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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Sounds like a GREAT day Eggers! :D


A number of you have mentioned CB and Sneaky Clean....I have GOT to remember to order that!


That's ADORABLE about the older gents giving you the DIHLs :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, this invoked a scent memory! I can't put my finger on it though, most likely a Canada scent I'm trying to remember :I


The florals are really prominent in the vial especially after I shake it. Once on its reminiscent of clean laundry--like you're outside near the dryer vent and you can smell the neighbours flower garden next door with a gentle breeze.

Ack! Dumb tiny buttons!


All the other scent notes can go home :D I can't even smell them individually!


In all seriousness that is super serious...this is a really good cozy scent, I dabbed some on because me n my man got prickly but right after it dried down I passed out for a whoping 6hrs(hence why the review is at 4am rather than say, 12pm) so I can't say what est really does for me at full blast, will try a few more times. If it keeps KO-ing me....then I have a legit sleep aid haha

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  • 1 month later...

I want to compose, choreograph and simultaneously perform all the musical and dance parts to a ballet in honor of cuddle bunny.


I had to make "a pitch" to someone about something that is needed, but the asking of which was necessarily demoralizing to the person & will make the person's life much more difficult in the short term including politically. I expected AT BEST this response:



Instead I got a kitten purring like a lawnmower and rubbing all over me and rolling over and demanding belly rubs. (yes I looked for a video or gif & couldn't find anything I liked)



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I wore UN CB covered with LP Pink the other night, and it was like that one scene from Family Guy where Peter sprays on TAG for sick cats and the cats come out of the woodwork, except it was much more deliciously scented, and it wasn't sick cats, it was children and animals! My neighbor's little boy, who is standoffish with me at best, gave me the biggest hug and clung to my leg. the neighbor dogs just ate me up too. And at one point in the evening, I was sitting on my couch with the dog pressed up on one side of me and the boy on the other, just as comfortable. Just a bunch of cuddle monsters!





(Can't make it embed from work. Will fix later.)

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:lol: Kind of EWE to the video but YOUR story is WAY more adorable LOL!


I'll have to take note next time I wear it...our dogs go lovey-dovey over me when I wear certain blends, I'll have to see if CB was one of them :)

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I just wore CB to a meeting that included the super senior guy I love & whom I used to Cougar but accidentally discovered I can get outrageous results with, using CB. (grammar disaster sentence - sleep deprived) anyway I pherobombed myself - he was purring and very receptive as before, but all I could think about was climbing onto him and touching his hair. :swoon: gotta be more vigilant with those cops selfies


ETA one thing I noticed with this person particularly - CB makes him excessively awed and verbally complimentary. This has happened four times in a row. I don't remember noticing that with this blend before.




that one scene from Family Guy where Peter sprays on TAG for sick cats and the cats come out of the woodwork, except it was much more deliciously scented, and it wasn't sick cats


lolololol!! I watch FG too, though not proud of it :D so insanely funny. hey, maybe tag for cats smells good, we don't know! :smiley-laughing024:

found it. For me this clip reminds me more of LFM than anything -- people clamoring over you and getting WAY THE FUCK TOO CLOSE


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I tested Pherogirl CB and CB a few days ago. They smell quite similar to me but it seems like my skin loves it and eat it up after an hour or so, leaving behind a scent which could be est, cops or both. The scent is rather sweet and feminine.


I've been wanting to test my new bottle of UN CB or CB boosted scents on my friend for a long time now. He's a great responder to SS4W, PP, Cougar, LAM and BAM. Oh well, I've been wearing these pheros around him whenever we go out. Wanted to test Velvet Kisses on him but I wanted something clean so ended up with Sneaky Clean (as I didn't have time for drydown) and dabbed a little CB 2009 on the back of my hands. We met up for a drink as he was going home for Christmas and won't be back till mid Jan. Did I notice anything special? No, not really but I was a little horny at the end of the night. It could be the cops since I haven't used cops for a while and I get great self effects from cops.

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Bummer for no noticeable reaction from guy friend :( - Bonus for selfies though! ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone use Cuddle Bunny with Lace?

I use Cuddle Bunny with Topper all the time and I love that combo.

Would the extra EST a bad thing?

I probably wouldn't use both at the same time, but that's just me. I just mentioned on another thread that too much EST can make me feel sucky/clingy/weepy, though I'm not sure what effects others get from too much. The other thing I'd be worried about is giving off a weak/simpering impression by wearing too much EST - it's only happened once, but my BF, who's a great EST responder, actually got really annoyed with me one time when I *knew* I'd applied too much.


