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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Tried Cuddle Bunny last night. He was tired so not sure what to expect. It was a better evening than I expected. He is usually kind of grouchy when tired. That seemed to leave quicker than normal. He seemed more relaxed and open, and a bit huggy. I am going to try again when he is not so tired and will let you know.

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  • 2 months later...

Back to do another review-version of making out with CB. Wore it to a work meeting where I expected to be a little uncomfortable socially for various reasons.


One person (dude) with whom I have a stiff, mutual "distrust / dislike / but must put up with each other" relationship, was practically in my lap (literally, kept creeping closer and closer while gazing at me even when other people were talking) and grabbing my leg emphatically whenever he spoke (!!! there has NEVER been ANYTHING resembling chemistry of ANY kind between us) and all deferential and all



This person (dude) was again inappropriately deferential and kept bringing the conversation back to me & needlessly mentioning me in every other sentence regardless of topic. He is a relatively stiff person as well but kept also inching his chair closer and closer to me.


The two women who were there were spellbound by me it.


LOVE THIS STUFF. I know it's not advisable / appropriate / etc to wear such a blend to work but I don't care :D

Edited by tyvey
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Back to do another review-version of making out with CB. Wore it to a work meeting where I expected to be a little uncomfortable socially for various reasons.


One person (dude) with whom I have a stiff, mutual "distrust / dislike / but must put up with each other" relationship, was practically in my lap (literally, kept creeping closer and closer while gazing at me even when other people were talking) and grabbing my leg emphatically whenever he spoke (!!! there has NEVER been ANYTHING resembling chemistry of ANY kind between us) and all deferential and all



This person (dude) was again inappropriately deferential and kept bringing the conversation back to me & needlessly mentioning me in every other sentence regardless of topic. He is a relatively stiff person as well but kept also inching his chair closer and closer to me.


The two women who were there were spellbound by me it.


LOVE THIS STUFF. I know it's not advisable / appropriate / etc to wear such a blend to work but I don't care :D



Women and girl teens adore me with this. It's so weird. You hit it on the head tyvey, they are spellbound!

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LOVE THIS STUFF. I know it's not advisable / appropriate / etc to wear such a blend to work but I don't care :D


OHMYGOSH!!! I LOVE Sailor Moon! *swoons* :D


AND I agree, there must be enough Est in CB to make it manageable for work or something - it's the awesome-est, sweetest mix. Some closer male friends may express naughty statements, but that's any day, lol. All my co-workers and friends know I'm happily married and anything sexual brought about by CB is always in playful banter, not inappropriate behavior. I really like the effect it has on WOMEN at work too - they become even sweeter, more thoughtful and helpful. Um - win...win...and WIN!

BTW tyvey - LOVE these reviews!

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  • 1 month later...

Which one is better for popularity, cuddle bunny 09 or just the unscented one? I want to try the most intense one.. :purr:

Well as far as intense the UN is 3x stronger than the scented. I love the scented CB. It was the one that gave me my very first very obvious DIHL hit and made me a phero believer. That said....I am really sick of Michael telling me I smell like men's aftershave when I wear it. It is really getting on my nerves.


For popularity of course though other pheros like Popularity Potion or Topper work for that as well. Just depends in what you are after...

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I am really sick of Michael telling me I smell like men's aftershave when I wear it. It is really getting on my nerves.


HOW can ANYONE think CB is even REMOTELY related to AFTERSHAVE!?!?! It's the most pleasant, clean, fresh combination of showered and linens to me that I have ever smelled! AFTERSHAVE? Only a MAN would think that <_< Unbelievable.

Believe me, it's not you - it's HIM. :angelhug: :D

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And he has brought it up several times!! Like sometimes he'll say he doesn't like something and then...a month later he'll say he loves something I'm wearing and it's the same scent...so I know he's crazy but the aftershave thing has happened many times. Annoying. I don't wear it around him on purpose...but I like wearing it to work so if I happen to stop by before or after work I get that very annoying comment. Then I am paranoid all day....

