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Goddess of the Blue Moon (w/LFM)

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Boo!!! I want to love this one so badly, but there is something in it that pokes me right in the third eye and gives me a whopper of a headache! :( I'm so sad! The scent is so pretty and ladylike, I'm *dying* to try the phero - because who doesn't want to be a mysterious woman? - and the cat & crazy-eyed owl on the label keep calling my name... argh!


I will try it again, as I'm tired today, and hopeful that it's just fatigue that's contributing to the stabbing headache I got when I put this on. But I don't think it is. I had a bath and washed this off, and the pain is gone.


Now, I am not at all adverse to chowing down on a little Advil in order to wear a pretty-but-headache inducing scent, so perhaps when I'm not quite so tired this will be an 'Advil-manageable' scent, like Far, Far Away. I hope so!

Eggers, could it be a component of the phero blends that's giving you a headache?
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LOL!!! Eggers! Drugging yourself to wear LP's! That is commitment!!


What? Is that not normal? :)


Eggers, could it be a component of the phero blends that's giving you a headache?


I don't know. I don't think so, because I had so little on - just a quarter-sized dot. And I had a bath between blends. (So I've now had 3 baths today! :lol: ).

I think it's one of the florals in it. I'm not familiar with lotus at all, but I get headaches from freesia all the time - even if I'm shopping in a store that sells freesia-scented candles. That's what does it in Far, Far Away.

I'll try it again when I've had a bit more sleep. I'm prone to getting headaches when I haven't had enough sleep.

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Oh my, even I get headaches from pheromones/scents when I'm exhausted & I'm the opposite of sensitive. I was getting chemical peels with my facials a couple years ago & I barely peeled! Anyway, this is a beautiful scent, but certainly not worth headaches or liver damaging analgesics, maybe you could look it up & search the tags to see if there's a similar scent that appeals to you?

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Beccah, I'm pretty sure this one isn't going to work anyway. But there are tons that do work for me, and well, so I'll just have to be content with those. *sigh* It's tough being spoiled with hundreds of perfumes to choose from, isn't it? ;) I wanted this to work for two reasons: I want to test the LFM phero a bit before I spring for a bottle of UN, and I LOVE the label, and would like to add it to my collection. Oh well... I have a sample w/label. Well 3 reason: I actually like the scent.


I love the scent of Far, Far Away, too, even though it gives me headaches. But they're not as bad as the one I got today. I keep waffling on a full bottle. I may just spring for UN Audacious and UN LFM so that I can wear them with whatever I want, and skip the Advil! ;)


As far as the Advil goes, I already use it fairly frequently for mild arthritis in my knees and hips which is aggravated by being on my feet all day for work. I don't really want to have to take it when I'm not working, just to wear my perfumes. Although I will miss those perfumes dearly...

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Sorry to hear that sweety! Have you tried Glucosamine/Chondroitin? I injured my knees a couple times before & took that supplement without suffering any permanent damage. Maybe it would help with Arthritis?

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I just received my 20 bottles and the wooden bottle rack. I am in heaven. I had a hard time deciding which potion to try out first. After sniffing each and everyone one numerous times I decided to give Goddess of the Blue Moon a try I am so glad I did. This potion is intoxicating and mysterious. The Blue Lotus is the most dominate scent for me with the white willow coming next. The fragrance of the Blue Lotus makes me feel like I’m being transported to another time and place. There are many mystiques surrounding the Blue Lotus also. It’s the flower that opens as the sun rises and closes at sunset. Symbolizing rebirth and resurrection. How cool is that. The Goddess of the Blue Moon is my favorite so far. Also since I’m out of my precious Lady Luck I think this potion will do the trick. The amber, bamboo and moss all have luck as one of their magical meanings. I’m giving this potion 5 thumbs up. :LuvU396::Emoticons04235:



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Beccah, you know, it's weird, I'm usually extremely pro-active when it comes to sorting out my body's problems, but I've had arthritis for so long now that I guess it's never really occurred to me to look at an alternative! Duh! I will look into it. Stat. Thank you. :)


I think I've decided not to try this scent again, though. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt! My mom might like it though...

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Beccah, you know, it's weird, I'm usually extremely pro-active when it comes to sorting out my body's problems, but I've had arthritis for so long now that I guess it's never really occurred to me to look at an alternative! Duh! I will look into it. Stat. Thank you. :)


I think I've decided not to try this scent again, though. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt! My mom might like it though...

