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I'm new and loving it :)


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Hello everyone! Nice party :)


I discovered this website looking for pheros and am overwhelmed with the selection and apparent quality of the products, and the wonderful people on the forums.


I first got some phero to go bottles from Androitics, but am not a big fan of the neroli scent, and I went through the to go bottles so quick! I love foody and peachy-creamy scents. I love oils (not so big on alcohol spray, although its ok for me sometimes.)


I am kind of new to pheromones. I got interested because I have been with my sweetie for over 10 years (hmm, off and on at times) and we are slipping into sort of a friendship, which is nice in some ways, but not really what I want. He says I'm like a sister to him (whaaaa? Lol). It makes me a little sad. I need a bit of a lift!


I have some EoW which worked when paired with Androitics ISB ... and worked pretty well, I was pleasantly surprised and definitely got him going ;) I had a "wow these pheros work?!" moment. Then I ran out of my to go bottles, and we both got colds, and things have definitely cooled off. Then I found LPMP! How did I not know this existed? Right away I ordered :


Blatant Invitation UNscented

Lumina UNscented

BAM sugared vanilla and honey

Heart and Soul UNscented


He is definitely an alpha male sort, so I almost got Cuddle Bunny, and I may later. I want to uplift my spirits a bit, and make us closer in both a sensual and heart-felt way, and also want to make him go wow! I want a just fallen in love feeling. Now I know this won't happen if it's not already there, but I think it is, it's just hiding :)


I'm not sure if I have any well formed questions right now, except if any of you ladies have any advice on my situation and anything I must have?


Oh and if I start wearing pheros on a regular basis, does this change people's impression of me, like i'm trying on a new personality (if that makes any sense?). Of courses get I have to act congruent, which I am ready for... a change would be nice, and I am wondering how you ladies feel pheros help with a change like that?


I also want Cougar, just for fun, cause I tend to be submissive (mostly) and maybe I should try something new!


Wow I dont normally talk this much, is someone wearing Open Windows in here? ;)


Thank you for listening







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Welcome to LP, Bisou! You'll love it here!!

I think your first LP order is awesome! For a sexual uplift I think you'll love Blatant Invitation and BAM. On me Cuddle Bunny is not the greatest but other girls with super alpha males have great results with that particular blend, or any of the ultra feminizing ones like Lace paired with Cops and lately I've read La Femme Mystere...Haven't tried LFM yet, but Lace works amazingly well for me, but with Cops added.

Lumina is an attention grabber for sure, I'm sure you'll like it too, but it's more social.

Cougar is a staple blend, and a very effective one not just with guys.

Have lots of fun with your new pheros, Bisou! :wink88:

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Thank you, thank you. You are all so sweet!`

hi, welcome!

I think you will especially love BAM and Heart & Soul. I think you'd also like Sexology and Treasured Hearts...

Yes I was looking at Sexology, that might be in the next order. And I will check out TH too! Thank you tyvey!

Welcome to LP, Bisou! You'll love it here!!

I think your first LP order is awesome! For a sexual uplift I think you'll love Blatant Invitation and BAM. On me Cuddle Bunny is not the greatest but other girls with super alpha males have great results with that particular blend, or any of the ultra feminizing ones like Lace paired with Cops and lately I've read La Femme Mystere...Haven't tried LFM yet, but Lace works amazingly well for me, but with Cops added.

Lumina is an attention grabber for sure, I'm sure you'll like it too, but it's more social.

Cougar is a staple blend, and a very effective one not just with guys.

Have lots of fun with your new pheros, Bisou! :wink88:


Lace looked very tempting too, I almost ordered it! Thank you! Yes I wanted Lumina for self effects too, and socially, for myself... Cougar as well. I'll check out LFM as well, oooh baby this is so much fun, I have to pace myself or I will run out of money. Love your avatar Gabylicious!


Bisou :Emoticons0804: (i like this smiley)

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There is a thread on the front page now that has a lot of great info ! ...soooo much info on this fab forum...I am typing and browser challenged ...so look for this

"What are the must-have single pheromones every woman must...

in General questions, advice and comments about pheromones "

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Hey, Bisou! Welcome to the fabulous family that is LPMP!!! Heeeeeeeeee! You are going to have a blast messing with your new pheros. From your list that you ordered, Blatant Invitation and Heart and Soul are two of my favorites. Also, Mara's regular perfumes can have phero-like effects, too, because of the research and intent she puts into the ingredients. Have fun here!!!!!


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Hi Bisou, and welcome!! You made some great first choices. Lace works awesome for me, so that may be something to look into for your next order :) All of Mara's scents are fantabulous so I don't think you will ever be disappointed...you will most likely end up an addict like the rest of us LOL!

