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OH WOW I feel like a Miss U.S.A. contestant!!


Oh Gods, LadyVictoria! This popped into my mind, full-blown: You, standing on a stage in one of those beauty contest swimming suits and high heels (all white sequiny), with a California ribbon across your front. Oh and you're wearing a tiara and your hair is all poofed and wavy. You're in the spotlight, with camera flashes going off in the audience. You're saying, "Hi! My name is Lady V, and I love LPMP perfume and testing pheros and sex and..." :lol:B):)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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*hands imaginary flowers & crowns with invisible crown*



Omg beccah you don't even know.. I've been dreaming and scheming up ways to wear a real tiara somewhere,anywhere and get away with it.. well my super powers convinced all the women in my office to wear them to work on 5/23 Victoria Day in Canada. Ages range from 29-49 and we are also going to get one for BossHole because he's a big Queen

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Oh Gods, LadyVictoria! This popped into my mind, full-blown: You, standing on a stage in one of those beauty contest swimming suits and high heels (all white sequiny), with a California ribbon across your front. Oh and you're wearing a tiara and your hair is all poofed and wavy. You're in the spotlight, with camera flashes going off in the audience. You're saying, "Hi! My name is Lady V, and I love LPMP perfume and testing pheros and sex and..." :lol:B):666:





LOVE IT OH and then AD company throws pigs blood on me and my eyes get all red and fires break out everywhere! Then I take my lassso of truth squeeze them dry and then I disappear in my invisible jet and throw money from the sky with LPMP logo on it

Edited by LadyVictoria
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LOVE IT OH and then AD company throws pigs blood on me and my eyes get all red and fires break out everywhere! Then I take my lassso of truth squeeze them dry and then I disappear in my invisible jet and throw money from the sky with LPMP logo on it



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LOVE IT OH and then AD company throws pigs blood on me and my eyes get all red and fires break out everywhere! Then I take my lassso of truth squeeze them dry and then I disappear in my invisible jet and throw money from the sky with LPMP logo on it


Waiter? I'll have what SHE'S having...

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I love how you combined about five different characters there. :666:


Alright, I got 4;


1. Miss America (or should I say Canada?)

2. Carrie

3. The chick from a different Stephen King novel (oh what IS her name??)

4. Wonder Woman


Who's the 5th, pretty please?

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In my head it was like a washer on Spin Cycle and all these characters and scenes were screaming.. let me out ..



Miss America

Penguin Man in Batman when he throws money at people

Drew Barrymore in Firestarter and Wonder Woman.


I also channeled a bit of Daryl Hannah in Attack of the 50 ft. Woman, but she didn't make the final cut.

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Waiter? I'll have what SHE'S having...


:lol: ...breakfast,lunch,dinner,and midnight snack :666:



this is the first post I read today...youse guys are such crack-ups B)

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You know how weird this is - like 24 hours before LadyV said anything about the Miss USA pageant, I said to a friend that "Lady V could be Miss America".


Oh wow that is weird!

that's really nice you think I could be Miss America. It makes me laugh, I would never ever try out, I've seen too many episodes of Toddlers and Tiaras to know what really goes on behind the scenes. Besides, I would probably pee myself or trip, or insult the judges.

Or all three. " Golden Showers for everyone!! "

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" Golden Showers for everyone!! "


Wow, your aim is that accurate? There's a bright future in porn for you! :666:

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And to think my friends ask me, "How can you spend so much time on a forum about perfume? What's so entertaining about perfume?" :rolleyes::party:



I love this place, it's like a planet where we are all superheros... and now I will segue into mystery phero.


For me , I feel very aware of things, more aware than usual. I can see everything!

I love it. For example I noticed small lettering on a woman's canvas tote in the elevator and when I was walking into work I noticed people walking across the parking lot.

I also noticed my pre menstrual cramps are not so severe and walking up the flight of stairs this am I did not get winded in my heels. I usually do as I carry a million things and I am always rushing. I feel strong and like I am a super human. I am also not too hungry.. love love love this feeling. I was hungry before I applied this morning but now. nothing. Interesting.


Just got out of a meeting with bosshole and 2 females. I noticed details about one of the girls I hadn't before. Her eyebrows were nice, I liked how the individual strands of hair went in one direction so smoothly. I also noticed that there were hair strands on the table, no one else noticed them but me. I was also able to help bosshole remember an acronym we just learned the day before. I came to the meeting late and walked in on our VP telling us what the acronym meant. I was really surprised I remembered it, it was like no problem retrieving it from my memory bank.


Bosshole was very truthful about how stupid he really is and said many times he didn't know the answers to our questions. So far I feel like a spy of some sort. I like ; ()


I'll report more as day goes on to see if I notice anything else.

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Awesome report, lady!


Even though it's early, I am already stalking mailbox AND my poor Stamps link has been clicked a dozen times... Does anyone else click on recent past package links to calculate the arrival of a currently awaited package? Guilty :party: ...since the notice arrival! I half expect Stamps to take out a restraining order :rolleyes:


And now, LadyV's report has me that much more excited, sounds super intriguing... Can't wait to hear more!