I think Topper's great with CB - I've had fun with that pair myself. I'd probably stick with that combo personally.

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Does anyone use Cuddle Bunny with Lace?

I use Cuddle Bunny with Topper all the time and I love that combo.

Would the extra EST a bad thing?

The only time I paired the 2 was to get a smidge of cops from the CB. I used 1 circle of CB around my belly button but used lace on my wrists, neck & collarbone. It didn't seem to be too much Est, but to Egger's point I didn't use very much CB. I have used CB & Topper...and Lace & Topper and liked both of those very much :)

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I have worn Cuddle Bunny (the enhanced perfume version) about three times and I really, really like it. The scent itself is great on me, definitely "me", and the self effects are great -- I feel giddy/happy, cute, friendly, touch of sexy and flat out Aaa-dorable when I wear this. I've also noticed that my boss is seriously affected by this stuff -- he gets very very talkitive and, yes, a little giddy and he just grins grins grins. Very animated. The first time i saw him get this way, I remember just looking at him in astonishment. (He's normally a very even-keeled-leaning-towards-happy person, but this was over-the-top -- like... last-day-of-school-before-summer-break happy.)


The scent seems to fade way more quickly than I like*, so I have reapplied more often than I want to be doing -- I don't want to OD on the CB phero blend -- or chase people away by wearing too much! But I love the scent so much, I want to keep smelling it.


One issue that I have noticed is that when I apply Cuddle Bunny in the morning, by the afternoon, I am WIPED OUT -- seriously, brainfoggy and dragging and all I want to do is crawl under my desk and sleep. Has anyone else noticed this effect with their use of CB (or any other pheromone blend?) I don't get a headache, just feel ... depleted. And coffee doesn't help! Also, applying more CB does not help.


I think this may be happening with Cougar Potion (scented version), too, but will have to run a few more tests to be sure.



*though now that I know the lotion trick, hopefully the CB will stick around much longer next time I wear it

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I haven't noticed it with CB but I have on occasion with BANG!, CP & PP. Not in the middle of the day though, usually in the evening and after an already high energy day. I don't know that I can lay it at the feet of the phero blend though, as I tend to pick my blends for the day by what I anticipate to encounter that day to begin with...I don't know if it's that they wear me out or that they carry me through! :lol:

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So far I've only ever been wiped out from blends with a lot of A-nol. Mainly Lace, which can also give me a headache. So I'm wondering whether it's the EST or the cops in CB that are making you feel that way. I don't know if either of these are likely to have that effect on people, but it'd be interesting to find out. I know I love EST and wear it often, and it doesn't make me feel tired at all.

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Decreasing the amount you wear might help. For some, it really only takes a dab to get effects so you might be overdosing on them. Keep track of how much and where you apply and start with a small amount and work up to larger applications over different occasions. ( not all on the same day). Adding more when you are already OD'd on it won't help and you will only be wasting pheros.

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Wow, that's so interesting to find out! I had no idea all pheros can potentially do that to you. Makes me want to make sure I'm taking some days off here and there for the sake of my poor neurotransmitters. Thanks for bringing up this question Cougarrific.

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I have worn Cuddle Bunny (the enhanced perfume version) about three times and I really, really like it. The scent itself is great on me, definitely "me", and the self effects are great -- I feel giddy/happy, cute, friendly, touch of sexy and flat out Aaa-dorable when I wear this. I've also noticed that my boss is seriously affected by this stuff -- he gets very very talkitive and, yes, a little giddy and he just grins grins grins. Very animated. The first time i saw him get this way, I remember just looking at him in astonishment. (He's normally a very even-keeled-leaning-towards-happy person, but this was over-the-top -- like... last-day-of-school-before-summer-break happy.)


The scent seems to fade way more quickly than I like*, so I have reapplied more often than I want to be doing -- I don't want to OD on the CB phero blend -- or chase people away by wearing too much! But I love the scent so much, I want to keep smelling it.


One issue that I have noticed is that when I apply Cuddle Bunny in the morning, by the afternoon, I am WIPED OUT -- seriously, brainfoggy and dragging and all I want to do is crawl under my desk and sleep. Has anyone else noticed this effect with their use of CB (or any other pheromone blend?) I don't get a headache, just feel ... depleted. And coffee doesn't help! Also, applying more CB does not help.


