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My directions were in reference to a spray bottle of UNscented pheromones only. You can add perfume oil up to 1/3rd of the bottle. k?


re Sexpionage specifically, and with oil perfume and Sexpionage oil base...this stuff is very strong. You can add 20-30 drops into an entire 1/3rd oz bottle of perfume oil and see how that works for you. You can add more if need be but that's a decent place to start.

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Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?

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Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?


Holy crap, I'm trying this.... :say59:

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re Sexpionage specifically, and with oil perfume and Sexpionage oil base...this stuff is very strong. You can add 20-30 drops into an entire 1/3rd oz bottle of perfume oil and see how that works for you. You can add more if need be but that's a decent place to start.


I had 1/3 bottle of LP red as my travel bottle so I just added 25 drops (small drops) to that + 5 drops of OCCO black. and it's "resting" for a couple days.

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Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?



That is GREAT! Probably because it has Androstenone in it.....that is a typically "male" phero, so it can crank women up......I get really great results with Sexpionage and with Dominance, which also has A-none......but I am normally a very orgasmic person to begin with!

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That is GREAT! Probably because it has Androstenone in it.....that is a typically "male" phero, so it can crank women up......I get really great results with Sexpionage and with Dominance, which also has A-none......but I am normally a very orgasmic person to begin with!


Oh good! I'm so glad I'm not completely alone when it comes to this type of results. It's truly so interesting how pheros work. I would've never guessed this type of result would happen. No complaints from me though, and hubby is more than thrilled ;)



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Oh good! I'm so glad I'm not completely alone when it comes to this type of results. It's truly so interesting how pheros work. I would've never guessed this type of result would happen. No complaints from me though, and hubby is more than thrilled ;)


Sexpionage takes things to a more "bitey", sort of animal level for me. And yes, now that you mention it, physically speaking everything feels more intense. Like my nerve endings are on steroids.

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Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?


Wow, Chrissy, that's awesome! I can't wait to order a bottle or a trial spray bottle.


Sexpionage takes things to a more "bitey", sort of animal level for me. And yes, now that you mention it, physically speaking everything feels more intense. Like my nerve endings are on steroids.


This is how I felt with CP. I'm excited to try the un-spray.

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Ummm...so I don't normally give TMI, but I've been holding this one in for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there might like to hear my results with Sexpionage. So don't read any further if sex TMI creeps you out.



When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!! I'm pretty sure the other two were failures due to my hormones/cycle time.


Has anyone had results like this? Maybe even with another sexy phero?

YES. Sexpionage is a throw-caution-to-the-wind-and-f***-'til-you-faint kind of phero for Mr. Matt and me. It definitely lowers my inhibitions and it definitely enhances my sexual response. And I am a horn dog to begin with! As for Mr. Matt, it can wake him out of a dead sleep. Heh. Late-night rendezvous. :666:


I first used it in Compromising Positions. LOVE that one. Then I got a bottle of unscented Sexpionage, which I successfully layered with whatever perfume I wanted. I don't have any unscented right now, but am planning on getting more.


A funny side note--when I wear Compromising Positions, my girls follow me around like ducklings and talk my ears off. Anything I wear with a good dose of cops gives them a mommy vibe. Doesn't seem to bother my son either way. He's 18...and he's an asperger's guy....so there are many variables there. Maybe he just thinks I want to ravish Dad. :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Could someone advise me as to what perfume would blend well with Sexpionage if I want to get it as a boost (versus layering with the UN)?


I've tried Compromising Positions- as much as I LOVE the fact that I can barely catch a whiff of cops straight out of the bottle or when wet, as well as the creamy yummy vanilla scent, I HATE the patchouli dry down :(


I like foodie gourmand scents, but no musks, slutty honeys, resins, ambers and woods, which I'm guessing are the best to cover up crazy cop-heavy mixes like Sexpionage.


Advice? :D

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Sweet fruits like Shelly's BB, Premediated Passion, Taihitian Temptress (GGG) and vanilla scents like Lick of Cream. I'm not a big fan of foodie gourmand scents so I'll leave that to the other ladies to recommend.

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I almost forgot: have you tried Caramel Sutra? It's also a quite strong gourmand scent without patchouli. It has sugar, vanilla, chocolate, honeycomb (and just a bit of musk).


Or Carolyn's Man Nip: pumpkin, lavender, vanilla, butter/cream, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon,honey, sugar, raspberry.

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I've got Lick of Cream and Ali's VV in the mail on the way to me, so I'll see how I like those :D


Thanks for the suggestions, though! So generally anything very foody/gourmand-y will most likely be fine, yes?


As long as your cover is on the heavier side. Sexpionage is a stinky phero. I boosted LP AE 2011 with it, and it covers fine. If you get the UN Sexpionage, you can experiment with different perfumes to see what works :)

Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!! I didn't even know what was happening the first time, I thought it was a fluke. A wonderful fluke, but still just a one time deal. I've tried it without Sexpionage and cannot achieve the same results. I've tried it so far eleven times with Sexpionage and about the same without. Out of the eleven with the phero, it worked nine times!!


Mara can thank you for selling a bottle of this...it is officially on my next to be ordered list thanks to you :lol:

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I'm not really into the foody scents either, but Shely's Bodacious Bomb was designed to cover Sexpionage, so it would probably have no issue handling a boost.

