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Everything posted by Pony

  1. <giggles> too cute, Luna. Hmmm, how about brekkie sex? I'm wearing this today, after letting it sit abandoned for about one month. It has melded very nicely, the apricot is toned down and it now has more of the Love Potion feel to me. I'm very happy about that, as the original is a fave. It is still a soft scent, to my thinking, caramelly with the apricot daintily woven throughout. I like it much better after the aging. Couldn't even detect the BI-stinky stage at all now. I'm at work so can't talk to the BI affects, other than my boss was insistent on gaining my approval for his shirt and tie this morning...strange but whatever makes him happy.
  2. I'm busily pouting because I haven't gotten my stamps.com notification yet for either of my orders...<sigh> I am sure they will ship soon....but I am wearing my refresh button out on my mail checking... Must huff more Happy Water...
  3. Me too - I rec'd the Monday "will ship soon" notice from an order placed 2/24. Looks like about a 1-week backlog. Somewhere Mara mentioned that they will ship again on Saturday, so I expect mine sometime next week, hopefully, which is really still within the stated 2 week TAT. When the lucky subscription members are already reviewing the new scents the wait seems interminable. I can only imagine the piles and piles of little square boxes all stacked up on Saturday afternoon...and the smell...ah the smell.
  4. Pony

    Top Five

    Just did a Full Springtime Sniff Evaluation on the smellies chest: 1) Hathor... henceforth in no particular order: Scandalous Raven Moon Just A Little Naughty Honeyed Seductions for the moment.
  5. The hubby will be the litmus test, certainly. Is that what LAM is: A-nol & EOW? Simple enough! Can't wait to here how it turns out.
  6. I am forever thankful to Androtics, b/c there was a discussion about ways to cover their mixes, and someone mentioned "LPMP"...curious, a google search later I landed here. And truly, other than EOW, I find the pheros here don't even really need a cover...strange but true. And oh the potions! With intent! And perfumes with pheros as integral, congruent notes! Or add your pheros to REAL perfumes. Nirvana.
  7. I think IW might be just the ticket for you, coffeemama. When I wear it (in La Vie Boheme) I notice people are friendly and notice me, but not in a leering provocative way. Doesn't make me or anyone else a chatterbox and doesn't make strangers rub up against you, if you get my drift....pretty perfect for a campus where you want to stand out but don't necessarily want to spike the testosterone meter. Well, other than the lady in the hardware store who grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go, but we'll just chalk that up to my living in weirdsville. Hell, she really liked the perfume, I guess. DH wears the men's version, often for "office meeting" days and he feels it calms everyone down and that they listen to him more.
  8. This was one I would never have thought of - generally I stay away from herbally blends, just not mah thang. But I acquired a little sniffie of this, and gee - it's rather pretty! I never got the !!HERB!! feeling (which I don't like, and no I won't drink tisane either...) After drydown it has the same "textural" feel that Scarlet Silk has on me....no idea what it is but a lineny or silky scent.
  9. Sigh - all I had on hand were brownies...you guys are making me want some icing just from reading the reviews. I'll be hopeless once I actually get the fragrance too. I can't wait to try this one! I love creamy florals.
  10. Ellen - on the baseship, all Mother of the Race and all, and then when she gets back around humans...soooo creepy. Must be a fun character to play. My officemate's comment - "Nothing worse than an alcoholic skinjob." Yep - I was weaned on scifi - my dad and I used to watch Star Trek after school every day. I remember when they announced TNG he shook his head - nothing could compare to Captain Kirk, man, never. And in elementary school we spent a year on scifi authors: Douglas Adams (and the Brit TV series, of course) Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov...it was an alternative education. Hehehe - this forum is nirvana, isn't it? scifi and smellies, hand in hand. I haven't been to the Hitlon since the big Star Trek exhibition (which was one of my first "dates" with DH - waiting in line forever to walk through the exhibit). Is that the museum now? Gah - it's been 8 years!!!
  11. Well it figures - if Romulan Ale is legal anywhere - it would be Vegas. Ok Galactica is a source of endless speculation between one of my officemates and myself. Oh...better just check out the recaplet...it 'splains the sub-light travel... http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/show/.../no_exit_2a.php And scuttlebutt is that Kara is NOT exactly a clone, whatever that means, and that it shall all be revealed to us before the end, so methinks they better get moving. BSG almost lost me there in Season 2, but I am enjoying the black vortex that is BSG Season 4. I don't think it will end well. I think that Galactica will be destroyed, and there will be a few survivors on both sides who will go their seperate ways, and the endless cycle will start over...I go on record with my prediction. I'm a mega-geek. Enjoy KSBF and Vegas! And go ahead and try the Romulan Ale...how bad can it be?
  12. Eww androstenol does stink... I train DH - if I am wearing a scent that he doesn't much lurve, but I think is sexy, I give him a big ole dose of lovemakin'. Thereafter he associates the scent with good times. Pavlov ain't got nothing on me. I'd dose up some strategic body parts with EOW and give him a thorough education on what cops are for...worst that can happen is that he still won't care for the cops, but you will have gotten a good romp out of it!
  13. Pony