I think this may be happening with Cougar Potion (scented version), too, but will have to run a few more tests to be sure.



*though now that I know the lotion trick, hopefully the CB will stick around much longer next time I wear it


Holy Moly! :o It just goes to show how differently these perfumes wear on all of us! On me, Cuddle Bunny '09 is one of the "stickiest" scents, EVER. And it's not like I slather it. I do a lolly, smoosh it around with my wrists & get dressed once it's dried down, and I can't smell anything else but Cuddle Bunny all freakin' day! And I mean, it's like it gets up my nose and interferes with other smells! Not that I mind much. :lol: It's so sticky I actually have to have a shower before I apply anything else.

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Funny, I once complained that I was wiped out because of CB and people here were like really, how, on just cops and est? Then I realized I'd been drinking heavily and sleeping little for the entire period. Lol. It seems pretty unlikely to me that the phero itself would wipe you out. Could it be your own cheerful giddiness, or as was my case is there anything else that could be to blame?


I wore this today with lp red. CCLD blurted, "you know I love you" in the middle of unrelated sentences. Have now lost count of the number of people declaring they love me when I'm wearing this. Whether they mean it is a different story of course, but one can't complain about hearing it :cheeky:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot how crazy powerful good ol Cuddle Bunny is! Guys came out of everywhere today, to help me, joke with me, talk about nothing with me. Another guy was feeding my dog his own lunch and trying to be funny and make me laugh. Another guys hands where literally shaking while he talked to me. Poor guy.... He was probably the most effected. This stuff is potent!

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I feel Cuddle Bunny is my favorite phero.

Everyone is so nice and they seem happy to be near me when I wear it.

I also feel so girly when wearing it,

I was thinking about trying Sexology but I am not sure it could get any better than with Cuddle Bunny!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore Cuddle Bunny today, because I was headed to a meetup, and stopped at the mall...I swear, I had SO many people talking to me, being super nice, but not guys - women! I don't understand it, since CB is just Est and cops, right? Why would that have women being super-nice to me? One woman even stopped me to ask what color my lipstick was, because it was "so perfect."


The meetup was for gamers, which I think is fun but I definitely don't know what I'm doing. The first group of people I played with weren't terribly nice, but I think that's because they were super hardcore gamer people and just didn't really have patience for someone as clueless as me. No amount of pheros in the world could have gotten their attention - not that I wanted to! The second group I played with were much better, and one guy in particular got really nice as time wore on...now that I think about it, he was sitting on my left, and I probably put CB on my left shoulder out of habit ("the guy" is often on my left at work because I pull my chair up to his desk next to him, so I've just always put a dab of whatever I'm wearing on my left shoulder). Even when that game broke up, he kept returning and hanging around, usually hovering near me, which is weird because he probably actually knew all the other players much better than he knew me. However, it wasn't "hanging around" and "hovering" in a creepy way, just nice and friendly and helpful. I do really love a good Est blend, and I think CB is one of the best!



I was thinking about trying Sexology but I am not sure it could get any better than with Cuddle Bunny!


If you like Cuddle Bunny you should definitely give sexology a try. Back when I was wearing cops, I really liked them both, and found they had similar effects. Sexology seemed to be a little more pronounced - like Cuddle Bunny, only more:)


I don't wear alot of cops anymore, but I'm probably going to rotate CB back in, maybe just once a week max because of the cops at work. I don't want to overdo it, but I do really love Cuddle Bunny!

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I have just enough left in my sample bottle of CB for one more application - I keep saving it for "the right time"! lol! I love this stuff! Re me being all wiped out by the CB, I think it is not just the CB, but any phero that I have applied. I seem to end up being mildly depleted at the end of the day, more than normal -- though, I am embarrassed to admit that my initial feelings of being totally wiped were probably also related to having had Monster drinks those mornings which by themselves will leave me crashed and burned. So, can't blame it all on the Cuddle Bunny. :)


But, I can't wait until payday!! I am ordering a full bottle of the Cuddle Bunny -- I finally tried this out on my boyfriend and oh-holy-mother-of-god* he responds so amazingly well to this! Cuddly, affectionate, happy, considerate -- he's normally all of these things, but this stuff ramps it up to a new level! (Also, we went out to dinner for my birthday and had to wait at the bar for a table to become available and the bartender made my drinks so strong, I coughed/choked on my first sip! I don't have a behavior baseline for the bartender, but I did notice that the other drinks he made were not as strong as mine! lol!)


