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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Enhanced with our MAGNET Pheromone Blend Label by Starlitegirl New Pheromone Blends!: Our new incarnation of our former Girl/Girl phero blend Produced in cooperation with Diane's Paradise 7 Our new incarnation of our former Boy/Boy phero blend Produced in cooperation with Diane's Paradise 7 Will post PEs in a little while!
  2. Label by Starlitegirl Label by Starlitegirl Label by Starlitegirl & Mara Label by Starlitegirl
  3. That's hysterical! My boy is at a convention in Austin this week, and I recently armed him with a large phero and fragrance collection, which he forgot to bring, entirely. (whew) But still, knowing that the convention is like 80% men, I'm asking, "are the girls there shooting hopeful doe eyed glances your way?" "Not that I've noticed" he replied, then informed me that he found a bottle of Teddy Man in his shaving kit, and I was like, "Don't you DARE!" LOL! Anyway, I made Legend to be a more "wearable-on-a-daily-basis" sort of scent for guys who don't like their scents to JUMP OUT at people, but just gently draw attention their way....and let the pheromones work their magic.
  4. Leather and Lace contain no cops - there's an option to add it, but it doesn't come with.
  5. Wow, love and prayers to you and your son TG! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox M
  6. Welcome, LadyEridan! Does you screen name have a special meaning? Just curious! Glad you could join us..... Mara
  7. LOL! Love that. Hey Shelly, YOU are da bomb - have a wonderful time! xoxoxoxox M
  8. Delivery confirmation #s are automatically emailed when an order is shipped. The email comes from Stamps.com and says something like, "Times Square has sent you a package". Please check your spam folder in case it was scooped up by your filter. If you wish to check on the status of a package, the proper way to do it is to email us your full name (the name the package is addressed to), and your order number. Your order number is not the same as your paypal receipt number - your order number starts with the date in this format: 20100217, and continues from there. Thank you!
  9. Karmiel's Silken Moonlight was an "easier" version of LP White, and I just made another round of that for Karmiel...thus there is a few extra bottles posted in the PE section of the store. This is prolly as close as we are going to get, sorry!
  10. 20% of the volume of the bottle is p-100.
  11. HI Jan, If you are who I think you are - we were waiting for a message from PayPal re the e-check clearing. We haven't received that email, but I went online to check, and it did indeed clear. Sorry about that! I have that order and your subsequent order finished and ready to ship together today. Sorry for the wait! ~ Mara
  12. Both of your orders have shipped already. Pretty much anything ordered by the 5th is already gone, and many items ordered as late as yesterday are shipped too, if they didn't include B&B. We're really trying to get everything into your hands by Valentine's Day.
  13. Does anyone else find Buns of Cinn to be faint? On me it comes off pretty darn strong. Hey Calii, where are you applying it? Remember, oil-based scents have the best diffusion when applied to the hottest parts of your body - belly button to cleavage, back of neck, etc. (The hands and wrists produce little heat, so you won't experience the best throw if you apply it there.) If you apply it to your 'hot spots', then whenever your body heats up throughout the day, you will produce a lovely *cloud* of scent.
  14. The Treacle Trollop has been purchased. I added s few older PEs that we thought were sold out, but I uncovered a small supply we had held in reserve for the creators, which ended up not being claimed.
  15. Oooh, thanks for the heads up...that WAS a cart error.
  16. Thank you everyone!!! I put the rest of the stock, plus more, into the cart in the PE section, so I will not be taking any more orders from this page. Thanks for making my job easier this month, loved ones! SMOOCHES!!!!
  17. Welcome, Andrew!!! Thanks for joining us! We are working around the clock to try to get everyone's orders to them by Valentine's Day - yours should get there in time. Fingers crossed.
  18. Ok, they're up! Back to brewing potions now..... Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
  19. Thanks, Countess! I put the remaining few bottles into the cart, along with the rest of the latest PEs and a few discovered buried treasures - thought long gone. The PE page will be up in a little while.
  20. It's $24.95 for a 1/3 fl.oz. bottle. Thanks, Countess, I'll invoice you in a bit. xoxoxox M
  21. Not at all. Would you like a regular bottle or something amped? Thank you! Mara
  22. Welcome, Pirouette! Thanks for joining us!
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