My advice is not to pass your sample along. Once you get your treatment switched to something that isn't damaging your body, you may find that you can wear these without headaches. I couldn't do A-nol for the longest, during this time I was drinking excessively, eating like crap & severely stressed (amongst other things). I cut back extensively on my alcohol consumption, am eating *much* healthier, & managing my stress. So now I get to enjoy lovely potions like Flying Potion again ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a sample of this for the pheros. I was pretty sure the scent wouldn't work on me, but I just swiped a little bit on my hand and I actually like it! I thought it would be too floral, and it is floral, but it turns out I can wear lotus. I liked Love Blossom also so guess I shouldn't be scared of lotus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm surprised that I quite like the smell of this one as it melds with my skin, as I didn't like it too much in the bottle. There is some kind of sour, chemically note in it that I don't like, but this disappears once on my skin for a few minutes. I noticed this especially when I applied it to myself while I was super warm and a little sweaty after dancing, it seemed to take very little time to reach that sweet coolness. I am seriously considering getting a bottle of this in spray form, because something tells me it will be divine as a spray.

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No laughing please.


Almost didn't post this 'cause it's a bit embarrassing...


I've been using the unscented La Femme Mystere off and on for the past month, and I was super excited to try that phero as part of a "scent with intent".


Earlier this week, I came home from work, had a good scrub in the shower, and decided to test this one out at home. Goddess of the Blue Moon smelled lovely in the bottle!


I thought I went a little easy on application, tho I did put a bit more in my elbow (which seems to be a much better "hot spot" on me than my throat or wrists). I absolutely adored this scent as soon as I put it on.


I think it's the lotus. I don't think I've ever worn anything with lotus in it before. Lotus is officially a mysteriously delicious flower.


So I asked my Sweetie what he thought, and he also gave it his "smell good" seal of approval. I floated around the house for about 20-30 minutes while this literally filled the house with the scent, and suddenly, I kindof freaked out and had to wash it off.


Seriously! You know the effects that La Femme Mystere is supposed to have on other people?


Here's the description for those of you who may have a memory like mine:


a "deeply feminine and voluptuously seductive air that would inspire positive feelings, deep emotions, meaningful connections, and leave a lasting, memorable, enchanting impression"


That all sounds lovely, doesn't it?


Oh yes! I definitely got those impressions... Except I was overwhelmed with how sophisticated and glamorous the scent was, and how completely unlike anything I have ever worn it was. And... I didn't want to have a deep, lasting and meaningful connection with myself - because this scent isn't like anything I've ever worn before.


I was actually intimidated by Goddess of the Blue Moon. It is lovely, don't get me wrong... But the best words that I can think of to describe it with is super sophisticated. Like...


This is a scent that really important grown ups wear. And oh my goodness, I just found out I'm not a grown up!


Like I said... I chickened out. I ran back to the shower and scrubbed it all off. My Sweetheart laughed at me. I guess you all can too. I've hidden my sample on the top shelf of my perfumes cabinet (almost out of reach), and I'll revisit in in a few weeks (or months.. or years...) after I've grown back some of the courage that I lost when I was wearing it.




Goddess of the Blue Moon was a lovely complicated floral to me. There was one floral note that was strongest, I assume it was the Lotus, and several other notes that I didn't recognize that seemed to float in and out. Occasionally one note would rear it's lovely dragon-like head and grab my attention, then would slink back into the bushes and let the lotus take center stage again.


I really loved this scent. I just don't know if I'm in a place where I deserve to wear something this sophisticated and "grown up".

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Slathered some of this on, on the way out the door today. SO immediately commented on how good I smelled (this rarely happens), but hmm. My MIL was having a hard time with her son accepting my opinions over hers while we were out shopping today. It was seriously comical. Like she was getting mad because he bought the phone case that I suggested & didn't like me talking him out of buying the rip off phone insurance from Best Buy, which all I was really trying to say is that maybe he should shop around if he were to buy phone insurance from a provider. Idk, it was like she was threatened by the influence I was exerting over her son.

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Slathered some of this on, on the way out the door today. SO immediately commented on how good I smelled (this rarely happens), but hmm. My MIL was having a hard time with her son accepting my opinions over hers while we were out shopping today. It was seriously comical. Like she was getting mad because he bought the phone case that I suggested & didn't like me talking him out of buying the rip off phone insurance from Best Buy, which all I was really trying to say is that maybe he should shop around if he were to buy phone insurance from a provider. Idk, it was like she was threatened by the influence I was exerting over her son.


Sorry but shopping with your husband AND mother in law sounds like it's always going to be a minefield... I'd want to steer clear of that situation if it were me!

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Sorry but shopping with your husband AND mother in law sounds like it's always going to be a minefield... I'd want to steer clear of that situation if it were me!

