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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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I have a small trial spray of BANG! and it was kind of hard for me to cover, so I mixed in a sample vial of LP Pink, and that worked great. I also have it boosted in a bottle of LP Red, which is divine. I still have to wait for drydown, but it doesn't take too long...


I did that w/a leftover sample bottle of Sexpionage. I put a little mrf into the spray bottle and now it's Awesome! Question: Does mara boost a scent with a phero or a phero with a scent as I did w/ my sexpionage/mrf combo?

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I have Bang in spray. I want to buy a perfume in spray to cover.. any suggestions.. I think LP red would do it but I'd like a couple of others- Different types of scents.

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Question: Does mara boost a scent with a phero or a phero with a scent as I did w/ my sexpionage/mrf combo?

I think you can do it either way... I would say usually it's probably a scent boosted with a phero, but there's also the option to "lightly scent" a phero with, I think 5 ml, of a perfume. There's a couple pheros I want to do that to.

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I have OCCO blue and OCCO white coming. Think these may be to light and my Bang is already X2. that may be to heavy on cops with OCCO.


Re adding scent to phero.

Also, some where I read a post by Mara where she mentioned adding the scent to the phero spray bottle you are mixing. Don't remember the dosage tho.

Also that may be to bold for me I was just looking for a scent to spray over the Bang.


How many of you do your own mixing and how'd it come out?

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Nutrix - I'll try LP Pink next , since I have not ordered this yet .

LP PINK goes with EVERYTHING :D But I may only think that because I love it so much so my opinion is definitely biased. Hope you really like it too!

How many of you do your own mixing and how'd it come out?

I've used perfumer's alcohol to mix my own sprays from fragrance oils and I've made sprays by mixing unscented pheros with fragrances too. So far they've been great...it's all these little spritz bottles I need to keep track of that are the problem :lol:
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Is Bang at all similar to LAM or BAM? Those two do not work well for me...thanks

BANG! Contains a remix of the SUPER SEXY FOR WOMEN blend (Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone) with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol (info taken from website)

BAM! is Beta-Androstenol & cops only

LAM! is Alpha-androstenol & cops only


They are way different. BANG! is a more complex blend than either of the other 2. Do you like SS4W? BANG! really is it's own animal from SS4W...not nearly as subtle (at least that's what I've found). I LURV this blend!

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Bang is fun but I only wear it in the appropriate setting.

I have an Un spray and have been thinking of just setting caution to the wind and getting a spray bottle from Mara and mixing some of it with a fragrance. I thought of LP Red but that may be just way too much.. not sure ....the thought of that combo seems a little extreme given the strength of these 2 on their own. anyone got anything on this that may be helpful ..fire away.....

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Wore BANG! out for girl's night last evening. This blend is SO much fun! Almost immediately after sitting down one of the group got up to go to the bar and when she passed me stated that something smelled really good...my LP gf announced it was me, LOL. You can blame THAT on the Titillating Temptress and Flambe combo though...and the LP PINK scented Topper in my hair :D More people than expected turned out and it wound up being quite a diverse mix. It was a superbly fun and flirt filled evening...lots of hugs and even some kisses! Apparently I was particularly adorable last night :lol: My hypothesis is that the extra A-nol and DHEAS from the Topper steered things in a more girlie, flirty direction instead of the sultry sexy direction...at least out with my friends. Home was a different story....


When I got home (my gal pals and I hung out for a good 4-5 hours) hubby was waiting and told me to change into something "more comfortable". So I got out of everything and wrapped myself in an oversized scarf and then rejoined him in the living room :666: And that's how it started....


So I'd say it was a good night :ange::^^:

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BANG! Contains a remix of the SUPER SEXY FOR WOMEN blend (Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone) with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol (info taken from website)

BAM! is Beta-Androstenol & cops only

LAM! is Alpha-androstenol & cops only


They are way different. BANG! is a more complex blend than either of the other 2. Do you like SS4W? BANG! really is it's own animal from SS4W...not nearly as subtle (at least that's what I've found). I LURV this blend!


I love SS4W and need another spray bottle but I might need to try this one out, thanks so much, this one sounds like a winner for me

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I love SS4W and need another spray bottle but I might need to try this one out, thanks so much, this one sounds like a winner for me

I'll be watching for your reviews when you give it a whirl! :D I've been thinking about getting BANG! in spray just because it's such a favorite and it's a really great social. Socials in sprays are AWESOME. I'm really surprised at how well received this blend is by both men and women. I always get self effects. At first I wasn't sure exactly what those effects were but it seems to be consistent that I feel energized and a mood boost but not jittery or giddy. With SS4W I didn't take note of much in the way of self effects except feeling ultra feminine? Very comfortable in my femininity? I don't understand why BANG! gives me the extra zip except that I know I love Est...or at least my chemistry seems too lol. I get all sultry, kittenish with Est so maybe that boost of Est and cops just gives me that extra "something"? Hope you like it at LEAST as much as I do :Emoticons0424:

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la femme mystere:

* Ingredients: Estratetraenol, DHEAS, Beta-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone, Beta-THDOC, Androstadienone.