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OK, my hubby has a wonky sniffer, no doubt, but I pulled this out to see what he thought. "Too flowery, would give me a headache if you wore too much." It's the jasmine - my love and his nemesis apparently, I digress...but to go a step further I asked if it reminded him of after shave in any way, he looked and me quizzically and then laughed - "Not like any I've ever smelled!"

I wouldn't be paranoid about how others perceive it - your guy's sniffer is really wonky - and maaaybe my guy's isn't as bad as I thought... :lol2:

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Yes, a dab'll do for me too...but I still love it, I just wear it under my clothes so it's not as in his face (or anyone's I guess :blush: ) :heart:

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I broke out the bunny this week, because I wanted a more adorable vibe rather than sexy. And putting it on, I just noticed how lovely the scent is again, so, so pretty. Made me happy right away, and was adored plenty that day. Good bunny!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep meaning to review this, the NRs distracted me! I procrastinated big time on trying this one because I was afraid my man would be one of those who doesn't do well with Est heavy stuff. When I finally put it on, I'll be honest, I thought, "DRYER SHEET." I'm sorry but CB smells like fabric softener to me. :Emoticons04263: It's not a bad thing! But I thought for sure it would not get a good reception, pheros aside.


WRONG. He loves it. He told me how good I smelled before I even asked what he thought of it. He said it's his favorite of any of the LPMP scents I've tried so far. I was gobsmacked. I tried it on a different occasion, hoping he'd change his mind and like Sneaky Clean better (LOL) but nope. It's got to be the Bunny. And my fears about Est were happily unfounded, he has never been the particularly touchy-feely type but I have definitely noticed more cuddling than his norm and the cops work their magic like they always do. Good stuff! It's not MY favorite scent as far as that goes but I wouldn't mind adding this one to the rotation.

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cat960: YAY Memorare! I've bent on a few scents that my husband has liked JUST because he's liked it. CB is powerhouse though. My guy likes it, I just have to wear it in small quantities :D (mix it with the Unscented to thin it out hehe...) The guys at work go bonkers for it too!

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Went with the cuddly Bunny yesterday working with men mostly, yet again. It was the sweetest and most playful atmosphere, even the more standoffish guys were adorable and flirty. I admit, I put on a lot and also refreshed in the afternoon (the perfume, not the pure phero). The mood was over the top. I was in giggles and everyone laughed with me. Except for the colleague I share my office with, it seemed like the whirlwind was too much for her. I never had this right out crazy happy thing with the bunny before, it was a blast. To be sure, I did put on a few extra cops right next to my lingerie in the morning. And I was ovulating.

Obviously an overdose but good times for everyone.

When I got home I had a quick bite to eat, then just wanted to sit on my bed for a second. Well, I woke up hours later, dressed and curled up in the sheets. The Bunny effects had knocked me out.

Still: great fun!

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CB and Lace are 2 of my favorite phero blends. There's something about the Est that really agrees with me and by the way people react, Est and I agree with them :) Copulins have always made me randy - for whatever reason - and the Est makes me feel ultra girlie. CB & Lace seem to catapult me into playful kittenish mode and everyone I come in contact with just seems to follow suit.


I don't recall ever knocking out like that though, lol, sounds like a VERY good day! :D

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm loving the innocent clean pinkness of this one. I'm surprised to read that some people have found they can only wear a little or it's too much on them, because I seem to be able to slather away with this and it's never overpowering. It also seems to blend beautifully into the background with lots of scents.


I've been wearing it often with Open Windows lately. Perfect combination that makes everyone happy to be around me.


ETA: I forgot to add, I absolutely adore and utterly appreciate any scent which manages to so completely cover the smell of cops. It's magical to me that such a soft clean scent can do this so completely.

