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Fresh and natural and thoroughly beautiful! Crafted of wild heather with accents of sweet fresh hay and an earthy amber resin, plus just a kiss of sweetness provided by a bushel of Aberdeen dewberries.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
HEATHER ~ Admiration and beauty; protection, especially over women and virtue.

Peace, beginnings, elemental magic, wishes granted.
HAY ~ Friendliness, fruitfulness.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
DEWBERRIES ~ Healing, money attraction, protection. Considered holy by some, and a food of the Fae.

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I don't know what I'm smelling! I will describe the image that comes to mind. Me in Scotland, or Ireland outside my castle on a hill, wearing a white chemise with ruffles you know those long ones.. I am picking flowers of some kind that grow on this hill, and I am also hanging up laundry that I carefully washed in heather and lavender maybe so it would smell fresh. I eat a berry or ten and then it starts to rain.. so I run for cover and bits of hay are stuck to my wet body not a lot - a tiny amount from my basket- I stay outside so I can smell all those things at the same time because this is what I am supposed to do in this time period, stay here clothes all wet, closing my eyes smelling it all in, waiting for my Highlander to come home.. and of course he does and then it smells like OCCO SLF

So that is what it smells like to me minus the OCCO SLF scent of course lol

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I didn't like this the first time I smelled it, but the second time, i wanted to slather as much as i could. It's a very clean smelling scent. There's a very mild, mild floral note that must be the heather, but it's soft, almost like it's wafting over on a breeze. The amber warms it up a bit, and the dewberries must be giving the hint of sweetness I smell. The hay is in the background. It's what's giving this a freshness. I like this! This will be a nice casual summer scent.

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This was what I'd hoped for out of Seven Tears, which ultimately ended up too cucumber on me. The heather note is a fresh, airy wildflower scent that makes me think of standing in a field filled with them, though I've never actually been knee-deep in a field of heather (as much as I'd like to). It's like clean spring air. I can pick up the hay and amber, which add a bit of golden warmth but don't overwhelm, and a slight purplish sweetness from the berries that really complements the heather well. It's also really calming!

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This one I didn't like at first, I was getting too much of the hay. I tried this on my hand today, and wow! Fresh, cool and clean, with a gentle hint of sweetness. There are so many florals that don't work with my chemistry, but this is one I can do! Glad I gave this one a second look. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Admittedly I'm not a fan of heather, but this works nicely because of the sweet accents, IMO. The berries and hay give a nice lightness to the heather and amber, which are a bit more dense. And it does have a "fresh air" kind of aura to it, like getting the scent of the breeze on a warm day.

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Hmm. I waited a bit after getting this to let the perfume rest because I didn't want to review a travel shocked perfume.


This is very pretty, light and very much spring-like to me. I think I definitely smell the hay, but it smells like being in the middle of field on a bright spring day. Kind of comforting almost. Would be beautiful to wear on a carefree weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally found my original bottle to compare to this. The original has more of a hay scent, and it goes through a phase (on my skin, at least) of kind of a dill scent. Really sharply green, but that could also be a component of the hay notes. The new brew is softer and sweeter, and almost cotton candy sweet when compared side by side to the original. It is a really sweet, soft foral with that rare heather note that I love.

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  • 1 year later...

Bonnie was one in my first order that I was really eager to try. I just loved the sound of it. When I opened up the trial vial I knew I had a winner. It was seriously just about the best thing I have ever smelled. So bright and fresh - almost apple-y, if that's a word. I think my brain was interpreting the bright crisp sweetness and grass as apple, but when I took a second sniff I realized that there was no apple at all. I could definitely smell the berries and a floral, outdoors kind of scent.


When I put it on it smelled just a shade less fresh but still really amazing. Then, very gradually, it turned into a powdery, extremely sweet kind of smell that really lingered. Darbla described it as almost a cotton candy smell and I would agree - it hits me in the back of my throat in that same way that the smell of hot sugar does when you're making candy. It does still have a floral edge though.


In the end, I decided that this isn't the scent for me. I've never worn perfume before but it occurs to me after trying out a bunch of different samples that I don't really want to smell sweet all day. I think for my next order I will look for more herbal/green/clean sort of scents. In the meantime, I might buy a full bottle of Bonnie just so I can occasionally heat it in my oil burner so that my house will smell like the most fantastic place ever. Or perhaps I can order it as a spray to use on my sheets.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this one yesterday. It sort of reminds me of Crayons: Mountain Meadow. I also interpreted the dewberries (I think) as apple at first. My nose seems to interpret any unknown fruity scent as "apple." All of these floral/fruity scents seem to turn about the same on me upon drydown--soft, warm, sweet, musky smell. It's nice, but why must they ALL do that!? Is it me? Is it just that I get used to them over the course of the day? I don't know. *sigh*


Anyway. I don't know if I'd get a full bottle of this one, just because I think I prefer (just by a teensy bit) the less fruity "mountain air" scent of Crayons: Mountain Meadow.

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