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Will Sexpionage Help??

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I wear cops to work on an average of two times per week. Door-to-door transportation is provided but I take the public bus home in the afternoon. I usually go home straight after work and if I do head out after work, i dont usually refresh with cops.


I do wear cops in the weekend if i was going out with my family or if I was going to meet my best friend (male). I meet the latter somewhere and he drives me home in the evening.


I have tons of sexual blends and enhanced scents but I dont wear them often inside or outside my house. I feel more womanly when I wear cops.

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I can understand the confusion and I won't argue any positions either way on cops during the day because I'm still a newbie here and learning myself. I've worn cops during the day ala Cougar and it was more like a social phero than sexual and everyone was happy and chatty and relaxed but I also trust everyone I work with and I have a car so I'm not having to walk anywhere really but that's me, right or wrong.


In this thread, I would venture to say that probably what the most concern about is travelling via bus and the reason why you are. I think the biggest thing is that you are traveling with a lot of strangers and possibly waiting at stops with people whom you have no idea what intentions they may have or worse yet, having to walk somewhere to get to a bus stop AND travelling at night is a huge thing. If I'm wrong, I'm sure I'll be set straight but if you are not around those you can say you trust (and having taken the bus a lot when I was carless I know the creeps you meet), you can't control who will respond to any phero - especially in situations where you are definitely more vulnerable.


Whether the ladies' concerns would be a little different if you had your own vehicle or were driving your own vehicle with this on, I don't know but I think they might. Again, I know I will be set straight if I am incorrect or misunderstood anyone's intentions. And this is along with the fact that it does rub everyone, I think, the wrong way that your guy would just let you hop back on a bus and go home. Personally, I'd be pissed and sex would be far from my thoughts if that was the best he could do. Pheros or no pheros, perfume or no perfume, maybe I'm old fashioned but no woman that is cared about should be riding a bus at night but again, just a thought.


Take the advice, as passionately as it is given, and consider it depending on your situation. We are all adults here and accountable for our own actions.


Storemy, that was so beautifully written... I know when I first started here I did not realize that some of these really should not be worn out and about. I wear some type of social phero every day to work and usually have great results. I wear CP to work out when I'm doing it at home and dominance when I'm working out at the gym... As time has gone on I have learned what works and what does not....

Edited by dolphindolls2
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OMG, LV... thanks. LOL I'll take Bitch from you any day if it comes with sparkly hearts!!


And thanks ladies. This has been a really passionate convo on the subject and I just wanted Heather to know what I've come to learn about all of you - that you really do care about each other (and hopefully I'll become a part of that too). No one here would be quite as intense on the subject if they didn't care and that is what I have come to love about this forum. Hopefully she knows everyone has her best intentions at heart. We're all like the Sisterhood of the Lala Gulaba Cougar Pants.

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OMG, LV... thanks. LOL I'll take Bitch from you any day if it comes with sparkly hearts!!


And thanks ladies. This has been a really passionate convo on the subject and I just wanted Heather to know what I've come to learn about all of you - that you really do care about each other (and hopefully I'll become a part of that too). No one here would be quite as intense on the subject if they didn't care and that is what I have come to love about this forum. Hopefully she knows everyone has her best intentions at heart. We're all like the Sisterhood of the Lala Gulaba Cougar Pants.

LOL OMG that's it! That's what we are! The Sisters IN THE HOOD!!! :true-dat:





I am not getting involved with this but had to laugh at SISTERHOOD OF THE LALA GALUBA PANTS.




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LOL. Totally agree!! :belly-dancer: *Well this is funky. Don't know how I did that.
Edited by StoremyWhether
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Yes I have been shirking in my LP posting responsibilities!!!


I have been popping and giggling a lot though :smiley-sex023:

I don't know what that tongue thing means but I see the emoticons have switched about!!

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Yes I have been shirking in my LP posting responsibilities!!!


I have been popping and giggling a lot though :smiley-sex023:

I don't know what that tongue thing means but I see the emoticons have switched about!!

I think this emoticon means you think someone is hot looking or you want to go diving for oysters.

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I think this emoticon means you think someone is hot looking or you want to go diving for oysters.

In that case it is possible that it was used it out of context as I see no one hot in my room and I am a bit too hung over for any sort of diving.


:smiley-angelic008: maybe this one?

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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In that case it is possible that it was used it out of context as I see no one hot in my room and I am a bit too hung over for any sort of diving.


:smiley-angelic008: maybe this one?



I love that one! I was going to use it myself. It's all LIBRA ALL THE TIME

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I feel really bad right now.

The man I have been seeing lives in the city and doesnt own a car.

He takes buses and trains like I do.

He does not know I am wearing any pheromones.

We go out with my 2 girls on Saturdays.

My daughters are 16 and 9 and I dont feel its right to let him spend the night over at my place

and I wont spend the night at his.