Usually I do, but I've decided to start going along with him to do things like this because she needs to realize that I'm his wife, not her.

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No laughing please.


I really loved this scent. I just don't know if I'm in a place where I deserve to wear something this sophisticated and "grown up".


No laughing here at all,but I must say this is one of the strangest reviews I have read in awhile ...you DO deserve to wear this,we are all Goddess :abfx:


Beccah,your MIL has some serious issues :(

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No laughing please.


Almost didn't post this 'cause it's a bit embarrassing...




I really loved this scent. I just don't know if I'm in a place where I deserve to wear something this sophisticated and "grown up".

No laughing from me, and don't be embarrassed, teacozy! I second Calii. We are ALL of the Goddess. YOU ARE GODDESS. This was a fascinating review. You deserve to wear any beautiful scent you choose. However, we are ready to embrace certain aspects of ourselves when we're ready. Sometimes it takes a while. So, that woman you felt yourself being is certainly part of you, but if you can't quite grok her right now...well, you're still fabulous! :heart: I wonder if some component of the scent is triggering a memory of a buried experience, an alternate life, or some such.




No laughing here at all,but I must say this is one of the strangest reviews I have read in awhile ...you DO deserve to wear this,we are all Goddess :abfx:


Beccah,your MIL has some serious issues :(

And, ummm, YEAH. THAT. Hang in there, Beccah. Edited by ElizabethOSP
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OH Teacozy... no laughing here. I do understand sometimes a scent will be a bit more 'dress-up' than I'm up to...yes. I hope you get to a place where this beauty feels more like yourself, and vice-versa! <hugs>

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I think I'm liking this more and more. I just need to find my sweet spot. Put on this morning. About 5 inch stripe on tummy and 3 inch stripe on both arms. Think it might be too much. I feel like "I'm hot and I know that u know I'm hot... " almost to the point where I feel a little bitchy. Wow. I don't like feeling bitchy or stuck up so maybe I will apply less next time. But.... TG did go out of his way to talk to me, lots of eye contact.... I think I willbe testing this again tomorrow.

Oh and this smells absolutely AMAZING

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My mums quite likes her sample of this that i gave her.She says she saves it for nice occasions so that its not wasted.Ive smelt it on her a few times,its a pretty light musk with a bit of green.Think its moss or bamboo but i could be wrong since dont trust my perfume nose that much. :P Its a pretty pleasant scent that makes you smile when you smell it,it also seems to have a strangely calming feel to it.Feels a little like zen garden to me but a lot more subtle.Its a strong yet subtle scent which seems like it would be good in any environment. She hasnt noticed the pheromone effects but think she wears very little when she puts it on,either that or shes not sure what to look for(>_<) Overall its a pretty nice scent but my mum said she would like something a bit stronger on the musk so hopefully the vintage musk i ordered for her will fit the bill ^_^

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I had my sample for a while and just decided to test it out yesterday..at first I didnt like it, the florals were kind of peircing to my nose but later it mellowed out really nice and it smells so feminine like an exspensive perfume and the phero made me feel like I was in a good mood.Im wearing it now and it grew on me,now I cant stop smelling it.


my first time testing LFM and I like it.I have a hard time deciding which phero to get but now I know I want to get that phero!

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So I have been testing this out at work. There is this coworker who I never get along with. It's just a strong mutual dislike. I usually just communicate when I have to with him and all is good. Our personalities just clash and we don't like each other.

Anyhoo with LFM testing, this first day I wore this he was *gasp* polite? Cracking jokes? With me? Wtf? Well, I was like,must be the LFM I guess. I haven't wore more LFM lately, but what's funny is that his whole demeanor towards me has completely changed. This whole week he has been super nice, helpful etc. I don't know how else his behavior toward me completely changed but I'm pretty sure it's because of LFM.

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So I have been testing this out at work. There is this coworker who I never get along with. It's just a strong mutual dislike. I usually just communicate when I have to with him and all is good. Our personalities just clash and we don't like each other.

Anyhoo with LFM testing, this first day I wore this he was *gasp* polite? Cracking jokes? With me? Wtf? Well, I was like,must be the LFM I guess. I haven't wore more LFM lately, but what's funny is that his whole demeanor towards me has completely changed. This whole week he has been super nice, helpful etc. I don't know how else his behavior toward me completely changed but I'm pretty sure it's because of LFM.

Yeah, SO is completely deferential to me when I wear LFM. I need to test the 1X strength out on him, but he responds well to this strength.

