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Super 2 with Super Sexy for Men

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The androstadienone can have a mood-lift quality in small doses (I would never slather this anyway). And I like to make myself horny with things like this and Wanted Man.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got my goodie bag of LPMP fragrances, and pursuant to the [nearly universal] recommendations of the ladies here... I went straight for the "Super for Men 2."


Unlike most men (at least the ones you girls keep mentioning), I really like this stuff! It went on sweet and warm. I felt (more than smelled) the tobacco and the syrup (my 4y/o daughter said I smelled like "pancakes").


My skin didn't bring out the Lavender or Eucalyptus at all.


An hour later, it had dried down to maple syrup and wood. Two hours later, I'd catch faint hints of something that made me think of mahogany.


S2 sticks around a long time. There is no need to reapply (at least in the oil version). I definitely like this stuff.


However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and fragrances are subjective....


So HORROR of horrors!!! :fright04238: ...unlike most women, SHE didn't like it




No. And don't call me Shirley.


After reading all the input above, I was anxiously looking forward to full-blown swoon from the lady fair. But it was not to be.


Scents trigger memories in our subconscious... and my wife said "it smells like those awful maple candies that people make at Christmas." Four hours later, she said "...Honey, I love you... you stink!"


Oh well... I still like it. Though it looks like I'll be wearing Super 2 when I get away for some me time at the movies (i.e. when I want to go see "Mission Impossible," "The Expendables," or other not so Oscar worthy fare).


Now, Pashazade testing.

Edited by Jones
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Oh Jones. I'm so sorry.


I love this on Shadow. Love. It's sweet and deep and dark and sensual on him. The way I always want him to smell. Last night I molested his t-shirt when he took it off to shower. He really likes citruses though and I don't so we always have this issue with scents. Where I love something on him and he doesn't.



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I LOOOVE this on my husband. It's got all the stuff I like to smell. First when he tried, he applied it a bit too liberally. Too much! Seems his chemistry amps this one so the next few times it was just a dot and he smelled heavenly all day. He really amped the maples. At first when you're standing near him it smelled like the woodsmoke so it makes you want to get closer to smell some more... then you smell maple and yuuuumo! I was huffing him all afternoon while our family went bowling. I think other women smelled it too b/c the other families' moms were looking over at him-even if he was wearing bowling shoes....


so far this is my fave on him. So sorry it didn't work out for you Jones. It's not your typical "guy" clean type scent I guess. But I really like this type of smell.


Jones, have you tried Salute? That may be more to your wife's liking.

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Jones, have you tried Salute? That may be more to your wife's liking.


I haven't tried Salute. Though while she isn't insistent... when the subject comes up, she's pushin' the Cool Water. It's not bad, but I like dark, mysterious, smoky and spicy.... on me.


I suppose I shall have to content myself with keeping Super 2 as a personal indulgence. lol.

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  • 7 months later...

I can see why Super for Men II is intriguing to women.


Sometimes it's subtle and sweet, sometimes it's sharp and bold. It's always interesting.


Sure you may as well just dab maple syrup on your wrists and call it a day, but this would be unsatisfying and attract ants. Instead the tobacco and whatever the hell copal is, keep the party going and looking beyond the sticky exterior. I will wear this one indiscriminately and proudly.


It's satisfying. It's warm. It's human.


In the middle of making out with you, she might ask you to take her to Ihop for pancakes, because that would be the only way to absorb something so delicious without resorting to cannibalism.


To be fair, it's too sweet, but the ladies dig it, and in the end that's all that matters in the quest to procreate and propagate our species.

Edited by JMartin
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So off to work I went to my job at SummerStage in Central Park. The Milk Carton Kids and the Old Crow Medicine Show were performing.

This is an outdoor gig and it's hot and muggy, but I decide to field test anyway. The rollerball thingy is annoying and it's hard to tell how much I'm applying, but I manage.


When I arrive on site, I go straight to the office trailer to punch in and get started. The trailer's interior was the very opposite of outside. It was dry and very cool. The space is rather cramped and I was in there with my boss, another male co-worker and three female co-workers. My male co-worker immediately exclaims "Oh wow…it smells like maple syrup in here!" followed by concurrence from everyone inside. My boss jokes: "Jesse, are you wearing that maple syrup cologne again?"


Now mind you this is the first time I'm wearing this out and he doesn't know what he's saying. He was just joking, even though he was, in fact, at least partially correct. I joke back saying that I work in a diner and they should just get over it. A hardy laugh is held by all.


I found out that I'm stationed with a female co-worker with whom I've never worked before. Perfect.


I haven't seen a deer-in-the-headlights look like that in a while. It was almost like she was on drugs. I think her pupils were even dilated. She gave me the 21 questions and seemed to be in a much happier mood than usual. Energetic and talkative. If I didn't know better I'd say she'd done a bump of blow right before work. Finally she asks everyone else: "What smells so good in here?…it's kind of like pancakes" Again there was concurrence from everyone. They all commented on how "the park" smells like pancakes today.


Later in the shift I reveal to her that it is me that smells like pancakes and she askes me if I had maple syrup spilled on me. Everyone else was also wondering why I smell like pancakes.


Now while maple syrup/pancakes are delicious, I most certainly don't want to start being identified as "the guy who smells like pancakes"…not all the time anyway. So next day at work I slathered on the Ruisseau and went under the radar. I wasn't trying to have everyone ask me why I smell like syrup two days in a row seeing as I don't actually work at a diner. This brings me to my second quandary with Super for Men.