I get to see him for lunch 4 times a week and I look foward to seeing him at night once a week.

I really dont mind taking buses,I have known many of the drivers for over 20 years now.

I always sit up front near them.

I never stay past 8 so I can get home to my girls.

I just enjoy a few hours of alone time with him.

I do understand what you are saying about the sexual blends now, I will be careful with them and not wear them while riding the bus,

but with using just cops Im lost. in other threads women say they wear cops during the day.

I really feel better when I wear a small amount of OCCO White, like JOC said she feels more womanly, I feel that way too, and I only notice people being very friendly around me.

Sorry if I upset all of you.


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Heather, with everything you said, please don't feel bad. That makes a lot of sense if you both are in the same situation and its also completely understandable about your girls. Like I said, hopefully you know everyone is just looking out for your best interest because we all care. If we are a sisterhood, there will always be a passionate dialogue here and there because that's what sisters do... or in the case of my sister, you wrestle each other, pull each other's hair and get stabbed in the leg with fork. :D But then it'll be time to share the juicy secrets and start stalking next month's releases.


I am with Halo. I don't think cops in and of themselves are bad during the day. Especially if they make YOU feel good. All within moderation and situational awareness.

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Late to the party and have nothing to add I'm afraid

but luvin' SW's "We're all like the Sisterhood of the Lala Gulaba Cougar Pants"
we are FAMILY, I got :blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana: ALL my sistas with me !!

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Again, I know I will be set straight if I am incorrect or misunderstood anyone's intentions.

And so I stand Tyvey. I wasn't really referencing you per se but point taken.

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Email sent Tyvey.

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It's fine in my opinion to wear cops during the day. I think most of us here do that. You do always always have to be aware of your surroundings though while wearing them. People here are just worried about your safety. I have had stuff happen while just wearing LAM at a party surrounded by people. As always it's your choice what to wear. Just be careful. My advice would be to wash off before you leave his place.

I was going to say something similar. I wear cops all the time & consider myself vetted in pheromones at this point, but yeah, I even had something happen (wearing cops) when surrounded by friends AND my 6'5" 280 lbs husband there, at a party. We're just getting nightmarish visions of a creeper snatching you up at a bus stop, sweety. I would second just maybe bringing a sample size of something cop'd to his place, covertly applying while there, & showering before you leave.

Edited by Beccah
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Some of the strongest essence of woman blends I've had, I've worn on the back of my wrist so that if at any point I need to transition between situations or I felt that I didn't want to be sending out a certain signal after a couple of hours of wearing it, I could just wash my hands and wrists REALLY well.


So consider that-- the only thing is that you'd need 30 min for it to die down-- so maybe apply it on the bus 15 minutes before showing up and air it out really well, and then most of it should have died down by then and should finish within the first half hour of being at his place.


Then wash it off really well afterward. In an ideal world, you would not be riding the bus home by yourself, but I doubt you're planning on marrying this guy and just having a delightful time scratching your itch and that's that. I did think Storemy had a good point about the man's intentions though. I'm all for female independence and being a badass in my own right, but if you DID have long-term serious intentions with this guy, I would say move on because he would have to have YOUR best interests and safety (even without pheromones) at heart in order for that relationship to prosper.

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Heather, some of the ladies here (me included) do wear cops during the day. But I, personally, am in a very different situation than you are. I work at home and very rarely encounter clients that I do not know (except for walk-ins during tax season). I live in a very small town (and I do mean VERY small), and I have lived here for years, so I know most of the locals. And, even under those circumstances, I have had some strange and somewhat unsettling experiences. But, I was well aware of what I was doing. I would never go downtown in one of the nearby cities wearing cops unless my man is by my side (even though I have my own car). It is just too dangerous. ALONG THOSE SAME LINES, I WOULD NEVER TELL YOU THAT WEARING OCCO OR BI (IN ANY AMOUNT) ON A BUS IS EVER A SAFE THING TO DO.


If I do go out wearing cops and my man is not with me, I make sure that I am VERY AWARE of who is around me and what is going on. Also, I carry myself in a "you do not want to fuck with me" manner. So, a lot of men stand there with a confused look on their face....and yes, I can actually see that they are confused. I am putting off some heavy sex signals, but also project an air of "you do NOT want to go there!"


Part of our issue here is that cops in PUBLIC are probably not appropriate GIVEN YOUR SITUATION. You have to take public transport. I get that. But, I agree with some of the other ladies that at night, on a bus, BIG NO NO (I would even say that I would not recommend doing that during the day). I agree with Beccah in that you could carry some OCCO or whatever to his place and apply after you get there (you don't have to tell him it is pheros....tell him you are refreshing your perfume). Then, wash it off before you leave his place. Shower if possible.


