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Me too! I wore it once in Tickle, Tickle and didn't have those effects... but I never wear enough of the phero-boosted perfume at a time, I don't think. Now that I have pipettes and can measure my applications I think I'm getting more discernible hits, so must try that with my vial of Tickle, Tickle.

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LOL it "does what it says on the label" - can't say I wasn't warned: disinhibits men & helps "express the intensity of his emotions" and "nudge him... into your arms." Didn't expect it to be so literal :)

Edited by tyvey
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LOL it "does what it says on the label" - can't say I wasn't warned: disinhibits men & helps "express the intensity of his emotions" and "nudge him... into your arms." Didn't expect it to be so literal :)

That's been my experience with it too. It's great when it the "right person" otherwise it can be .. umm awkward.

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I wonder how Bnol heavy this. I liked this blend well enough in my past relationship. And I loved it for self effects. I just feel so blissed out!


However, with the new S.O. who is already very open about things....we just ended up talking about things that should probably be kept to ourselves. Which led to a heated argument. He also didn't hold back on his facial expressions. His disgust etc.


Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

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I wonder how Bnol heavy this. I liked this blend well enough in my past relationship. And I loved it for self effects. I just feel so blissed out!


However, with the new S.O. who is already very open about things....we just ended up talking about things that should probably be kept to ourselves. Which led to a heated argument. He also didn't hold back on his facial expressions. His disgust etc.


So you're saying you both spilled too much?


I don't know how heavy the b-nol is but there's a lot of other stuff going on too. I know that it sure has opened people up the last few times I wore it outside of an intimate setting.


I know that blends with a-THDOC (PP, SS4W and Gotcha!) all took a while for me to sort out my dosing for repeatable/predictable - and positive - out comes. I go pretty heavy (for me) with all of them to get the results I'm looking for.I wonder if a change in qty will make a difference for you...but then, not sure I'd want to chance another blowout after that either :( Sorry that happened.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a good question. The Carbon Black hasn't worked for me yet, but if it loves you, Gotcha! may be a good combo. Foodie lover that I am, I would pair with Atomic Mandarin and Vermillion! :)

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Ooo, thanks, NuTrix. I'm a bit of a foodie too ... though LP has made me appreciate florals much more! So many floral perfumes have sharp edges. LPs are so smooth it still surprises me every time. I keep smelling them to see if they will turn sharp, but time after time ... soothingly smooth!

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I've ordered Gotcha and am waiting for my UN to arrive. Wondering if Ambrosial Summer would be a good cover? Which of the Crayons would also be a good match with Gotcha?

Gotcha is easy to cover. Any scent should work. Perfumey or foodie go with what feels good.

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That's a good question. The Carbon Black hasn't worked for me yet, but if it loves you, Gotcha! may be a good combo. Foodie lover that I am, I would pair with Atomic Mandarin and Vermillion! :)

I've been pairing Carbon Black with Gotcha! just because I adore the scent and it works pretty well for me. Been wearing it around my crush/guyfriend and he's been pretty chatty affectionate, almost pushy chatty, like if I don't answer his questions immediately he pouts. It's kinda cute though :P

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This is VERY relaxing. It does for me what I had hoped Teddy BB would do - which Teddy BB does, but not consistently so far. Will test both a few more times, but the relaxing feeling is nice!

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I've been pairing Carbon Black with Gotcha! just because I adore the scent and it works pretty well for me. Been wearing it around my crush/guyfriend and he's been pretty chatty affectionate, almost pushy chatty, like if I don't answer his questions immediately he pouts. It's kinda cute though :P


Um. Yeah. Sounds like that combo's working for you pretty darn well! :D


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I still cant decide if I should get Topper or DHEAS single to make me more sparkly . Calm and upbeat it so true . I think its why its such a great bonding blend. It just turns you into the person people love to be around .

Fluffy - Which did you get and how do you like it?

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I don't do well with Cougar at all, and Lumina is hit or miss with me. I really seemed to get effects with AHE, Not so much with the Un. I quit bothering with both of those (Cougar and Lumina) when I realized that Topper gave me all the sparkle I had wanted from those two. Topper effects me the way everyone else describes Cougar!

And Gotcha is such a mood enhancer for me but in a different way than Topper. It makes me very friendly and keeps me from getting irritated, calms but at the same time makes me way upbeat. I've been loving it for work.

At this point, Topper and Gotcha are my two favorite go to socials.


MDC ... Do you wear Topper and Gotcha together?