    hehehe. I don't find Sugared Honeycomb sexy. I think it's a cozy scent. My perceptions are all frakked up - the rest of the world thinks it smells like sex...I think it smells like a fuzzy blanky...I was dropped on my nose as a child. Now musk - I like me some musk! I am really excited about trying this one - the concept is fab. Hopefully it will react nothing like Zigeunerwein, which smelled strongly of cat pee on me. I thought it was an evergreen note there, since I have that lovely gene that makes evergreen smell like male cat urine. Juniper is particularly offensive...
  14. Well sounds like Boy/Boy is a go, then. "Boy Boy" sounds like a New Wave band...
  15. I thought I might like to try something different. Now I am not looking to pick up women, and I am not a gay man...but I was looking at the ingredients of these two and thinking they look like pretty solid social blends. DH wore Teddy Man this weekend and I was sooo contented to just hang out, nothing fazed me. I like that. I am looking for something that is social, calming and "efficient" - not loopy - for work and everyday. And yes, I have and love DYG but I just wanted to try something new, and I have not really seen anything on those two blends... Any feedback? I might be leaning toward Boy/Boy from the description....a calming alpha presence sounds pretty good. Anybody??
  16. I figure if I'm going down, I might as well have a full ship of good company...and we'll all smell delectable.
  17. I re-tested AGAIN (I refuse to be defeated by a perfume...) the other night. After I had showered, scrubbed & applied my usual cocoa-butter & shea lotion, I impulsively applied SUPER. AHA! Evidently my lotion is thick enough to prevent the perfume from transforming on my skin. It behaved itself quite nicely, kind of angel food cakey with a hint of metal. Still not my fave scent of all time, but I take what I can get. And of course, as with anything amped with SS4W, DH thought it smelled stupendous. He is very impressionable that way, the dear.
  18. I got this with the Cougar added in - why not, right? This is WAY apricotty. The cinnamon I don't even note until well after drydown, as it is a big old slather of apricot sexy... And why, pray tell, do I find the scent of apricots sexy? I've no idea but I do. DH likes this one - he buries his nose in it's soft apricotty honey cinnamony goodness. I'm sure the Cougar doesn't hurt either...
  19. I giggled way too much at that, luna. I will have to try this again...the first time I tried it I got an overwhelming cheap fruity after-bath spray (you know what I mean?) with a slightly rotten undertone (no doubt the pheros). Is SWS an unagreeable smell? I've never smelled it unscented. Hopefully either this improves with age or my nose was just toasted the first time around (a distinct possibility).
  20. Pony


    DH loves this one. He asked for it forever before I remembered to order him one. Now he hides his little vial of it. It is...well, green. But not fresh green, but leafy green, and earthy, but with a soft hint of incense. By the end of the day it is the remains of a floral bouquet - not a fancy one, but the wildflowers you picked, now wilted and a touch musky.
  21. Pony

    Blessed Sacrament

    I LOVE this one. I just did a fortuitous trade with Dolly for a bottle of it. It does have much the same feeling as Hathor, one of my alltime faves, but with a slightly deeper element, and that touch of honey woven throughout. Perfect for a day when I need a little emotional armor to proof me from the cruel wide world.
  22. Hmmm....my husband mostly wears the scented pheros, since he can't be bothered with TWO applications! But I'd have to say you should try Super Sexy for Men. It's a socially sexy blend (as opposed to...say..."rip off the panties behind closed doors" sexy - which is where I think you might run into OD problems with the androstenone in NPA). Matter of fact DH wore SS at a fundraiser this weekend which involved salsa dancing, and he commented after a bit that he should have chosen something else, because 3 women in particular were just all up in his space. One refused to let go of him...I was amused, actually. True Confessions is an a/b-nol mix, and sure to get the ladies in a chatty and friendly mood, which naturally lends itself to pickup. My 2 cents...
  23. Sorry ladies - I DID have Sin City with Dominance, but my officemate nearly trampled me to get her hands on it! In fact, it is on her desk right now, and I daren't try to reclaim it. It is absolutely gorgeous on her! I know that is no consolation...
  24. I tried this last night. Now my nose is currently on strike, so I hesitate as to the accuracy here... This is a stately fragrance to me. I do get a faint "tea-ness" but not a shouting LIPTON. That is good. Floral, with a bit of dry berry - not squishy, but high and dry and firm.
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