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Quick question about the UN phero sprays

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I just ordered a few of the UNphero sample sprays in my latest order, and since its been a while since I've used any unscented anything, I was just curious about applying them. Is it better to spray first & then use the scented oil or apply the oil first & spray second? Which gets the best phero effects, or does it even make a difference? Right now it's our nice cold & dry winter weather, but I don't tend to wear a lot of sweaters, turtleneck, long sleeves or typical "winter wear" lol. Most days I'm still in capris and sandals unless it's actually blizzarding. So, anyway, I don't have to worry much about layers of clothing getting in the way lol.


I'm super excited to try out Audacious with some of my favorite scents, so I want to make sure I'm using it 'right' ;)

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I wanna know more about this too. I just ordered a crap load of the uns! haha


So far, I've been applying the roll on oil scent, then spraying the phero's once I'm dressed (unless of course there's cops in them, then I just spray over my oil scent and allow to dry down before getting dressed, brrrrr)

Edited by Raq On
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This is what I do.....


If it's a sexual blend and has copulins in it, apply to naked body first and let it dry down...do your makeup etc, while you are waiting....then apply everything else on top.


If it's a social phero with no copulins, I use it like a finishing spray. Apply everything else first, then spritz skin, hair and clothes last.


What does everyone else do?

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I don't do any cops in spray, so that's easy- oil goes on first, do makeup etc, allow drydown & add cover (or ok let's face it why am i lying to my friends? i have nothing like that patience- more like: apply cop-y thing in one place, scent on another, mush together, dry & stinkless in literally seconds).


I am irrationally afraid to use unphero sprays by themselves on (eg) hair, because I'm convinced i won't precisely hit the exact same spots where i put un-scent and therefore there will be patches of my head that smell of the phero. Don't know why I think that since it's never actually happened, lol, at least the few times I did un Cougar and un Lace spritzes in my hair WITHOUT even having put down an un-scent first...

Edited by tyvey
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If it's a non-cop spray, I'll scent while I'm dressing and give myself a spritz of the phero as I'm on my way out the door. for sprays with cops, i scent, let it dry a bit, then spray (nowhere near my hair!) and let it dry down as I get ready. If for some reason I need to add a phero after I'm dressed, and i want one with cops and it's a spray one, I just open it up and dab on.

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This is what I do.....


If it's a sexual blend and has copulins in it, apply to naked body first and let it dry down...do your makeup etc, while you are waiting....then apply everything else on top.


If it's a social phero with no copulins, I use it like a finishing spray. Apply everything else first, then spritz skin, hair and clothes last.


What does everyone else do?



Glad to know I'm doing it "right"... haha, finishing spray.

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If it's a non-cop spray, I'll scent while I'm dressing and give myself a spritz of the phero as I'm on my way out the door. for sprays with cops, i scent, let it dry a bit, then spray (nowhere near my hair!) and let it dry down as I get ready. If for some reason I need to add a phero after I'm dressed, and i want one with cops and it's a spray one, I just open it up and dab on.


:yeahthat: ...usually :) ...someimes the Tyvey smooshing method :lol:


psssst Cougar has cops,don't tell


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Thank you Mara! It is so hard to keep that in mind for some reason. lol!

I like Sexology a lot so I need more scents without cops I think, since there is no phero with just B-nol and est...


I didn't realize I wore so many LP's with cops...sheesh...No wonder I am getting laid every time I turn around!


LOL! I love that!


I can make a simple B-Nol/Est combo for you. We talked about a B-Nol/Est blend for years, and what we came up with was Empathy Potion. Cuz that's really the kind of effect you end up with, with those two molecules. You can turn people to puddles with it, that's why we tempered it with a few more ingredients, like Alpha-Nol for mood elevation.

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I think I am going to stick with Sexology for awhile. The effect on the TG was like Cuddle Bunny on steroids as far as the "adoration" element. (Actually it was like the effects Tyvey describes when she wears CB). I had never worn B-Nol before...think I like it.


Afraid of Empathy Potion because of the "heightened emotion" thing. At the time it came out that is the last thing I needed!

But I will try it eventually.

I just reread the description. It sounds better than I remember. I was in weird place when this phero came out and it sounded like a bad idea at the time. :lol:

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I love SExology UN. Funny thing though, doesn't it have EST in it? I have good luck with husband with sexology UN, but that recent blow up while I was wearing Lumina had me wondering if it was the EST in the Lumina that set him off... I think though Mara you 'd said that it was prob. a coincidenc b/c this happened in the eve and I'd applied my Lumina Un in the morning.


What was it that was said about independent Alpha male type guys actually NOT responding to EST b/c it gave off a "needy" vibe? Is this true always or in just some blends with EST?

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What was it that was said about independent Alpha male type guys actually NOT responding to EST b/c it gave off a "needy" vibe? Is this true always or in just some blends with EST?


No, no, that wasn't it. It's more common for "overly masculine" men to prefer exaggeratedly feminine women, and that type usually respond extremely well to EST.


Bad EST reactions are actually extremely rare.


What we've seen is with guys who prefer strong independent women, they sometimes get impatient when their women wear EST because it gives off an air of vulnerability...like they need taking care of. Guys who do not like to be in a position of being gentle or taking care of women don't seem to like it.