Edited by Dolly
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  • 1 month later...

I'm still curious about boosting either/or both Ebil-ish or AVV with this... Anyone? Will they cover? Or like Snowflake, (I think!), suggested, A Lick of Cream? I'm just dying to boost something with Sexpionage, but I'm at a loss as to which perfumes will cover it well. I'd love to boost Ebil-ish or AVV in particular. Other ideas, (beyond Sugared Honeycomb and UNE), are LP Red & LP O. Are there any fantastic perfumes the rest of you have successfully boosted with Sexpionage?


And is the UN really difficult to cover? Upthread EOSP said she hasn't had any issues covering it with just about any perfume. What kind of experiences have the rest of you had trying to cover the UN? Or boosting it into certain perfumes, (details on *which* perfumes please!).

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So far I've only added it to Balls! to make a boosted spray...still total YUM! But I still have a whole bottle of un to play with....and I lurv Ail's VV. Maybe I'll make Spray just to see how much Sexpionage Ail's can take...love that one sooo much! Will re post when I do :)

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When I wear this wondrous phero while having sex, I have the longest most drawn out orgasms!!

Sexpionage takes things to a more "bitey", sort of animal level for me. And yes, now that you mention it, physically speaking everything feels more intense. Like my nerve endings are on steroids.


I will agree with both of these statements. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm working long hours right now (by my own choosing, and grateful for the opportunity and ability to do so! Love how supportive of our needs and even wants G-d is enabling the Universe to be for me and my family!) and our frolic time has been a bit diminished in spirit and intensity these last few days....


So, I thought I would give Sexpionage a trial, to see if I received the same kind of self-effects others in this review thread reported. I had purchased the trial spray from Nov's phero-sale but hadn't tested it out yet. Last night offered the perfect opportunity. It was late; I was tired and knew I needed to get up in just a little bit over 5 hours... and while My Beloved is respectful of those circumstances, we do so love our time together. A few spritzes while I prepared for bed ... and I curled up with an interesting read while I waited for him to ready for bed....


At first, I was thinking it might not be enough to overcome the tiredness... that is, until My Beloved climbed into bed next to me and gave me a sweet kiss goodnight after saying "You're so beautiful even when you are exhausted" and I responded with a definite "I don't think so! No way! I demand more than that... so much more than that!" kind of kiss... and the game was ON!


And, yes, it was a VERY NICE 'O' and yes indeed the nerve-endings were all tingly... and there was definitely an animalistic "must have you now" kind of effect for both of us (just had to convince My Beloved that it wasn't disrespectful of my need to sleep for us to have a romp and roll first). Fun and well worth the loss of sleep! I will definitely have to try this one again when I am completely rested :) I can just imagine the fun and fireworks then!


Interesting side effect about which I would like to survey the rest of you: have you noticed any effects on your animals from this blend? During the time while awaiting My Beloved to prepare for bed, while I was curled up with my book, the dogs curled up next to me. Now, that is nothing new; the two dobies and the azawakh always fiind a space to sleep on the bed every night and they are always cuddle-monsters. However, they don't usually aggressively jockey for position on me/next to me (except for the week preceding my TOTM, when the azawakh becomes convinced that he is my protector and that no one is allowed near me!) The two dobie females were extremely vocal and bordered on full aggression towards each other regarding their place next to/ on me (and one of the girls is my husband's; she generally does not insist on needing to be right there by my side). I had to become very stern and forceful with them. I was seriously contemplating whether I might need to annoint them with Treasured Hearts or something to counter the affects of Sexpionage on them! Thankfully, after being extremely firm with them regarding the inappropriateness of their behavior they settled down. The azawakh, who is a male, on the other hand, did not have the increased aggression; he actually seemed to be calmed by the blend.

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Fun and well worth the loss of sleep! I will definitely have to try this one again when I am completely rested :)


Interesting side effect about which I would like to survey the rest of you: have you noticed any effects on your animals from this blend?


Great Post!!! And, yes, I find a good romp improves the rested feeling you wake up with as well!


Now that you mention about the pooches...we have large and small breeds. The little ones claim me completely, as they are allowed on the furniture and will drape themselves across my lap, but the larger dogs accumulate underfoot, lol. It's not the only blend they react like that to. The boys all love Fuzzy Wuzzy too, and there are a handful of others. Haven't noticed any aggression from any of them though. I have found they will try to lick off my lovely LPs from my wrists if I give them half a chance!

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Could someone advise me as to what perfume would blend well with Sexpionage if I want to get it as a boost (versus layering with the UN)?


I've tried Compromising Positions- as much as I LOVE the fact that I can barely catch a whiff of cops straight out of the bottle or when wet, as well as the creamy yummy vanilla scent, I HATE the patchouli dry down :(


I like foodie gourmand scents, but no musks, slutty honeys, resins, ambers and woods, which I'm guessing are the best to cover up crazy cop-heavy mixes like Sexpionage.


Advice? :D


I have mixed a few (15) drops of Sexpionage UN in a semi full bottle of LP RED and LOVE IT!


PS CHAI: sometimes sex can be so mind blowing when you're stressed and it happens unexpectedly (the sex, not the stress) Must be the release of stress hormones mixing with the endorphins? IDK but there's nothing like it!

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