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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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Well BI has the aggressive 'none in it and Bang doesn't, so that is probably why it feels softer...PLUS the extra est too I would imagine.


How did I know you would vote "get it!", Nutrix? :Emoticons04235:



Thanks for this capsule. I have the phero wiki printed out to refer to as I always get mixed up. Which reminds me: I'm out of BI.


So MDC, do you have a little capsule about the difference then between BI and Sexpionage? I thought sexpionage was more aggressive.

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Sexpionage must be more aggressive because their is no est...plus the ratios are different... I bet there is more a-nol in BI. Not sure about that but I know there is no est in Sexpionage.


(yes I'm too lazy to look) is there EST in BI??

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How did I know you would vote "get it!", Nutrix? :Emoticons04235:


*blink blink* Why whatever do you meeeean? :girlHeart-5:

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Just trying to help here.. there is no none in Bang. it's Androstanone.


Androstenone is the aggressive sex 'none' in Sexpionage & LFN.


I made that same mistake once. :)

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Oh no, we were talking about BI when referring to the aggressive 'Enone up thread...!!

Well BI has the aggressive 'none in it and Bang doesn't, so that is probably why it feels softer...PLUS the extra est too I would imagine.


How did I know you would vote "get it!", Nutrix? :Emoticons04235:

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Oh, you were referencing BI. Sorry. Vacation brain... ;)


BI begs a question, it's listed as containing

"Alpha-Androstenone" is that the same thing as

"Androstenone" or is it a variant of the enone phero ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can't wait to try this baby out... after so many awesome reviews, I must see how it goes up against SS4W. Anyone have any certain roll pattern they use with best results? I put some in the cleavage and a dab on the inner elbows. In the bottle, my first thought was "Whew! Smell those cops. :P" On me though, it's not bad at all. I don't mind the smell of cops anyway but it seems to blend well and I'm drying down before I put anything on anyway. The layer for today is Cinnamon Vanilla Musk. Considering its really light and sheer, I don't smell any bleed through and since I'm not really around massive groups of people like in training, if the layer is too light, it won't be quite as noticeable.

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I'm the slather equivalent of a fogger with a spray, lol, you don't want to do what I do :D I do get maximum hits that are off the chart fun though.... :666: Should totally ghost probably Hahaha!


2x 5 inch stripes, forearms, wrists & collarbone...sometimes on top of that I'll lollipop my belly button and put a 3 inch stripe on each side of my neck...like I said... :666:

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I probably could have used a little more. No hits per se from others (although my cube mate was Ms. Talky Talky all day) but it certainly made me all impish this morning. My husband was looking at me like I woke up on the strange side of the bed... in a good way. I might try a bit more on the weekend. I've totally got the bug to combo this with Honey Ho this weekend and see what happens! :Emoticons0424:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I forgot to post that I FINALLY got this to work for me. This was one of the first UNs that I bought, and I've experimented with it over and over and over - different amounts, from a single dot from the roller ball, to a five or 6 inch strip down my belly, different application points, even boosting a small bottle of perfume with it to see if I could get it to work for me. And my results were spotty at best. Sometimes it worked, sort-of, sometimes it didn't work at all. I found it very frustrating, because all of my other pheros were relatively easy to figure out, (with the exception of Blatant Invitation).


The other night I was alone in the house and thought I'd give it another go, and I applied more than I had done before, and POW!!! Sweet Spot found! YAY ME! :D


It suddenly occurred to me that I wear Sneaky Clean quite a bit, and it's one of the few pheros that I have to wear a generous amount of to feel any effects. So it kind of made sense to try a similar amount of Bang!. And it worked. Very, very, very well indeed! :D

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I put an inch on once wrist & smooshed with the other, two inches on my chest, (smooshed with wrists), three inches on my torso (a la smoosh), and an inch on each of the tops of my thighs, (y smooshed).

I wear just slightly less Super Sexy when I wear the UN, so the large amount kind of makes sense, I guess.

With most of my other UN roll-ons, it's an inch or two on the chest or abdomen, and an inch on each forearm & I'm good to go.

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Thanks BB! I can't believe it took me this long to get it to work! Holy smoke!

I mean, I've had kinda *okay* reactions with it before, at varying strengths, but this was outta this world! I definitely hit the sweet spot. I took notes, too, of application points & how much I placed in each spot, so it'll be idiot-proof next time. :lol:

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YAY Eggers! What do you think is the most noticeable difference to you between BANG! and SS4W?


