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Rose Blackthorn

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Everything posted by Rose Blackthorn

  1. I have spendy fingers too, but they are going to have to keep things within reason. I do not have the budget to accommodate their wants!
  2. Potion Bastet... wow.. I would have so loved to have sampled this one.
  3. Welcome QueenLove! What an awesome order - you are off to a GREAT start!
  4. This is pretty much the same effect that I get with Megawatt. It takes some working with myself and just self discipline. Still, it's an edge!
  5. I like to enhance what I already project and also balance things out a bit, doing my best to balance and enhance life situations. I really love Dom for when I am working magick. It reins me in and helps me focus better.
  6. Rebrews???? Ohhh... yes, yes, yes, YES!!! I'll have what she's having!
  7. Ohhhhhh... am so happy. My package of arrived yesterday, and I am so very grateful for Mara's magick. Thank you so much for having created these beauties. Thank you too for the lovely bag and extras. Receiving my LP orders always cheers me up and makes my heart smile!
  8. When you have a chance, may I please trouble you to let me know what count I would be up to? Thank you!
  9. My day is made! Got my shipping notification in the email today. Thanks Mara and John!
  10. This one was a really unusual scent to me. I kept going back and forth between loving it and not loving it. On the good times, it reminded me of serious ritual incense smoke sweetened with honey. I think for me, it just took a rare mood for me to feel I was in tune with RR. It's a unique beauty for sure!
  11. This seems to fluctuate depending on what is going on with my life. Currently, I would say EST, Alpha Anol, B2, and OCCO Ambrosia.
  12. CerisLou and Equinox, I wish I knew how this happens! The thing is, with the exception of the bratty children, I usually feel pretty friendly and unless really, seriously pushed, I am receptive to friendly interaction with nice people. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps these people are not as nice as they seem and the protective shield I surround myself with is keeping some negativity at bay? If that is the case, I suppose I should be grateful AND amused.
  13. I agree with Stacy. I like to keep many, if not all of my pheros and scents separate just to keep my choices open, but it's a matter of preference of course.
  14. LOLing QG and Equinox! I would happily joke around with people if they were not running away as if they were in flames. Equinox, go ahead and use me for inspiration for a book plot. Seriously, this has happened more than a few times to me. I do dress in black mostly, no pentagrams ( other than in ritual), but I do wear an Ankh, along with a couple of magickal pendants which are obscure looking and would mean nothing to them. I currently have long medium dark hair, but have gotten the same reaction when I had it bleached blonde. I admit it is funny, but at the same time it's pretty perplexing. I have stopped children from misbehaving in public by merely giving them "the look." LMAO! I did that once with two little boys in a restaurant and when I got up to leave, they both covered their eyes! Their mom said, "Ma'am, the boys bumped into your chair and would like to apologize." They wouldn't even look at me! Just kept their hands covering their eyes! My mom was living, and with me at the time. She thought is was hilarious. Ahhh.. memories.
  15. I am guessing it was likely the glue also, but can not rule it out entirely.
  16. Welcome, Belle DuJour! Love your avatar!
  17. Wow, so many reactions. My guy tends to overwork and multitask which is hard with his ADD and sometimes I get put on the back burner like something he will get around to once he has gotten through everything else. It can be very hurtful and I have learned (mostly) that this is just who he is. It's sad to say, but what always seems to get him to put me at the top of his list of priorities is me being sick! When I am not well, he will fall over me and dote on me. Naturally, I do NOT want to have something wrong with me in order to get some special attention. THIS is where the EST comes in. And as I said, it does seem to help me in my dealings with any doctors. I think I come across as intimidating to some people, which is really kinda funny to me since I in no way, see myself that way. Here is an example. My partner and I were in the waiting room for our check in visit with the primary care doc. This elderly man came out of the doctors office, and I just gave him a smile and nod as if to say "hi." The man went all wide eyed, blessed himself by making the sign of the cross over himself, and rushing out the door!!! I looked at my partner and asked, "Did that guy just make the sign of the cross over himself???" My partner said, "Looked that way." I was incredulous. I said, "But all I did was smile at him!" Seriously, you might have thought that he had just met Satan incarnate! INSANE! And THIS is why I need/love EST! I can't tell you how many people behave in a similar way around me.
  18. I LOVE LAM!!! The Vanilla Honey one is delicious smelling. It gives me a very calming self effect, boosts my mood, and others are super friendly, both in a flirty and non flirty way around me. I will eventually try the Pink Amber I'm sure, but I think Vanilla Honey is always going to be my fave. Plus, it layers great with other scents.
  19. Have loved this one from the first time I used it and it never ceases to amaze me!
  20. I am a bit of a strong personality, so EST works great for me. My partner responds well to it really well. It's a win for me.
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