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Passion in Pink with Heart and Soul

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True, I had no doubt my skin chemistry is *special* lol... but I definitely think the smell that I am describing as "curry" (although the more I think about it, the more I think it is just sweet pepper) became more pronounced when I diluted it with alcohol... Maybe only because the alcohol caused the pink note to die down? Nonetheless I am interested to see how the scent changes so I will try a few different ratios I think. All in the name of science! :P


I wore just a little of the PiP spray today but also a few sprays of Pink Sugar and I think the combination was perfect scent-wise, however it was pretty light phero-wise. Plenty of ways around this though (add pink sugar to the mix, add pheros to the pink sugar, wear unscented heart & soul with the combo, etc....)

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Hey, you can always soak a cotton ball and stuff it in your cleavage/bra/scent locket!


That's our old "defeating the evil skin chemistry" trick. At least you'd find out if it really was simply regional perception or skin chemistry.???

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Tried spraying a heap of Passion in Pink on a cotton pad, let it dry out, then put it in my cleavage today. The heat from my skin warmed it but I don't think there was a lot of melding of chemistry as most of it wasn't in contact with my skin. Still got a bit of the "curry" smell, but it was definitely fainter! I got whiffs of the nice smell throughout the day, but didn't fell like it was really strong at any time, even though I put heaps on the cotton pad. I think it diffuses much more slowly and maybe more evenly this way. So this method is a winner for me!


The main problem was I was scared the cotton pad would fall out of my cleavage, or someone would see it there and think I was trying to enhance my bust with tissues or something! I'm also not sure how well it would work if I wasn't wearing a low cut top. Anyone know of some other good places to try? I was thinking maybe getting a cheap, cotton bracelet that would soak up oil or liquid and getting some on that. Any other suggestions?

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I apply LP to my clothes and hair directly. I usually wear stretchable or t-shirt material tops or dresses and I'm in black almost all the time so i do not worry about staining my clothes. Since PiP does not contain coos, it should be safe to do so besides the methods already listed above.

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  • 1 month later...

My skin amped the caramel in this as well and I totally understand the "curry" smell that Synergist and Dream Big were referring to as I get that from, I reckon, the cayenne. I'll try this out again to see if it changes with my cycle.

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My skin amped the caramel in this as well and I totally understand the "curry" smell that Synergist and Dream Big were referring to as I get that from, I reckon, the cayenne. I'll try this out again to see if it changes with my cycle.


What do you think of the "curry" smell (for want of a better term)? Like or dislike? In a strange way I kind of really like it...

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When applied on my skin wet, PiP smells like some kind of fruit rolled im brown sugar

I'm guessing that's how my sniffer interprets the passion fruit and caramel. As it dries down a soft rose comes out. I'm not normally a fan of rose scents but this smells like roses dipped in caramel with an underlying spicy note. I can definitely see how some people would smell the curry

I think it's the caramel and pepper that makes people smelll curry. When my sister got into the car after i aplied it she saaid, "What is that smell? It smells like food." An hour later I had her sniff my wrist and remembered how Syn got curry comments and asked my sister if it was curry. And she said, "Yes!! Curry. That's what I smelled in the car." Not sure if it's the caramel combined with pepper or my skin chemistry. My nose doesnt interpret it as curry, but i can see how people would get that. I really like the scent, but Im not too crazy about walking around smelling like curry.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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Don't worry too much, CM! If Synergist and Dream Big did not mention it, i would not have thought/interpreted it that way. Many ladies don't see (smell) the link.


I wanted to test this two evenings ago as the kids wanted to sleep In the tent upstairs. My daughter came back down not long after dry down and the cayenne seemed to be more tame than before. I had to wash the oil off as I want to be phero free when my kids are around.

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I wouldnt worry about it too much cinnamonmel. I reapplied today in lollipop fashion and a dot at each wrist and my sister who previously told me it smelled like curry, told me i smell l like cereal about an hour after application. Go figure. She actually said she wouldnt have identified the scent as curry if I hadnt thrown it out there.


I'm not as worried about it as I originally was. The scent has grown on me throughout the day

It's very different from other scents I have. Not lmpm fragrances mind you. This makes me excited to try others.

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  • 1 month later...

Dang! The curry conversation continued! Heeee! I can see why folks are getting the curry vibe. I love that! On me, I call it warm and foody. I've started attributing that particular warm foody thing to certain ambers on my skin, so that's probably what's doing it here. Haven't had anyone comment on curry when I wear this, so chalk it up to the skin chem differences.