For instance, my hubby responds REALLY well to BANG! more so than SS4W, I think because he always responds well to Est heavier blends generally - Buuut socially, while SS4W is great, BANG! just kicks everything up a notch in that I wind up getting fawned over by men AND women, like the belle of the ball :D



I nabbed BANG! in oil after using up my 5ml spray from last year's Nov 10 for 10 sale - when I found out I LOVED it! Then I picked up ANOTHER bottle during the Sept sale thinking I would boost it with Marsha Mellow....


Does it make me a hoarder that I have many LPs or that I have back ups of my many LPs? :huh:


Edited for poor spelling...lol

Edited by NuTrix
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Thanks BB! I can't believe it took me this long to get it to work! Holy smoke!

I mean, I've had kinda *okay* reactions with it before, at varying strengths, but this was outta this world! I definitely hit the sweet spot. I took notes, too, of application points & how much I placed in each spot, so it'll be idiot-proof next time. :lol:


So...any crazy reactions? I've found that Bang! turns men into MacGuyver around me!!! :lol:

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Well, BF was the only one around, and he was so tired he could hardly focus his eyes, but he seemed awfully animated, considering he was almost asleep on his feet! He was quite animated and jokey (which he is anyway, but not usually when he's that zonked), and kept giving me The Eyes - you know the ones. Then at one point I bent over to do something funny to one of the cats, and he tweaked my butt! LOL! When I laughed and looked back at him, he was giving me The Eyes times 100! Also something he doesn't usually do when he's that sleepy.

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LOL. The eyes times 100!! Love it. I'm also getting a visual kinda like Pepe LePew: boyfriend on the couch and floating through the air by his nose.

Haha! Yes, that was pretty much how it went! :lol:

It was fun - I can't wait to try it when he's not going on 3 hours of sleep, and just about to sleep another 3 hours before he goes to work. :666:

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I put an inch on once wrist & smooshed with the other, two inches on my chest, (smooshed with wrists), three inches on my torso (a la smoosh), and an inch on each of the tops of my thighs, (y smooshed).

I wear just slightly less Super Sexy when I wear the UN, so the large amount kind of makes sense, I guess.

With most of my other UN roll-ons, it's an inch or two on the chest or abdomen, and an inch on each forearm & I'm good to go.

Thanks. I can be hit and miss with Bang. I definitely need to practice more :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore Bang! for BF's show last night, (which I'll write about in my journal later). I think I finally found my sweet spot, for realz. Thank goodness! I wore exactly the amount (more or less) as I did the other day, and it definitely had a great effect on me, BF, and everyone around me. Women were chatty - including BF's mum, sister and sister-in-law, and the girl I drove down with, (effectively hot-boxing her in the car with my pheros), and the guys were, too. No peacocking that I noticed, but lots of DIHL, and lots of chat & happy, innocent flirting from the menfolk, which is always fun. And BF was pretty darned affectionate, too, with lots of tickling knee-tweaking under the table, BIG HUGS, surprise BIG HUGS from behind a few times(!), tons of cute, affectionate, sweet-heart kisses, complete with a couple of slightly lustier kisses in the crook of my throat which clearly meant, "We'll be doing a little more of THIS later". Yeah. I think I got this one nailed. After almost a year and a half of trying, it's about time! :D

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I wore Bang! for BF's show last night, (which I'll write about in my journal later). I think I finally found my sweet spot, for realz. Thank goodness! I wore exactly the amount (more or less) as I did the other day, and it definitely had a great effect on me, BF, and everyone around me. Women were chatty - including BF's mum, sister and sister-in-law, and the girl I drove down with, (effectively hot-boxing her in the car with my pheros), and the guys were, too. No peacocking that I noticed, but lots of DIHL, and lots of chat & happy, innocent flirting from the menfolk, which is always fun. And BF was pretty darned affectionate, too, with lots of tickling knee-tweaking under the table, BIG HUGS, surprise BIG HUGS from behind a few times(!), tons of cute, affectionate, sweet-heart kisses, complete with a couple of slightly lustier kisses in the crook of my throat which clearly meant, "We'll be doing a little more of THIS later". Yeah. I think I got this one nailed. After almost a year and a half of trying, it's about time! :D

I took a break with this. I've got it Un in spray so that gives me an extra challenge. I tend to find the phero sprays more challenging for some reason.

I'm going to try again, your posts have me wanting to bring this out and practice more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Of course I bang!d the shit out of my current lust object again today. He is taciturn and verrrrry matter of fact/literal, total opposite of me, so the two of us communicating is like a trig calculator trying to talk to a nightingale. Also, before bang, over the course of maybe a dozen meetings, he had gratuitously touched me a total of zero times.


WELL, ENTER BANG and he becomes solicitous, eager, talkative, tenderly touching my arm every time he passes by, etc. We both are suddenly like 160 degrees more comfortable and relaxed and chatty and like old friends or something.


