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Focus Pocus

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Scent-wise, what I got was mainly herby/aromatherapy kind of scent to this and I am not totally crazy about. This is not a masculine scent but it makes me feel that this is more suitable for a guy than me (IMO of course).


Phero-wise, I was feeling very tired (lack of sleep and on the verge of feeling ill) this morning. If I was given a bed and a book, I would have doze off almost immediately, you know what I mean. I looked around my arsenal in my office, hoping to find something to wake me up. Nothing. So I picked up Focus Pocus, hoping that this will help me stay focused to get my things done.


I applied a little on the back of my hands and I was awake almost immediately. Now that I am awake, I will have to start working on my reports and emails.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait... you mean on purpose? you're kidding right? XDDDDDDD

tried rubbing on my temples yesterday, just a wee little bit mind you, I then proceeded to rub in right into my eyeballs. Oopsie. Despite the name, it's not so great in the eyes :) I do love the fragrance and huffed the heck out of it on my wrists.
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Looks like I may have been mistaken - John says there's two more bottles of Focus Pocus on our list - he is going to go check the warehouse to make sure and report back.




A general note, once again....the review section is for reviews, the trading post is for trading. Please do not conduct trades within the review areas - the posts will be deleted. thank you!

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  • 2 months later...

OK, so after having this and trying it in dabs very infrequently, -- I put it on today by accident. Pleasant enough smell, not especially 'me' (not being desserty), but figured, hey, let's see what the phero does. No obvious immediate effects except slight SLEEPINESS (?) but that may have been the fact that I only got like 4 hours sleep last night.

Then I get to work and I am the freaking tasmanian devil, powering through not just one but THREE extremely boring, time consuming tasks I've been putting off for months - years in fact, now I think of it. And only now do I realize that must be the FOCUS!!!

good stuff.

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Maybe it's my age, I feel that UN Focus works better than Focus Pocus. I must admit that I don't use this too often and whenever I do use either one, they are strategically applied on the back of my hands and perhaps on my chest so I could smell it.

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  • 1 year later...

I am quite enjoying the smell of this one - bright and fresh at first, and settling down to become a little bit juicy. The lavender is quite gentle in the background, not too cloying. Only problem is when I put it on I started sneezing. I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, I'll have to test it a few more times to be sure. I hope not because I find the scent quite calming and soothing.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, this is an older potion, but I want to drop a quick review on it anyways cause it affected me in an awesome way today.

I was in bed with a hangover caliber headache which is ridiculous and lame as I haven't had a drink in 8 months, but there it was. I'm laying there surfing the forum and I came across the post about the new energy phero that Mara & co are working on and it brought this scent to mind.

Scent wise, this is like drinking a strong cup of Peppermint Tea while sitting on my mom's porch by the lavender plants on a cool spring day. Its all fresh and zingy and clears away the cobwebs. The oil itself tingles on your skin from the mint, and therefore feels sooooo refreshing on the temples, the base of your neck, and the crooks of your elbows. Delicious.

Within twenty minuites my headache was gone and I went and did dishes. Magic!

I'm not really into pheros so much, like I dig em ok , but usually the scent magic is where its at for me, but this one really seems to give me some drive along with the aromatherapy aspect of the oil. Its a great combo.

I also like how this scent sorta only sticks around long enough to do its job,then fades fairly quickly so I can move onto another "perfume" LP for the rest of the day. It's a super effective and specific oil that aces at its purpose.

Being that November is phero month, I thought I'd bring a little attention back to Focus Pocus.,I think it would be really nice to see something like this again, either with Focus Potion, or the new energy phero. Mi gusta! :)

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Well, this is an older potion, but I want to drop a quick review on it anyways cause it affected me in an awesome way today.

I was in bed with a hangover caliber headache which is ridiculous and lame as I haven't had a drink in 8 months, but there it was. I'm laying there surfing the forum and I came across the post about the new energy phero that Mara & co are working on and it brought this scent to mind.

Scent wise, this is like drinking a strong cup of Peppermint Tea while sitting on my mom's porch by the lavender plants on a cool spring day. Its all fresh and zingy and clears away the cobwebs. The oil itself tingles on your skin from the mint, and therefore feels sooooo refreshing on the temples, the base of your neck, and the crooks of your elbows. Delicious.

Within twenty minuites my headache was gone and I went and did dishes. Magic!