I would suggest that you keep trying some of the other "sexy socials" to put that swing in your step. They are already formulated with a SMALL amount of cops to give you that "womanly" feeling hat you talk about, without putting too much out there. SS4W has a small amount of cops, so does Cougar, Gotcha, etc. Try some of those as an alternative to bringing out the big guns of OCCO and BI, which are screaming "do me now" (as Tyvey pointed out).



The other part of our issue is that, when people give you advice here, you tend to disregard what we are saying and continue to ask the same question, but in a different manner, until you get an answer that you agree with. Many of us have been using pheros FOR YEARS, so we know what we are talking about, and we put a lot of thought into our responses, in order to assist you. To have our responses brushed off is a bit aggravating.

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I would suggest that you keep trying some of the other "sexy socials" to put that swing in your step. They are already formulated with a SMALL amount of cops to give you that "womanly" feeling hat you talk about, without putting too much out there. SS4W has a small amount of cops, so does Cougar, Gotcha, etc. Try some of those as an alternative to bringing out the big guns of OCCO and BI, which are screaming "do me now" (as Tyvey pointed out).


Exactly. My department at work used to be all women, and I never had to interact with any men, so sometimes I would wear cops during the day only because I liked the scent and it happened to have cops (like Glistening Buttons or Pouncing Potion). However, since we acquired two men, I will absolutely NOT go there, especially because there are a lot of notes I amp. In addition to the ones Dolly suggested have you tried Lumina? Lace? Leather? La Femme Mystere? All those help with that sexy and confident edge WITHOUT the potentially disastrous consequences of wearing blatant sex blends during the day.

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My thought about you wearing OCCOS, BI or Sexpionage with your man is this. Bring them with you and get a small travel sized bottle (or fill one up) of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Both will remove pheros. Wipe down your app points THOROUGHLY before leaving his place. I would do this also after you leave work to take the bus home. Even in the daytime. If your city is big enough to have both busses and trains then it's big enough to be teeming with perverts or men who can't control themselves. Take precautions. I agree, play around with the sexy socials. My favs are La Femme Mystere and Cougar. I get great self effects. You still need to watch yourself, especially with Cougar because of the cops but they are more well buffered and in my opinion safer.


I agree 100%! Leather and lace would probably also be good ones to try! Love leather!!!

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I didn't know about the rubbing alcohol/witch hazel thing! Thanks for that, Halo! I have ton of WH here - I use it as a toner when the weather is muggy. Cool to have another purpose for it.

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My thought about you wearing OCCOS, BI or Sexpionage with your man is this. Bring them with you and get a small travel sized bottle (or fill one up) of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Both will remove pheros. Wipe down your app points THOROUGHLY before leaving his place. I would do this also after you leave work to take the bus home. Even in the daytime. If your city is big enough to have both busses and trains then it's big enough to be teeming with perverts or men who can't control themselves. Take precautions. I agree, play around with the sexy socials. My favs are La Femme Mystere and Cougar. I get great self effects. You still need to watch yourself, especially with Cougar because of the cops but they are more well buffered and in my opinion safer.


Halo, I also appreciate you letting us know about the rubbing alcohol, this is really good to know....thanks so much

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Thanks Dolly for mentioning witch hazel. That's a really great idea to have a little pack in your purse to wipe off. I didn't know that would help wipe away pheros but makes complete sense and its good for you too!!


And just as an afterthought, wiping off pheros obviously only covers that which is on your SKIN so if you have applied to your hair, you would also need to keep in mind that if you don't specifically wash your hair, the phero will still be lingering despite washing off wrists, neck, etc. Clothing as well. The small amount of cops in Cougar and Gotcha has not been an issue of smell at all so I have spritzed in my hair. In a situation where I felt uncomfortable in a certain environment, I would really reconsider doing that.

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Thanks Dolly for mentioning witch hazel. That's a really great idea to have a little pack in your purse to wipe off. I didn't know that would help wipe away pheros but makes complete sense and its good for you too!!


And just as an afterthought, wiping off pheros obviously only covers that which is on your SKIN so if you have applied to your hair, you would also need to keep in mind that if you don't specifically wash your hair, the phero will still be lingering despite washing off wrists, neck, etc. Clothing as well. The small amount of cops in Cougar and Gotcha has not been an issue of smell at all so I have spritzed in my hair. In a situation where I felt uncomfortable in a certain environment, I would really reconsider doing that.



Halo mentioned it, but you're welcome! LOL

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Ooops!! Sorry Halo. :Emoticons04231:

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Thats a great idea about the witch hazel and alcohol.

I always carry Dickensons witch hazel towelettes and Burts Bees hand sanitizer in my purse to clean my 9 year olds face and hands when

we are out.I will use them for me too now!

I wish scented Cougar smelled nice on me.

I tried the sample a few times and I did not like the smell on me.

I also tried Sneaky Clean and I didn't notice anything wearing it.

I have to read all the threads for Lace, Leather,LFM, and Lumina, to choose one for day use now.

Thank you all again!

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