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Still have not had official breakfast yet... I drank coffee. It's definetly curbing my appetite. Althogh it could be due to impending period, I get really hungry right before then everything grosses me out a day or two before the flood gates open.

I did pick at coffee crumb donut with brown sugar and decided it wasn't worth my time so I tossed the whole thing into the trash.


I do feel like I am 5 steps ahead of everyone. I walked with my assistant to get coffee, there is some restructuring going on, that will provide opportunities for people in my dept. I had a pep talk with him and outlined what he needed to do, and who he should talk to about new positions that are opening up. I told him.. " speak to Alyson then Ban"


When we got back to our desks there was an email from bosshole indicating any persons interested in new positions should " speak to Alyson then Ban"


First time it happened was in meeting when I felt what bosshole was trying to say but couldnt.


Again don't know if it had to do with phero or my ability to foretell future events of world domination.. MUAH AAHAHAHAHAHH

Interesting though.


I can't wait to see what the other gals feel and experience.

Very Matrixxy for me.

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Very interesting report! I want something that helps me notice details and curbs my appetite! Does it help with concentration and motivation too? Or does it cause you to be distracted by little details?



It helps with motivation, it helps me want to get to the bottom of things. Like I want to solve a puzzle. I feel like a double agent. Almost like a truth serum type of feel but not to where I am talking too much, where I can feel people's emotions or see what's in their head in order to understand something. I have also noticed a need for people to reassure me of what they are doing or why they came to a particular conclusion.


Like I've been so busy with people coming to my desk telling me why they did something a particular way. I feel like the Godfather.


Im speaking to Bosshole about the changes, he slipped and said there was something else that we were not told at the meeting about a change that is coming, one that was kinda cool and he wanted to tell me so bad, he then went to our VP to ask if this event had happened so he could spill the beans to me. I'm not a manager in my dept, and that info is sensitive.. top secret info.


In the past 25 minutes I've had conversations with 4 people and they all wanted to give me information on something or just chat with me. The bathroom cleaning lady wanted to give me the number to her healer, if I my back pain ever flared up again.

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Very interesting indeed!


Lady V, how did you apply Phero M(ystery)?



I applied on my body before I got dressed one spritz then on my clothes and then I had some on my fingers and dabbed that on my neck.


I also noticed that this is helping me remember information that makes me look super smart. There was that one acronym I recalled, and in a conversation with a gentlemen earlier , I remembered that name of a client's broker to whom I haven't spoken to in years. She does not have alot of clients with my company and is off the radar, so for me to recall her name is pretty impressive. The guy I was speaking with was impressed with my freak brain ; ()

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Your self effects remind me of how I felt when i first started taking adderall LadyV



I feel like people don't want to upset me. I also feel like it's giving me this crazy insight into people's feelings. Like I know what they want from me. I sent my bf a text just a simple text and he said it was so nice it made him almost cry. It wasn't anyhting like let's have a million babies and I will make you pancakes everyday.. I told him it would be nice for us to do something as a family tonight, Me, him and the baby. He was so happy.

I wanted to test this further and so I told bosshole that he did a great job at the meeting. The queen lit up like a Xmas tree! He was so gleeful and excited that he did a great job because he was scared that his delivery was off.


I'm very curious to hear the other gals and what they experience.

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Sometimes a little kindness can go a long way towards defusing people's insecurities, which is what causes them to behave badly.

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The Vial arrived - and PM, just a note - it did sit in the heat a bit (quite warm to the touch when I picked it up at noon) I don't know if that has any affect on the whole matter. I tore it open and applied 2 sprays on my chest/front, one on the back of my neck. On my belly I'm wearing something Brown Sugar I think from Sephora. It's a fairly generic sweet/vanillic thing. (I'm going thru my stash of alcohol-based fumes to weed and rid myself of what I don't want)


Anyway - I've got a crushing headache and am headed out to the dreaded BIG BOX store for cheaper cat food...this must have some mood elevation because I do not hate everyone and everything there as much as I am wont to. In fact I don't even get frustrated when the leeetle cans keep falling out of the cart as *they* are wont to. Not too many people close to interact, just the normal zombie traffic. Like I said I have no love for the place...and I do notice I'm not as impatient.

Checkout gal ID's the college chickie in front of me for purchasing her wine coolers. Checkout gal ID's *me* for the bottle of wine, and takes an extra long time doing so. Mmmm, yes. Check my grays if you wish.


Considering the upsetting phone call I had from mom just before this, and a lot of other stuff weighing on my mind (cutbacks at work) I'm feeling pretty ok. The man is headed over tonight for movie/dinner and a snuggle so if there's more to report I shall.

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WOW, ladies! Curiouser and curiouser...but with a thread of similarity running through both, to my mind. Good work! Keep those reviews coming!!! :)




I should probably get mine tomorrow then.

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