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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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I hope I'm not jinxing myself but I think my package should arrive today. I switched some things around so I could be here to sign.

A note about USPS and their Stamps tracking. Why did they change it. Sure its shiny looking but it ddoes not track like it used too. I dont get why they'd actually choose a less effective tracking method. Who are the idiots that make those decisions?


That's just an oobservation, it doesn't deter from my LP enjoyment.


And... the PO sent my package off in the wrong direction.. it's gone West when it should have gone East. Grr. I was so ready to open that box today. So it's on a little tour of Lake Erie :(


I called and they said to check the tracking tonight it should self correct and hopefully I'll have it tomorrow.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Mara,


Please look at your email. I sent you a few of them. I haven't received my package. It was shipped like a week ago and was suppose to come in the mail by today but I think it got lost in the mail. Please, resend.


Thank you with kindness,


AG :Emoticons08045:

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What does your tracking say AG? It should tell you where on the route it is. Does it say it was actually delivered today? If not, then it's still on it's way to you. If it does say delivered then please check with your mail carrier to see where they left it. Check with neighbors or management office to see if package was left there instead. If none of those places have it then please call your local P.O. And ask them to look into it for you. There are many steps to be taken before we can resend a package. Thank you.


Ok, thank you. I will check on Monday then again and get back to you.

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Hey, seems like the package is experiencing some delays, I was able to track it today, Tomorrow looks like the arrival time, yes its late :Emoticons00810:

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Dear friends,


I track the package that displayed today "Out for delivery", Unfortunately, the mail man ended up putting the mail box in the mail instead of my front door like my note read, now i have to wait till my older sister gets back because she has the key to the mail. ugh!! :Emoticons04284:


many thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my notification today! Thanks John and Mara.. . .so excited for these NRs! And next week, I will get the PEs.


You guys are amazing. I have no idea how you get everything done and done so well!

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Oh yes!! Got my shipping notice. Can't wait for Captain Awesome to get his PE. Whoo!

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LOL! I don't know about "Buddah-like". I'm pretty darned happy that I was able to order, and that they're already on the way! :D Should be here next Friday, or the following Monday. WOOHOO!

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Is anyone experiencing a lack of USPS updates? They don't seem to be providing any info from the time a parcel is picked up from LPMP to the time it arrives at the office for delivery. Similar situations for anyone else out there?

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Yes, that is the date of the most recent post for my parcel as well. I'm concerned because it is supposed to be in the 90s here this week. I'm hoping to pick up the parcel from the post before it has to be carried in the heat for several hours.

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Guest cutie.pie

I'm so grateful it took only 7 days for my package to arrive!


ETA: I'm in Croatia, so that's like super fast! :D

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This in no way a reflection on LPMP. This is strictly in reference to USPS/stamps. There have been no updates since Thursday. The 1(800) number is also stuck on the Thursday update. There is no way to bypass the tracking loop to reach a human who might be able to update the system manually.

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Wendylynne, I keep meaning to mention -- I have found that if I copy and paste the shipping number (or whatever it's called) from the Stamps notice into the USPS tracking on their website, I often get more recent and detailed information.


ETA: May not apply here if the whole system is down though!


ETA: OMG SHIPPING NOTICE!!!!!! PEs and NR sampler on the way!!!!!

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Thanks, everyone. Seems the system was nonresponsive. Tonight at midnight, I got a notice saying it is in Portland, dated the 17th. That is progress. I keep reminding myself of The Tortoise and the Hare. I've no doubt the parcel is on the way. Mara let me know when they sent it due to an order change. There's just no system update.

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My tracking is all wonky too. This morning the USPS system says my package had arrived in Toronto, but tonight Canada Post says it's still in the States. <_ i still hoping for it to arrive at my house tomorrow. fingers crossed>

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