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Phero Girl: Dominance

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All I see is a building and the plans for it-does it have a kink room?


:) Sorry ladies !!! it's www.the-iron-gate.com, you actually have to type in the dashs, or is it dashes, you get the jist.

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maybe it's "pay for play"?...(I got a few bad links too, as in even the Site Map)


funny, I click on it and goes right to it and I believe they're free, I haven't had to pay for anything ? :) . Try this one http://www.steel-door.com/Chamber.html or search Boise Black Rose Society. I have them as a "favorite", so it goes directly there.

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Phero Girl Dominance


In the vial this smells like a divine combination of rose and chocolate. On my skin the chocolate dies right back and I get a heavenly cloud of incredible Rose Otto ( a real favorite of mine).


I don't, at this stage, get any trace of the coffee, nor of the chocolate which doesn't really suprise me as my skin "eats" anything foody except a few things like vanilla and honey. The other ingredients may shine forth later as the rose dies back. My skin does tend to really beef up rose otto.


But even if the other notes do not emerge. This is a beautiful heady fragrance - and another one for my wish list.





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Phero Girl Dominance


In the vial this smells like a divine combination of rose and chocolate. On my skin the chocolate dies right back and I get a heavenly cloud of incredible Rose Otto ( a real favorite of mine).


I don't, at this stage, get any trace of the coffee, nor of the chocolate which doesn't really suprise me as my skin "eats" anything foody except a few things like vanilla and honey. The other ingredients may shine forth later as the rose dies back. My skin does tend to really beef up rose otto.


But even if the other notes do not emerge. This is a beautiful heady fragrance - and another one for my wish list.







Oh yeah, just a couple sniffs of this one, and I ordered the full size.....I just love it.....I get mostly rose, too with just a hint of dark chocolate.....like the semi-sweet baking chips or straight unsweetened cocoa powder.....

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Oh yeah, just a couple sniffs of this one, and I ordered the full size.....I just love it.....I get mostly rose, too with just a hint of dark chocolate.....like the semi-sweet baking chips or straight unsweetened cocoa powder.....


I get zero chocolate

It's weird I love chocolate and my skin eats it...

I love more the flavour of sweet lemon, you know in icing, lemon cake etc... and my skin eats it...


I'm beginning to wonder it there is a link :blink:



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I get zero chocolate

It's weird I love chocolate and my skin eats it...

I love more the flavour of sweet lemon, you know in icing, lemon cake etc... and my skin eats it...


I'm beginning to wonder it there is a link :blink:




Maybe so...... :lol:


I love lemon also.......I use loose leaf tea, and one of my favorite additives, instead of using lemon juice is lemongrass....YUMMY.....it gives the lemony flavor without the tartness....

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<snip>instead of using lemon juice is lemongrass....YUMMY.....it gives the lemony flavor without the tartness....


:blink: I love lemon, but lemongrass just hits me all wrong. In food, it's likely to make me gag. I hear it's a great natural deoderant though.

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I love lemon-I like lemon so much I will put both cream and lemon in my tea.


but I like it.


*runs from tea purists everywhere*



Well, as far as tea, I say do what you like.......I am a tea "addict", but tea is one of those things that can easily be customized, so go for it......



As far as Dominance.....I love it more every time I wear it......


My man, the first time I used it, said it wasn't one of his favorites, but that he didn't dislike it......but now, when I wear it and walk past him, he says......"Mmmmmmm, Dominance....." I think he is liking it better, even though his two favorites are STILL Dark Seductions and Dirty Sexy......he says he can't wait to smell Nasty Habits on me.....I agree, because from the description, that one is going to be one of those that are right up my alley.......

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As far as Dominance.....I love it more every time I wear it......


My man, the first time I used it, said it wasn't one of his favorites, but that he didn't dislike it......but now, when I wear it and walk past him, he says......"Mmmmmmm, Dominance....." I think he is liking it better, even though his two favorites are STILL Dark Seductions and Dirty Sexy......he says he can't wait to smell Nasty Habits on me.....I agree, because from the description, that one is going to be one of those that are right up my alley.......


I wore dominance layered with Babe out to the party last night... I really like that combo

I had quite a funny experience and got some great hits - all of which I put down to the dominance.





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I wore dominance layered with Babe out to the party last night... I really like that combo

I had quite a funny experience and got some great hits - all of which I put down to the dominance.






oh, can ya spill just a *bit* there? nosy/inquring minds you know...

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oh, can ya spill just a *bit* there? nosy/inquring minds you know...

I'll spill a *bit* because it is quite amusing - but it will be a longer-than-average post, so if it is ok I'll do it tomorrow when my I don't hurt right down to my toenails and my eyes are less crossed? :)




Loving the new avatar by the way Katz - too, tto cute! :lol:

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I'll spill a *bit* because it is quite amusing - but it will be a longer-than-average post, so if it is ok I'll do it tomorrow when my I don't hurt right down to my toenails and my eyes are less crossed? :)




Loving the new avatar by the way Katz - too, tto cute! :lol:


Poor girl of course. Have a good rest, and feel better! <<hugs>>

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Ok. I'm not going wildly into detail because this is the internet and this is one of the most public threads here. :)


Here is some of the detail. I recently met up with a male friend and some of his pals.


