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Everything posted by Pony

  1. You know I just have to spread the love about DYG - it gets so little mention! I really like this blend - gives me and those around me a very relaxed and pleasant vibe. Only problem I encounter is when wearing it to work my office tends to fill up with people just standing around...not demanding my attention really, but just hanging out near me. If I didn't have DYG on myself, it would probably annoy me...but since I enjoy the self-effect of relaxed attention, I shrug it off... I'm an Instant Honesty fan, but I like DYG even a little better. Smoother somehow. I'm sad to know it's discontinued...
  2. Cougar seems to be DH's favorite phero blend (he is not aware of that, of course). He just loves Cougar Potion (the grapefruity-goodness perfume) and always comments on it. But I also have the UNscented Cougar and he invariably compliments me when I am wearing that - no matter the perfume with it. SS, Cuddle Bunny, etc seem to have no effect on him. He likes PG as well once it's dried down a bit - fresh I think the cops are a little much for him. Course it's hard to tell with DH anyway - he's pretty much always ready to go ...
  3. Pony


    OMG that is the cutest thing I have heard in a long time!
  4. This is the fragrance that prompted me to order from LP the first time - I figured any scent with the moxie to carry that title has to be tried...and I love Phantom of the Trailer Park. At first it is a whiff of smoke (probably standing too close to the BBQ during the squirrel fry...) and the smell of stale booze, but then the florals start to come forth. It lasts all day on me as a sort of "dirty" floral - a floral with a slight hangover who hasn't bothered to shower from last night's escapades. A definite story-scent.
  5. Pony

    Top Five

    Hmmm....it's hard to put an order to these, since my preference changes depending on my mood and external variables, but my top five choices are: Cougar - makes me feel bright and spritely PG Dominance - my mental armor and a stately fragrance LP:Green - warm and cozy and calm Sugared Orchids - don't ask me why, but it's Essence of Me.... Hathor - something about this one is very pleasing to me, I often wear it when I am alone, in down time Sugared Honeycomb and EGG are also tops, but not quite as often as the five above. DH wears, in rough order of frequency: Flapper Rajah Dark Seductions PheroBoy SUPER
  6. I have a big bottle of this, and I love it - wam and snuggly and soft green, not piney and lively and sharp green. Definitely a happy, calm scent.
  7. OK I can't resist - this brings to mind the Dead Milkmen... And of course you must have heard "camaro song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdegQmtgFSM- a real tearjerker.... My friend wept like a baby when they quit making camaros - she'd owned them since she was in high school....and that had been a long time.
  8. Just a quick revival of this review to add my DH's comments. He wore SUPER yesterday, which was a big day for him of meeting and smoozing the new underwriting team for one of his largest carriers (read: the people who give the OK to whether or not he can make money...). This group was women. He called me on his way home at 9PM, and giggled over the fact that he basically monopolized these women's attention all day (we're in a smaller town, and they fly in periodically to meet with all licensed producers in here). Their afternoon assignment cancelled, so he went to lunch with them, and then to the reception and then dinner... At the afternoon reception for all the producers in town, he said the 4 women gathered around him the whole 2 hours. He noticed much longer eye contact and they were invading his personal space. Men would drift over and then drift away, looking perplexed. So hopefully their remembrances of his charm will hold for at least a few months, and their good feelings about him personally will spill over into their approval decisions regarding business he submits to them! On a side note, DH doesn't feel that the smell of SUPER is anything special (HA!), although he says it's "pleasant" - but he likes the results! I told him I follow him around like a lovesick pup when he wears SUPER - and I know it's effects - imagine having it hit you unaware...
  9. I've got my Drop Your Guard on today and I'm pretty sure I am seeing reactions. We've been quite busy all morning, and I would be able to work much faster if everyone were not hanging about my office for no good reason...Standing about, looking relaxed, occasionally thinking of some small talk... Indeed reminds me of the reaction to b-nols. I am cruising along nicely but not overly excited as well. I like the DYG - might try the scented version. Oh - and am I the only one who thinks the unscented DYG smells fantastic? How odd is that? It's a wonderful powdery smell on me...makes me see fluffy pale blue when I smell it.
  10. Pony


    Ambrosia, I'm a "hard sell" too - Violitious was one I took an instant dislike to...violets, YUCK! But the DH just thought it was yummy (even wanted to wear it himself - which I managed to prevent, just barely) so I have kept trying. Last weekend I slathered some on, and decided that it is a fun frangrance. Hints of bubbly carbonated violet at first, then gets a little warmer and creamier with time. Lasted a good long day, too, with just a little test patch on one hand. About 50% of the LP scents I am "meh" about at first. Then they either mature in the vial, or I develop an appreciation with repeated exposure. Or a combination of both.
  11. I'm so happy I have finally made friends with SUPER. I have tried it 3 times, but I think b/c I had a Spring cold my sense of smell was all wrong. It smelled bitter and icky! DH kept assuring me that it was lovely, but I was overwhelmed with a bitter scent. Very strange. Well finally my lungs have cleared up, and I tried it again. Mmm...yummy with sharp teeth right under the smooth surface. I understand what inkling means by smokehouse bacon, becuase I detect a slightly smoky waft at first, and now I can sense the maple. On me it still has a certain sharpness, however, that I wasn't expecting...That is probably the pheros - I think I interpret pheros as "sharpness". We'll see how long it hangs around today.
  12. Pony

