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Sugared Egyptian Musk


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Sugared Egyptian Musk

* One of our most popular scents from the old collection. The most velvety smooth of all musks, this offering is comprised of 3 sources of Egyptian musk, laced with drops of white, powdered and caramelized sugars.

  • SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  • EGYPTIAN MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Now I know why this scent was one of the favorites of the sugared line before. Not overpowering at all but lasts a while on my skin. This is a keeper and I plan on getting more. I tend to like musks and they agree with my skin so for any of you that love musk, this one is a sure bet. Layered or alone this will be one I use a lot. Right now I have it next to vanilla velvet on my arm and the two are fantastic together. since the sugared line is perfect for layering, my guess is that many of them go well together. I am already starting my next order and haven't even sniffed all I just got...I need to get a bigger box to keep them in.

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Egyptian Musk as it's in one of my all-time favs, Indigo, so I had to have it. True to form, Egyptian Musk is a gauzy, complex yet smooth musk that is gorgeous and sexy on its own. I find that I keep smelling my wrist when I have it on just to get the olfactory 'high'. Just love wearing it with Sugared Grapefruit for my own Cougar blend!

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Just love wearing it with Sugared Grapefruit for my own Cougar blend!


Me too! For me it even works a little better because there is a note in Cougar that sometimes doesn't play right with my chemistry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was not on my radar at all, since i do struggle with some of the more resinous notes. I'm not sure why I categorized this as such, but it's not. "Velvety smooth" is the perfect description of this. Very smooth, mysterious, and sensual, but not heavy at all. Just sweet enough. Not sure if it's heavy enough to cover LFN, but I will surely try! They go well together! Thanks, Molls dearest, for this sniffie!

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This is a great scent - very rich and deep. It is like wearing part of Pashazde, one of my all time favorite male scents (even if some of the ladies like to wear it). This is "spicy" enough to be worn by a guy any day, but smooth enough you could probably wear it to work. This is a definite winner.



This combines very well with Sugared Black Pepper, Green Tea, Oak Moss, & Woods

Edited by quietguy
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have no idea why I waited to try this. Luckily something reminded me and I decided to test.


This is a wonderful musk, strong enough to be sexy and sensual, but also feminine. I am going FB next order for sure. The sugar is very light, just enough to softe edges of musk. I will wear this alone and def with other scents - very layerable - will add OOMPH of sex appeal.


I keep huffing my arm to describe this, can't really - other than this is a SEXy scent, no doubt. It's not , "I'm trying to be sexy" or "in your face sexy", but simply, "yea, sexy'.


In my top 3 fav sugars - want this PERM for sure. Can't wait to test around others. :) But getting selfies w/out wearing any pheros, just this musk. If you haven't tried this, def must try. But not until I get a bunch of FBs. hee


ETA: I could totally also 'see' a guy wearing this, strong enough for that. I'd def snifff him and want to be around this. Very versatile - amazed again!


ETA (again): was thinking @ this one as was posting in another thread. This is like sex on skin. Not skank but just sex on skin. The throw is subtle, but if someone is huffing you, well - there's my best descrip.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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I was lucky enough to get a Sugared Egyptian Musk in a trade. I didn't even know what musk smelled like on its own, much less Egyptian Musk and sugared. I got it because Egyptian Musk is one of the notes in a favorite LP perfume of mine-Gypsum White! The first time a tried it I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I couldn't stop smelling my arm! By the end of the day I had slathered myself in it! It is hard for me to review this, except to say that it is a wonderful potion...a little sweet and of course musky...it is like nothing I have ever smelled before..very unique!! To me it seems like a potion both sexes could wear...in fact I think a man would smell quite yummy with it on him! I think it is definitely worth trying!! I may even try to incorporate it into a PE!! :D

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I'm loving this one too. It's softly sweet, smooth and elegant, gauzy, quiet and mysterious, like the whispered breath of a lover against your skin. I'd love to get a spray version to really bathe in it. I think it would combine beautifully with so many things that the spray would be really useful. But it's definitely beautiful all on its own.