My boss is also a magnificent reponder to this stuff -- he came into my office to talk about a new report he would like me to create, pulled up a chair to sit next to me at my desk so he could view my computer monitor, and within minutes had changed the topic of conversation to what he can do to help me advance in my career as well as assuring me that I am doing an awesome job and have met or exceeded all expectations.


I get more hits consistently with Cuddly Bunny than any of the other pheromone blends I've tried. Bang! comes in a close second -- and I broke my bottle of Cougar Potion before I could thoroughly test it, but that one was great for self-effects. (my hair was so shiny! my skin so glowy! my eyes so sparkly! and damn, did I have a quick and saucy wit or what? lol! ) Still need further testing on others, though. :)



*no offense meant -- not blaspheming your god, just praising mine! :)

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Funny, Cougarrific, I'm ordering a fb in March as well! I really do wear tiny amounts, and as a result my trial vials last a long time, but CB was one of my first and it's getting dangerously low. I'm just waiting impatiently for new releases to come out, and then my order will be in!

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  • 4 weeks later...

CB 2009:

Although I really like it in the bottle this smells very cottony on my, almost a bit too much when wet. It calms down once it has dried, though, and the maple and sugar come through, as well as a touch of the florals (the are never prominent). The scent lasts a very long time; an afternoon application is clearly noticeable the following morning.It also seems to encourage cuddling as promised, though in this instance the cuddler has such a propensity naturally, so it's difficult to know how much of a part the phero itself actually played!


I used approx. 0.25 ml and will try 0.5 next time, as this is a perfume and so 1/3 the strength of the UN.

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I recently received my very first order from Love Potion Perfumerie- hooray! I got, among other things, a full sized bottle of Cuddle Bunny unscented. This is my first foray into pheromone use, and I was hoping to bring a warm, cuddly energy into my life. I'm naturally rather reserved and serious, and people tend to treat me accordingly.


I have worn it to work every day for a week. I didn't notice that it had much of an odor, but didn't want to risk smelling "off" at work, so I followed up with a dab of my regular perfume. I work in a busy health food store, with my time pretty evenly split between warehouse work with a few coworkers, and helping customers on the floor. Over the past week, I've noticed that customers have been friendlier and chattier with me. One lady started out complimenting my hair, and ended up petting it like it was a cat. A little awkward, but we both ended up giggling.


My coworkers have been acting differently, too. The guys I work with have been offering to help me lift heavy things, telling me silly jokes, and bringing me little snacks (it's a food store, we get lots of samples.) I wouldn't say they're flirting exactly, but they're being very chivalrous. The women have been hugging me. My boss, who usually has little to say, has been super friendly and keeps telling me what a bang-up job I'm doing. It's like I'm living in an alternate universe where everyone looks the same, but acts cuddly and sweet all the time.


I find myself being friendlier as well, returning the hugs and compliments. I'm not sure if this is the pheromones working on me, or a natural response to all the good energy coming my way. Really, is there any way to know where chemistry ends and emotions begin? I don't know, and I don't care. I do know that this has been a fun, silly week, and I've had a blast. I will be ordering more CB soon, as I never, ever want to run out of it.

Edited by Insomniac
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I recently received my very first order from Love Potion Perfumerie- hooray! I got, among other things, a full sized bottle of Cuddle Bunny unscented. This is my first foray into pheromone use, and I was hoping to bring a warm, cuddly energy into my life. I'm naturally rather reserved and serious, and people tend to treat me accordingly.


I have worn it to work every day for a week. I didn't notice that it had much of an odor, but didn't want to risk smelling "off" at work, so I followed up with a dab of my regular perfume. I work in a busy health food store, with my time pretty evenly split between warehouse work with a few coworkers, and helping customers on the floor. Over the past week, I've noticed that customers have been friendlier and chattier with me. One lady started out complimenting my hair, and ended up petting it like it was a cat. A little awkward, but we both ended up giggling.


My coworkers have been acting differently, too. The guys I work with have been offering to help me lift heavy things, telling me silly jokes, and bringing me little snacks (it's a food store, we get lots of samples.) I wouldn't say they're flirting exactly, but they're being very chivalrous. The women have been hugging me. My boss, who usually has little to say, has been super friendly and keeps telling me what a bang-up job I'm doing. It's like I'm living in an alternate universe where everyone looks the same, but acts cuddly and sweet all the time.