I'm not really into pheros so much, like I dig em ok , but usually the scent magic is where its at for me, but this one really seems to give me some drive along with the aromatherapy aspect of the oil. Its a great combo.

I also like how this scent sorta only sticks around long enough to do its job,then fades fairly quickly so I can move onto another "perfume" LP for the rest of the day. It's a super effective and specific oil that aces at its purpose.

Being that November is phero month, I thought I'd bring a little attention back to Focus Pocus.,I think it would be really nice to see something like this again, either with Focus Potion, or the new energy phero. Mi gusta! :)

I second this! I would love to try Focus Potion or an "energy phero"!!! :Emoticons0086:

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Guest cutie.pie

I woke up with a headache and I remember reading your post saying you put some FP on your temples. So I did the same. This happend:


Within twenty minuites my headache was gone and I went and did dishes. Magic!



Not only my headache was gone, but I felt clearheaded and uplifted!


Thank you cheeseburger! :)

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Yes Focus potion did that for me too. Headache gone.. I wish this was still available .. have to make what I have last.

Audacious also has pain killing effects, IDK about headaches, but my back pain tends to vanish when I wear it.

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Your welcome! :)

Yeah, this stuff really makes ya feel "clean" and motivated. I never had the chance too try liquid fluorite,but I'm gonna keep my eye on the trades now.

It helps your back pain Stacy?? That's wild...a pain killing LP, neat!

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  • 3 years later...

Today I mixed this with Sugared Grapefruit and Gingerbread Fairycake. I'm not even recommending the combo, it was just fitting for the mood I was in and the mood I needed to sum up for teaching on another no-sleep night. Now, I seem to have turned the combo slightly peppery. Is that maybe the phero?


I was Focus Pocus scent note curious, so found this on Scentbase:


Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

CEDARWOOD ~ Aids focus, concentration, strength of purpose, stability, counteracts mental strain, worry, anxiety.
LEMONGRASS ~ Aids concentration and focus, counteracts stress, panic.
MANDARIN ~ Aids calm, balance, focus, perseverance, counteracts anxiety, mental strain, over activity.
PEPPERMINT ~ Aids regeneration, refreshment, concentration, vitality, counteracts mental fatigue, overwork, sluggishness, lethargy, apathy.
BASIL ~ Aids concentration, clarity, enthusiasm, counteracts mental/intellectual fatigue, negativity, burn-out.
BERGAMOT ~ Aids concentration, confidence, motivation, balance, counteracts stress, tension, burn-out, anxiety.
GRAPEFRUIT ~ Aids clarity, balance, positivity, inspiration, mental stimulation, counteracts mental pressure/exhaustion, frustration.
TASSI LAVENDER ~ Aids clarity, balance, relaxation, rejuvenation, rest, helps with work related stress, counteracts stress, tension, mental exhaustion, anxiety, apprehension, restlessness, agitation, burn-out.
Edited by Eastwood22
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Maybe, but I'm thinking it might even be the gingerbread accord.


Ahh, I'll try it solo elsewhere on me.



a month later edit-


Have it on now solo, and exactly zero pepper. The peppermint/basil/grapefruit/bergamot is chanting"get up and go," while my body wants to get back in bed. Daylight Savings Time is an asshole.

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 1 month later...

I have run the rollerball across the top of my yoga mat multiple times for extra concentration during teaching, it helps me a lot. I don't know how long the pheros stay after the oil completely evaporates, but I believe it's a while. My mat is non-porous so it doesn't sink in, just right there on the top where I can witness and smell it. 

I'm not crazy about the scent, mint in perfume just rubs me he wrong way due to past associations, it's not Focus Pocus' fault, and I keep reaching for it nonetheless, because Focus Potion really works for me. I normally get Sundays off, but had to teach a meditation class at 8am so put it directly on me instead of my mat and it helps me so much. I wish Mara could make something else with this formula! I believe it was a supplier issue, and Mega Watt is meant to work the same, but it doesn't for me. I feel really grateful to have this and my UN Focus Potion. Thanks Stacy!

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You got it. :)


I think Maga Watt was intended to have a more energetic effect. Kind of a get busy get it done thing. Not quite the same, IMO.

I cant use it either. Give me a headache. Its just too much. 


Its not phero'd but Mara made a spell potion "Focus and Acuity potion" back in '13. I'll check to aee if i have that trial. Its very herbal/bright. Its not a subtle scent but it does the trick. 

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