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UN Mother's Little Helper

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I hate feeling like cuddling=copulating but that's usually the assumption on his part. Alas... the simple Y chromos and their moods leave little room for error. :blushing:


OH. MY. GOSH. Bwahahaaaaaa! YOU TOO?!?!?! I completely understand! Or at least I think I do. If I want to snuggle up, or be snuggled, to him that means I'm asking for "it" :lol: Sometimes I just want to make out, or snuggle, or just feel flesh on flesh - you know - feel connected. Maybe it's that once they start, they have to follow through because their bodies work a bit differently - eh, er - get a little "blue" causing discomfort until the pressure is released? (that's what I've always figured???)


On the brighter side - if MLT can get him to empty the dishwasher (albeit grudgingly, lol)...there could definitely be potential there :D

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LoveStruck and NuTrix

:lol2: Come on now...you ladies know good and well! For the most part, any type of cuddling is construed as "I want some!" :say19: Regarding the MLH phero, I'd been overlooking it because I don't have children and so thought it wasn't for me. Lately I've been thinking it may help me at work since there are young guys half my age there. I think that may be a better fit than SWS. My thought process for now anyway. I started to get Totem: Kangaroo with MLH but had to compress my last order to reasonableness :blink: . Didn't get Totem: Kangaroo but lo' and behold, BV sent me a sample of Kitten Nip which I cannot wait to test! It's phero enhanced with MLH so we'll see how that turns out :). Let you know how it goes, Ciao Bella.

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Regarding the MLH phero, I'd been overlooking it because I don't have children and so thought it wasn't for me. Lately I've been thinking it may help me at work since there are young guys half my age there. I think that may be a better fit than SWS. My thought process for now anyway. I started to get Totem: Kangaroo with MLH but had to compress my last order to reasonableness :blink: . Didn't get Totem: Kangaroo but lo' and behold, BV sent me a sample of Kitten Nip which I cannot wait to test! It's phero enhanced with MLH so we'll see how that turns out :). Let you know how it goes, Ciao Bella.

That's just it... don't be mislead by the name. It appears to be a pretty darn good work phero, along with OW and SWS. Just be careful if you wear Cougar to work if you're going to be around younger guys! I really like MLH because I don't seem to have the phero-crash that I've had wearing some of the other mixes. I'm sure it's something about the % of ingredients... Halo is really great at coaching on EFX in her posts. I look for her stuff in the phero reviews because I always learn something.

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I haven't gotten the Un SWS myself yet either. I had another "corporate" type blend from another company, but it just wasn't congruent enough with me. Too masculine, even though it's intended for guys or gals. Same with PM, but I always add cops to femme it up for myself - though PM has NEVER felt particularly masculine to me. SWS doesn't lay out it's pheros, but have my hunches...


MLH is just feminine enough to be authoritative but still be all woman. I like it VERY much ^_^

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MLH is just feminine enough to be authoritative but still be all woman.

That is a product branding line if I ever heard one. Maybe "feminist enough"... I know I feel like I am mom hear me roar when I spritz it on, but I still want to be cherished as the ONLY female in this house (not counting the two 80lb bitches who also live here) And I am happy to be included as part of their bitch club!


Now if Mara can come up with a "Be a Man but Not a Jerk" phero blend I might get some cooperation around here from the HB. "BMNJ... now available in a money-saving liter-size" :perfume-emoticon:

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OK! OK! YOU WIN! CANNOT RESIST GIANT BROWN PUPPY EYES! (not even sure what you win - just cannot resist giant brown pleading adorable puppy eyes! :lol: )

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OK! OK! YOU WIN! CANNOT RESIST GIANT BROWN PUPPY EYES! (not even sure what you win - just cannot resist giant brown pleading adorable puppy eyes! :lol: )

LMAO, no! NuTrix YOU win! I think Mara should use your line to describe MLH in the Perfumerie! I thought it was extremely well put and perfect.

Yeah... that's my AllyGator and AdoraBelle. They are now in my "token females" club here at the house. We actually rule (GO BITCHES GO!) but we are also softies to a fault. I only had kitties... 3 in '09, then weird tragedies took 2 from me in less than a year. Haven't been able to regroup from that yet, so now I have 1 kitty and 2 Bubba-Girls. I can't resist puppy eyes either!!!

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MLH in comparison to SWS is more of a femme vibe on me is all ^_^ All woman with a little crack o' the riding crop. But not the hard, black latex suit, Domme crack o' the whip. More like a snap on the table, to grab your attention when you aren't paying proper mind, solid slap of a firm crop on a hard surface....