I was wearing Dominance and Babe in combo. My friend introduced me to someone and we ended up sitting opposite each other - and I was not going to complain about that.


Fairly early into the conversation, we somehow ended up talking about er.. fetish clubs - (don't forget I was wearing dominance) - and he flirted, and I flirted and er... it's all going pretty well at the moment. Still early days though. :)


Do I put it down to the Dominance? Well, it got his attention moving in the right direction and I think emboldened me enough to capitalise on that. :)


I NEED big bottles of this. (Plural)



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Way to go, May!!!! :)

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I will say it again.....I like Dominance more each time I wear it.... :) .....today, I had one of my very persnickety customers in here, and I was wearing a load of it......he usually has an issue with practically everything I do, and questions every decision I make regarding his accounting and tax issues. Today, he sat in his chair, like a good little boy, and did exactly as he was told.


Not to mention the fact that I was loving how the fabulous scent of rose and cocoa had permeated every inch of the room.....YUM.....

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WHOOP! Waitaminnit! I must have blinked and missed your "tale" there, May! Hee-hee...that's kind of *awesome*! Do let us know how things progress... :lol:


Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear the sequel......keep us posted May!! ;)

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I love this one too.....roses and chocolate. This stuff is da bomb! I can't stop sniffing myself. Can't wait to see what reactions I get from it. JOY! lol.

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Somebody asked me this via email again, thought I'd mentioned it on the boards but if not, I shall do so again.


There is three times more EoW in Dominance than in the original Phero Girl. The scent is so STRONG that it covers the EoW quite well, but there's a LOT in the there.


I'm planning on rebrewing the original PG again, and will add more to that next time as well. I may have been a little conservative with it the first time around because the stinkyness scared me. :o

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Somebody asked me this via email again, thought I'd mentioned it on the boards but if not, I shall do so again.


There is three times more EoW in Dominance than in the original Phero Girl. The scent is so STRONG that it covers the EoW quite well, but there's a LOT in the there.


I'm planning on rebrewing the original PG again, and will add more to that next time as well. I may have been a little conservative with it the first time around because the stinkyness scared me. :o



Oh, I absolutely ADORE Dominance, and I think that the pheros in it (includig the amount of EoW) are just PERFECT in amount. KUDOS to you ladies!!


The stinkiness does initially scare some people......BUT, if the scent is right, it can be disguised easily, if not totally hidden. <_<

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I wish Dominance smelled as good on me as it seems to on everyone else. On me, I get a weird chocolate smell for a while, and then the super fruity EoW smell. Then for a while it's really nice, chocolatey and rosey and gorgeous. Then...it goes bad. I get this weird rotten fruit smell, combined with a plastic-y smell, and something else that is just bad.


It makes me very sad.

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Well, on me it is absolutely LOVELY. I wear it a lot for work, and therefore bought a second full bottle. It keeps "unhappy" customers (who don't like their tax returns) from venting their frustrations on me.


Also, this is one of those scents that I don't have to re-apply. It lasts and lasts......all day long.

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I like it. On me, it starts out chocolate and fresh rose and STAYS that way. No subtlety at all. (just like me, really! LOL!) My sweetheart really isn't into rose scents--he thinks they are too old-lady so this didn't do anything for him at all. Personally, I like it, because rose stuff usually ends up smelling like dirt/dust on me. So I'm impressed it stays rose-y. ANYWAY, I am thinking it will layer nicely with one of my more customary scents. I tend to wear incensey, spicey type stuff (patchouli, amber, sandalwood, etc.)


I didn't get any underlying vanilla, coffee, or bitterness. Just those two very strong top notes.

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I just adore Dominance. Wore it yesterday. On me it is a strong, sharp scent. I feel awake, alert and sexy with it on. And people seem drawn to me, subtly, and then sort of appear as if they can't figure out why they are standing there. Amusing.

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I just adore Dominance. Wore it yesterday. On me it is a strong, sharp scent. I feel awake, alert and sexy with it on. And people seem drawn to me, subtly, and then sort of appear as if they can't figure out why they are standing there. Amusing.


It's only sharp on me initially. When it dries down, it is rose and dark chocolate. Then, after an hour or two, it is nothing but that beuatiful rose......



Bramble, my man didn't really care for the scent at first, but it seems to be growing on him.....it's not one of his faves, BUT.....he is fine with me wearing it with him occassionally.....

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That brings up a question I've had lately...how many of you out there tell your s.o. if you are using the Phero's? I've been going back and forth about this one (of course it's my Gemini nature) and I'm not sure if


a) I should keep the secret, thank my luck that it seems to work, or

b ) be honest cuz it almost feels a leeetle bit sneaky to be using them.


I ain't volunteering nothing. And if my hunky honey gets the idea I'm using pheros, I'll probably deny it. :)

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Likewise, I don't disclose. However, I don't necessarily hide it either.


My Beloved could look anytime he wants to in my batbelt... not that he ever would out of noisiness, because he is respectful in that way, but maybe to see what I am needing, and place an order for me... and they are all in there.


