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Mara's Rocket Fuel

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Guest icing
I wouldn't worry about it. EST isn't known to cause headaches as far as I know. Which CB was it you tried? Old Pharmacom or Ail's?

I think BI has EST in it but I don't think it's in huge quantities.

It was a sample of the most recent one... maybe it's the fragrance?

After an hour or so, the only thing I can smell is the oakmoss note, and my headache goes away, so hopefully it is just the fragrance.

Regardless of my feelings towards CB, and its scent, the people around me seem really, really attentive.

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Dear Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie-


I would like to thank you for my recent Saturday night with my man, enhanced by Mara's Rocket Fuel. He said "I don't know what is wrong with me, I literally cannot keep my hands off you, I just cannot get enough! And is that new perfume?!?! I love it!". (deeeep sniff sniff sniff of my neck, which led to...)


FIVE TIMES in 12 hours.


So, thank you, I am buying stock in this phero enhanced fragrance.



Me :(

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*eyeballs promptly roll out of sockets*


Does anyone else feel a slight resemblance to Passion & Desire with this one, or is it just me?


Hmm, I've never smelled that. But I'd be willing to try it if it smells anything like this!

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I finally got to try the new version of MRF :lol:


It's not identical to the first one on me, but then rebrews rarely are. This version is more spicy with the brown sugar slightly more prominent. The first version is more creamy on me, and has more maple than brown sugar...Oh and I don't get any pink notes with the new one but I do with the old brew.


This rebrew is different to the original but it's just as yummy! :001_tt2:

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DG, 5 times in 12 hours sounds DIVINE!!!! I WANT SOME!!!!!


HAHA yeah what was funny about it is that later, he kept saying "I can't believe we did it that many times! You wore me out! What the? I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't get enough."


In my mind I was thinking "Exxxelllent...." (rubbing hands together with an evil grin) :lol:

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I like the new one better because the pink note goes sour on me! I have several bottles of the old that I would swap for the new if anyone's interested (the old one has SS4W remember!!)


Hi TG,


Are you old bottles of MRF unopened? If so, I would love to swap with you.



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The Pharmacom Cuddle Bunny won me that prize once. :lol:

HAHA I think only one other time in the history of "us" without pheros has it happened 5 times in one night. But that was like right in the very beginning, when we first met. Usually it's 1 or 2 if we are so inclined.

Ail's Cuddle Bunny works pretty well too, I think that night was like 3 and a half. Yep, a half. HAHA

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JOC, I have one person that I am talking to, I will talk to her and check and see how many bottles I have that are full. How many would you like?



Just one will do since I haven't tried that. Do you want to talk offline?

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I like the new one better because the pink note goes sour on me! I have several bottles of the old that I would swap for the new if anyone's interested (the old one has SS4W remember!!)


I still like this one ( and I love BI) so I might hang on to it for a while yet... If I do decide to let it go you'll have first dibs :lol:

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I like the new one better because the pink note goes sour on me! I have several bottles of the old that I would swap for the new if anyone's interested (the old one has SS4W remember!!)



I've got paypal o a GC for ya sweety...

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Alright ladies! Everything is shipped and is going out today!! Thanks!


Hi TG,


I want you to know that your bottle arrived safe and sound. Many thanks for everything. Will have to test it out when I return.



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Guest icing

Cuddle Bunny is nice in that… people seem more attentive/inclined to help out with assorted things, but it all seems to be in a concerned sort of way… that could border on a pity party for me… not always, but sometimes it gets close to that… and while I don’t really notice any self-effects with Cuddle Bunny, I like some of the added attentiveness.


However, the soft, quiet, concerned reactions and , hands clasping mine and seeing if I’m okay (the hand-clasping thing has not happened with everyone, but some people act completely different and some were definitely overly concerned when I have Cuddle Bunny on, and was otherwise in my usual clothing style and demeanor… and they’re barely acquaintances, at best) , reactions aren’t really enjoyable to be around… I actually start feeling a little pathetic – that said, the concerned helpfulness might be why things went unusually smoothly when I went to the bank to sort something out (switching states = different fee systems and errors on their part, and I’ve had to sort and re-sort that issue so many times over the past two years that I’ve lost count).



Rocket Fuel with Blatant Invitation is a little different. It feels upbeat, enthusiastic, and assertive in a non-sexual sort of way… which feels more “me”.


From others, especially guys, I get something similar to the helpful attentiveness of Cuddle Bunny, maybe even more concern and helpfulness, but in an upbeat, enthusiastic sort of way instead of the caring for a cracked piece of glass/borderline sad-sack concern.

I’m also back on the level of being treated as more of an equal when it comes to humor, verbal sparring, etc., and that’s not at all unusual without pheromones, but what is, is the help/concern/attentiveness mixed in.