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Fantastic,Hearts! ...see now this is an excellent example of the beneficial tool phero use can be...he has changed his perception of you and your time is the better for it :) :) Reinforce this with ocassional use!

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Fantastic,Hearts! ...see now this is an excellent example of the beneficial tool phero use can be...he has changed his perception of you and your time is the better for it :) :) Reinforce this with ocassional use!


Totally Calii! Work will be do much more pleasant now that I don't get his attitude. LFM rocks. I will have to make sure to wear this around him occasionally so I don't lose these effects.

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That's a great report, hearts! I'm happy that it's worked out so well for you :)

So far I really, really like the smell of Goddess but I haven't tested it on the public yet...I'm a bit worried about congruence with my personality. It made me feel good when I wore it around the house, kind of slinky and sophisticated and maybe a little languid, like a cat or a femme fatale. I'm usually a pretty intense, energetic person and tend to give off a very dominant vibe. I'm usually very loud and talkative so I'm thinking it might be weird if I suddenly start giving off a "mysterious" vibe, haha. I'm told I look sophisticated, though (what? lol), a few people have said I remind them of a cat (yay!) and I do get in really quiet moods sometimes so...maybe it'll be okay.

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That's a great report, hearts! I'm happy that it's worked out so well for you :)

So far I really, really like the smell of Goddess but I haven't tested it on the public yet...I'm a bit worried about congruence with my personality. It made me feel good when I wore it around the house, kind of slinky and sophisticated and maybe a little languid, like a cat or a femme fatale. I'm usually a pretty intense, energetic person and tend to give off a very dominant vibe. I'm usually very loud and talkative so I'm thinking it might be weird if I suddenly start giving off a "mysterious" vibe, haha. I'm told I look sophisticated, though (what? lol), a few people have said I remind them of a cat (yay!) and I do get in really quiet moods sometimes so...maybe it'll be okay.


I have received that comment from people too! Ironic for those of you that know my real name, hehe :P But what does that mean exactly? I guess if you "move like a cat" it is like you are prowling, sleek and sexy and deliberate. It has to be a good thing I imagine!


I think I'm seeing some great results from Goddess of the Blue Moon as well, but I'm going to wait to write up a full report so I have interpreted what I'm seeing right.

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I've also had people ask me if I'm a dancer (I'm not) so it must have to do with how you move! I was in a theater production where my character was kind of a femme fatale and your description is exactly what I tried to put into her movements! Definitely a black panther kind of feel. I think I'm actually quite clumsy, but I try to put some confidence in my walk, which usually leads to a bit of hip-swaying ;)


I'm going to try the Goddess soon. I need to have a "talk" with someone and maybe it will make me feel calmer and more in charge of the situation, even if it's only over the phone.

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I know I've already posted some of this info here, but here is my final PT review, all in one post:


Review of Love Potion’s Goddess of the Blue Moon:


Pheromone ingredients: Contains the La Femme Mystere phero blend: Estratetraenol, DHEAS, beta androstenol, alpha androstenol, epi-androsterone, beta-THDOC, androstadienone. Quite a list!


Price: $29.95 for a bottle. I’m shortly to order a spray, which is $44.95. Something about this is begging to be worn as a spray.


Presentation: Cute Bohemian Cats label :) Love it – and the picture, phero blend, name and whole concept just go together beautifully!


Smell: This smell is not really my thing, but it’s not bad. It’s cool, blue, musky and a little bit soapy. It does smell like I’ve just washed my hands in a nice soap, and got some on my wrists or neck (or wherever I’ve applied it). I know there are some people out there that ADORE this musk, and rave about how elegant and sophisticated it is, but to me it’s just ok. It wears very close to the skin and is very faint and easily drowned out by other smells, so even if I really didn’t like the smell I could get away with it using a cover smell.


Results: Wow, what can I say… this delivers! LFM is officially one of my new favourite phero blends! I was worried that as a blend that was supposed to make the wearer seem “sophisticated” it would come off as intimidating or harsh on me, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. I certainly get the movie-star type effect of Popularity Potion, but I haven’t felt anyone has thought I was intimidating, I guess there is enough other stuff in there to balance that out. What’s more, there is a definite edge to this blend – it packs a punch. I don’t know that it is so much sexual or even sexy, more like goddess worship – like people just respect and revere you – but not in a way that rules out sex appeal either. People just seem to think I am beautiful and wonderful and amazing when I wear this, and just can’t stop telling me so. The amount of compliments I have gotten – on everything from my hair to my clothes to my energy or attitude, or even comments along the “you’ve never looked better” line – has been astounding.