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Hmm. Gotcha! with a bit of Topper effects me and others by making me more chatty and bubbly. Gotcha! with DHEAS straight makes me feel more kittenish and flirty and it seems to make me fascinating to others and people are very complimentary on my appearance (hair, clothes, etc)

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Gotcha is great. The soft and fuzzy Velcro Phero.

I don't like it at all with Topper. The two just don't feel congruent. IMO that's a sensory scramble.

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MDC ... Do you wear Topper and Gotcha together?

No I have not. I don't think I ever would want to either because like Stacey and Eggers said...for me they are just two different purposes, you know? I use Gotcha more for a bonding, adoring thing and Topper for an upbeat party fun mood. Although they are both excellent mood lifters! But that is just me so don't let that hold you back from your own experimenting!

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Having worn Gotcha a few more times and having read the description of Topper, I can see how the two might be incongruent. There are so many things that seem to match well with Topper - think I'll wear Gotcha solo and reserve Topper for the more fun, upbeat times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think did with the Unscented. I tend to slather the Fuzzy Wuzzy scent and I once, and only once, applied similarly the Unscented without thinking and it was a meh day. I knew that was WAY heavy. Even at the time I thought I should have probably washed some off, but wound up thinking - well, this is one way to find out...


The Gotcha! Un is definitely less is more. I noticed it most with a co-worker who usually responded very well to the scented version. He was just weird that day, I didn't get the agitated thing so much as kind of short, which could have been circumstantial.


My hubby, who usually is hit or miss anyway, was disinterested.


I have it in oil and I had swiped my wrists, backs of hands, torso, collarbone, sides of neck...an awful lot for full strength. That was back when I first got it and I haven't done it again :lol: Lesson learned though...

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The Gotcha! Un is definitely less is more. I noticed it most with a co-worker who usually responded very well to the scented version. He was just weird that day, I didn't get the agitated thing so much as kind of short, which could have been circumstantial.


My hubby, who usually is hit or miss anyway, was disinterested.

Aaaaand now I know why everyone was snotty or dismissive with my yesterday. It wasn't even the UN, it was in Tickle, Tickle, but I think I must have overdone it. I didn't think it was that much but I'll tone it down next time even so.


Or maybe it just doesn't work for me.

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I am so curious to try this one.... I did one of those crazy intuitive things and got a boost split between two of this month's PEs (Dark and Vampy, and Snow Leopard). I'll definitely start conservatively in application.

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I've never had a single negative reaction from others. As a matter of fact, along with LFM and LAM it's in my all time greatest HITS category.

The only slightly negative I've experienced is that I wore it 3 days in a row and that made me to emotionally sensitive. I don't do that anymore nor do I wear any phero consecutively like that.

As for others, it can make some who are sensitive responders a bit over emotive. That's only happened twice in a non romantic situation and it wasn't negative per say but it brought out some emotional communication about a subject that was on the persons mind.

other than that isolated incident I find it a soft & fuzzy phero. Usually good times and relaxing and has a strong Velcro effect in social situations.

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Then it sounds like you've not OD'd on it :lol: Which is a good thing!

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Well IMO with this blend I find it particularly important to consider the context of the situation you'd wear it in. It's generally a warm fuzzy phero, and I find it mostly positive in attitude, but it's also an intimate. IMO not for work or potentially touchy social situations. If there's an undercurrent of stress or something emotional Gotcha can potentially bring it out. It's a great phero but if you come across someone with something else going on you may not get the reaction you want.

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Well IMO with this blend I find it particularly important to consider the context of the situation you'd wear it in. It's generally a warm fuzzy phero, and I find it mostly positive in attitude, but it's also an intimate. IMO not for work or potentially touchy social situations. If there's an undercurrent of stress or something emotional Gotcha can potentially bring it out. It's a great phero but if you come across someone with something else going on you may not get the reaction you want.

Hmm, thanks for sharing that. Gives me something to ponder about the grumpiness I encountered. I was surprised, since it seemed to work well the first time I wore it in a low-key, calm, friendly and comfortable kind of way. That's why I was pretty puzzled with the reactions I this most recent time I wore it, because they were so utterly different. Maybe it was me and I was grumpy myself!

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I promised StacyK I'd do a review of GOTCHA once I got around to trying the vial of Tickle Tickle/Gotcha I got from BV.


Today I had been puttering around in the garden wearing Tyvee's Flora Royal soaking up the sun. Came in to clean up for dinner. Was in a mellow, relaxed mood.