You're not really frightened of her, because she doesn't seem intent on hurting you - or she would have done it by now....


More of a - I have your best interests in mind, so obedience is truly the best course of action...


You neither fear nor adore her - but somehow, you know following her direction is clear, and you are only too happy to oblige....mesmerized and yet matter of fact...you are compelled to obedience and yet it feels like free will... :666::ange:

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  • 7 months later...

I've tried this a couple times during the raging tide (since that's one of the primary uses for it) and it's like taking my emotions to the dry cleaners: they come back fluffy and unwrinkled. :lol: It sort of distances me from the stress - I can still perceive it, but it's not in the forefront of my brain. Personally I don't care how this affects others, because it's all about me attempting to subdue the PMS monster, but if you do wear it UN I'll say it's a bit stinky so you might want to use a strong cover. I don't get a "crash" from it myself, though.


I like this for daytime, while still using Teddy BB for nighttime.

This is why I'm trying this out today... Yesterday was a super horrible/hormonal day for me. Hoping today will be better!

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I've tried this a couple times during the raging tide (since that's one of the primary uses for it) and it's like taking my emotions to the dry cleaners: they come back fluffy and unwrinkled. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/laugh.png It sort of distances me from the stress - I can still perceive it, but it's not in the forefront of my brain. Personally I don't care how this affects others, because it's all about me attempting to subdue the PMS monster, but if you do wear it UN I'll say it's a bit stinky so you might want to use a strong cover. I don't get a "crash" from it myself, though.


I like this for daytime, while still using Teddy BB for nighttime.

Yes! thx to Molls for pointing this review out. Why do I forget about this?

Now I haven't tried it during this timing but Luna's description rings true to me. IME this works like a charm for me when I wear it in MLH or Mayberry (reviews there).

I may need to bring on the Un...

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  • 1 year later...

I haven't paid any attention to this phero or scents enhanced with it as I guess the word "mother" kind of out me "off". I'm a mother and a "24x7 mother" and don't need to be reminded further.


This morning as I was looking through the phero blend section, I read the description and I wonder this can be used at work like SWS? Particularly with the few "immature children" I have in my team ......... Has anyone done that and any result?


Starting my morning, I recently switched from FocusPotion/Megawatt to MLH to get studying done.

I used MLH (un) (small U shape above cleav) + one dot of Money Multi/w SWS, went to the grocery store and had people go out of their way to acknowledge me and ask me questions/advice. The bit of SWS seemed to amp the MLH and respect from guys in particular.

Edited by WildVixen
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  • 4 years later...

I never really gave MLH a good try until yesterday when I went shopping with my teenagers, who are at the moment the smartest people they know and question my every opinion. Fun, huh? I applied this in Mommy's Little Monster and my kids were normal again LOL. They were nice, we agreed 90% the time. I did also apply some Peaceful home, which also probably helped. 

It also effected me, I felt more in control, more active, didn't mind drying from one shopping centar to another one then back to the first one, then back to the second one. It was a nice day. I could also tell when it stopped working as I was telling them to clean up their room and they said that some old papers and empty bottles of water and dirty clothes on the floor doesn't mean that their room is a mess.


I definitely need this!

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  • 1 month later...

This hasn't been on my radar before, but this is becoming my favorite pheromone blend. It helps me get organized, more focused and do what needs to be done (what Mega Watt used to do for me, but now I can't find my sweet spot with it). 

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On 9/7/2021 at 3:39 AM, citrine said:

they said that some old papers and empty bottles of water and dirty clothes on the floor doesn't mean that their room is a mess.

Yeah. Mine are 12 and 15. My in-laws are coming over today, already driving here, and my kids are asleep with their stuff everywhere. I’ll wear this today!

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1 hour ago, Eastwood22 said:

Yeah. Mine are 12 and 15. My in-laws are coming over today, already driving here, and my kids are asleep with their stuff everywhere. I’ll wear this today!

Mine are similar age. That's the age of them being the smartest people they know 🤨


I hope you'll have a nice day with your in-laws :)

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13 hours ago, citrine said:

That's the age of them being the smartest people they know 🤨


I hope you'll have a nice day with your in-laws :)

Smartest people they know for sure! Mostly I just did what I was told today, ran errands with my daughter and then some serious listening to my MIL, because that lady can talk!

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  • 1 year later...

I had an unexpected reaction when I wore MLH to the office on Monday. Instead of feeling in charge, I felt bitc#ie and contrary.

The office on some days can be a mine field. 
In my situation it is important that I be the thermostat and not the reactionary thermometer. 
Normally I feel very in command of myself when I use MLH.

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