I was cuddle bunnying him to death previously and thought THAT was a hit... I guess the anol in bang! really jacks up his est response, and explains his increased talkativeness. If he keeps superfluously touching me I'm going to have to jump him in front of everyone and everything.

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so the two of us communicating is like a trig calculator trying to talk to a nightingale.


:lol2::lol2::lol2: ...


umm,not just the Anol,the DHEASS,THDOC ,and A'none pack a punch too ,with the extra Est & cops,this one is inspired :666:


One of my strongest reactions ever since wearing pheros was with SS4W,Est & Cops,which equals ...Bang! :female-gangster: course the fact that it was in MRF 3 scent did not hurt !

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xoxo I love that bonnie emo :D


I wore a smidge of this yesterday and ran into a woman i've only ever dealt with via email. I thought she was an idiot and not good at her job & prob didn't do a great job hiding my opinion. she kept fucking stuff up & I had to keep correcting her. anyway, finally met her in person and the first instant she was like "blech, oh." then she inhaled, lol. After that she LITERALLY FOLLOWED ME AROUND and kept standing WAY TOO CLOSE and staring at me like this


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I'm messing around with my trial vial of Un Bang tonight, and I don't smell any cops? From all the reviews, I was prepared for something pretty pungent, but I barely smell anything. I usually am pretty sensitive to cops, sometimes I can even smell them in my scented Cougar. Anyone else find this to be not stinky? Or am I a weirdo? :Emoticons04280:

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I'm messing around with my trial vial of Un Bang tonight, and I don't smell any cops? From all the reviews, I was prepared for something pretty pungent, but I barely smell anything. I usually am pretty sensitive to cops, sometimes I can even smell them in my scented Cougar. Anyone else find this to be not stinky? Or am I a weirdo? :Emoticons04280:


I actually can't smell it either. Cops tends to be a rather fickle little thing. I smell it to high heavens in my OCCO Blue, mildly so with Compromising Positions and this one - all by itself (well, meaning no cover scent), not at all.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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  • 3 weeks later...

I really wish I'd taken notes about how much Bang I was wearing while out with friends. I remember thinking it felt like I'd put on too much from the dropper vial, but I think it was at least the right amount to generate decent hits.


When I walked to a classmate's birthday party, two friends immediately grabbed me outside and were super excited to see me in a way that was not totally normal for them. I kept getting female classmates walking up to me and telling me how pretty I looked and stuff like that. People were very chatty and happy. There was one girl's sister who normally never speaks to me and is somewhat bristly, and even she came up and gave me a big hug for some reason! I looked at her in pure bewilderment.


I forgot, a little bit, that pheros effect *everyone* because I did have a classmate or two attempt to grind up on me while I would be in the middle of conversations and I shied away uninterested. I guess that's the peacocking. They just wouldn't back off! It was amusing because they're folks that I hadn't even realized knew my name. But I simply had my sights set elsewhere, you know? The guy that I am interested in, however, nada. I mean, I couldn't actually tell if the phero had any effect, quite honestly, I was too busy talking to so many people. And when I was talking to him, I kept finding myself staring at his mouth and thinking about kissing. Whoops! Haha, thanks cops in Bang!

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I wore bang! on a train (not brilliant I know). A guy was sitting next to me a normal distance away, was doing absolutely nothing weird or creepy, sitting normally, facing forward, except that his head was swiveled 90 degrees to face me and he was just staring at the side of my head. No expression, no smile, no frown, not talking, not even looking very DIHL. Just staring. Even when I looked back at him he just serenely continued staring with no change of expression. This continued for a few minutes until I got off the train. LOLOLOL

Edited by tyvey
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I'm finally getting my first bottle of Bang tomorrow . A friend of mine ordered it as a gift for me , and I get to pick it up in the afternoon - I am sooo exited to try it out on my BF later in the week . My ( platonic male ) friend knows I use pheros ,and I will have him take a sniff without telling him the purported effects of the blend , to see if he notices anything at all.

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Microupdate to bang on (ha!) again about the CCLD. I have to stop bang!ing him bc it makes him, a generally shy and taciturn person, yap my head off interminably when I'm tired and I just want to go home. It's not even worth all the groping which was a little bit out of hand today. Switching back to cb.

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So I had the whole weekend to try this out , and me likes very much.

It's stinky as expected , but dry down only lasts a few minutes.

Wore it at work on its own , and everyone , including the women seemed to have a great time and were very talking up a storm . I was in a great mood all day. At night I reapplied before going to my bf's place and added an equal amount of Gotcha. The entire weekend was sweet , fun and relaxed . it's a total winner.

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