Edited by vladmyra
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  • 1 month later...

Another review on this one because it deserves it. Must be something with my personal skin chemistry and/or memories of Skin Musk (thread in commercial perfumes of a similar scent but not nearly as great as this), I get phero 'hits' and some selfies on this one, even though this isn't classified as a phero.


I described scent in prior review so won't re-post scent review - since I'm already gushing over this scent. But want to say this is, for me, an 'always MUST have' staple. I can wear this solo and feel confident selfies (and get hits) or layer, as it's meant to be layerable. It's sultry, sexy without trying at all.


Though I'm a PINKy, foodie, Vanilla gal - this one works for me on all levels. For whatever reason, seems that guys are also more attentive - maybe it's my self-confidence or maybe it's this scent. I think it's combo of both. I just placed recent order and could kick myself for not getting the largest bottle and back up of this.


I went out last Saturday night wearing this with Popularity Potion - fantastic evening. I attribute that to both the musk and Pop potion. Oh yea, added a dab of LP Pink - because well, LP Pink plus this musk - OMG yummy.


ETA: minor grammar correction. Recommend this even for those who may not like musk. You can make this sheer and for whatever reason it is a very positive attraction scent - both social and sexy.

Edited by Beach Goddess
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This one is still one of my favorites. I had gotten this one and the white musk ( since white musk is very sheer)and was surprised at how much I liked it. Even with a generous application it never bothered me the way other musks have. I agree that even without a phero blend, it gets good attention. I do usually pair it with LFN or Open Windows and recently with Leather ( depending on my mood and what kind of attention I want) great throw but in an understated kind of way. Not in your face.

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  • 6 months later...

Well, I should probably preface this with the admission that I'm a total musk oil ho. If I sees it, then I needs it. I have a ton of musk oils, from dollar store cheap to higher end. This is easily one of the most enjoyable Egyptian musks I've tried yet. It has that clean skin-but-sweeter Egyptian musk vibe, and it doesn't pull the constant vanishing act that oil sellers everywhere will swear up and down is the "true" characteristic of "genuine" undiluted Egyptian musk oil. Which is, by the way, total bs that people literally buy. The truth is that EM is a "skin scent", it wears closely and it's soft. If you try to slather yourself in it, your nose will eventually tune it out like it would any other scent. But also like every other scent, it will come back over time, sort of a wafting effect. It's never going to knock anybody over, a characteristic that most folks who enjoy EM really appreciate. It doesn't smell like you're wearing perfume. It smells like you, only boosted in a compelling way. But if you apply an EM oil and it vanishes on you and never comes back, it's because you're either anosmic to the musk or your Uncut Top Quality Genuine Egyptian Musk is weak and possibly over-diluted. You might not care if you're only spending 5 bucks an ounce on it, just know that not being able to smell it doesn't mean it's The Real Deal. Sellers will try to tell you that, "oh you can't smell it because that's just how REAL EM is. You stop smelling it but other people will still smell it on you." Why the heck would anyone bother with a scent that only "other people" can smell?? Who are these "other people" and why am I wasting my money trying to please them? :rolleyes:


Anyway, back to the sugared version. You get your money's worth from this one. It does linger on in the background, which is exactly what EM should do. You COULD layer it, but I'm not sure why you'd want it. It's lovely as-is and the perfect clean, "I don't know what would be appropriate in this situation" scent. You can't go wrong with EM. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

This is a nice scent. It's very elegant and smooth and I like the way sugar brings out a bit of the spiciness. This particular musk is not overwhelming and a great stand-alone scent.

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  • 1 year later...

I have looveddd EM since the 90's. On me this oil version is a sticky (must be what I'm interpreting from the 'sugar') floral on a clean laundry base. It is a strong blend and lasts long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a Sugared it never occurred to me to try; I'm glad I got a sniffee; I really like this. Effortlessly, undercover sophisticated. I enjoy breathing it in once it's on my skin, as I do many clean types of scents. I'd like to smell this on a man as well.

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