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Love Potion: Passion & Desire


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Good point. Was wondering, if the title starts with LP does that mean it's always going to be rebrewed? I was specifically thinking of LP Sunfire


Nope, there's only a few that are permanent. I make Ltd Eds around 4 times a year. LP Sunfire is all sold out.

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Nope, there's only a few that are permanent. I make Ltd Eds around 4 times a year. LP Sunfire is all sold out.


CRAP! That was going to be on my next order! Is sunfire one that you make 4 times a year then?

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I'm sorry no, I wasn't go to do Sunfire again. I am about to rebrew Passion and Desire tho. Sigh, I need to make new labels for pretty much all the 'permanent' ones, so I am procrastinating. The old labels don't fit the new templates.

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Maybe I shouldn't chime in here.....but for the ladies who are confused, I THINK the permanent ones are #9, Original, Red, Black, Pink, and P & D.....am I right, Mara? The solstice blends are the ones that she usually does 4 times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter), and each year they are different......


Did that help Raq?

Edited by Dolly
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I hear you Raq. I need to slow down on my bottle now, it's half gone and I only got it a few months ago! This was an example of not liking something when I got my sample...getting a sniffee of it with an order and realizing it is my favorite!!! How does that happen? Anyway, grateful I did get one bottle before its demise.

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I think I win the prize for "smallest LP stash" b/c I wait so long to make sure I really love something before I commit to a bottle. My LP budget is rather small compared to most here I think, so I have to choose wisely. I had loved Sunfire but for me it was a summer scent so I'd planned on ordering it this summer.



I don't know how that works when we use something, think we don't like it, then end up scrambling to hoard it! LOL. That happens with MRF. I absolutely LOVE it but others comment (without fail) that I smell like pipe tobacco. So I'd traded my bottle, and now I just ordered another sample of it in my last order because I miss it!


Go figure

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Maybe I shouldn't chime in here.....but for the ladies who are confused, I THINK the permanent ones are #9, Original, Red, Black, Pink, and P & D.....am I right, Mara? The solstice blends are the ones that she usually does 4 times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter), and each year they are different......


Did that help Raq?


Oh, and I think Pherogirl is permanent as well......

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That's correct, thanks Dolly! HUGZ!


HUGS to you sweetie!!!! MUAH! :Emoticons0804:

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I don't know how that works when we use something, think we don't like it, then end up scrambling to hoard it! LOL. That happens with MRF. I absolutely LOVE it but others comment (without fail) that I smell like pipe tobacco. So I'd traded my bottle, and now I just ordered another sample of it in my last order because I miss it!

LOL you're not alone...I've done that more than once... I've ordered samples or bottles, traded them away, and then bought more bottles...every time I think to myself that the LPMP castledwellers must be like WTF IS SHE DOING

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I hope the re-brew isn't going to be too different.

I imagine that Mara will keep it as close to the original as possible, if the sources remain the same,

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LOL you're not alone...I've done that more than once... I've ordered samples or bottles, traded them away, and then bought more bottles...every time I think to myself that the LPMP castledwellers must be like WTF IS SHE DOING


I do this times a thousand. I'm on the fence about this one. I love LP black more than LP Red. and I don't know if I like the mix of these two together. Both times I have tested LP P and D,. it came out very peppery on me, and spicy but not a good spice.

I feel like I had too many weapons for battle. I do like being prepared, but this was like carrying a bazooka and a sniper riffle

Do I need both at the same time?

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Also sugared honeycomb is permanent, right?


That too......

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  • 1 month later...

This happened to me too I traded away my samples. Then I just came across one recently and maybe it has aged, but now it's GREAT! Before it smelled like dirt. NOw it's very brown sugar, and just a hint of patchouli. Very sexy so maybe keep it around for awhile.

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I LOVE this. One of my favorite scents I've tried so far. When I first applied it I though, "Meh...it's alright." as I don't care for spicey smelling notes. But for the love of me I could NOT unglue my sniffer from my wrist.


Underneath the spice is a smooth creamy vanilla and brown sugar and if I inhale deeply I get a tiny whiff of cinnamon. I LOVE THIS. Much much more than LP Red.

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  • 1 month later...

I know! It totally works together. I'm not an LP black fan either. Do you get any chocolate?


No chocolate for me, but I'm glad because I can't do most chocolate scents. Although to be honest, unless a scent is predominately one note, I have a hard time figuring out what I'm smelling. I just go, oh yes this smells good, or no, this is bad, LOL. My sniffer is not advanced :blush:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a sample of this in my last order. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do! This scent reminds me of tootsie pops! In a delicious good way. I need a full bottle now. Is this scent permanent?


Mara had said, previously, that she will continue to make it as long as there is demand. I know that I love Black (my absolute fave of the permanent line), and I really like Red, but I like P & D more than Red, I think.

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Mara had said, previously, that she will continue to make it as long as there is demand. I know that I love Black (my absolute fave of the permanent line), and I really like Red, but I like P & D more than Red, I think.


Thanks Dolly! I'm really curious about LP Black now... I liked P&D better than Red... Which I totally didn't expect.

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