Edited by vladmyra
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Does anyone from the forum use CB specifically before sleep or specifically to reduce anxiety? I'm not talking about the 'crash' some chatted about possibly having back in March/April 2013 on this super long thread. I noticed today that it made my thoughts calm, and sort of 'cuddle' with myself, get into a meditative, relaxed mood. Wondering also if this may help me with PMS, as Balm Bomb does nothing for me. Will definitely try for that in the next few days.

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it made my thoughts calm, and sort of 'cuddle' with myself, get into a meditative, relaxed mood. Wondering also if this may help me with PMS, as Balm Bomb does nothing for me. Will definitely try for that in the next few days.


Could be you respond well to the Est, a bonding, cuddly molecule in its own right. BB just lifts my mood and makes me happy...which is good for PMS days :D It certainly wouldn't hurt to see if it's helpful to you. Could be that, for you, it's a great fit for that as everyone's chemistry and reaction are unique. :heart:

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I used to use Velvet Kisses specifically for sleep because it is such a comforting scent to me and I also believed at the time the CB phero was relaxing. I then scored a bottle of virgin Velvet Kisses and started wearing that to bed so as to not waste my phero one. I am still not sure if it was that scent or the phero that was so relaxing and destressing to me. But I do feel mellowed out when I wear any of my CB boosted LP's so there might be something to it.

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Thanks for your responses, everyone. It's a little daunting when things affect me differently than the majority. But still quite the adventure !


I think I had my first hit with CB today. I've worn it 3 days in a row now. I was dropping off a box to a fellow LP'er at the post office, and a post-menopausal woman who knows me quite well by sight was serving me. It's usually very business-like, dealing with her. This time, she suddenly got all chatty, I suddenly got feeling very happy/giggly. Whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes. But it was intense and there was no other reason for her to act this way towards me.


I realize I'm far behind on most of you for experimenting with EST. I've been focusing on SWS and Dominance for my job, thinking EST could only work against me. But it does seem to have a power all its own. Call me fascinated. I'm about to embrace a phero that is quintessentially feminine. I like not having to 'steal' mones from the male realm all the time.

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Thanks for your responses, everyone. It's a little daunting when things affect me differently than the majority. But still quite the adventure !


I think I had my first hit with CB today. I've worn it 3 days in a row now. I was dropping off a box to a fellow LP'er at the post office, and a post-menopausal woman who knows me quite well by sight was serving me. It's usually very business-like, dealing with her. This time, she suddenly got all chatty, I suddenly got feeling very happy/giggly. Whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes. But it was intense and there was no other reason for her to act this way towards me.


I realize I'm far behind on most of you for experimenting with EST. I've been focusing on SWS and Dominance for my job, thinking EST could only work against me. But it does seem to have a power all its own. Call me fascinated. I'm about to embrace a phero that is quintessentially feminine. I like not having to 'steal' mones from the male realm all the time.


Whee! A hit, a very palpable hit! I've never managed one with CB.

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Androstenol, your story reminds me of the first time I wore CB (it was in Velevet Kisses). I went to visit a friend in hospital, and approached the very stern, grumpy woman at the front desk to ask where to go. As she was speaking to me her whole face changed from disapproving grump to happy and friendly. She became so nice and chatty and just couldn't stop smiling the whole time she spoke to me.

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Today I wore my Atomic Mandarin boosted with Cuddle Bunny -- I had been working on my budget and getting all stressed out and when I took a break, I started looking over my LP collection. The AtMan with CB just seemed so right, and as soon as i spritzed, I knew I had made the right choice. Yummy yummy yummy cuddly happy security. I love this stuff!

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Alright, I finally fixed a date with my two bosses: I want a raise. Been wanting one for some time, I work hard, I bring a good brain on board and I am fiercely responsible, and I know that I make somewhat less than other collegues. I am paid well, but not as well as other people, and I think I bring just as much to table. Being friends with one of the good elves at the office, I got a hint where I rank in the payment scale, and now I figured out a number I can ask for. I am preparing my speech.

But I also want to set the right phero mood. Maybe I can have some advice from the ladies here?

