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Crescendo Spray w/Topper

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A: APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells.
B: BANANA ~ Fertility, potency, prosperity; lightens emotional burdens.
C: CURRANT ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood.
D: DRAGON FRUIT ~ Wishes granted, protection, health.
E: ELDERBERRY ~ A lure for the Fae. Long considered a highly potent magical plant. Healing, induces visions and dreams, creativity, twigs used as a charm against illness.
F: FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.
G: GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion; beauty and youth glamour. Lends an aura of "sparkle" to the wearer.
MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

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This is sweet fruity musk on me -- I'm really not able to pick out individual notes (I was sniffing extra hard for the grapefruit!). As a spray it wears lightly, but the tone of the notes is much fleshier and mid-range succulent, if that makes any sense. It's not a "me" scent or a "me" phero, but I will enjoy my sample.

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This is a sweet, tart, lightly fruity, kind of floral... :D This isn't a very good description so far.... When I breathe deeply I smell the marshmallow root beneath everything. Ah HA! Just sprayed it reminds me OF sweet tarts candies. but it's wearing VERY sheer, which is nice because there's something kind of pointy going on. More testing will be necessary....

Edited by NuTrix
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Ok, so my nose is registering this as... Christmas-y? I don't know why the combo of fruits and marshmallow is making me think of the holidays. I'm weird. But mostly.. It's tart and fruity with a slight muskiness in the drydown.

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Wore this out to dinner.

I get a bright crisp fruit salad. A bit like PCMP but without the praline/brown sugar note. It has a similar crisp shiny apple top note on my skin.


I don't get a lot of marshmallow root.

I do get a very light waft of musk.


It's a great paring with Topper. The fruit aspect is tart and invigorating.

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Wow! Yay! Love at first spritz!!!!

Am I crazy or is this reminiscent of GIRLY TWIRLY?!?!

Well that is what I am getting even though as I recall the notes are not the same. Maybe that is the currant that the both share.

Anyway...anyone who remembers the GREAT GIRLY TWIRLY LOSS will understand how excited I am about this one. And I LOVE ME SOME TOPPER!!!!!

Bright fruity and glorious. I have spritzed 5 from the sample and I already feel upbeat and ready to play!

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This was like the fruity version of Purple Puff on me, that fluffy musky marshmallow but instead of lavender, bright fruit. Lurved it! But my skin just drank it up. After an hour and a half, all i've got is the suggestion of marshmallow. :( I don't think I shook it very well, so i will give it a good shake and try agian when i get home.

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I have lost my ever livin' mind over it.

This IS awesome together. It makes the fruit seem sweeter with a powdery marshmallow background. I was driving to work this morning- singing with the radio and had a stupid-big smile on my face. AND My doggie is feeling a little better today.. HAPPY GIRL TODAY!!!
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I have lost my ever livin' mind over it.

This IS awesome together. It makes the fruit seem sweeter with a powdery marshmallow background. I was driving to work this morning- singing with the radio and had a stupid-big smile on my face. AND My doggie is feeling a little better today.. HAPPY GIRL TODAY!!!

missdarylncherie and hearts - reviews put me over on this - put in order for samples of both of these today!

And of course Lady V's suggest that I MUST get OCCO Ambrosia - her post is beyond awesome. I have a feeling I'm going to be even more hooked on LP than I already am.

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I have lost my ever livin' mind over it.

Lol! I'll try that tomorrow. Sounds like a good match.

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This is a good scent for Topper - just like halo says, very light and bright. It doesn't last too long on me either but I actually prefer that it's not so heavy because Topper needs to be judiciously sprayed everywhere so I don't want it to overpower anything else. I get a bit of the marshmallow in the drydown, but just a whisper.

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Wow. I was doing so well resisting this month's releases, but now that I've read Missdarlyncherie's review that this goes so well with Occo Ambrosia (which I love) and already has Topper in it, that I'm probably going to have to order some....sigh....