If he asked, I would acknowledge the use.


However, I think he likes to leave me some room for mystique. He knows how important it is, to me, for me to appear sexy and desirable in his eyes and he understands that I think doing so takes "work", that it is an art (he will tell you that I am just naturally incredibly sexy.... see how well I've mastered the art of appearing effortlessly sexy? LOL!), so he will, out of respect for me and the importance I place on it, allow me my mysteries.

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Likewise, I don't disclose. However, I don't necessarily hide it either.


I'm not sure it's a big deal. Pheros can't make someone be attracted to you, pheros just give you an extra few per cent, which you can then capitalise on, 90 per cent of it is in your attitude. Additionally, a lot of commercial (beauty counter type) perfumes have pheros (like Paris Hilton's hideous concoction) - admittedly probably less pheros than we use. Some level of phero use, conscious or unconcsious is a lot more common than most folk think.



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I'm not sure it's a big deal. Pheros can't make someone be attracted to you, pheros just give you an extra few per cent, which you can then capitalise on, 90 per cent of it is in your attitude.



I've discover pheros are basically human scent that triggers one's desire to mate. Where as perfume triggers emotions and if blend well, imagery and fantasy.


The man already has the desire to mate, that's why he's your man. Pheros to just kick it up a notch. It's funny how some blends make him more aggressive, romantic or sensual though. I blended three different blends for the same guy and it's kinda of funny to see his reaction.


My observation is with random strangers, attention comes from:

#1 is your body, shape, size, the way you move (attitude I guess)

#2 is your face, ooh she's his type, or so exotic/stunning, and expression

#3 is your scent

#4 is your personality (when they finally have the balls to talk to you)


That means he was already somewhat attracted to you, before he smelled you. The smell just makes him pay attention more, to mentally and emotionally put the peices together.


1 and 2 is changeable. #3 scent affects how you move and your expression first, then it affects him. #4 is last, but that is what makes you worth pursuing long term or not.

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I really wish that people, men and women alike, would realize that phero use is for so much MORE than sex, or romance, or attraction. There is so much more to it than that.


I used Dominance today. I was meeting with another new, potential client, who I was wanting to land as a regular client. I chose Dominance for one main reason. This gentleman, who I had never met in person, had "challenged" me somewhat on the phone, and had stated that he disliked his last two accountants because they did not "take charge" of the situation.


Knowing that PGD puts me in a serious alpha mode, I slathered it on. And besides the fact that I smelled really good, the pheros put me in a position for him to LISTEN and to realize that I knew what I was talking about. By the time he left, he had agreed that I was going to be his accountant, and that he was going to pay whatever necessary to make that happen.


So YES, pheros are fun in the sexual arena......A LOT OF FUN.......but phero use can assist in so many other situations than just sex (or attraction).....


Ok rant over.....

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I really wish that people, men and women alike, would realize that phero use is for so much MORE than sex, or romance, or attraction. There is so much more to it than that.


Ok rant over.....


I hope that wasn't directed at me :( . I understand that it's NOT all about sex, that's precisely why "Intellectual: Female" is such an attraction, I was curious to explore with it. And I also learned from you, that if the "attraction" isn't there, then it won't miraculously be there just because you wear "pheros", but if it is, it's a "plus". Right ?

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I hope that wasn't directed at me :blink: . I understand that it's NOT all about sex, that's precisely why "Intellectual: Female" is such an attraction, I was curious to explore with it. And I also learned from you, that if the "attraction" isn't there, then it won't miraculously be there just because you wear "pheros", but if it is, it's a "plus". Right ?



No, hun, it wasn't directed at you. I think that you have the right idea for how and why you want to use pheromones. I just get a little "miffed" when people think that the only thing pheros are good for is for attraction in a romantic or sexual sense......I mean, they ARE good for that, but I want people to understand that they are good for SO MUCH MORE!!!! Just venting!!!!

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No, hun, it wasn't directed at you. I think that you have the right idea for how and why you want to use pheromones. I just get a little "miffed" when people think that the only thing pheros are good for is for attraction in a romantic or sexual sense......I mean, they ARE good for that, but I want people to undersatnd that they are good for SO MUCH MORE!!!! Just venting!!!!

When I read the one about "swimming w/sharks", I told my supervisor, sometimes she has to deal with the "suits" that suffer from "short man" and "little penis" syndrome and they have the tendency to treat women in a demeaning manner inspite of their "equal" status. She could use it, but is even more uneducated than I when it comes to "pheros". Have a cocktail and vent ALL YOU WANT, Sista !

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When I read the one about "swimming w/sharks", I told my supervisor, sometimes she has to deal with the "suits" that suffer from "short man" and "little penis" syndrome and they have the tendency to treat women in a demeaning manner inspite of their "equal" status. She could use it, but is even more uneducated than I when it comes to "pheros". Have a cocktail and vent ALL YOU WANT, Sista !


Oh, I have already hit the daiquiris, believe me! The world of pheros can be indispensible, in many areas of everyday life......it just takes an open mind.....and to see them as something other than just mating signals......

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