Showered off and decided to take TT (with GOTCHA) for a brief, stay at home test drive with husband. Told him the Sun had made me sleepy and I was going to take a little nap, would he like to join me? He said sure. He was finishing putting some stuff away outside so I went upstairs and applied a lollipop, a swipe between clvg and swipes on wrists and arms and some at the base of throat, hollow of back. I put jeans and top on, yet within the next several minutes, every 4 legged, 2 legged and winged thing in our house including the little white pantry moths from the kitchen swarmed me, including several huge bumblebees outside the window.....Can you say VELCRO? As in cuddly Velcro. I think that term has been used before to describe the effects of GOTCHA for some.


Very nice chatty little family time ensued with our 20 and 23 yr. old and his girlfriend while dogs vied for attention. My dogs were not happy that anyone else was near me and were literally glued to my side and back. Family took off and then husband closed window and had to make doggies go lie down. Finally we had house to ourselves (but not for long as we were expecting some of them back for dinner). Let's just say he acted more like a 40 year old than his age during that short window of opportunity. No time for nap, yet that would have been sooo nice, because initially the GOTCHA effect was very relaxing, almost soporific and then once we were alone initial cuddliness became abrupt, grabby and insistant lovemaking. I don't think the word no was in his vocabulary at that moment (not that I minded). AND, considering my husband's smug, cocky attitude after I think it was debatable who GOT who. :wink2:


I would NOT wear this out unless I knew where all the exit points were in the room and was with my husband. Not implying I'm hot, just in case there are crazies in the vicinity. I am NOT kidding. It might be all sweety pie lovey at first and then it turns a sudden corner and you better make sure who's in yours before this stuff kicks in. For me this baby delivers. :UkkiBannana:

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Glad you had a good time with the "Gotcha". Sounds like your husband really liked it, LOL.


It's usually more mellow with me but I have had very interesting, intense hits so I can relate. Definitely a keeper. :Emoticons0804:

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Last summer I wore a combination of Gotcha in Coconut Breeze and Cuchi Head a lot, and it resulted in some nice hits. So I'll just revive that combo since Europe is finally getting something like a warm spring after weeks of rain. And coconut and banana are no scents for cloudy days. I have a lunch date today with the number one gossip at work and I guess the Gotcha might unearth even more dirt than usual ;-)

I don't have TMI, but Gotcha works well in that respect, too. Just have to be very aware and hold my own tongue, cause Gotcha gets me talking, too...

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Last summer I wore a combination of Gotcha in Coconut Breeze and Cuchi Head a lot, and it resulted in some nice hits. So I'll just revive that combo since Europe is finally getting something like a warm spring after weeks of rain. And coconut and banana are no scents for cloudy days. I have a lunch date today with the number one gossip at work and I guess the Gotcha might unearth even more dirt than usual ;-)

I don't have TMI, but Gotcha works well in that respect, too. Just have to be very aware and hold my own tongue, cause Gotcha gets me talking, too...

I agree about Gotcha! making people want to talk freely. I guess the b-nol has a lot to do with that. I found that it wasn't the chatterbox thing I've got from a-nol-only (or heavy) blends like Lace, but a more considered and comfortable "we're good friends sharing stories (and maybe secrets)" vibe.

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Last summer I wore a combination of Gotcha in Coconut Breeze and Cuchi Head a lot, and it resulted in some nice hits. So I'll just revive that combo since Europe is finally getting something like a warm spring after weeks of rain. And coconut and banana are no scents for cloudy days. I have a lunch date today with the number one gossip at work and I guess the Gotcha might unearth even more dirt than usual ;-)

I don't have TMI, but Gotcha works well in that respect, too. Just have to be very aware and hold my own tongue, cause Gotcha gets me talking, too...

I love the idea of pairing Gotcha in Coconut Breeze, I'm going to try that this Memorial Day Weekend

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I must confess that I have never tried Gotcha, but many of the reviews I have read do intrigue me!

You definitely want to try it. IMO it's unlike any other blend.


Last summer I wore a combination of Gotcha in Coconut Breeze and Cuchi Head a lot, and it resulted in some nice hits. So I'll just revive that combo since Europe is finally getting something like a warm spring after weeks of rain. And coconut and banana are no scents for cloudy days. I have a lunch date today with the number one gossip at work and I guess the Gotcha might unearth even more dirt than usual ;-)

I don't have TMI, but Gotcha works well in that respect, too. Just have to be very aware and hold my own tongue, cause Gotcha gets me talking, too...

This sounds so go. Must try.


Yes, Gotcha works very well in that reveal area.

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