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I love this. Clear bright fruit. I was worried about the apple standing out because I don't love it but it is well blended. The fruit is tart with a little bit of tang but the marshmallow smoothed it right over. Alas it disappears very quickly. Like less than an hour. I have to keep wearing it to see if I need a bottle.

Halo, do you think this smells anything like Money Potion?

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Mad for the scent, but this phero just does not agree with me. At the very beginning I felt a bit of lift of mood and energy, but quickly progressed to making me irritable (even more than usual) and sort of....how to describe...skittish, and fragile. This is from one timid squirt from the sample to crown of head.


I hadn't recalled that it was dheas that is the stare-inducing mone but I'm on a train and *everyone* is staring at me. Not admiring, not lustful, not fascinated, just fucking staring, sort of non-emotional expectantly as if they has been told to expect a speech in a work setting. Like in Inception when Ariadne notices all the imaginary people are starting to stare. It's getting on my nerves.

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Mad for the scent, but this phero just does not agree with me. At the very beginning I felt a bit of lift of mood and energy, but quickly progressed to making me irritable (even more than usual) and sort of....how to describe...skittish, and fragile. This is from one timid squirt from the sample to crown of head.


I hadn't recalled that it was dheas that is the stare-inducing mone but I'm on a train and *everyone* is staring at me. Not admiring, not lustful, not fascinated, just fucking staring, sort of non-emotional expectantly as if they has been told to expect a speech in a work setting. Like in Inception when Ariadne notices all the imaginary people are starting to stare. It's getting on my nerves.

Do I sense a potential FB up for trade or sale? ;) I feel like SUCH a shark with the sales and everything lately. I've only tested this twice but not sure if I should get DHEAS or TOPPER and this is great way to try out TOPPER. I'm going to test this one again - and based on missdarlyncherie's recommend, going to test it with my sample of OCCO Ambrosia. Will test tomorrow- can't wait. Too late to test tonight, afraid i may be up all night!

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This was like the fruity version of Purple Puff on me, that fluffy musky marshmallow but instead of lavender, bright fruit. Lurved it! But my skin just drank it up. After an hour and a half, all i've got is the suggestion of marshmallow. :( I don't think I shook it very well, so i will give it a good shake and try agian when i get home.

Now that my sample spray has settled, I'm getting the Purple Puff comparison. It's a fruity Purple Puff! I love Topper and I like this scent so much... I'm scared to Od on the phero... I just want to spray on Cresendo all day!

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Love this - light scent, crisp - apple spikes on me but not too much. Very uplifting due to sent and can feel the TOPPER effects. This fragrance will actually 'play nice' with others because it's light and blendable. One day will go FB, but bought 3 samples during sale bc I knew I wanted more (the one sample I had wasn't enough).


A good go to everyday scent. Fun and flirtatious. I don't smell fruit salad or musk - just crisp sweet brightness. I agree with others that scent disappears quickly, but that's maybe a good thing if you want to keep spraying yourself with this as I do. :)


This is a good staple scent and definitely an awesome way to try Topper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that my sample spray has settled, I'm getting the Purple Puff comparison. It's a fruity Purple Puff! I love Topper and I like this scent so much... I'm scared to Od on the phero... I just want to spray on Cresendo all day!


I haven't tried Purple Puff (that was prior to my joining LP), but I'm surprised this scent isn't getting more attention. I hesitate to post again - bc I am the prior poster on this - but - this scent is pretty cool. It's out of my usual scent 'genre' but I love it. I'm like you - could spritz all day - but hold myself back bc no FBs yet.


