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New Releases for SEPTEMBER 2012

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till he can taste only the delights you give to him, and no other


...wondering when he would be ready to learn how to burn.


Ahhh,Luna chick,the appetite is ...whetted :001_302:

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Argh! These are going to be up and order-able soon, aren't they? And I have to go out with my friends! (I know: terrible life, right?!) :lol: Oh no! I'm gonna be all squidgy in my seat the whole time! :o


ETA ACK!!! They're UP!!! And I have to go... :( I want to stay and swoon with the rest of you.

Edited by Eggers
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Ok, they are now up on the front page! (I see some of you rascals were spying in advance!!)


Just want to say, I am thrilled with the work of BOTH of our scribes this month. Luna outdoes herself each and every month, she never ceases to charm and amaze.


And I also want to give a very hearty THANK YOU to our guest writer, Stephanie aka AlienChangeling, who wrote the adorable mood-setting excerpts for all three of our Sherlockian scents, inspired by her own Holmesian characters from her Displaced Detective book series.


You both did wonderful work and I think compliment each other beautifully. Thanks, Ladies!


I am still programming the cart, so sample sizes and PEs and creams and such will not be up and orderable until this evening. K? Thanks, everyone!

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And thank you, dear BECCAH!


Wow, kickin' butt and getting those up FAST!


I asked Beccah to be our official thread starter from now on, cuz I loved her idea of putting the notes in the top spot when she starts a thread. I think this will make everything somewhat more convenient for everyone, seeing the picture and the notes right there in the thread.


Great job, Honey, thanks!

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Okay what am I missing?


A.C. wrote: "

Holmes was pondering the details of a minor case from MI5, slouched in the armchair in the sitting room of 221B, when Skye wandered by on her way to the kitchen. Her fragrance wafted past on a vagrant air current, and instinctively he inhaled the familiar scent, smiling slightly."


I think Lady V, it's one of her books' characters?

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I think the pic and notes at the start is a great idea. I love when someone puts the notes in the review thread! Not read the descriptions properly yet-my poor phone can't cope with the lp front page very well but i did manage to have a brief look at notes. I was wrong about which ones i think i want! Can we have an idea what empathy smells like? If it says on the actual order part i apologise for my request.

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Can we have an idea what empathy smells like?


It's rather delicate, soft, slightly floral, lightly powdery, with just a hint of citrus. I posted in the notes that even if you slather it, you'll have a hard time wearing too much. It wears for a long time, but it's an unobtrusive scent, which works well with the intent of the potion. I would consider it school and office friendly.


Does that help?

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OK now that I have posted all over Facebook, tweeted, blogged, sent out an email to my fan distribution, about the "swag" Holmes products, oh and put it up all over my website too (like the main page and each Displaced Detective book page!), I think I can settle down to looking at the OTHER products, lol!


Yes, Skye is one of my characters. Dr. Skye Chadwick. The concept is that she is able to build a classified device that accesses alternate realities, where Holmes is a real person. In one of those, he is to die at Reichenbach with Moriarty, only Skye knee-jerks and intervenes. Holmes goes flying through the wormhole into Skye's reality and can't be sent back, so he has to adapt and deal. Meanwhile, base security discovers a spy ring is after Skye's project...


My husband describes it as Sherlock Holmes meets the X-Files.

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Great job Beccah,and I love love the idea,always have...ummm Bccah posted A Lick Of Pink at 11:57 am,my time,I posted my comment of Luna's succulent scribing at 12:16 pm ...no spying :lol:

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My turn - what does labdanum smell like?

Although it normally is described as amber-like, to me it tends to have more of a plant-like scent to it.

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oh that would be a DEF 2 Bottles worth....I made Bananas Foster Monkey Bread this past weekend, DELISH

there's a woman on ETSY that makes Bananas Foster Biscotti, HEAVENLY ! I've bought them twice, and ordered a Bananas Foster spread last week got it yesterday....Bananas Foster for BREAKFAST !!

It's my FAVORITE dessert of all time :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

No we have no bananas (this time). But it IS delish anyway (IMO), I'm very excited for Flambe (among others).


hmm, da little wheels are turning, perhaps I should do another PE !!

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