The other trigger seems to be the pregnancy issue. Only pregnant women naturally produce EST, so when you wear it, you are giving off a chemical message that you are pregnant. In high doses, it can scare the hell out of guys without them even knowing why. Younger guys, or ones not seeking that kind of commitment can get pretty panicky and feel like heading for the hills when they are exposed to a high dose of EST.


Oh, and the "bad" EST reactions are more often experienced when the EST is worn solo, untempered by other pheros.

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Okay, thanks. I don't have any plain EST, and don't plan on wearing it solo.



Guys who do not like to be in a position of being gentle or taking care of women don't seem to like it.

This does not describe my Huz, but he does like somewhat independent people. Free thinkers, etc. IDK, Since the bomb went off 3 weeks ago I've been agonizing about wearing anything with EST as the first ingredient, but then I thought, "wait a minute, Sexology has it and that is a good one," soo, I think I'm over thinking.

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Ok, so if I understand correctly (I hope!) anything with major cops should go on first, of course, to allow for dry down time. That's fine, I usually do that anyway LOL. But if it's something I don't know how much cops are in it (% wise), does that always need to go on first? Like the UnAudacious, or UnLumina? Or can that be used as the "finishing spray" ;) ? I'm mainly curious how the different ways of layering change the effects of the pheros, if at all.

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I put my roll on perfume first and spray the Unphero after no matter what it is...cop or not. I can't smell it at all after dry down. I hope to Hell no one else can either! Haven't had any complaints thus far.

I do it that way because I guess I am afraid the oil perfume will hinder the diffusion...don't know if this is true but that is what I have been doing.

I have done this with Sexology and Unaudacious.

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I put my roll on perfume first and spray the Unphero after no matter what it is...cop or not. I can't smell it at all after dry down. I hope to Hell no one else can either! Haven't had any complaints thus far.

I do it that way because I guess I am afraid the oil perfume will hinder the diffusion...don't know if this is true but that is what I have been doing.

I have done this with Sexology and Unaudacious.


Usually, I do the same, with good results. Or, I roll a perfume oil on one of my wrists, then I spray an un-phero spray on the other wrist and smear both wrists together. Sometimes, I spray a bit of a perfume spray on top, if the cops-smell is too strong. After drydown, these methods cover the cops-smell well, at least from my experience. :)

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I didn't realize I wore so many LP's with cops...sheesh...No wonder I am getting laid every time I turn around!




...h and I spray Sparkle Fuchsia in my hair all the time,the cops in the Cougar never caused a problem,I have spritzed Captivation Equation in my hair and that has much more cops,I never had a problem but made a point to use a clarifing shampoo :)


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  • 1 year later...

I've been playing with my UN sprays I just got in the mail.


I have to put on scented oils right after or else the alcohol smell (I'm assuming) from the phero spray makes me feel a little sick, or a lot if I put more than one spray on my chest area.


So I think I'll be putting on oils first and then doing the "finishing spray" route.

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huh. never thought of it like that :) plus the rollerball would pick up some of it if you're applying in the same spots.

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urgh. feeling lightheaded. too much UN audacious + elevation potion :/

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I normally apply a swipe on either the back of my hands or the inside of my forearms (sometimes of the back of my neck under the hair line) just as I'm leaving the house before my 30 minute walk to work. As I'm not in close proximity to anyone, I don't mind if I smell a little on the way :P I find it a helpful short cut for the dry down, especially because I don't get anything on my clothes or hair.

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Just trying to get things straight in my head... which phero blends DO have cops in it??


Lots of cops:



Blatant invitation




Cuddle Bunny


Some cops:

La Femme Noir


Light cops:





Anything else to add to the list?

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Balls has Sexpionage in it...so they are not two separate blends...(you may already know that, I just wasn't sure the way it is listed)

The only one that looks like is missing is Bang.


Oh! And Gotcha has cops. I think they are light but maybe someone else can chime in on that for sure.


eta: Cuddle Bunny has cops too.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Balls has Sexpionage in it...so they are not two separate blends...(you may already know that, I just wasn't sure the way it is listed)

The only one that looks like is missing is Bang.


Oh! And Gotcha has cops. I think they are light but maybe someone else can chime in on that for sure.


eta: Cuddle Bunny has cops too.


Thank you! going to edit that list. Right, Bang! I wrote down Balls. LOL!


I'm going to take this as "lots of cops" = dry down time required, "some cops" = let your nose tell you when it's good to go, "light cops" = probably safe to spray on hair, possibly clothes?

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Sexology also has cops, by the way.

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Exactly.....Cuddle Bunny was one of the blends created with a TON of cops......

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  • 4 weeks later...

THANKS!!! It's so hard to keep referring to the individual listings and try to keep them straight.


I'd love a one or two page synopsis I can print up, of each available scent, whether it's 'enhanced' or not, maybe some good mixes to use together, etc. Okay, rethinking this, it would probably be a small book. I'm finding so much information but it's spread out over the entire forum.


I would REALLY love a cheat sheet to the oft-used abbreviations. I spend more time looking around to remind myself what all the initials mean. Maybe a decoder ring, like in the 50's cereal boxes...

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