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I agree (welcome to LP by the way)


It was through trial and error that I ended up with the same pheros on your first order list haha. You picked some great ones. Cougar is also another very popular phero here.. I have it too and plan on ordering a bigger size. Have fun here.

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Welcome Bisou!! I think you came to the right place for pheros scents and general support in general!

Where's Eggers? Read her posts!!! It sounds like you two are trying to accomplish the same things at this time in life!! :)


I'm here! I'm here! Lol! (I was thinking the same thing, Miss DC!)

Welcome Bisou! I'm new too, and MissDarlynCherie is certainly correct - it sounds as though the same things brought you here as brought me here! And I've been having SO MUCH FUN!!! I joined nearly two months ago, and in that time there has been a subtle but significant change in my relationship. I hope you experience as much joy as I have once you start to experiment with the blends here. And beware, the people here are so helpful and sweet, the pheros are great fun, the scents are gorgeous, and the LP crew are wonderfully generous - this cumulatively adds up to ADDICTION! Lol!


Have fun! I look forward to seeing you on the boards...

Edited by Eggers
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There is a thread on the front page now that has a lot of great info ! ...soooo much info on this fab forum...I am typing and browser challenged ...so look for this

"What are the must-have single pheromones every woman must...

in General questions, advice and comments about pheromones "


Thank you! There is so much info here! :kisses:

Welcome Bisou!! I think you came to the right place for pheros scents and general support in general!

Where's Eggers? Read her posts!!! It sounds like you two are trying to accomplish the same things at this time in life!! :)


Thank you for the welcome, missdarlyncherie! xxoo


Hey, Bisou! Welcome to the fabulous family that is LPMP!!! Heeeeeeeeee! You are going to have a blast messing with your new pheros. From your list that you ordered, Blatant Invitation and Heart and Soul are two of my favorites. Also, Mara's regular perfumes can have phero-like effects, too, because of the research and intent she puts into the ingredients. Have fun here!!!!!



Hahaha dancing bananas in a row? That is way too much! Yes I would love to work my way around to the perfumes as soon as I get my little reeling brain to figure out the pheros. I love the intent part, makes all the difference. I can always feel that. Thank you ElizabethOSP!


Hi Bisou, and welcome!! You made some great first choices. Lace works awesome for me, so that may be something to look into for your next order :) All of Mara's scents are fantabulous so I don't think you will ever be disappointed...you will most likely end up an addict like the rest of us LOL!


Us addicts have to stick together to find our next fix, strength in numbers! Yep Lace might have to be next I think. And your Cougar! I am so excited. Thank you! xxoo

I agree (welcome to LP by the way)


It was through trial and error that I ended up with the same pheros on your first order list haha. You picked some great ones. Cougar is also another very popular phero here.. I have it too and plan on ordering a bigger size. Have fun here.


That makes me feel good, thanks Raq On! I think I am on the right track so far :) :)


I'm here! I'm here! Lol! (I was thinking the same thing, Miss DC!)

Welcome Bisou! I'm new too, and MissDarlynCherie is certainly correct - it sounds as though the same things brought you here as brought me here! And I've been having SO MUCH FUN!!! I joined nearly two months ago, and in that time there has been a subtle but significant change in my relationship. I hope you experience as much joy as I have once you start to experiment with the blends here. And beware, the people here are so helpful and sweet, the pheros are great fun, the scents are gorgeous, and the LP crew are wonderfully generous - this cumulatively adds up to ADDICTION! Lol!


Have fun! I look forward to seeing you on the boards...


Hi Eggers! I read some of your other posts and it makes my heart happy that you see some difference in your relationship. Sometimes all that is needed is a subtle change, because subtle can make the most difference. Like in a work of art :) I already feel so giddy and welcome here, thanks to everyone!


I managed to get some drops of my other pheros (ISb from androitics) by unscrewing the top and scraping the inside, as I am all out right now... I put as much on as I could today and even though my sweetie and I just finished having an argument and he is a bit miffed at me, he couldn't help buying me cute pants at the mall and complimenting me, lol. They really do work so I am super excited about the Love Potion ones, I know they will be wonderful. Cheers all!

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Hi Bisou! I'm still pretty new too (?) , but you will love it here. LP and their artisan perfumes really add another dimension into your life. Next thing you know you'll be plotting and scheming for your next purchases and creations. Have fun testing out your pheros :3 I just started to make a chart of LP Pheros for women that shows and color codes each specific phero in the blend. This way I can look at the specific mood of each phero at a glance or narrow what does/could work out for me. I've also made columns for intended effects, self effects, and such, but I'm still working on filling it out. There's a lot of info to sift through here! It's meant to help me get a better idea of what works for what situations and help me plan what I want to get boosted in the future. If you'd like what I have so far you can download it at http://www.sendspace.com/file/90bpdu. I actually made it for all LP-ers, it saves you time from formatting everything <3

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Oh! I forgot to mention that Empress of Persica is all up in the peaches and cream...scent wise... Good news that it's also currently a part of the buy two get one free of select bottles.