Anyhoo, I wanted to jump in..what?..six months later, I guess, and say I LOVE THIS EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE. I just dig the scent SO much, and the phero is prefectly congruent for me in this. YUM YUM YUMMY YUM!!! I'm wearing it today. Been hoarding my sample, but I finally have a bottle coming! WOOT! Perfect, almost understated, foody pink roses with a slight spicy feel, and a feel-good phero. Works on me and everyone around me. LOVE!!! :burning-heart:

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well, it is beautiful, but it does have that curry undertone. Which isn't unpleasant but living close enough to what is known as the 'curry mile' for many years, i'm a little sensitive to how it'd be perceived by others. For a hungry curry lover i imagine it'd be heaven!

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well, it is beautiful, but it does have that curry undertone. Which isn't unpleasant but living close enough to what is known as the 'curry mile' for many years, i'm a little sensitive to how it'd be perceived by others. For a hungry curry lover i imagine it'd be heaven!

HA! I *am* a hungry curry lover! :Emoticons0086:Mwwwwaaahahahahaaaaaaa! I mix my own garam masala and I make a meeeeeean curry! :w00t:


So you're still getting the curry vibe? I'm curious: Does your skin amp other spices? There's a certain cinnamon note that I amp like crazy...it might be cassia, but I'm not sure. I also tend to amp smoke notes and some sage notes. I've tried a couple perfumes that actually smell like a freakin' BRUSH FIRE on me...yet they don't on other people! Living in the mountains of California...brush fire smell is NOT a good thing! Heh. Been evacuated too many times.


I also wonder whether you'd smell like curry to me, or I'd smell like curry to you. I'm one of the folks on whom Jouir De smells like industrial strength body...secretion...leftovers...*ahem*. Like LadyV said, "Get the hazmat suits!" And yet, when I was still trying it out, my daughter throught I smelled like CARAMEL!!! And other ladies get the florals from it. Our chemistries are funny things. B)

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The whole curry/caramel thing has been puzzling me for a while but now it kind of makes sense to me. If you eat a lot of fenugreek, it makes you smell vaguely like maple syrup, BUT it is a big ingredient in curry. I now wonder if caramel/maple notes have possibly some fenugreek used in them??


I cannot remember Jouir de at all.


This smelt like a sweet curry. The Bpal one smelt just like chinese curry sauce from a chip shop.


Madame Lapin by Arcana also does a slight curry vibe on my skin. The notes I know I definitely amp are rose, vanilla, vetiver, off the top of my head. I can turn some perfumes into single note rose easily. Not LP's though, oddly enough. Smoke I don't think is a big amp for me, incense can be.

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Somewhere I've seen fenugreek as a note in a perfume, and I can't remember where. I would think it's perfectly possible that fenugreek is in certain accords!


Mara's rose blends don't go overboard-rose on me, either. They work perfectly! Every LP I've tried that has rose in it has been beautiful on me. :Emoticons0424: I got a full bottle of this one to go on vacation with me...for the scent AND the phero! Two parents and three offspring in the car for about 2700 miles calls for pheros. Heh. B)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I like this a lot more than when I initially tried it.


This is wonderful. This perfume developed very nicely on my skin. Very congruent to H&S. I just slathered some on as I'm in a somewhat down mood and this...I wouldn't say PERKED me right up, but it's got me in a happy/dreamy mind frame. At first it's a very cute scent (i know ROSE and CUTE??), almost juvenile maybe because the dragon fruit is more prominent initially (?) But after thirty minutes or so it deepens into a warmer more mature scent while still retaining a tiny bit of it's cuteness.


I would almost describe this on me as tart, it borders tart smelling but the caramel and spice that comes out more later prevents it from becoming too tart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried my sample a couple of times and while I am love the H&S, the combination of thick rose/caramel/curry on my skin is just not a good one for me. I can wear strong scents, but the only word that I can think of to describe this one is thick. Like an immovable brick of rosy caramel w/ a spritz of curry.


I do enjoy wearing it around the house when I am wanting to chill out, but I think it is the H&S that keeps sucking me back in. I get sooo relaxed with this phero. I am plotting a next order and may just need to find something to amp w/ H&S that mixes w/ my chemistry and my sniffer a bit better.

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This one really relaxes me too. I wore it out, last night for a friend's B-day. I was hoping it would make our conversation better. It worked wonders calming me as I fought rush hour traffic. That H&S mellowed my mood out, thankfully, so I left road-rage behind.


When I got there the restaurant was booming, maybe not such a good fit for this cozy-type potion. My friend was more interested in flirting with our cute, much younger waiter (who could blame her), than conversing with me. Oh well, I should've worn Cougar, just to keep up with her & him (ha, ha). No harm done, she was having a blast, it was her B-day after all.