Super Sexy for women:

Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone


Bang: (quoting nutrix) BANG! Contains a remix of the SUPER SEXY FOR WOMEN blend (Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone) with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol (info taken from website)


Bang I thought was sexier than LFM.

Edited by MissHazel
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How is Bang different from LFM?

Did you mean different in feel? LFM, to me, is more like a lady with a sensual side. BANG! is more like a barely veiled sensual lady with a bomb shell side :lol:

Bang I thought was sexier than LFM.


I was thinking about getting Bang in spray form ,anyone have trouble with the cops smell because it is a spray?

Where do you spray it?


I would get it scented with NoCo White

NoCo White would totally cover and be super YUM! To me BANG! is on the stinky side of mones in general, not just because of the cops, and I had some trouble covering all of the unscented spray (I have the 5ml 90/10 alcohol/oil) so I added some fragrance perfume oil (LP Hungry Heart) to it and the mone smell was completely covered. I'm sure NoCo White would be fantastic and easy to layer with ^_^

well, don't spray close to your hair or on your clothes... definitely allow for dry-down time.

:yeahthat: Especially if it's Unscented! Since scenting mine though, I have been guilty of spraying and then dressing not long after and allowing it to get on my clothes....so far it has only smelled like the perfume, no mone bleed through smell, so either I've been lucky or scenting it makes a difference? No clinging or questionable smell after laundering either as yet.

I prefer Bang! in oil. The spray was just too out there for how sexy the blend is. I actually got better hits in oil.

Really!? And here I am thinking of getting an oz bottle of spray because I want to get it out there more :Emoticons04263:
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Really!? And here I am thinking of getting an oz bottle of spray because I want to get it out there more :Emoticons04263:


Well, here's why. When I was wearing it for this one particular guy, I tried it first in my little spray. He was getting a dose of the phero. you could tell by the DIHL. But you know how when you sort of watch someone flirting with someone else and you're just kind of amused? That's how he was behaving, like the signals he was picking up couldn't possibly be for him. But when I wore the oil, we had to be standing closer so he knew i was only paying attention to him. Of course, this was just my situation and what I was wearing it for. I do get some social hits with it too. But like I said, I feel like the oil worked better on me for some reason.

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Bluebear's post elsewhere about how this inspires peacocking, just reminded me to post about a recent experience - I wore it when i was expecting to be in mixed (m/f) company but it ended up being a whole bunch of dudes and me. It was both incredibly social, I mean like OW-like, they were GIDDY and ecstatic for hours on end (& I've been around various of them in different combos at different times but I've never seen any of them like this, they were all operating at 11, SOOO HAPPEEEEE) but also at times they were literally all but fistfighting for my attention and approval. if, like me, you are not above enjoying such things, bang! is awesome :D

Edited by tyvey
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Well, here's why. When I was wearing it for this one particular guy, I tried it first in my little spray. He was getting a dose of the phero. you could tell by the DIHL. But you know how when you sort of watch someone flirting with someone else and you're just kind of amused? That's how he was behaving, like the signals he was picking up couldn't possibly be for him. But when I wore the oil, we had to be standing closer so he knew i was only paying attention to him. Of course, this was just my situation and what I was wearing it for. I do get some social hits with it too. But like I said, I feel like the oil worked better on me for some reason.

Aweee, that sounds so sweet...you were so sparkly, shiny amazing that the attention bestowed couldn't possibly be meant for lil' ol' him. Too adorable! But I'm glad you DID find what worked, the oil in this case. What a great post! The POWER of BANG! Whoot-Whoot! :thumbup:

if, like me, you are not above enjoying such things, bang! is awesome :D

Teheheeee...a woman after my own heart :lol2:

  • What strength do you all have the spray in?
  • I am not sure if I should get 40/60
  • or just alcohol

I currently have 10/90 oil/alcohol, but because I scented it with oil it's probably closer to the 40/60 idea. When I order my 1oz I will get it in the 40/60 oil/alcohol, just my personal preference. I've read that the heavier oil content gives it more staying power and it seems to be true from my experiences :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I keep meaning to post this and forgetting -- I've recently realized that this acts like a cougar potion on me more than cougar does, lol.


I find myself reaching for Cougar mostly when I want to be respected and admired and as a sort of social leveler, maybe sort of the way Pop Potion works for others here. BANG! really wallops younger men for me, and I mean WAY socially-unacceptably younger. Well it wallops everyone, but it reliably hits them the hardest of any phero. I am not TRYING to do this (usually :Emoticons0424:) but if anyone is, take note :D

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I keep meaning to post this and forgetting -- I've recently realized that this acts like a cougar potion on me more than cougar does, lol.