My current romantic interest DOES work at a diner. I can't really fault her for finding this fragrance a bit of a turn off. I wouldn't like it if she smelled like ink toner from the office either. I kind of even doubt that Super for Men would even register considering she's bombarded by the smell of maple syrup at work all night long as it is.


In conclusion, thank you ladies very much for the suggestion but I'm gonna call this one a dud. I would prefer to have my signature to be unique, a tad rough, a tad sensitive, a little boozy, a little clean and all manly not….pancakes. In other words if a girl finds one of my shirts and takes a sniff I would like her to say "Yum,that smells like Jesse" not, "Yum that smells like maple syrup, let's go get breakfast."



Edited by JMartin
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See I must be the only one who doesn't get so much maple from SUPER...I get the other notes much stronger and I think it's one of the best - and sexiest - male fragrances Mara has ever created.

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I love the combo of all these ingredients and wish it came without the pheros so I could smell like a sexy man.

Have you tried UN? It's a little different, but not by much, IMO. It's one I love to wear when I'm in the mood for a man's fragrance.

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Well,I am with the ladies,but you are wearing it and there are too many others to love.


So.... SS4M unscented :P


I agree. I'll continue experimenting. I might even consider trading or selling this bottle since I don't see myself using it too much.


I already have lots of fragrances for "play time". I am in the search for a signature scent to wear every day. You guys feel me?

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Well if you really want to wear SUPER yourself, then you should try UN; and if you decide otherwise you can always have your BF wear it instead.

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I am in the search for a signature scent to wear every day. You guys feel me?


HAH...yeah my exact words two and half years ago,now I love to wear what fits my mood of the day.Total turn around :lol:

Do try your Super 2 at least few more times tho,in a month or so. I still cringe when thinking how close I came to giving away LP Red,now a favorite!

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  • 9 months later...

Why yes! Yes we *will* be splurging on a bottle of Super for Men! OMG this smells amazing! I haven't smelled it on BF yet, but holy smokes, it smells great in the vial! :w00t: Yes please!

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Why yes! Yes we *will* be splurging on a bottle of Super for Men! OMG this smells amazing! I haven't smelled it on BF yet, but holy smokes, it smells great in the vial! :w00t: Yes please!


Eggs you will eat your man alive with this!! Mine wears it and I just keep huffing/wanting him. I love watching other women get the DIH look too when we are out. He doesn't even notice but I know what to look for (heh) . I'm curious to see what you think when your man wears it,

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Eggs you will eat your man alive with this!! Mine wears it and I just keep huffing/wanting him. I love watching other women get the DIH look too when we are out. He doesn't even notice but I know what to look for (heh) . I'm curious to see what you think when your man wears it,


Hee! I hope so! It smells delicious! ;) Now, if he could just stop with all the bloody jam nights, and shows, (no, not really - I love that he's playing so much lately), we might get a night to ourselves so we could test it out! One of these days, when I know we're home together, and neither of us has other plans, I'm going to give him a good slathering and see what's what! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I gave this sample to BF I told him he could wear it when he wanted to get me "in the mood". So this morning he very pointedly asked me to pass him the sample vial, and then he gave himself a very good slathering. Let's just say that it did NOT take long at all for me to discover the wonderful merits of Super Sexy for Men! :lol: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! And I'll add a Holy Moly! :D


Super for Men smells pretty darned awesome, too! :D Full bottle!

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When I gave this sample to BF I told him he could wear it when he wanted to get me "in the mood". So this morning he very pointedly asked me to pass him the sample vial, and then he gave himself a very good slathering. Let's just say that it did NOT take long at all for me to discover the wonderful merits of Super Sexy for Men! :lol: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! And I'll add a Holy Moly! :D


Super for Men smells pretty darned awesome, too! :D Full bottle!


I KNOW! What is it about this scent and the moth to flame action?? My guy wore it this weekend and the look in his eyes told me it was all for me. It's like you can't stop huffing your guy when he wears this. Eggs, did you find that slathering was as good? I don't mind when mine slathers, but he has a sensitive nose so he puts on fragrance conservatively. But with this I almost find less is more b/c I want to get closer to enable my huffage. LOL

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Well, to be fair, BF's slathering is NOT the same as my slathering. He's pretty conservative, too, and it was soooo nice that way. It really clung to his skin, rather than leaping off his body. The scent was there, but subtle. Incredibly sexy. And from my reaction, I'd say the phero did a decent job, too! ;)

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For me it's not even a foodie thing, it's just sexy! It just goes from my nose to my brain and pushes the lust button. Repeatedly. But then again I don't smell the maple in it as strongly as others do.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't know Mara. I'm not sure what you look like IRL but in my imagination I totally see you as a Demi Moore look-a-like.


No. Demi is too hard - I imagine Mara as sensuous and perfectly approachable :)


UNE is the equiv of Phero Girl

UN is the equiv of Super for Men


could I have made it any more confusing? :lol:


No! No! You couldn't have made it more fantastically clear - I MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The androstadienone can have a mood-lift quality in small doses (I would never slather this anyway). And I like to make myself horny with things like this and Wanted Man.

(said in Molly Shannon's Mary Katherine voice) "Sometimes I like to go into my husband's drawer and smell his Super for Men." LOL I do actually do this.....for obvious reasons


For me it's not even a foodie thing, it's just sexy! It just goes from my nose to my brain and pushes the lust button. Repeatedly. But then again I don't smell the maple in it as strongly as others do.

This. Only I DO smell the maple really strong and it's okay since he only wears a smidge and you can only smell it when you get close. I always want to huff him if he wears this while he works (he works out of the home)

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