    21st Century Venus

    I KNEW I should have gotten a sample of this....Ingrid, Jackie and Trinity. Wow. It's now on my sample list....again.
  13. May: You took the thoughts right out of my mind! This weekend I was sorely tempted to dip into my final spritz of MX135, choco-yuk and all... I'd love something universally feminine, friendly and warm "charisma in a bottle" for those uncomplicated warm summer days especially. Not to rule the roost, or seduce, just to be vibrant. A "girls just wanna have fun" sort of vibe. I'd be all over that one! Scented or are you thinking just a unscented mix?
  14. The DH tried this one last week - I'd briefly swiped some on him when it arrived and I thought it smelled fabulous! So one morning before I could protest he decided to splash some on to see if he got any reactions from his networking group....Oops. I told him it really wasn't a workplace scent....too late. He thinks it's a little too sweet - he doesn't like the foody scents much. MAN OH MAN is that smell distracting! I followed him all over the house like a lost puppy, wuffling his neck. By the time he returned that afternoon, it had settled down to a still-scrumptious smell. He didn't report any excitement or comments from the ladies he encountered that day, but then he was only working briefly after a week's absence so he was busy in his office alone most of the time. This one is wonderful, from my viewpoint. And DH is happy if I like it...
  15. Oooo I finally got my goodies and this went on right away. Well I never experienced PG original, but I must say this incarnation is gorgeous. I definitely amped up the orange blossom, I was surprised by how floral it was on me. Then it settled down to a rich powdery sort of smell, still hints of blossom, that wafted gently everytime I moved. The DH loved this one too, and remarked several times as I was fussing with him, how wonderful I smelled.
  16. Oh Darbla, I feel your pain (or annoyance). I go through periods where I have NO drive whatsoever. And I am blessed with a normally uncomplicated life! I can't imagine having to deal with a stressful life on top of a low libido. I've tried hormone therapy - I have very low levels of some hormones and tend to be amenorric - done away with birth control, taken maca, you name it, girl, I've tried it. As already mentioned by the beautiful Dolly, I find a mix of Androstenone and Cops does the job for me. Like a miracle, I tell you! In fact I have a very strong straight blend that I use just for that...the effect is literally nearly instantaneous. To be blunt, it causes blood to rush to my sexual organs, and I get a definite "WHERE IS THAT MAN - I WANT IT NOW" feeling. In fact I have to be careful when I mix the stuff up or my darling DH ends up all battered (androstenone makes me a teensy bit aggro...). I use Jasmin & oud as a cover, but really I'd try to just find a nice scent that YOU feel sexy wearing and use that as a cover....in case you are unaware, androstenone does not smell the best. Not that I care! I have TONS of the stuff, if you would like to try it a little before investing (it can get expensive to experiment, I know), I can throw some in a little roller bottle for you & send it to you. Just ask Mara for my email address and drop me a note if you want to try some.
  17. Pony

    Sugared Orchids

    I got a bottle of this on impulse from the freebies list - it's something I normally would pass over. I must say, when it arrived I was taken aback. I'm not sure what I thought, but it seemed almost rancid on me. I have a good friend in Guatemala who is an orchid grower and exporter, and many of them have a slightly rank, raw meat smell...I kept getting pictures of the steamy greenhouse and the odd flowers hanging everywhere... But (as usual) I was wearing a sample of everything I had ordered when I first tried it...so I gave it another go by itself. Ah - there it is - an unusual floral with a touch of sweet on top to lift it. I still get glimpses of great overarching tree limbs, riddled with spikes holding flowers languid in the hot still air, but then the sweet swirls by and the sun comes out again. Truthfully of all the LP scents I have tried, this one now feels the most like ME.
  18. I'm with ya there. I had already placed my order before the descriptions were up...holiday weekend and all...dangit! Now I really want to try Til Death. <sigh..scribbles onto the LONG list and drops it back in the drawer>
  19. Pony


    Dearest Husband. Darling Husband. Sorry - a holdover from an equestrian board where they are all dearest husbands, especially when they are stoically suffering yet another round of outrageous horsey-related expenses.
  20. Pony


    I tried this, and on me it just reminded me too much of my grandma's rooms, I kept having flashes of her heavy furniture and the red leather jewelry boxes... So I put it in the "try it if you want" bowl .... HOLY SMOKES! The DH tried it and it smells fantastic on him. Starts out a spicy floral snap, and dries down to a spicy amber, and even after 8 hours, his wrist smells of spice and soft musk...He says "it just makes me feel all happy" Cute. And it has throw! I visited his office the other day and thought gee it smells really nice in here. He was kind of nonplussed as to what it might be - so I smelled his neck...It was Flapper. He wore it all this weekend and it is scrumptious. This one goes on his full bottle list.
  21. Hey - I've got a snow white cat, blue-eyed and completely deaf who looks STUNNING curled up asleep in the faux mink foof chair - I'd even throw in the foof chair for a lifetime new relases membership....no never mind, the foof chair is inviolate Now - back to my decision making....ARGH!
  22. Mmmmm....oudh is an acquired taste, which I have unfortunately acquired. It is the definition of tenacious! I have some straight up with jasmine....verrrrry sexy.....that is reserved for very specific venues.....as a cover and enhancer for a very specific pheromone blend. I can't wait! It'll be soon - there is nary a peep from the LP ladies all day...
  23. I just adore Dominance. Wore it yesterday. On me it is a strong, sharp scent. I feel awake, alert and sexy with it on. And people seem drawn to me, subtly, and then sort of appear as if they can't figure out why they are standing there. Amusing.
  24. Oh Chai! Your Beloved is such a charmer....<sigh> Makes me tear up!
  25. Pony

    Angel of Spring

    Well, keep us updated, May! I should have tried that this morning, but hey, I am half-asleep in the mornings...I can't remember if CitriShine has a scent. I'll definitely go for a roller bottle of the straight D5. None of the light airy perfumes last more than half a second on me...or maybe it's just that I like a perfume to pack a physical punch, break a few noses. Subtlety is alien to me. Oops - looks like we posted at the same time. Too bad the CS didn't work. There's still hope with the pure siloxane, though!
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