Really? I'm missing out a hoarding opportunity? I can't see it from here. What else is available?

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welcome here!! i hope you have fun with the pheros and welcome to our community! I love Sexology and Leather, my man is an alpha too and he likes when i get a little more Roar in me form the Leather. If your man likes a little more femme go with Lace.


have fun!

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Really? I'm missing out a hoarding opportunity? I can't see it from here. What else is available?

:yeahthat: I need to get in on that action! AND... :smilies-23596: I've only been here a short while...and I think I need to find a Love Potions Anonymous class... :drunk: You're gonna have a blast!
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Hello my scruptious smelly friends, I got my order!!! It was so sweetly wrapped with some little scent samples, thank you Love Scent! I have Lumina and Heart and Soul on right now. I'm at a cafe and the gentleman at the next table won't start staring and trying not let me know by glancing back at his book and pretending to work. It's kinda funny. And I'm wearing a wool cap which practically covers my eyes, jeans and a t shirt. Unshowered, uncaffeinated, lol.


My sweetie has been grumpy and miffed lately, with lots of crazy stuff happening in our lives right now, and I wore BI yesterday and last night and he got pretty snuggly while watching the movie, which I was not expecting. :)


I tried Bam earlier in the day a bit too, the original scent, but it is pretty powdery on me, is it supposed to be that way or is it a chemical thing with my skin? My sweetie thought I smelled like moth balls, lol. Then he gave me a big kiss.


I am so looking forward to experimenting more, finding the right amounts and picking the right moments to wear the right ones. I have a big social event tonight with sweetie and think I might try Lumina with some BI for fun. What do you ladies think?


Hi Bisou! I'm still pretty new too (?) , but you will love it here. LP and their artisan perfumes really add another dimension into your life. Next thing you know you'll be plotting and scheming for your next purchases and creations. Have fun testing out your pheros :3 I just started to make a chart of LP Pheros for women that shows and color codes each specific phero in the blend. This way I can look at the specific mood of each phero at a glance or narrow what does/could work out for me. I've also made columns for intended effects, self effects, and such, but I'm still working on filling it out. There's a lot of info to sift through here! It's meant to help me get a better idea of what works for what situations and help me plan what I want to get boosted in the future. If you'd like what I have so far you can download it at http://www.sendspace.com/file/90bpdu. I actually made it for all LP-ers, it saves you time from formatting everything <3


Hi moonholly209! Wow that chart sounds great, how sweet of you to make one :) I can't wait to check it out when i get to my other computer. Yes so much info to go through, and at one point writing it all down and organizing it crossed my little brain, like most things, but then something sparkly caught my attention and I never did and now I am forever disorganized. So I love that you did!


Yes I am already planning the next purchase! And boosting scents is also something I want to try. Thank you! Xoxo


Oh! I forgot to mention that Empress of Persica is all up in the peaches and cream...scent wise... Good news that it's also currently a part of the buy two get one free of select bottles.


This seems soo lovely and scruptious!! Yum. I am looking for a delicious caramel scent too.


welcome here!! i hope you have fun with the pheros and welcome to our community! I love Sexology and Leather, my man is an alpha too and he likes when i get a little more Roar in me form the Leather. If your man likes a little more femme go with Lace.


have fun!


Thank you so much ravenwing!! Yes I wonder about alphas wanting a bit of extra oomph to lean against and reinforce their alpha-ness, maybe, do you think? Hmm leather might be on my next order. I was already thinking Lace. I am beginning to realize I might need all of them depending on situation/mood! Yay thank you for the sweet welcome.


:yeahthat: I need to get in on that action! AND... :smilies-23596: I've only been here a short while...and I think I need to find a Love Potions Anonymous class... :drunk: You're gonna have a blast!


Hi SportyCurve5, yes there was a LPMPA(nonymous) group once I think. They met for cocktails every wednesday but ended up swapping scents and planning orders instead of quitting. Now they have taken over the world and spend most of their time on vacation getting massages and pedicures and having men and women follow them around like puppy dogs saying "you smell so wonderful". Oh wait i think i dozed off there. Thank you all, I am already having so much fun :)

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Hmmm i'm not sure where the option is, but Mara said the offer is on all of danna's creations at this post.


Thanks, MoonHolly. I don't read some threads because I have nothing to contribute to it. I'll check out the list later.

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