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Katerina Suit


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Yeah I'd have to say go big or go home: BANG! or LFN or Leather (heh) would be far more appropriate than CB or Lace.

I was a handmaiden to genius on this one, if I do say so.

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Yeah I'd have to say go big or go home: BANG! or LFN or Leather (heh) would be far more appropriate than CB or Lace.

I was a handmaiden to genius on this one, if I do say so.


Yes you really were, this is like the very bad, bad, bad, sexy, sexed up version of your Smoke and a Cig which is in my perfume case by the way on it's on shelf lol. It stands above all others. Sometimes I touch it like Laverne and Shirley did to their Beatles poster before they left their home.

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I cannot wait to get Bang so I can try this out together. I love this one because it doesn't smell overtly feminine to me and yet that's what makes it so sexy... like wearing your guy's shirt.

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This is sexxay! Holy moly! It smelled deceptively sweet right out of the vial, and stayed sweet for a short while after application, and I thought, "OMGYUM!". And then dry-down happened, and the sweetness has faded so much that it has become a supporting cast member, and not the main character. I don't know if I could pin-point oud, as I've no idea what it smells like, but I do get the leather... and I like it. I like it a lot! This may be one of the first "dark" scents that actually agrees that no, I don't need a headache while wearing it! :w00t: I may wind up putting this on my Wish List! Who'da thunk it? :huh:

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I wish I could wear this to work. I'd love smelling like I work in an old speakeasy; that's a lot more fun that nuclear. I'm trying to picture what sort of outfit this one deserves...

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Black, definitely can do. Just please say it doesn't need to be a black leather bodysuit. Some things cannot be unseen.

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Ooooh, Eggers, I'm seeing a plan hatching. Sexy motorcycle jacket, jeans, black sexy heels (or maybe knee high boots).

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You got it! ;) Although, knowing me, my "sexy" boots would be Doc Martens. :blush:

But I can do "bohemian" with the best of them. Probably 'cause I am a bit bohemian. (Or, at least, that's what Dad of the Stolen Motorcycle Jacket always tells me! :lol: ).

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I really found this scent amusing and I think for me, minus the cigarette smell, I'd love it. I'd make a lousy beatnik. :)

I loved how the cocoa powder was sort of boozy.. and the leather which I thought might be a problem for me, was very smooth, supple and almost sweetish. My problem was the tobacco/smoke smell which I understand as nessary to the scent. I tried with all my might to think pipe tobacco. Think of the leather of books and pipe tobacco, hell even a cigar. I usally do tobacco just fine.

But NOO Mara had to succeed so well with this that the tobacco accord was just so specific I almost felt queasy. Really, I mean it as a compliment. That tobacco & the boozy cocoa smelled like the lingering scent of spending the evening in a smokey bar. The smidge of leather adding a supple sexy touch.

My problem, I hate cigarettes, can't get past it. I never smoked cigs because I hated them, growing up with a smoker can be like adversion therapy I guess. I was the teen who said ACH! Nasty to the ciggys. Well, I can still say that this is very well done and for those who don't have an adversion I can see why they'd enjoy it. Ha, if smokers only smelled like this.

Edited by StacyK
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I don't know that I could ever identify the leather, the longer I wore it the other day...the more it smelled like cherry tobacco.


I wore it to get my haircut the other day and it was getting stronger as I sat there under the cape and I kept thinking "I hope that is me that smells like that and not her" (meaning my hairdresser) because she is very exotic looking and seems like she should smell like Katerina Suit naturally so I started questioning whether it was even me that smelled that sexy. Thankfully the smell followed me out the salon door so I left loving this scent even more.

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I haven't had the chance to wear this around town. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any comments on this when they wear it. Have SOs found it as sexy and lust inducing as we do? Any friend or stranger comments? Mine is still nursing the end of his cold so he can't smell much and rarely offers input even when his nose is working!!

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I am slathered in this today. The more I wear it, the more I love it. Definitely want a back up bottle.

I asked my daughter what she thought of it. Her response was that it smelled like baby lotion - for adults. :shocked:

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My notes for Katerina Suit:Non-foody chocolate scent w/ leather, tobacco, & wood notes. This exotic & can be unisex, imo.

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That is too funny Storemy!


Beccah, how unisex do you think this is? Is it like SWS with the Art of War level of unisex?



I am slathered in this today. The more I wear it, the more I love it. Definitely want a back up bottle.

I asked my daughter what she thought of it. Her response was that it smelled like baby lotion - for adults. :shocked:



My notes for Katerina Suit:Non-foody chocolate scent w/ leather, tobacco, & wood notes. This exotic & can be unisex, imo.

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Beccah, how unisex do you think this is? Is it like SWS with the Art of War level of unisex?

I'd compare it to BALLS! on the unisex front myself.

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That is too funny Storemy!


Beccah, how unisex do you think this is? Is it like SWS with the Art of War level of unisex?