This fragrance was upbeat, sweet & tangy at first, then it turned spicy on me with a hint of pepper in the end (kinda fun); definitely not what I was expecting, but interesting enough for a night out. I would wear it again, next time though I will choose a more quiet atmosphere to try it out, one where you could have a chat with just the girls & connect better easily.

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Madame Lapin by Arcana also does a slight curry vibe on my skin.

Wow...I do not get that at all. ML smells like warm toast with honey on me, which I gather was rather the point of it.


I'm one of those who does not get curry from anything but cumin used in a scent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was intrigued by the cayenne in this perfume and love roses so it seemed like a good choice, but oh. My. God. Caramel. Nothing but caramel. No spice, no floral, not even amber, just straight, sticky, chokingly thick caramel. It smells like I took Smuckers ice cream topping and slathered it on my arm :( supposedly older batches didn't smell this sickly sweet? but... I'm on the hunt for peppery spicy things yet again :/

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Yeah, there was only one brew. Idk if shaking will help her though. I actually thought to give this one another shot yesterday, a fair test run. Doesn't work for me either. It goes to a dirty cloyingly sweet scent on me. My son commented that I smelled like car freshener, but dirty. Like the dirty carpet in the car with the air freshener. Oh well, I was never too hip on this one anyway.

Edited by Beccah
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Bummer. I really like this one, though I tend not to wear it a lot. When I do, I get caramel pretty much all the way through, but I also get a pinch of rose & pepper to cut the sweetness. It's not usually until the scent has started to fade that the rose and pepper depart completely, leaving me with sheer, but still sweet caramel.


Yeah, sometimes they just smell funky, don't they? I just thought I'd mention giving the bottle a jiggle, 'cause there have been a few instances when I've applied a scent and thought, "WTH is up with this? It didn't smell like this before!". And then I thought to give the bottle a good shake before trying again, and the shake made all the difference. I shake 'em all now before applying. Plus, I remember Mara saying somewhere that the pheros will sometimes float to the top of the bottle, and she suggested shaking before applying to avoid accidentally over-applying pheros. I was glad to have read that, 'cause as a newb, I never would have thought about it. But now I'm a shakin' machine! ;)

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I need to try ths again,did not get caramel,just the soft rose...I luv caramel! yeah I always shake,automatically,don't even think about it anymore,and with the trial sizes I roll them between my palms :D

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I have gotten so used to shaking bottles now that I find myself doing it with everything. I shook up my bottle of moisturiser, don't know why. I shook up a bottle of water before drinking it yesterday. Sometimes I shake up a bottle of pills before taking one. :lol: My LP addiction has taken over my life!

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I have gotten so used to shaking bottles now that I find myself doing it with everything. I shook up my bottle of moisturiser, don't know why. I shook up a bottle of water before drinking it yesterday. Sometimes I shake up a bottle of pills before taking one. :lol: My LP addiction has taken over my life!

Bahahaha! I only find myself doing things like this when I am short on sleep.

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Haha! I do that sometimes, too! I shook a bottle of Advil the other day, and I remember shaking something stupid at work, though I can't remember what it was... the little soap dispenser or something. Too funny!

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I have gotten so used to shaking bottles now that I find myself doing it with everything. I shook up my bottle of moisturiser, don't know why. I shook up a bottle of water before drinking it yesterday. Sometimes I shake up a bottle of pills before taking one. :lol: My LP addiction has taken over my life!


I shake every single bottle of LPs before application but I am quite there (like Synergist) yet ..... Lol!

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That's funny...you shakin' fools!


I haven't tried this in awhile because I think it just got too damn sweet on me. I ordered a sample of a Lick of Pink and then read that someone said it was sweeter than Passion in Pink!!!! So I am not sure if that is going to work for me...but I am curious to see.

Yeah, but they're different type of sweet & pink. Normally, I'm into pink scents, but I think my son hit the nail on the head about passionfruit. On me, it comes off as more of a functional fragrance. Not something that I would mind as a candle, but doesn't come off sexy on my chemistry. The berries in Lick of Pink are going to give it the kind of tartness you're probably used to with pink scents, imo.

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Yeah, but they're different type of sweet & pink. Normally, I'm into pink scents, but I think my son hit the nail on the head about passionfruit. On me, it comes off as more of a functional fragrance. Not something that I would mind as a candle, but doesn't come off sexy on my chemistry. The berries in Lick of Pink are going to give it the kind of tartness you're probably used to with pink scents, imo.


Oooh good. Berries are usually good for me. I need another pink scent so I am hoping..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately I have other priorities at the moment, but I'll probably get Heart & Soul unscented by the end of the year (unless, of course, something I like better is released during phero month). I will have to get a super custom scent eventually anyway, PIP has given me a good idea what I truly want in an ultimate blend, and besides no matter how much I heart it I thought it could use a bit less rose.

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