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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. No, I never did see LOST, (but I did know said Hobbit was on there). I was still working film & tv music at the time and saw the synopsis before it came out, and it cracked me up because it looked like a "serious" remake of Gilligan's Island. Maybe I will watch them all on DVD some time - it wasn't a show you could pick up in the middle and figure out WTH was happening!
  2. Hey Invi! I saw a Hobbit on Monday night. Went to see Eddie Izzard perform in a tiny little 200 seater, spur of the moment performance he posted on facebook, and we grabbed tix in time. YAY! (3rd row center! yup - he was lookin at me!) Anyway, the Hobbit on the left was also in the audience. And funny enuf - I saw the stalkerazzi lined up outside the theatre when we came out, and last night saw those same stalkers on TV on TMZ talking to him as he was leaving the theatre!! I nearly choked. He walked out right behind me!
  3. I have one "half" bottle of Luna's Coffee & Cig left - in a 5ml roller bottle for $15. Yes, several of those PEs sold out in one day.
  4. Katz, of course you can use it all at once. That's what makes saving them up so much fun!
  5. LOL! It's important that you guys know how much we value each of you as a member of the community and how helpful it is for us when you post reviews. A lot of potential customers who are not forum members read the reviews, and your opinions, both positive and negative, help them decide what to order. So we're just giving back a little for your help..like a sales commission. Plus, sharing your life and experiences with us in this forum? It makes life worth living. I'm madly in love with you all and feel extremely blessed to be a small part of your lives.
  6. ElizOSP you last redeemed at 1,300. Katz, your last redemption was at 2,900. Wow! $165 credit! It's like finding treasure!!
  7. Halo, the last time you redeemed was at 2,800 posts. LadyV, you redeemed at 1,000. And you're now up to 3,200, so you have 2,200 to redeem! That equals 22 x $5 = $110 dollars in credit! Woohoooo! Shop away! See? Money Fairy! LOL!
  8. It's 5 am, and everything should now be up and orderable! Yeehee! Must go sleeeeeep for a bit now, but please let me know if there's any bugs or errors...much appreciated! Thank you!!!
  9. Lynne, you should start your own topic in the NEW Promote Yourself area! I'm sure some of the local gals would love to visit you. Lynne is a FABULOUS esthetician, y'all. She does the most amazing facials too. Every time I visit her, my skin looks better for like 6 weeks afterwards!
  10. Yes, I love working with edible flowers...they blend so well with other foody ingredients! Brewed another batch of this and will add it to the cart later this evening. Glad everyone is enjoying this scent!
  11. Yes, I could make that one again. And I probably should anyway - been getting a ton of requests for it!
  12. La Femme Mystère - UNscented Pheromone Blend for Women Recipe created by a mysterious Tantrika in our midst! Shhhh.... The Private Editions for the month.... Priscilla Presents: Your Hotness Valentina's Delight (Really! Valentina is her real name! Isn't that cool?) Tyvey's Mango-ish This is Tyvey's adaptation of Kitten-ish, except with Mango in the lead rather than Peach! Thus, the mango colored kitten. I know, I amuse myself...and Tyvey came up with the name! Invidiana's Anti-Valentine With fabulous artwork by the amazing Invidiana herself!!!!! And it smells amazing too! Luna's Coffee & a Cigarette Yup, there's a few bottles available of this one, so will finally post it in the PE section this month. and PLACEHOLDER FOR SECRET PE - TO BE ADDED IN A FEW DAYS. Here it is!! Lady Victoria's Midnight Snack
  13. Raspberry Chiffon Sensual Harmony Hanagumori A Japanese word that means "Blossom Haze" Cherub's Kiss Vieux Carre (pronounced: voo ca ray) This one is based upon that other little holiday in February, Mardis Gras!
  14. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! (This collection of images is dated between 1900-1920...aren't they nifty?) Special Delivery 2012 Breakfast in Bed The Summoner's Spell OCCO: SLF A limited edition OCCO variety! You wanted something dirty, you got it! LOL! Encens de Cafe I loved Princess Fiona's idea for a Coffee Incense blend, so stole a little of her idea, a little of Luna's Coffee & Cigarette idea, and added a little of mine own ideas. The result is a gorgeous smokey dark unsweetened coffee/incense combo that both men and women will enjoy wearing.
  15. Yes, Sparkle Fuchsia is sold out. But we can add the Cougar phero blend to any perfume you like.
  16. Thank you SO MUCH for this Rosebud. I forwarded this information to one of my friends who has been interested in the subject and could likely benefit from this kind of treatment. HUGZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Mara
  17. The closest sorting center is in Covina, I think, so even if you are mailing something next door, it has to go there first. Then if it is misrouted, it gets sent back to the closest sorting center, and on...and on...and on....
  18. Courtesy of the new all-automated postal sorting system! This happens all the time now. Packages start in Los Angeles, but must hang out in Texas before going to Hawaii....and then there was the Canadian package that vacationed in CHINA along the way!
  19. So glad to hear you had it done, you had me worried! Wishing you a speedy healing process!
  20. I have around 4 bottles left....mayyyybe 5. It's not bottled yet so I do not know for positive. Anything that's left over after that get's made into itty bitties that are randomly included as freebies with people's orders. Anyone want to nab one of the remaining bottles? I have not had time to post them on the PE page yet.
  21. To me, this one is humid swamp musk. In a good way!
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