I have two bosses, both male, both about 5 years younger than me. They have three children each and are devoted husbands and fathers, one is a very by the book guy with a cool and rational attitude and a control freak. The other is a bit more open, playful, and likes the air of being a ladies' man. Both are motivated in their jobs by fear: they are more "lets rather be solid, even if sometimes mediocre" rather than "lets rock this and be daring and creative".

Both react to the pheros I wear. I am always playful and try to loosen the mood with those guys, and in combination with some pheros, sometimes they end up giddy and laughing, with the occasional bawdy joke even.

Given this whole set up, I wonder if Cuddle Bunny may be the right choice for the meeting. I want to be non threatening and I want them to give me the raise gladly. Make them feel like they're protecting me. I want to dim down the sexual vibe mostly. I could go with cougar potion, too, I'm not quite sure.

I'd be grateful for suggestions!

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Guest cutie.pie

Alright, I finally fixed a date with my two bosses: I want a raise. Been wanting one for some time, I work hard, I bring a good brain on board and I am fiercely responsible, and I know that I make somewhat less than other collegues. I am paid well, but not as well as other people, and I think I bring just as much to table. Being friends with one of the good elves at the office, I got a hint where I rank in the payment scale, and now I figured out a number I can ask for. I am preparing my speech.

But I also want to set the right phero mood. Maybe I can have some advice from the ladies here?

I have two bosses, both male, both about 5 years younger than me. They have three children each and are devoted husbands and fathers, one is a very by the book guy with a cool and rational attitude and a control freak. The other is a bit more open, playful, and likes the air of being a ladies' man. Both are motivated in their jobs by fear: they are more "lets rather be solid, even if sometimes mediocre" rather than "lets rock this and be daring and creative".

Both react to the pheros I wear. I am always playful and try to loosen the mood with those guys, and in combination with some pheros, sometimes they end up giddy and laughing, with the occasional bawdy joke even.

Given this whole set up, I wonder if Cuddle Bunny may be the right choice for the meeting. I want to be non threatening and I want them to give me the raise gladly. Make them feel like they're protecting me. I want to dim down the sexual vibe mostly. I could go with cougar potion, too, I'm not quite sure.

I'd be grateful for suggestions!

When I want to get something, I wear LFM or H&S. My sister got a promotion whilst wearing H&S.

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Alright, I finally fixed a date with my two bosses: I want a raise. Been wanting one for some time, I work hard, I bring a good brain on board and I am fiercely responsible, and I know that I make somewhat less than other collegues. I am paid well, but not as well as other people, and I think I bring just as much to table. Being friends with one of the good elves at the office, I got a hint where I rank in the payment scale, and now I figured out a number I can ask for. I am preparing my speech.

But I also want to set the right phero mood. Maybe I can have some advice from the ladies here?

I have two bosses, both male, both about 5 years younger than me. They have three children each and are devoted husbands and fathers, one is a very by the book guy with a cool and rational attitude and a control freak. The other is a bit more open, playful, and likes the air of being a ladies' man. Both are motivated in their jobs by fear: they are more "lets rather be solid, even if sometimes mediocre" rather than "lets rock this and be daring and creative".

Both react to the pheros I wear. I am always playful and try to loosen the mood with those guys, and in combination with some pheros, sometimes they end up giddy and laughing, with the occasional bawdy joke even.

Given this whole set up, I wonder if Cuddle Bunny may be the right choice for the meeting. I want to be non threatening and I want them to give me the raise gladly. Make them feel like they're protecting me. I want to dim down the sexual vibe mostly. I could go with cougar potion, too, I'm not quite sure.

I'd be grateful for suggestions!

I think it has been said many times on the forum before so I'm sure others wil chime in but CB is not really work appropriate, especially if you want to be taken seriously.

The chemical signal you'll be sending with CB is going to be a strong, girly, I'm ready, sexual signal. That doesn't sound congruent with the message you want to send out in that situation.