I find myself being friendlier as well, returning the hugs and compliments. I'm not sure if this is the pheromones working on me, or a natural response to all the good energy coming my way. Really, is there any way to know where chemistry ends and emotions begin? I don't know, and I don't care. I do know that this has been a fun, silly week, and I've had a blast. I will be ordering more CB soon, as I never, ever want to run out of it.

These sound like a really nice series of hits! Well done, you! How much have you been wearing? So pleased that your very first UN gave you these effects.

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So last night I wore Hearts' Beach Bunny Musk out on the town, which I had gotten with half a boost of Cuddle Bunny.


I absolutely love the self-effects I get from CB! It makes me feel sexy and flirty but in a very playful lowkey way. It seems to lighten my mood. I was spending the evening with a gay friend so not looking to get lucky, if you know what I mean. But even so I felt CB working its magic! Dinner was amusing -- the waiter was total DIHL the whole evening, and kept coming back to fill my glass and check on me! My friend was super attentive and flattering, and insisted on paying for everything. When I told him how much I enjoyed the playlist he put on for the long drive to the play we were seeing, he immediately offered to burn me a CD. It was a really fun happy night out, which I haven't had in a while, and which I really needed. Yay for CB! I am so happy to have bottle of the Un coming in my next order.


I am also getting a sample of scented CB, because I'm really curious to see how I like it.

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I'm glad you had such a great night out. Sounds like CB was totally workin' its magic. I love it. I think it's one of my favourite phero blends. It just never fails to produce lovely effects. ;)

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Anything that works well on my man beast is a good investment! :D Still wondering why something called CB makes me feel "kittenish" :lol: Maybe it's the soft white fluffy association? ^_~

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Does anyone use Cuddle Bunny with Lace?

I use Cuddle Bunny with Topper all the time and I love that combo.

Would the extra EST a bad thing?

CB & Topper sounds like a brilliant combo!! I'd been debating on whether to get Topper or DHEAS. After reading this I can see those two creating amazing effects and ... decided to order the Topper.

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Good investment WnG! Topper is incredibly versatile and even worn on it's own it's complimentary to all kinds of situations :)


CB is the AWESOMEST! I have Luv Truffle boosted with it (from the trade threads) OHMYGOSH what a great combo b/c my guy is a totally foodie scent lover. I liked Velvet Kisses too but LT is complete chocolate NOM!

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I fell in love with the scent of luv Truffle just as it was slipping into GGG and was able to score a couple bottles from the trade threads (can you say hoarding tendencies?). One was already copped (couldn't smell it at all!) so it gave me an idea...since hubby wasn't as keen on Velvet Kisses, it seemed like a great substitute ^_^ So I spiked my partial bottle of LT with Un CB and it's been a whole NEW Luv affair :lol:

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My bottle of Unscented Cuddle Bunny gets here tomorrow! I am so excited to pair it with Black Cat Mojo and also with the Atomic Mandarin I have coming... and I'm already planning another pair of PEs that it will be perfect for.


It's so funny with the pheros -- I never in a million years would have thought Cuddle Bunny would be the one that feels the most "me". But it somehow is the perfect confidence enhancer -- I love cops and when it's combined with the girly whateverness of Est, somehow it just sets me up to feel totally secure in myself.

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My sister does not care of the scent, she always complains about it giving her a headache. The BF doesn't care for it either. But he does like the smell next day. Kept taking deep breaths of it.


That night he also kept asking me why I was so pretty :eyeroll: ..."Jeeze why are you so pretty?" I wasn't wearing any make up aside from my standard tinted lip balm. He also said, "You have like...a glowing aura." He's gushed a strange amount about how pretty I was, I was ALMOST...(not quite) sick of it. I thought It might have been because I've been recently aggressively peeling my face with retin a...which does indeed make my skin glow biggrin.gif but I don't think freshly peeled and scaly red skin is pretty....different strokes for different folks I suppose?

Edited by MeriendaTime
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:lol: ALMOST (but not quite) :D


Something in scented CB did the same thing to me (headache I mean). I couldn't wear it on my neck or right under my nose (like between the girls). I wore it around my belly button and just a smidge to each wrist to avoid the "stabby to the 3rd eye" feeling. But I really liked it too. So weird. I eventually caved and rehomed it :( The phero itself is DAH BOMB though! Staple article for me :)

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