I find myself reaching for Cougar mostly when I want to be respected and admired and as a sort of social leveler, maybe sort of the way Pop Potion works for others here. BANG! really wallops younger men for me, and I mean WAY socially-unacceptably younger. Well it wallops everyone, but it reliably hits them the hardest of any phero. I am not TRYING to do this (usually :Emoticons0424:) but if anyone is, take note :D



Dirty old woman :lol:

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I keep meaning to post this and forgetting -- I've recently realized that this acts like a cougar potion on me more than cougar does, lol.


I find myself reaching for Cougar mostly when I want to be respected and admired and as a sort of social leveler, maybe sort of the way Pop Potion works for others here. BANG! really wallops younger men for me, and I mean WAY socially-unacceptably younger. Well it wallops everyone, but it reliably hits them the hardest of any phero. I am not TRYING to do this (usually :Emoticons0424:) but if anyone is, take note :D

Cougar doesn't do that much for me , so I've been eyeing Bang as an alternative. . I'm not good at layering scents though , so I think I might get it in 60/40 spray and add a scent to the bottle. . I could use a good wallop right now , having a tough time with the BF again and could use a bit of an ego boost. Bang might be just that,

Edited by fluffygirl12
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So I'm considering getting a bottle of LP Pink boosted with BANG! and figured a great way to test it would be to add my sample of LP Pink to my UN trial spray of BANG!... Going to test it out soon :)

Oh , I was thinking of doing just that - either LP PInk ( have a sample coming ) or even adding a sample of OCCO SLF , which is to die for . Did you try it Molls ? If so , was the scent strong enough to hide the cops ?

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Oh , I was thinking of doing just that - either LP PInk ( have a sample coming ) or even adding a sample of OCCO SLF , which is to die for . Did you try it Molls ? If so , was the scent strong enough to hide the cops ?

LP Pink covers the Bang perfectly, there's still a bit of dry-down time necessary though.


This is such a great idea, I'm going to add my sample of LP Red to my sample spray of Bang, dang this is a really great idea, thanks

I have a bottle of LP Red boosted with Bang, and it's awesome!

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I have Bang x2 in 60/40 spray. I ordered bottles of LP Red & Black just for this. I had a LP red Trial and I loved it with Bang.


Also can't wait to try it out with Lady Vs SLP for obvious reasons. :666:

Edited by StacyK
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LP Pink covers the Bang perfectly, there's still a bit of dry-down time necessary though.


I have a bottle of LP Red boosted with Bang, and it's awesome!



I'm now frantically searching for my sample of LP Red, I'm so excited to hear that this is good together....yum

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I paired BANG! with the Brown Sugar Black Amber today...sugary delicious yum that packs an extra punch! :666:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! First post here. Been lurking for a while, the info here is priceless and LP products rock! Thank you all for sharing, experimenting, and helping!


Would using Cuddle Bunny and SS4W together give the same effect as Bang?

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I prefer Bang! in oil. The spray was just too out there for how sexy the blend is. I actually got better hits in oil.


Good to know, as I'm putting together my list of what I need to purchase and I was debating on getting this in a spray or oil....thanks

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Hey guys! First post here. Been lurking for a while, the info here is priceless and LP products rock! Thank you all for sharing, experimenting, and helping!


Would using Cuddle Bunny and SS4W together give the same effect as Bang?

Welcome. I'd say while you are using all the same pheros,the balance ( dosages) may not be the same and this may affect your outcome. I have Bang and I have a couple of fragrances with the SS4W blend. I also have cuddle bunny so I have played around with this and while I've had decent results it did not seem quite the same as my Bang experiences. Of course that's the fun with this, the experiments. Edited by StacyK
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I will second what StacyK said. I have used it in the direct attempt to duplicate the effects and I just haven't figured it out :D But it HAS been fun trying!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've read through all the posts here and I'm leaning towards adding this as an add-in to an oil because of the cops. I've seen LP Pink and Red mentioned as good ones. I've got Red with Gotcha. I'm thinking of either adding into Shadow Dance or Voodoo Fondue. I plan on getting Dance of Passion but that one already is enhanced otherwise I'd choose that. Do you think either of those two would be too light a cover? Any thoughts on which one you think would be more congruent? I'm leaning towards VF but any new ideas are always appreciated!!

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I've read through all the posts here and I'm leaning towards adding this as an add-in to an oil because of the cops. I've seen LP Pink and Red mentioned as good ones. I've got Red with Gotcha. I'm thinking of either adding into Shadow Dance or Voodoo Fondue. I plan on getting Dance of Passion but that one already is enhanced otherwise I'd choose that. Do you think either of those two would be too light a cover? Any thoughts on which one you think would be more congruent? I'm leaning towards VF but any new ideas are always appreciated!!

Do you like Red w/Gotcha, because that is one of the ones, I'm looking to boost...


I have Bang on my list to boost with a few of my favorites as well....

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