Self effects – “slinky” is the best word for this. I feel all cool and sexy and cat-like if I huff in too much. I want to tilt my head down and flick my long eyelashes up to cast a mischievous gaze, with just the barest hint of a wicked grin on my red lips. Take off my top hat and toss it into the wind. I just feel like… Oh yeah! ;)


An interesting observation both myself and Tyvey, and possibly others, have made, is the “close-talker” syndrome. This seems to encourage people to really get in close and want to talk to you. I’ve had several people all around me, even literally pushing in front of each other to talk to me – again not in any particularly or necessarily sexual way, just like I was a long lost friend and they had years to catch up on and talking to me was the most important thing in the world right now. The remarkable thing is that they have all acted as though they were behaving completely normally, like they always stand this close to everybody. I think GotBM shuts off some kind of social filter that people would ordinarily use to judge social norms like how close to stand to the person you are talking to. I am really intrigued by this idea and wonder what other behaviours this may affect.


The talkative thing is there too, almost too much so. One lady, who I barely knew, seemed to seek me out from a crowded room to come over and spend the next half hour telling me all about – well, everything, basically her life story – despite my trying to politely get away. Classic beta nol or what?


Finally, my favourite experience to relate is wearing this to see C1. I had been so carefully Heart & Souling and Perfect Matching him, after having some negative reactions from him to cops and some other sexy blends, and had never even thought of giving LFM a try – in fact I only saw him by accident and just happened to be wearing it. PM and H&S did some lovely things in terms of helping us bond and making us feel like we had known each other forever and had a special connection. But the change in him when faced with LFM was incredible. He acted as though he had been visited by royalty. We still had the bonding, best-friend type thing going, but there was added admiration and respect. He dropped what he was doing as soon as I turned up, took me out for a coffee (something he never does), complimented me on how good I looked, and couldn’t break eye contact. He was just looking at me like… I was the most beautiful sight he had seen in weeks. He couldn’t drag himself away from me, and ended up late to his next meeting, and he is normally very paranoid about being late. He kept saying how good it was to see me and all but made me promise to visit him the next day. It really felt like he thought royalty had come to visit and couldn’t believe his luck that I was talking to him and paying attention to him! I could just about see the fangirl developing ;)


Ok probably enough on the results… only I read what I’ve written here and I feel I haven’t done it justice. There is just an “edge” to this that I can’t quite describe in words, it is something that needs to be felt. There’s something in the way a few people have looked at me that I don’t have the words for just yet, but it is very special. I could keep repeating the words “goddess” and “slinky”, but I’m starting to sound like a broken record. I don’t work for Love Potion, I swear!

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Well, I wore this to meet a really important professor and his wife. They already know my brother and love him, so I really wanted to make a good impression. I only wore about two drops, applied about two hours beforehand. I only met them briefly (they were stopping by my house before going out to dinner with my parents, unfortunately I couldn't make the dinner) but I think it was a good choice - he shook my hand for a long time before they left, like he didn't want to let go. Also, he was sitting next to me and stayed there to talk even after everyone at the table had gotten up to leave. My brother told me later that this man has shaken the hand of the president of China many times - whoa! He and his wife also stood pretty close to me.


This was the only time I wore this around anyone besides myself - further testing is definitely in the future!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im still on my sample but ordered a full size..I love it!

the first time I tried it wasnt sure about it ..but the more I wear it ..its like I cant get enough of its sultry smell.

I only applied some to my wrist and when I was at Mcdonalds.The guy who took my order was like.."Are you wearing sandalwood?..It smells like a good incense" :)


It does smell to me like an exotic incense with florals,sandalwood and resins....its really something special.

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when I was at Mcdonalds.The guy who took my order was like.."Are you wearing sandalwood?..It smells like a good incense" :)


Wow, the McDonald's guy could pick out sandalwood?? That's a sophisticated nose! He's wasting his time in that job lol

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Wow, the McDonald's guy could pick out sandalwood?? That's a sophisticated nose! He's wasting his time in that job lol

It caught me off gaurd..and I was like..ummm ahh.. ummm?I think so?ya :)He was really interested and sniffing the air saying "yep, its sandalwood" :)


Im not used to males talking about what perfume Im wearing! He seemed really nice and too bad I couldnt have told him about LP and give him a card but I didnt even have my purse on me and the order took like 30 secs. I bet he would of checked out the site and been on the forum too....hehe

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I must admit, this is one I like the smell of more and more whenever I wear it. I am loving the fresh, almost citrusy nature of it at the moment. Keep catching delicious whiffs.

I know..my nose did not like it on first sniff....but after a few times of testing it, the smell becomes familiar and now Its one of my favorites :)

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