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New Releases for JUNE 2014

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For those who asked....I did the math!


Individually, the full set of 11 bottles comes to $295.00.


So, for the full bottle set this month, I'm offering it for $225.00 - a $70 discount.


This will have to be invoiced upon request.


Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com


Thank you! :)

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For those who asked....I did the math!


Individually, the full set of 11 bottles comes to $295.00.


So, for the full bottle set this month, I'm offering it for $225.00 - a $70 discount.


This will have to be invoiced upon request.


Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com


Thank you! :)

Thanks PM... Wonderful & generous as usual! Still shooting for Saturday on having everything up? Edited by LoveStruck55
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Mara will you take payment in kitties? :witch1095:

You know you want 5 more new ones...


I am dying over these labels. I mean how perfect are the pussy tentacles and cupcakes?

It's like the tentacles are trapping you into my big pussy - oh and look there's some cupcakes for me.

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I am dying over these labels. I mean how perfect are the pussy tentacles and cupcakes?

It's like the tentacles are trapping you into my big pussy - oh and look there's some cupcakes for me.


The Elder Gods might take exception to that characterization though honestly it does look a bit more hentai-ish, if hentai could be kawaii.

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I feel like I'm missing something. How is everybody able to see the labels already?

Did you look on page 1 of this forum? They are right under PMs first post. If suddenly you see them don't feel bad - I've been there! Edited by LoveStruck55
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For those who asked....I did the math!


Individually, the full set of 11 bottles comes to $295.00.


So, for the full bottle set this month, I'm offering it for $225.00 - a $70 discount.


This will have to be invoiced upon request.


Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com


Thank you! :)

Mwaaaah! This is amazing :D

I didn't even make that connection... I'm such a visual person that I didn't even remember H&S was one of the phero adds IN this set. If there were a test to remember which pheros go to which labels I would flunk it (although it's undoubtedly written vertically on the label name). It was solely the label art that made me connect it to you (kind of like the Incandescence cupcakes get connected to LV or Hearts - and I couldn't tell you if there's a phero connected to THAT one either unless I go look!) But... there's your sign... If H&S is in it then it really must be your kindred scent.

I hope so! We'll see when I get my fb set, er, I mean sampler... :Emoticons04277:


I forgot to mention that when I read your original post I was cracking up because my poor tired out brain read mystique as moustache...edgy moustache and I thought, hopefully not til I'm in my eighties :cat690:


ETA: I began a photo post in my journal! Everyone who wants to post a pic of themselves...feel free!

Edited by cinnamonmel
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Did you look on page 1 of this forum? They are right under PMs first post. If suddenly you see them don't feel bad - I've been there!

Ha ha. I have. Multiple times to verify I'm not crazy. I've also checked out the store page and the artfire site. I've learned the hard way that when something isn't working the way it's suppose to, triple check for human error first (especially mine).

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See that's just a plate of calamari to me. :lol:

I showed y'all my tentacle'd dildo...I think it's on the Photographic Evidence thread in my journal.








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I forgot to mention that when I read your original post I was cracking up because my poor tired out brain read mystique as moustache...edgy moustache and I thought, hopefully not til I'm in my eighties :cat690:


ETA: I began a photo post in my journal! Everyone who wants to post a pic of themselves...feel free!

Well by then hopefully NO!NO! Will be reasonably priced! If I have that kind of loose coin it's going to LPs exclusively!

I want to see Rio & how much he's grown

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Thankfully this dude's not on a label. He would "follow" me kinda like Ms. Sex & Violins Bolero Jacket does everytime I walk into my closet. I am but her bitch.




Anyone for Sugared Octopussy? Actually this kinda looks like it might be somewhat enjoyable.

(It doesn't look like she's having to do much of the work - if ya get what I'm sayin')




I Cthoogled it.

Hahahahaha! I have nothing to add, it's been FOREVER since I read HPL or Stephen Kings' beginning tribute works.

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Hahahahaha! I have nothing to add, it's been FOREVER since I read HPL or Stephen Kings' beginning tribute works.

Honesty.. that campy/horror artwork would make for an incredible monthly release.


oops I'm talking about the "Forbidden Thrills From Beyond" poster art.

Edited by StacyK
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The Lady on Bittersweet looks just like Nichelle Nichols back when she played Uhura! :heart:


Maybe that's why I LOVE that one! Besides Julie Newmar's Catwoman costume that I hand crafted a duplicate of at the age of 3, Nichelle's Uhura was my other childhood hero. I concocted an outfit just like hers that I used to wear to elementary school, out of a Jack Lalane's red employee mini dress!

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Maybe that's why I LOVE that one! Besides Julie Newmar's Catwoman costume that I hand crafted a duplicate of at the age of 3, Nichelle's Uhura was my other childhood hero. I concocted an outfit just like hers that I used to wear to elementary school, out of a Jack Lalane's red employee mini dress!

:w00t: OMG Mara, that's AWESOME! You must have looked darling! You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of that, would you...?

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OMG!!! That's synchronicity to the max!

~I want one of those in my front yard.~ :)



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I made a generous amount of each one. I do not think anyone here is going to be in danger of missing out....they should last at least a day or so...I mean a month. :666: No really. Don't stress!

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