Scentwise, in the wet stage, this starts out immediately rich, brown-sugar and honey syrupy which is immediately attacked with a strike of white wine vinegar. This quickly fades into a faint brown sugar scent mixed with a faint but stale-yeasty scent mixed with an undertone of slightly plastic (honey?) maple... as it fades, it turns to mostly soft, slightly musk-conveyed-via-spice scent with a hint of salt (I get that from caramel notes from an array of different companies) that steadily fades until after about an hour (sometimes more sometimes a bit less), it's a really beautiful bronze-copper-gold caramel colored scent of spiced brown sugar musk with traces of liquid-sweet honey-maple.... and though that sounds heavy, it's actually a rather subtle skin scent - at least on me!


I like this one a lot.

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Well yeah, you're talking about two different formulas, EST vs. BI; it's interesting that you have effects which aren't specifically sexual since BI is meant to be a primarily sexual mix.

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Guest icing

I just brought up Cuddle Bunny because it's the only other blend where I've noticed everyone suddenly being helpful, but yeah, I wouldn't expect them to be similar otherwise.


The non-sexual aspect I think is part of my personality and how I'm perceived. I usually dress a little bit like a girly-girl, but I'm not all that sexual, and I typically fit in the role as "one of the guys"... I also tend to get two main reactions from people: They either assume I'm closer to 14 than 24 or they think I'm intimidating (I am not sure how that fits with looking ten years younger than I am, but I've been called intimidating by people since childhood, at work, and friends and guys that were interested in me have told me that they thought I was really intimidating before they got to know me).


Em... that said it could also be the environment, and again, perception. Everyone in this town is a lot more reserved and quiet, whereas the last place I lived was filled with bikers, truckers, and construction workers, so anything subtle might not be registering as easily (oh, I didn't use/wear pheromones, just perfume oils, but they were all very vocal, in a polite way, about those, too). :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Wore this (original) on a sort-of date the other day. TG shouted, "OMG, WHAT SMELLS SO GOOD?!" Me, innocently: "I don't know, what does it smell like?" TG: "Butterscotch! with, with... I don't know..." and then his eyes glazed over and he started babbling incoherently.

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  • 1 month later...

My two bottles of MRF have been sitting in my spare box of scents for close to two months now. That's because I like to use up my sniffees and samples before hitting the bottles.


I caved in because when I tested Mark's Tonka Tobaccum (sp?) last night and I noted that it was similar to MRF. Don't stone me .... that was how it turned out on me. I decided to ditch the practice to leave spare bottles untouched and I wore both of them and headed off to the spa this morning.


I smelled very much like a semi-burnt cookie with the re-brew and the original had some sweetness/pinkness in it. The other thing which I noticed was that the re-brew was more lasting and eight hours later, I was left a honey trail while the original has disappeared.


Verdict: (1) I like both of them & (2) my beautician definitely didn't like as she raved about MWO throughtout my facial previously and she didn't say a word today.

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Verdict: (1) I like both of them & (2) my beautician definitely didn't like as she raved about MWO throughtout my facial previously and she didn't say a word today.


She could have had a reaction to the AndrostEnone and/or the Cops in MRF-2...some females do.Try them one at a time.

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She could have had a reaction to the AndrostEnone and/or the Cops in MRF-2...some females do.Try them one at a time.


Now that I know how they smell, I'll definitely go one at a time.


BTW, I got a lot of attention from the opp sex when I was at the supermarket yesterday afternoon.

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Yes it may have not been the scent at all, but the pheromone blends. SS4W and Blatant Invitation together, that's quite a whallop.



It would have been a KO if I had applied the usual 3 inch strips!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I know I'm late to the party on this one but...Ooh Lordy, this is Sexy with a capital S!!! In the bottle, the cinnamon, honey and maple was almost overwhelming. The honey and maple settled down on my skin. After it dried down, it mellowed into a deep, brown sugary scent with a hint of cinnamon with the honey sort of just lying quietly--but still naughty!--in the background. I can't wait to try this on my work guy, but not at work!

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OMG!!!! I wore this for my guy the other night, WOW!!! He gave me a big, long hug when he seen me and within seconds I felt a sumpin' thumpin' on my leg : ) Very pleased to know he responds so well. BIG SMILES for this one. Didn't think it was possible to love my LP's even more. :lol:

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Yeah honeybee- this is an all time favorite for me- it equals goooooooooooood tiiiiiiiiimes - talk about pavlovian conditioning: just *thinking* about this blend gets me all worked up. /tmi


I'm with you girl. Just this one good experience so far and I KNOW it really means business. It's a keeper. :ph34r:

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