It's ilght and airy, and being able to try Topper, extra Love. That said, agree with others that this is VERY well blended and a great 'topper' scent in and of itself, because it's so light and fun. I guess I should be glad it's not getting TOO much attention as I haven't been able to get FB yet. :666:


When I go out anywhere, I take 3 samples in my purse: LP Pink (bc well, it's my 'main' scent), Cougar, and Crescendo. This is part of my mini-travel phero kit so I'm covered in all areas. Topper is great social, Cougar is social and sexy (depending on how much apply IMO), and LP Pink is sexy social scent (non-phero). And this is just for going out like for a few hours or whatever - not packing for a trip. :huh:


ETA: Ok so I just re-read thread and I've posted here a few times, so I can't post anymore bc I'm embarassing myself. I guess more Crescendo for me (and more time to buy FB) as I love this stuff! All the notes, including intent, and the effects are awesome.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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Beach Goddess :bday1029:


I totally understand. I stopped posting about Totem: Beaver because I absolutely-friggin-love-it and it seemed like I had done enough postings about it. Now I'm loving the sweetgrass in Totem: Lamb and could go on and onnnnnn about that. I think we all understand enthusiasm and the intense experiences that are possible with LP.


I do the same as you and usually take about 3 different scents with me when I go out, as well as a packet of glass cleaner that will remove a phero pretty quickly, should I need that. Just keep posting what moves you, I'll read it :)

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Beach Goddess :bday1029:


I totally understand. I stopped posting about Totem: Beaver because I absolutely-friggin-love-it and it seemed like I had done enough postings about it. Now I'm loving the sweetgrass in Totem: Lamb and could go on and onnnnnn about that. I think we all understand enthusiasm and the intense experiences that are possible with LP.


I do the same as you and usually take about 3 different scents with me when I go out, as well as a packet of glass cleaner that will remove a phero pretty quickly, should I need that. Just keep posting what moves you, I'll read it :)

Thanks Androstenol! Between LAM, LP Pink, Beach Bunny and Surfer Dude - my scent obsessions are well known. I haven't read many Totem reviews, will check our yours as have wanted to try a few - including Lamb - so will def check them out!


I'm glad LP is a forum of 'no shame'. :D

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BG, because of your rantings and ravings, I just have to let you know that I finally broke down and ordered a sample of Crescendo. If it's half as good as you say it is, I'll probably go FB. Definitely sounds like something I just wanna carry around in my purse!

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  • 2 weeks later...

BG, because of your rantings and ravings, I just have to let you know that I finally broke down and ordered a sample of Crescendo. If it's half as good as you say it is, I'll probably go FB. Definitely sounds like something I just wanna carry around in my purse!

Hey JudyO, have you had a chance to try yet? Interested in your opinion as it seems we tend to like similar scents. It's soft and light for me, but gives perfect topping aura I think.

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Yes, I have, BG! I got the trial spray and have been carrying it around in my purse -- I just adore it! It's a very pretty, light happy scent and it goes so well with everything else I wear. You've reminded me that I need to get a bottle of this one because my trial spray of this one isn't going to last much longer! Reminds me, I need to go put some on now!

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  • 1 year later...

This is powdery, light fruitiness. Yum! I use 2-4 sprays in the hair, in addition to another social, like Un OW. I wore this combo to work early this month and got some great hits. In one day, my manager raved about my work in a team meeting and winked at me multiple times. During said meeting, I noticed one of my coworkers had major DIHL. Like, this was the textbook definition of DIHL. He looked enraptured with me and locked eyes with me several times, like he couldn't help himself. Later, I had a super long, interesting convo with my cubemate, who suggested, out of the blue, that we should have dinner together (with our spouses, too). This behavior was definitely out of the ordinary for these folks. I can only chalk it up to Topper and OW.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has been a "sleeper" in my stockpile of untried samples. I used 3 sprays this evening before my violin lesson (thought that would be appropriate). Anyway the lesson went very well, and it seemed to put my teacher and myself in a good mood. I need to get something boosted with topper!


The scent is is something that would mix with most everything else I like. Clearly I missed out getting a bottle of this.

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This has been a "sleeper" in my stockpile of untried samples. I used 3 sprays this evening before my violin lesson (thought that would be appropriate). Anyway the lesson went very well, and it seemed to put my teacher and myself in a good mood. I need to get something boosted with topper!


The scent is is something that would mix with most everything else I like. Clearly I missed out getting a bottle of this.



Not to be an enabler but....it is available in the Etsy store...https://www.etsy.com/listing/230536320/crescendo-spray-w-topper-perfume-spray-1?ref=shop_home_active_3

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