LOL. It was kind of funny and coming from a 16 year old, I can't take offense. Her nose is still innocent. ;) My husband however said he loved it and coming from him, that is a high compliment because he hardly EVER says anything about my perfumes. And I do mean EVER.


I have Art of War and I do like that one a lot. I find that one to be quite "green", very fresh and crisp. I likened it to something you would have thought Katherine Hepburn would wear in her high waisted trousers and button down white shirt - vaguely feminine but in a powerful confident woman sort of way.


Katerina is different. For me, when wet it smells of alcohol (like hard liquor i.e. a brandy or whiskey), chocolate, cherryish tobacco. It makes me envision a man's old fashioned office - wood bookshelves, warm leather chairs, a vintage executive desk, soft lighting, the lingering scent of a cigar - and how sexy it would be to seduce a man in that room. I can even picture the outfit to wear. The dry down keeps the chocolate and tobacco, the alcohol mellowing into the blend and the leather starting to really come out. Usually chocolate disappears on me but I can still get the note and Beccah is right. It's not a sweet and gooey chocolate. It's warm and perfect against the leather and tobacco.


I totally think this would smell amazing on a man as well but it's more a sexy unisex blend rather than a work/office type setting.

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I'd compare it to BALLS! on the unisex front myself.

I'm in agreement with the other ladies. This would be a sweet men's scent. Not sure if this would play well in an office environment.

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Oh wow I would totally wear this to work.

On me it smells like cheery tobacco chocolate with a little bit of cigar. This reminds me of

Blackstone and Special Delivery and those two make me happy and productive at work.

I would totally wear this so I wouldn't kill someone. I actually have a two day work event thing that considering wearing this to with LFM for the cocktail dinner part of it. In this I feel like I could be part of the cigar and brandy club and kick ass.

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I have decided I will include further excerpts from the appropriate story.


I would compare this to The Smoking Bun somewhat except it is darker and deeper and more mysterious; it's a worn soft leather with various scents deep in its folds and soooooo sexy, omg I've been huffing myself silly since I put it on. I have a warm glow in regards to my role in helping to come up with this one because I love it!


from Russian To Conclusions: an Agent Null adventure

by Julian Lune


Agent Null looked slightly askance at the clientele of La Bete Noire, it was a thoroughly Bohemian establishment to be sure, he just didn't expect so many types of activity would be occurring within its shabby walls. But Katerina had summoned him thus and he knew the price of ignoring such an invitation would be painful.


The air was thick with smoke and the smells of coffee and various liqueurs, a poetry reading was in progress. Kat assumed the stage in her leather regalia as always. She held up a hand until silence spread out among the attendees. She knocked back a shot of vodka and began.


Your stupid world, she read

so gray and vacuous

so tremendously dull

the evil in its banality chokes me

it renders me like a fly

in sticky sugar water, glutton of its own stupidity.


She snapped her notebook shut and glared down at the crowd. They were quick to applaud. She joined Null at his table.


"What do you think?" she asked, taking a familiar black box from one of her many pockets, then bent forward for a light.


"I think it's bleak and dark, much like your worldview."


She nodded, exhaling through her nose. "Diplomatic, but also truthful."


Null sipped from a demitasse of thick Turkish coffee and waved a hand in front of his face, which did little to dispel any of the ambient odors. "Can we talk here, Kat?"


She shrugged. "I despise Fleming's, they are all so smug there. It is stupid!"


"But you belong there as much as anyone."


"Feh! But it is not so secret, the thing."




She glared at him and Null did not take particular offense, it was her normal expression. "You are knowing the dancing?"


He smiled. "Various sorts, yes."


"I am mole for smugglers cell in Prague, my target is learning ballroom dancing."


Null couldn't help it, he snickered, and Kat snatched the cup from his hand. A bit of the coffee spilled onto his skin and its bitterness held an interestingly sweet edge, which rivaled the smoke from Kat's Sobranie for aromatic dominance.


"This is not funny, pretty boy. I had no time for silly feminine rituals as a child, Father was training us in the family business."


And Null mused how interesting it was that this was the only family he knew of who specialized in espionage.


"Doesn't Pov know how to dance?"


"He says I am having the two left feet, so I kicked him."


Null took back his cup and poured another serving. "Of course you did."

OMG Luna! This is AWESOME! I love, love, LOVE it!

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Thanks! :)

Kat is so much fun to write; I put on a bit of this last night just to make myself purr, and decided that she really does smell just like this!

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Thank you Luna and Beccah! Now I have to pulls out my samples.



I'd compare it to BALLS! on the unisex front myself.



I'm in agreement with the other ladies. This would be a sweet men's scent. Not sure if this would play well in an office environment.

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Now you are really making me want to try this from your description. I am soooo visual.


The only thing is that I find Art of War much more masculine than I would like. And I do like chocolate scents, but I have had some chocolate scents go wrong. As in what is that pungent, bitter, burnt smell? LOL!


I had crossed this off my list and now I am wavering.



LOL. It was kind of funny and coming from a 16 year old, I can't take offense. Her nose is still innocent. ;) My husband however said he loved it and coming from him, that is a high compliment because he hardly EVER says anything about my perfumes. And I do mean EVER.


