits, especially citrus. Sweet scents. Recently I got to try an amber perfume, and I like that, too. I've also read a little bit about dragon's blood, and I think that it sounds like something I'd like to try.


Um, about me: I'm 24 years old, female, and I live in Michigan. I have a hedgehog named Gozer the Traveler, and she is adorable.

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Like I said, I don't know much about scents, but most of what I know that I like are food-like scents: vanilla, spices, especially clove, and fruits, especially citrus. Sweet scents. Recently I got to try an amber perfume, and I like that, too. I've also read a little bit about dragon's blood, and I think that it sounds like something I'd like to try.


Um, about me: I'm 24 years old, female, and I live in Michigan. I have a hedgehog named Gozer the Traveler, and she is adorable.


WELCOME KOVVY!!! :001_tt2:

Sweet scents? You found another fan! I'm a huge dessert foodie heh heh. Vanilla, spices and clove (which my skin amps!) are definitely up there on my top list too. Dragon's blood iz da shiznay--it's very sexy and deep, and my skin turns it to a spicy dark berry-ish scent, but it can be a tricky note for some people so I suggest testing it out first. There are actually a lot of PE's (private editions--the link is on the left on the "Perfumerie" page) with vanilla and spice as the main notes, so you may want to check those out.

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Hi everyone!

I'm Kovvy, and I am a newbie in every sense of the word. I really don't know much about perfume or scents in general, and I am new to this message board and site. I happened upon the Love Potion site quite by accident, and was intrigued by all the scents. They sound amazing! I'm a little hesitant to buy perfume online without being able to smell it, but I might try a few of the sample sizes. And I must admit when I first heard of people using pheromones in perfume a few years ago, I was a bit skeptical... But after reading some of the threads here about it, I think I'd like to give it a shot.


Like I said, I don't know much about scents, but most of what I know that I like are food-like scents: vanilla, spices, especially clove, and fruits, especially citrus. Sweet scents. Recently I got to try an amber perfume, and I like that, too. I've also read a little bit about dragon's blood, and I think that it sounds like something I'd like to try.


Um, about me: I'm 24 years old, female, and I live in Michigan. I have a hedgehog named Gozer the Traveler, and she is adorable.


Welcome!! I'm a newbie too and the ladies here are great! Head on over to the trading post if you'd rather try some samples first before purchasing a full bottle. I'm a vanilla freak too! I love sweet smells. I also love dark, sultry smells as well. You'll find plenty of both here. Check out beth's blushing milkmaid, OCCO white, etc. :001_tt2:

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Thanks! :D

I really like flower/sweet smelling scents, so I tend to wear those as opposed to more masculine fragrances. My fave at the moment is Infusion d'Homme by Prada, which, although meant to be worn by men, has a very feminine smell. Le Batteuleur (#1) by D&G is definately a must have.


You might want to try Bodice Ripper--it's a dark floral for men that's dead sexy!

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Thanks for the welcomes!

I just placed my first order-- a bottle of Flower of the Beast, a sample of Pherogirl, and a sample of Jouir De. I also asked for the free sample dealie: Cuddle Bunny and Love Potion Red, with an alternate of Tamashii no Tomo.

I can't wait for them to arrive! I'm going to try to review them, though I'm not sure I'll be able to find the right words. Anyway, I'm excited! I always worry about ordering things online without being able to try them, so I love the option to order the trial size, and I especially love the trial giveaways!

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Welcome Kovvy! The sample giveaways are so nice aren't they? They really helped me learn the line a lot more quickly than I would have otherwise!


Definitely! I'm going to have to limit myself to one order a month, I think. It's hard, though-- I have pretty poor impulse control when it comes to fancy, fun things like this that I've just discovered. I know I should at least wait for the ones I've ordered to get here before I order more! The Blushing Milkmaid was recommended to me-- I think that might be my next buy. It sounds great, but I couldn't find a sample size of it.

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The Blushing Milkmaid was recommended to me-- I think that might be my next buy. It sounds great, but I couldn't find a sample size of it.


Kovvy, I believe Blsh'g MM is/was a PE, there won't be a sample size available, perhaps someone has a sniffee sample or a decant, put it out there sweetie, I'd send it to u, but I've never had the opportunity to to try it.

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Welcome to all of our new members!!


Jump in, chat a while, and be sure to try lots of the goodies here....but watch out, as they are HIGHLY addictive!!

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