You want a phero more representative of the message you want to send your bosses & colleagues and of course one that works for you.

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Guest cutie.pie

Thanks, cutie pie! I have LFN only, but I could test run next week still...

Sweetie, like StacyK said, CB isn't work appropriate, and neither is LFN, because both are sexual pheros and have cops... But maybe That's just me. Edited by cutie.pie
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I was going to suggest LFM or Open Windows. People are so accommodating with LFM and Open Windows people just adore.
I got my promo while wearing BANG! so I can't say CB would be any poorer a choice than that, lol, and I had a boardroom of people to contend with.
As women we're always giving off cops so I'm still on the fence about cops and work as most of what I wear has some fashion of copulins in it or I'm adding them...It hasn't changed the fact that I'm "the" competent go-to and am told that often by my superiors.
CB wears soft femme on me, sweet and unassuming. Not sure if that's what you want to project going in to request a raise, but that depends entirely how it plays on you.
Cougar has on occasion made ME more giddy than I like on for being able to concentrate properly at work :D but I've figured out my dosages since those days...however, it has never failed to charm others.
LFN may be a good choice so long as the men folk don't get bristly with the androstenone. If you have this week to test yet, then I would see how it wears for selfies and for others :)
Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice, ladies, I know that cops and some pheros are not considered work appropriate, I concur with NuTrix on this, however, wearing them has worked to my advantage and at work no one doubts my competence, I am really fierce about my tasks and highly organised. I know the caveat, but I also know I rock my job, and no one ever disrespects me.

I was thinking about CB because of the est, and I know that the bosses adore their pregnant wives. I wanted them to be chivalrous to me. You know, give me the much deserved raise and feel good about it, too. But I guess I might just go with Rocket Fuel because it is so very me. I'm happy wearing it, and everyone else is, too.

I test ran Cougar Potion yesterday, I had a morning conference with the bosses, which went nice and smoothly, and they approved my sugestions without a blink. Easy and professional mood.

I remember I once had a work day wearing BI and Topper, and I was so damn professional and focused and absolutely ruled. Which seems strange given the combo, but somehow that made me queen bee.

I have a week to still test what paves the road best...

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I was thinking about CB because of the est, and I know that the bosses adore their pregnant wives. I wanted them to be chivalrous to me. You know, give me the much deserved raise and feel good about it, too.


I remember I once had a work day wearing BI and Topper, and I was so damn professional and focused and absolutely ruled. Which seems strange given the combo, but somehow that made me queen bee.


Knowing the inside intel. on the guys you'll be interacting with is helpful in decision making. If they are good responders to Est, then CB may work well for you. There are quite a few "fall over themselves helpful" types when I wear this where I work. Knowing yourself and your audience is REALLY beneficial and it sounds like you have a good handle on both :)


The BI/Topper combo doesn't surprise me. I get 2 things from androstenone - confidence boost and focus. BI has always been a femme blend (a-nol/Est/cops) with that little kick of 'none. You buffered it further with more a-nol and some DHEAS - you were probably all kinds of uber sparkly that day :D

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Thanks for the explanation, Nutrix, now I understand how that combo worked so well for me. I will do another run of it tomorrow, see if I get the same results. Today I went with Levitation, which I tried on twice and never felt any big effect, but today everyone around me was happy, giddily happy and laughing, and people, men and women alike, did not want to leave my side. Everyone was so sweet and adorable. It really did lift us all up. So, another contestant in the ring.

I just love experimenting and see what the day brings. With Pheros, it's pretty much always a winner. It might have to do with the fact thst I am just naturally a very happy person, anyway. Thursday I have another morning conference with the bosses, and see how they do with the Bunny.

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Wow, this delivered the goods tonight. So, I can confirm that if a man doesn't respond as you hope to a blend like Sexpionage then CB should be next on your list to trial.


Oh, and it smelled fluffy and slightly fruity. I got lots of compliments and the smell drew him in and caught him like a (cuddly) spider's web!

Edited by donsie
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