I have Art of War and I do like that one a lot. I find that one to be quite "green", very fresh and crisp. I likened it to something you would have thought Katherine Hepburn would wear in her high waisted trousers and button down white shirt - vaguely feminine but in a powerful confident woman sort of way.


Katerina is different. For me, when wet it smells of alcohol (like hard liquor i.e. a brandy or whiskey), chocolate, cherryish tobacco. It makes me envision a man's old fashioned office - wood bookshelves, warm leather chairs, a vintage executive desk, soft lighting, the lingering scent of a cigar - and how sexy it would be to seduce a man in that room. I can even picture the outfit to wear. The dry down keeps the chocolate and tobacco, the alcohol mellowing into the blend and the leather starting to really come out. Usually chocolate disappears on me but I can still get the note and Beccah is right. It's not a sweet and gooey chocolate. It's warm and perfect against the leather and tobacco.


I totally think this would smell amazing on a man as well but it's more a sexy unisex blend rather than a work/office type setting.

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Now you are really making me want to try this from your description. I am soooo visual.


The only thing is that I find Art of War much more masculine than I would like. And I do like chocolate scents, but I have had some chocolate scents go wrong. As in what is that pungent, bitter, burnt smell? LOL!


I had crossed this off my list and now I am wavering.



At first, I was kind of iffy about Katarina. Like just about everyone, I can't open a package and NOT roll on every single scent. But, doing so, I was subject to travel shock I think and I wasn't quite sure. A few days later though, I rolled this on and had a complete change of heart. Even if you aren't quite sure if you want a FB, I HIGHLY suggest getting a sample at the least!!!

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Now you are really making me want to try this from your description. I am soooo visual.


The only thing is that I find Art of War much more masculine than I would like. And I do like chocolate scents, but I have had some chocolate scents go wrong. As in what is that pungent, bitter, burnt smell? LOL!


I had crossed this off my list and now I am wavering.


I am not really into masculine scents either, or most chocolate...depends what they are blended with I guess. like Storemy said, at first I wasn't hot for this one but the second time I tried it I knew I had to have a FB...I absolutely love it even though it is not normally my thing. I love how the longer you wear it the better and better it gets.

I never even tried Balls because I judged by the ingredients and now I really regret not at least getting a sample.

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LOL! StoremyWhether Methinks you are an enabler! :smiley-laughing024:




At first, I was kind of iffy about Katarina. Like just about everyone, I can't open a package and NOT roll on every single scent. But, doing so, I was subject to travel shock I think and I wasn't quite sure. A few days later though, I rolled this on and had a complete change of heart. Even if you aren't quite sure if you want a FB, I HIGHLY suggest getting a sample at the least!!!



Missdarlyncherie, I think I may go ahead and try a sample. :Emoticons04231:


I am not really into masculine scents either, or most chocolate...depends what they are blended with I guess. like Storemy said, at first I wasn't hot for this one but the second time I tried it I knew I had to have a FB...I absolutely love it even though it is not normally my thing. I love how the longer you wear it the better and better it gets.

I never even tried Balls because I judged by the ingredients and now I really regret not at least getting a sample.

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LOL! StoremyWhether Methinks you are an enabler! :smiley-laughing024:




Missdarlyncherie, I think I may go ahead and try a sample. :Emoticons04231:



You know, it's funny because as much as I have loved many scent here, I've never actually been so gung ho that I would honestly say you NEED to try this. But Katarina is different and I will now say, Honeycake, you NEED to try this!! lol


In the past, chocolates have not been good on me (from different companies) because they smelled fake and plastic but I have to say that which ever Mara uses, these chocolates are to die for and I say that as someone who tends to have chocolate completely disappear from a scent. This isn't a burnt bitter chocolate either... it's sweetened but not in a foodie way. Its very subtle and perfect in this blend. And as MDC said, it seriously gets better and better with time. Of all the scents that I have, this one is truly a surprise by how much I like it. If nothing else, get the sample and try it out. Seriously! :Emoticons0086:

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I new I had to try this when I read the scent description. I am a huge leather and tobacco fan and this perfume had those along with two other notes I love (chocolate/oud). I received my sample and slathered it all over myself so I could have the true experience of the scent. I think my eyes rolled back in my head. Yes!!! leather and oh my goodness the tobacco note. I am in love with this scent. I have a full bottle purchase in my near future. This scent is one of the best leather scents I have experienced in a long time.

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This one slapped me in the face. Completely took me by surprise - kind of like - oh. OH! *huff huff huff* OOOOOH!


Quickly scurried off to look at notes. This smells entirely unique and foodie and yet not...totally interesting...I may need to consider a fb if it hasn't been gobbled up already :D The dark chocolate is SO true, like the 85% dark - or darker - and the leather...at first my thought was it didn't belong and yet, in almost within the same moment, the thought that it strangely DID. I have to try it on to be sure but in the vial it's absolutely fascinating....

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